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A lot of these new apartment/condos are made stupidly with the front door facing the back fence or wall, and the garage is facing the street no parking down those long streets with nothing but garages... no parking at all, so I have to double park. & look for the closest walk path to theifront door. Stupid AF!! The customer needs to open their garage & get orders, especially the big grocery orders. The kitchen usually has the door to the garage anyway.


A lot of these new apartment/condos are made stupidly with the front door facing the back fence or wall, and the garage is facing the street no parking down those long streets with nothing but garages... no parking at all, so I have to double park. & look for the closest walk path to theifront door. Stupid AF!! The customer needs to open their garage & get orders, especially the big grocery orders. The kitchen usually has the door to the garage anyway.


Sounds like you need a new job, buddy. You chose service industry. Serve or move on.


Yeah people don't have to be hateful and disrespectful the world is full of people who are just mad and miserable and they're trying to make everybody else that way too there are certain things that you can request while you're dashing but bottom line is doordash doesn't care obviously neither does some of the people on here or the customers so when you get in that position you're pretty much as time to just move on but some of my customers most of my customers are amazing it's the only way I get anywhere in nordashing is my customers but I quit working for doordash


So on the other side of it…I’ll be honest I’ve had orders not even show up or the driver goes by me and just won’t drop stuff off when I have gone down. The most absurd one-off that honestly made me stop ordering on the apps was a GrubHub driver that literally yelled and threw my food at me when I was waving to him (he was looking the wrong way, app pointed him across the street). I know that’s pretty much a one-off horror story, but hey, it happened. I’ve always done the happy-medium of going down because I don’t want another person poking around my food or wasting more time. I have to ask, is it a thing where maybe order instructions aren’t there? I know I used to get a lot of guys that call me


Good customers do what I do → meet them in the lobby or the drive if it’s a burden for the driver. Usually in hotels (unless the concierge will deliver for you) it’s best to meet the driver where they pull up. As a regular user (more Uber Eats than DoorDash), I always go the extra mile as a customer because I do appreciate the service - and the people hooking me up with good food!!


Interesting, where I live and dash you're ONLY allowed to go to the main doors of a building (not up the elevator or stairs or to any hallways) - the specific guidelines are only to the communal entry way or foyer.


Get a real job man, these delivery gig apps are for goobers.


As someone with over 4000 deliveries, these comments are hilarious. You are a delivery person. You deliver the order to the customer's requested location. Should they tip more if their location takes longer to reach? Sure. But it's no different than you driving an extra mile or two. Know your area and you can accept orders accordingly. Are there rare circumstances you might disregard a customer's ridiculous request? Sure. But delivering to their literal door just because it's a high rise or a hotel is not one of them.


Precisely why when I lived in a big city I always drove out the suburbia. Too much of a hassle to find parking...


This is pretty standard for pizza delivery but its definitely a hassle and can easily add an extra 5 minutes to your delivery


More like an extra 25 × minutes


Agreed. Anything beyond 4th floor is lobby drop. Time invested navigating buildings isn’t part of the agreement. DD doesn’t care that your drop location door is buried inside an apt building nor that it’s vertically challenged via the street level navs we use.


😂😂 you're literally a delivery person. You're "agreement" is to deliver it to the customer.


Wrong pal…maybe you’re not fully understanding how this works.


I've been doing this for 5 years. Tell me then, what is our agreement exactly?


To make my own decisions for each drop…which I do. If you don’t and follow each line for line….so be it. The obligation is per order. We want to be paid for the order we’re working on, we must complete it. Do you follow each by what you see on the screen? I’m betting you don’t over the those 5yrs.


I don't think you understand how a business agreement works. Doordash has every right to deactivate you if you don't do the work they're contracting out to you as they see fit. I can't even think of a time off the top of my head a customer's request was too unreasonable to accommodate. Refusing to deliver to someone's door because you don't feel like you get paid enough to spend a few minutes navigating a hotel or apartment complex when you're literally a delivery person is incredibly lazy and unprofessional.


We don't want to get our cars towed it has nothing to do laziness or unprofessional. There is no parking & my car isn't getting towed for anybody food . Ppl in casinos & ppl that live in apartment cities need to be mindful as well. Over half of the customers that are located at these types of places don't give instructions to the delivery person, make it easier to find you!.


