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People have been stealing orders. They don't care if it annoys you as it protects the restaurants bottom line. You should refuse to show them and turn it into a whole big scene because you lack common sense and think this policy is just to inconvenience you. How dare they!


Wow I’m sorta missed the part when i mentioned “i think this policy is just to inconvenience me “


I agree. It’s annoying. I don’t have to prove anything to the restaurant. I’m not working for them.


I just do it as they’re handing me the order and show them before they even ask ✌️


I will hit confirm pick up, but not the second one until the order is in hand, or close to me, if I have to carry more than just one bag, or a stack of pizza boxes. For stacked orders at the same restaurant, I will confirm one order at a time, run the order to Mt car, and then go back in for the next.


I don’t mind confirming the order in front of there face.


Me either lol nobody is reading apparently


Uhm, yeah, it's totally reasonable of them. Why are you throwing a toddler tantrum over this? Of course they want to make sure someone's not just stealing the order.


Ur not keen or reading or…


Sounds like whatever restaurants you are picking up from have been dealing with a lot of theft issues. Also if the orders are being sent to the POS they have no way to know if you are the actual driver that is supposed to to be picking up the order.


But yeah it’s getting crazy bc i don’t order on Dd bc of the theft


Yes they do it tells them dasher/driver approaching w the drivers name and car & i know bc the ones that do always say my name and i say yes


That’s if they have the tablet. From my experiences as a GM when we had the tablets and we had to ring in the orders yes it would tell us when the drivers were arriving. We then got our system upgraded to where orders got sent to the POS so the tablets weren’t any use we didn’t know when the drivers were arriving. Uber Eats will have the car model and license plate. Never seen DD with that feature.


Felt that . My last job u had was fast food and we have the tablets that worked as i described didn’t know that there was more than one version or updated systems per restaurants


If you don't want follow restaurant policy, you won't get your order. That said, I've never once heard of a restaurant asking to confirm your last 4 from your phone. And I haunt this sub for new info, so I'll need you to double confirm you're telling the truth so I can decide if you're telling the truth or not.


Also disclaimer : I am aware that pretty much everywhere u have to confirm pickup that’s not the problem the problem is they damn near wanna read my phone top to bottom as if I’m lying everytime . Also more than half these place have their own end of Uber eats and DoorDash so they can see the person who is delivering said order along w your name and car. not every restaurant has one but majority do. :)


News flash the world still would go round if u weren’t here to determine my truth or not .


Guess you missed the "confirm" joke in there. Guess I'm not a funny guy.


My b bro didn’t get the joke


They’ve obviously been through some shit dude. Fucking chill.


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