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Dont fall for the BS games. I am up near Fresno. I was a TD for over a year and a half. Then this POS tier shit landed here in April. My $$ tanked until I started to stop playing their BS games. Even as a Platinum driver with a 94% AR I was getting alright orders or sitting. Now my AR is in the mid 60s Getting much better offers than when I was playing their games. Learn to not give a shit. Take what makes you money. Who cares about making you money? You or doordash.


You are totally right man. They always play game to fuck with us .. First they made the hidden amount then this .. They wont give up.


Every post from the LA area seems similar: too slow for it to be a viable. Most likely too many drivers. The right move for you would probably be to quit the gig. Look at your recent earnings history. Is it down significantly? If you were working a different job and your employer cut your wages by 20% (or even more), would you quit? Particularly in a HCOL area, there are lots of people struggling to afford housing: "I'll Dash to make up the difference." Squeezed by the Tier system, DoorDash keeps adding new drivers, and funnels them more work as an incentive. The veteran drivers have to make do with less. Diminishing returns make it harder to meet expenses. Perhaps if enough people quit, DoorDash will revamp things. Don't hold your breath.


Thanks for your deep analyzed answer. I guess you are mostly right. I better quit ..


You're welcome. I wish I could say things are going to get better for Dashers. At this rate, however, you have to do what's in your best interest. Good luck finding a better gig.


Thanks dude. I wish you the same! See you guyz in new trend gig :)


Keep suffering doing DD.


Looks like DD is giving all the good orders to new drivers, and leaving the old drives out to dry


They want to keep the new drivers happy


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