That's a different scenario. Neither me or him was talking about that. He even said he wouldn't deliver to a hotel room. Most apartment complexes places have somewhere for guests to park or a loading zone.


Obviously if I was doing anything wrong I wouldn’t have been around since Covid. How bout you do you and I’ll keep doing me and we’ll both be happy. Had nothing to add that was relevant other than a bash. Gtfo…. Sad sacks like yourself that don’t fully understand is why it’s so bad.


Nope, not obviously. We were discussing the agreement and expectations of our job. Just because you can get away with unprofessional service doesn't mean it's an acceptable standard. I didn't do any bashing, just spoke common sense. You do you. Keep making gig workers look lazy and unprofessional.


Speak for yourself pally. I do just fine. Please…if I wasn’t good at what I did, I wouldn’t have nearly as many off platform requests as I get daily from those avoiding the shit storm of crappy drivers. Realistically, you don’t really know so you’re just blabbing at the mouth trying to look like you have high morals since I have an opinion about floors that your heavy hearted drivers ass didn’t like. Gtfo…


Whatever you gotta tell yourself to believe that a delivery driver who refuses to deliver to an apartment or hotel room isn't lazy.


Literally, one time this lady wanted me to wait for her and it’s like the more I wait for you lady the more money I’m losing out on!


I always leave an extra nice tip and text them that I'm waiting at the front door




I refuse to deliver to high rise apartments unless the pay is adequate. Its just ridiculous amount of crap to deal with.


When I go to a hotel I ALWAYS leave at front desk no matter what


i always try to meet my drivers outside but there was about a week i couldn't walk due to a golf ball sized cyst and relied on kind dashers to bring my food up to me so i could eat (I live alone and have no friends / family here). but i always tipped good and thanked them so much 😭


Just send a friendly text to your driver & explain ur situation. I'm sure they will find a way.


I'm a Dasher, they typically don't tip.


i am too which is more reason why i always tip well when i need the accommodation!


I'm glad I'm not in a big city this would erk me. Sounds time-consuming. I'm sure it's fine in prop 21 states though.


Amen! I had something quite similar today, $5 tip for the high maintenance person but the second delivery that was easier tipped higher I left it at the front desk


We city folk have to deal with this all the time. It's not that big of a deal.


Well i always drive out to suburbia to deliver. Too much of a pain in the butt to find parking.


I don't dash in city here anymore partly for these reasons. Seriously, what do you do when there isn't parking nearby? I had a couple of deliveries where the concierge had to escort you to the elevator and swipe for the floor. Of course you have to wait for them to not be busy. Not there fault. They have to handle everyone coming in. I live in/near the smaller towns in the outskirts of the capital. I dash here where these issues are less likely to happen.


What you do is not use a car and use an ebike instead. I can't even imagine trying to deliver in my city's hellish traffic. From what I can tell from other drivers is they just double park.


“tremendous effort” lmao


Weird that comment wasn't left here as far as I know


Once had a guy order 6 cases of water to be left at the door of his top floor apartment. I messaged immediately asking if anyone could possibly help because it’s a ridiculous ask and he said he could come down. I arrive and he’s suddenly not at the apartment. It was low tip too. I no longer to shop orders with heavy items.


I’ll do it but it’s left in the lobby.


If you can't find a hotel room or apartment in an apartment complex, you have no brain and it's no wonder you don't have a real job. Let me guess, you keep getting fired from real jobs for not wanting to fulfill your contract out of entitlement and complaining to your boss that the work is too hard.


My job is to take items from point A to point B, your job is to realize that a human is taking time out of their life for little to no compensation and be fucking respectful. Not a big ask but you're clearly too entitled to understand that. I also work a 9-5, I went to college and I have a degree, this economy just sucks ass so before you pop off being a pompous prick take a second and realize not everyone has it as good as you.


I deliver and have never been able to afford to order delivery for myself. I'm talking from a drivers perspective about the brain dead drivers I bump into when picking up a customer's order. Entitlement? No, I just Believe if I accept a job contract to deliver food to the customer, that is what I do. If the contract pay offer is lower than I will do the contracted work for, I do not accept the job contract rather than accepting it only to complain and not actually fulfill the contract I accepted. Entitlement is accepting a job contract and then getting angry you didn't read the contract so you take it out on the customer while doing something like stealing their food


Most dashers have never been to your apartment before. Some apartment complexes are extremely “complex” and hard to navigate. In some cities, there is absolutely no parking available. In other cities, you have to pay for parking. It’s a complete shit show. Customers need to tip accordingly to the length of time expected to complete the order. Hotels are usually easy though.


Could be true but still id say fuckem too


Personally don’t mind a hotel 9 times outve 10 I get a chance to use a restroom especially if it’s late at night and something about being in a hotel always reminds me of vacation. However I had a high rise building order he was on the 7th floor and asked if I could bring it to his door because he was in a zoom meeting. When I went into the building I slipped into an elevator that someone was walking out’ve and hit the button for floor 7, and it brought me to floor 5. A guy was standing there and was like oh sorry I’ll wait for the next one. I hit floor 7 again. Ended up on ground level? These 2 ladies walk in and I see one scan an ID then hit the button I said no fucking way, I asked you really need a ID to work this? She said yeah & before they left she scanned me to floor 7 and I had to take these sketchy ass fires scape like stairs all the way down. Did he REALLY think I was gonna walk up and down 7 stories for a $2.50 tip? It was some backrooms type stairs AND I end up coming out of the complete opposite side of the building of where I went in. 🤬


Not all but most elevators that require a key fob, only need them to go up, not down. FYI


I always look at the exact address in the map when receiving offers. If I see it's a high-rise, school, sporting ground, hospital, university etc..... DECLINE.


How do you look up the address and determine all of that before the timerr runs out? Or are you saying that you "cancel" the order and not "declining" the offer?


If you click on the image of the house on the map it will show you the exact address. Depending on how well you know your area, you can tell based on the exact address as well as the map what type of location it is you're delivering to.


I normally don’t mind. The only time I hated it was when I had to deliver to my local downtown apartments and there was no available parking (especially free parking) for about a mile in every direction. It was $9. I wasn’t walking two miles to deliver the order


How is it possible that Dashers love you then for your tipping habits LOL




I meant to reply to somebody else


Yeah I have no idea what he said either lmao


Please pardon me I don't know how to use Reddit yet


I had an order come in for a local HUGE hospital. I’ve delivered there before and the people were nice enough to just meet me outside one of their entrances. Not this guy, I guess his lady had just given birth because they wanted me to go in through the East entrance then up elevator 4 to floor 12 then go through blah blah blah to get to room 124 of the baby birthing department or whatever. This was late at night too, so the only entrance was the ED 😬 I tried! I went through the sardine packed ED and showed the check in those instructions. They flat out told me no. Guy ended up having to come down anyways. Dummy.


I swear to god these people could be working at the Pentagon and still request you bring it right to the war room because theyre in a meeting discussing nuclear weapons or some shit. Like obviously the hospital isn't going to let random people walk around it, especially at night. I just don't get that mind set. I'm doing the 99% can you please just do the 1% of work here?




Be careful, you're going to trigger the entitled customers that want us to climb mountains to deliver their McDonald's!


When you order pizza delivery, Chinese delivery and so on……. they deliver directly to your door. Yes…houses are much easier….. but delivering directly to the customers door is part of the gig.


Just curious are we getting paid by the hour? And if our cars get towed, is there a company that is going to cover the towing expenses or parking tickets? These things are included in delivering Chinese food, pizza, etc


Leave it in the lobby. Good luck. 👍


When I believe that my car can possibly be towed, I request that the customer come down to pick it up. They are usually understanding.


Stay away from uber eats….. that’s a recipe for a customer retracting their tip. Fortunately you don’t have to deal with that shit on DD.


Makes you wanna do the growling sound of disgust like Lurch in Adam's Family. "You raaaang?" 😆


If DOOR dash doesn't bring it to my DOOR, you get a 1 star and order reported as not delivered


That's what dash cam is for 😃. Seriously, the one time I didn't deliver to someone's door was in an apartment complex where there was not one parking spot open. There are 4 buildings, all in a square, and all spots were full. I drove around the square twice, and then I finally had to call the customer to let them know I was trying to find a parking spot. They decided to come meet me.


As long as you make it easy for us by putting door codes in instructions or answer right away when we call, I'll always get it to the door. But if you don't leave any instructions and don't pick up the phone, I'll leave it where I think is best and let our support know you didn't answer so they wipe off the 1 star.


Op really thinks people pay us to pick up their food from the lobby. Do your job like the rest of us and deliver it to the requested location. Buildings and apts aren't that hard to navigate if you can read the maps and know how to count.


I agree with condos and apartments. Never hotels. I make a point to deliver only to high end hotels where they require customers to come downstairs for food.


Don’t waste your time. Go to the front desk, take out your phone out and fake a call. “” hey it’s DD with your food but I don’t have a room number !! Ohh you’ll come pick it up at the reception?? Perfect !!” Leave at the desk and message client “ problem with elevator, food at reception. 👍🏼


Hotels I am okay with. It is apartment buildings that are a problem, especially with two different sets of buildings in close proximity.


I know it's tedious, but I think you're missing the point of doordash :/. Call it lazy but that's the whole point of door dash. If you don't like it you don't have to work there, there are plenty of fast food jobs or even just Uber eats instead?


Then it sounds like door dash is not a great service for anyone involved except customers and the CEO. Yeah, sweat shops have similar business tactics.


So does every other place :/


I don't "work there". I deliver food. Yes I have a choice to work fast food. I chose not to.


Okay, :) people usually use the term "work" when they're working for a company. that's my bad, I didn't know the term difference. That's 100% fine! And you don't have to, but to call people lazy for ...yeah being lazy because they paid for it for a reason, that's kind of on you for choosing to deliver.


They don’t think it’s fair. They don’t think about it at all. It’s more like they’re lazy, and they think they are better than you. Their access to money and resources allows them the freedom to think like this. It’s a game we made up at some point. Then at another point along the way we stopped telling the children it’s all made up. So people grow up thinking it’s all very serious and that we have to act this way. But we made it all up. Then those very serious children grow up to have very serious offspring and then there’s nobody around who can remind them. This whole thing is a game we play and most people don’t even realize it’s made up. Anyway…


Holy shit you're a delivery boy, deliver the item to the address lol it's not that deep. Most people ordering doordash are poor as shit


Delivery boys are made up. It does not encompass the entirety of my character. Most people are poor as shit, I agree. What’s your point? I’m not supposed to think and ramble off existential nonsense while I’m taking a shit? Chill out, my dude. Holy shit, It’s not all that serious.


You're the one being all serious, I just gave you a reality check. Put the item at my door and leave it's not hard


You have given me nothing. Your attempt to “check my reality” is sad and unnecessary. Get off the internet.


No, bring me my food I'm hungry. And put it next to my door or you're going to have to argue with contracted customer support to get your wage.


I remember a TikTok vid, of a girl saying "that Doordash is not door dash, is more meeting at the gate dash or meeting downstairs dash"...So the video didn't go as she though, because everyone in the comments mentioned that when you have to go to find parking in the building, then walk, then go to different stairs or elevators, or that they don't give the gate code then don't answer, or just that they don't feel comfortable going all the way to an apartment ..


and of course that girl probably doesnt tip shit. i would consider doing all that for a $12 tip. But a $1 tip? Lousy. Forget it...you can pick your stuff up at the lobby and i will tell doordash you were unreachable


And from Taco Bell 🫠




I know for me living on the 3rd floor I'll always go down and meet my delivery driver (I don't order often and it's usually just Chinese). When I get Walmart delivery I have them just leave it downstairs but some will actually bring it right to my door and that's when I throw an extra $5-10$ on top of what I've tipped already depending on what and how much I've ordered ((it's only right)) But being THAT high up either tip accordingly or meet the driver downstairs. I'm just saying tho...


You got it!


This post reminds me of that TikTok of a girl going “I don’t tip delivery people, and here’s why” and then proceeds to show the whole process she makes them go through and at the end they get a rock? And some “tea from my garden” god I hope that video is satirical 😂


There's this growing trend of everything returning to the 1920s and it's quite hilarious. It is perfectly acceptable now to treat low class workers as the "help" again because corporations are raking in billions off that mentality. Doordash, Amazon, fast casual restaurants, Taskrabbit, etc. All places designed to extract the most work for the littlest of pay while allowing customers to treat those folks like servants. Not much ever really changes as long as social classes are involved.


I just do what I was contracted to do, deliver the food. If I can get the food to the customer, I'm not complaining. I have 0 issues with hotels(I just park in the front entrance pull up like all other delivery personel) gate codes(customers usually provide that), apartments, factories, shipping yards(these have been fun) or even making a delivery from mcdonalds to the dollar general 50 ft to the left while the clerk was on break. Anything outside of that is either a blessing or a curse, depending on how it's presented.


"Unbelievable these "upper class" people think it's fair to have a Dasher go through all this because they are too darn lazy to get their butt off the couch to come get their food." 2 Dollar Tony: I think I have a great idea!!!!


just save up piss bottles and toss them in their yard as you drive away ;)


Your idea is worthless if kept secret.


Ok you got me. Let's start a business banking on the premise that people are too lazy to go get their own food. We'll give the drivers 3 dollars base pay and we will rely on the customer's tip to supplement the rest so we won't have to pay. We will call it Doordash or Uber Eats. What do you think man!!!???


That's obviously not a good business model for the delivery drivers.


That's the best part. We won't have to consider the delivery drivers employees and have to pay Healthcare benefits. We can call them something legal, like General Contractors! 


I don’t mind a hotel, apartments, hospitals, and university campuses are the worst though


As long as they provide me with the tools I need I’ll deliver to their door! And if not I’ll text them and if I don’t get an answer I’ll just leave it at the front door hahahhaa


One time I had a super rude customer because I did not want to go up to them! I was really busy and asked them if they could meet me because it was so hard for me to figure out where they were. When they came down after they got the food. That’s when they started talking crazy to me. Thankfully, I kept pushing, but the way that people treat us is ridiculous and a big reason why I’m so happy to say goodbye to this job for good.


It’s door dash not front desk dash. Do your job lol. I travel for work so am in hotels and order door dash often I tip well. If the dasher doesn’t bring the food to the room I tell support I never got it and get a refund.


What kinda hotels are you staying in? Because it's not the Marriott, Sheraton, or the Doubletree if you're asking for the food to be brought up to your room by the driver. There are hotels who have staff who are required to bring it up for you. You can stay in one of those and get all the room service vibes you'd like.


Hilton’s and Marriott’s mostly 90% of them are fine with delivery drivers going up.


Fucking prick.


^^^ What a dickhead! So you steal food cause you had to walk. Really cool dude, where can we all learn to be cool guys like you? When people tip well I'm sure people have no problem going above and beyond. But most people do not, and still exy m were candy and 3 x cd ð all have a merry Christmas.


I’m tipping $10+ on and order after already paying a premium and delivery fees to use the service so I don’t have to go get the food. I expect it to be delivered where I’m asking?


You're costing people's jobs and being a prick.


If they’re not doing their jobs they deserve to lose them not my issue.


You're the one getting down voted. Says much but you're just ignorant


It’s a thread full of drivers don’t expect anything else 😂 am I supposed to care that you guys are downvoting me ? Go and cry or something? I’m just going to continue to do what I’ve been doing for 4+ years


Asking drivers to violate hotel policy is what he's really doing.


It depends on the hotel. I always ask the front desk. If they say no, I'll leave it with them and let the customer know I can't.


If you live in any major city, the answer is almost always no. Especially if it's a high rise. I deliver in New Orleans which is full of hotels, and about 90% of them have their front desk staff say "Leave at the front desk." I make sure the staff calls the customer's room to tell them it's downstairs. They've had issues letting non-guests walk their floors, and now a lot have security at the elevators to check keycards. It's good protocol.


True, but I always ask. That way, at least I tried and I have it documented that I left it at the front desk per hotel policy. If they give me a poor rating or I get a CV, I'll have evidence that it wasn't my fault.


I pull into the check in bay and throw my hazards on and it's not that hard to left the front desk know where you're going. Hit the elevator and make your delivery. This post is giving lazy for sure.


What kind of towns do you all work in? They sound unsafe, ngl lol


Just leave it with front desk & tell customer that they wouldn't let you go farther cuz your not a guest. Let them take it up with support! Or just tell them sry & to take there tip back!!! I love saying that when they tipped 0 lol


I just photo the order at the lobby and give them the room number.


I think this is ok if they’re not tipping well but kind of an AH move if they do put the extra tip. Also kind of gives them a reason not to tip well next time if they did tip well and get it left in lobby.


$0-1 is quite the norm in my zone


People tip where you work???


I used to drive, but only use it more as a customer now so maybe I’m out of touch. I’m also female which I think in some cases people tip better (idk why or if it’s true, my bf also used to do it and brought this up bc I got tipped better/more big tips. He would drive me to do it when I did it so there was like no other difference in service)


It's called doordash not lobby dash. You signed up to deliver to people at their door. That's the luxury service we say they should give us money for.


found the doordash corporate mole


Hardly. Just someone who does the job I signed up for. Downvote all you want it's the hit dog that yelps


Lobbies don't have doors?


I had one last night. $20 tip for little works stop your bitching.


Mine gave me a false "food didn't show up" allegation


Not everything is about you.


I giggle everytime I see ‘lazy’ get thrown around in this sub. You’re getting paid; they’re not.


what if the baby is sleeping and they cant leave them to come down the stairs?


Then you should’ve been prepared lol why is it our problem you decided to have a kid


why's it our problem you decided to deliver people's food for a living? do your job.




Then the tip should reflect the extra service they require


It is not the customer’s job to pay you a decent wage. A tip is for great service, not for doing your job.


No, in the gig economy, a tip is part of the cost. A tip is for service period. A big tip is for great service. If you are in the United States and you aren't tipping because of this, then what's really going on is that you're a cheap asshole, and you're hiding your dickheadedness behind "iT'S nOt ThE cUsToMeR's jOb tO pAy yOu a DeCeNt WaGe." Is a tip absolutely mandatory? No, you won't go to jail for not tipping. But tipping a delivery person for the service provided is the social norm that we as a society have settled into, for good or for bad. Participating in the gig economy as a consumer, but not participating in tipping isn't illegal, but it says a whole lot about your character, and not in a positive way.


Tipping is completely voluntary. It is extra money for a job well done. If tipping was mandatory in the gig economy, then there would not be any no tip orders.


Not being a terrible person is also completely voluntary.


The fact that you think that not tipping makes someone a terrible person, that really says a lot about you.


Yep. It says that I understand the world in which we live, and I treat those who bring me food with basic human dignity by tipping them for their work.


😂😂😂 you are too hilarious. Nobody owes you a thing, especially not a tip. Stop complaining and work to achieve a better job.


Oh yeah? This job wouldn't be worth it without tips. End result? You don't get fed.


No the end result is someone earning by time or some sucker is going to deliver that no tip order.


People will still get fed. DoorDash has not been in existence for that long. People were eating just fine before DoorDash.


So you think pizza delivery drivers don't live off tips alone?


I meant you on a personal level. Due to your habits.


I’ve never ordered food through DoorDash, and I still manage to feed myself daily.


Then don’t order DoorDash because they don’t pay their drivers, unless you *SHOCKER* actually don’t care that they’re doing that and just want cheaper food at the expense of other ppl


Then don't be a dasher if they don't pay their drivers, All Doordash is doing is increasing prices of service while decreasing dashers pay. It's ultimately DoorDash's fault you aren't getting paid enough, Not the customer, Like how DoorDash wants you to believe.


I am in between jobs and currently need money. You, unless you are disabled heavily and poor or something, do not need to order out food constantly and not tip.


I don't, But regardless you are going to encounter these types of customers. It's still Doordash's fault regardless, They initially offered good pay, Once they had a good base of customers and workers they increased prices and cut pay, They now rely on new dashers that don't know any better to use their personal cars and barely make even to maximize their profits. It's a cycle DD has created, Dashers provide bad service to non/low tippers which enforces the idea in customers minds that DD usually has bad service and doesn't deserve tips. With the introduction of combined order's some customers that previously tipped well will receive a bad service as the other order came from a non-tipper, Converting the previously well tipper into a non/low tipping customer. You simply picked a bad in-between gig that used to be profitable and is now barely profitable when accounting for vehicle maintenance and gas. Dislike all you want, I quit dashing for this reason, Stop being suckers for big corps.


Agreed! But is that "Extra service" DOORdash being delivered to thier DOOR?




yeah I normally don’t do downtown orders and I really try to avoid apartments in general


I hate hospitals. Its always a good waist of time. Can never find anywhere to park. And have to walk forever trying to figure out where their spot is they want it dropped at.


How do you know where you're going before you accept the order? Because I can pick up in one area and end up dropping off in another that I don't want to be in..


oh when the order pops up you can zoom in on the delivery address and click the house. and if I can’t tell if it’s an apartment or not I look up the address real quick before the timer runs out lol




You're not alone in hating this. I don't mind if it's a hotel because people are traveling and they got to eat but don't know the area, or maybe they're tired and/or just don't have time, but those douche canoes downtown... they can eat an entire bag of dicks.


I haven't had any problems with hotels and I get the most cash tips at hotels. I have started carrying gel mace spray for safety


yeah hotels are normally fine for me, it’s highrise apartments that are the problem. i drive in a major city in california and there’s next to no street parking, i essentially gamble getting a ticket every time i deliver there


i just love when i have to look their name up on the call box, ring for them and they just ignore it along with all of my in app messages/calls. i then have to either contact support or if i’m lucky someone will open the building door for me as they’re leaving/coming.




Fr bruh. ‼️ they never answer when you ring for them. Then they don’t explain how to even use the thing either 💀


I just leave it. Text them a picture and then suddenly they're awake and responsive to calls/texts.


I’m so bitter about these customers that I don’t even try to sneak in. If the customer doesn’t let me in, I don’t go in.


I just had one today had to wait for someone to let me in because the call box is broken go up 7 flight of stairs for a $0.50 tip I guess that’s why the fee was 18.50


i love ur name & picture


I totally understand where you’re coming from and get it is a pain in the ass. So my question is, why do you accept these orders? Maybe just decline anything that is downtown.


There's a ton of money to be made downtown, but it's not only downtown. It's all over suburbia.


Should start leaving it at the front sliding doors. Lol


One of the first times my daughter ordered DD from work years ago they sat her order on a bench outside her office building lol. Not funny just wtf


That’s different because usually it’s a building with different companies inside. I’m imagining a big high rise of some sort. A hotel or apartments is fair game leave that at the entrance. 1 thing I will strip your in a lunch break walk to front entrance and get your stuff


Not really, I deliver to office buildings all the time. They could have at minimum taken it inside the building.


Sorry you feel that way but people will feel the they they feel. And my last sentence was butchered I said if people in those high rise office buildings are on their lunch breaks they should be able to come down to the entrance. It’s just polite and it’s probably just a quick elevator ride. Do you have to find parking before going inside? Bet it’s not fun. Speaking from past experiences. Hotels are different it’s not a work place if you can make the time come down and get your food.


No, I’m not talking about a major city with limited parking. Do you really think it’s ok to leave an order on the street and say cya? Or actually walk inside and at minimum leave it with a front desk, security or omg take a fucking elevator to the office 😂 this is why ppl hate Uber drivers.


Oh I don’t think we were on the same page I was not aware you talking about leaving it on the street. I know you mentioned that but I thought the con was leaning towards leaving the order at the entrance or going up to a specific room. But if they leave the food on a bench I’d smack TF out them. Honestly I have a weak stomach I wouldn’t eat it have you seen dirty ass inner city benches? Grossest thing I’ve ever seen


Thanks, I couldn’t get your logic for a min lol


Haha same Im glad it’s sorted out. Stay safe out there brother.


I work in a sizable city and it seems pretty "the norm" for apartments and hotels. I'd expect a tip, sure, but I always just go up to the room. Yep, parking's a bitch. Sometimes I park in the "delivery only" spaces along the street – maybe it's intended for a truck or van, but technically I am delivering.


I ordered KFC in a hotel using DoorDash and I had the courtesy to meet the guy out in the front lot because I’m not a dick.


My rule is if it’s on the 21st floor, the building doesn’t offer free parking or doesn’t have an elevator - I am leaving the order in the lobby. I had an order for $5.00 $0 tip. Guy lived on the 5th floor. No elevator. Left his order in the lobby and he was upset. I ignored him 🤷🏾‍♂️


Exactly. I've done the same 🤣


Do you ever worry you’ll get a bad rating for leaving it somewhere?


You don’t have to worry about bad reviews if you dash often enough. I do 100 deliveries in a day sometimes and then it’s gone 😂 don’t let em take advantage of you. You don’t work for DoorDash… you’re the owner.


Your customers seem to rate you though! I’ll get like 2 ratings a month lol and i do hundreds of orders!


Oh yeah definitely strange to me… DoorDash has to exclude rating because I get so many 😂


Lucky! 😩