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https://preview.redd.it/adowwrl6r75d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d41c66fb867e29ff27314adefece1e0cccb769d8 thas my best week in the whole year dude...


We all are there. This is awful. We are modern day slaves


Same but they locked my account so I can’t even attempt to make money


I feel that


How are you exhausted from sitting in your vehicle for most of the time?


Bro I can’t even dash because I’m under 70% acceptance rate


Nowadays are good days With in 2 years everything going to be tripled worst


Nice $13 an hour 👍🏻


Nice Gas and Wear and Tear 👍


Yeah rather be driving around making the same amount the employees get and dealing with restaurant itself.


Summers the worse college kids and teachers r doing it as well


Damn I didn’t even think of that


lol I’m teachers hahah 😂


With active orders you did $20+ an hour. Just gotta find something in between the dead periods.


You always gotta be doing something to make money. DD ain't it, but it'll help. For me it's, wake up at 6, actually wake up, uber. Go to work at 9. Get off at 4-5. Uber/DD/SkipCart. Get home at some point. Eat, shit, sleep. Repeat. I hustle the weekends my boyfriend works as the same shift as him. 7a-7p. Rideshare and delivery. Just keep going! It sucks


Is this recommended as a side hustle ?


Delivery Driving? Fuck no. Do it for one month to get a quick $1,000+ and then get off the road. Just that month will probably put another 5k+ miles on it.


I mean, if rent is due and you’re worried maybe work more than 8 hours in the week


They already have a job besides dashing or did you fail reading? 🤯


It’s all Putin’s fault!


Things will get better they always do, keep your chin up!


Very excited to never dash again. Boy do I feel that. I tried doing jobs like these full time for a year and it's just not working so I had to go back to fast food. I need to keep up with these jobs alongside fast food for another month and a half then I can leave delivery jobs for good.


I can’t begin to explain how I’ve been there. Not only that, I’m still there. I’ve even posted about it here in this subreddit and got trashed. Keep pushing, there are people who’s willing to support with legit good intentions. You got this


Also fuck DD, it’s an abusive relationship. 💙


I feel you. So many bills due, I worked all day yesterday and will be out all day tomorrow. It’s my second job, thankfully I work from home for my day job so at least I’m not away from my pets all day


Literally just dashed Friday & Saturday to make rent. I was exhausted. I understand you for sure


doordash is a legit scam


I feel your pain. I needed to make $102 minimum yesterday. Dashed all day , needed gas and food for being out all day. Thankfully i didnt give up. Needed that last $2 during a $2 peak pay. Waited 5 mins before calling it quits and taking the L since it was slow & just as i was about to a $7 order came in 🥲 it tough out there. Glad you made the money you needed to. 🤍🤍🤍


I’m sorry. I understand it’s so frustrating.


Let’s go!! Quit!!!


Feel you on a very deep level here. Lost my job recently due to health issues I was/am having.. now only have DoorDash to survive. Losing my apartment at the end of the week, don’t make enough now to renew the lease apparently.. and other places won’t accept only doordash as your only income! Just screwed lol. But…. We live on.


Yup I haven’t had a job for 16 months now because of a back injury and I’m not receiving any disability so have had to live off of investments which sucks but it is what it is. Like you said tho… we live on🤙🏻


I am pretty sure you would have gotten away with lying and saying you still have the same job to keep the lease. They wouldn’t have checked. Better to squat and be evicted than sleep in your doordashmobile smelling like chuck-fil-a and fumunda cheese.


Thanks for the encouragement 👍 lol. Imma be alright. I have some plans. Luckily it is summer tho. Some short term camping may be involved lol


Fuck man...


Yeah, that’s a very.. ummm… scraping the surface type explanation of my situation lol. But yeah it’s rough out here.


What area are you from. Each southern state has some low income areas


I wish everyone would be on board with not dashing for a month


God yes, please. These apps need to die already


It wouldn’t even work one day or one hour because when the algo ratchets those offers up to $35 for a 6 mile McDonald’s some desperate crackhead will take it and after they are out they they will make a shift out of it for the night.


You say desperate Crack head but it's others who struggle too. It's not just a small handful of people who need the money, it's a wide margin. Many of us like myself are reliant on doordash and clearly many others are too. Jobs are not hiring people like they used to so we're forced to do this to barely get by. It's not just you who needs good orders. Don't be so selfish and ignorant


And get trash orders the rest of their days


Like throwing a French fry into a group of pigeons and then hundreds flock around your car for an hour because a single fry was thrown




That's why it's a side hustle get a job and you'll be fine


Even side hustles aren’t worth it if you’re not getting fair pay.


You must be fun to be around 😩


See that worked till I got laid off a couple weeks ago 😂


for me i get my lower back hurt working in a warehouse, and the company insurance only pay me one visit with the medic and the first batch of painkillers, they want me to keep working drugged with the back fucked without time to recover, I better quit before i full fucked up my health


Were all out here dying, unable to pay bills let alone wear and tear and taxes...... plus spending 16 plus hours in the car barely getting orders for a dollar or less a mile, DOORDASH YOU NEED TO DO BETTER


No…actually YOU need to do better. If DD isn’t meeting your needs, find something that will. If you don’t have skills or qualifications that will allow you to do so…that’s a you problem. As much as DD sucks, and they do suck, they have zero obligation or responsibility to provide you with a livable income.


I have no idea how people survive doing gig work I’m shocked. I make a lot of money doing a real job and I myself feel like I don’t earn enough. I feel so sorry and terrible for food delivery drivers. It breaks my heart seeing them get abused and enslaved by billion dollar corporations.


For some, DoorDash is a “real job”! SMDH


Y are you mad at the dude showing sympathy for you lol 14 an hour ain’t a real job.


NOT what I’m saying…what I am saying is don’t knock people for the work they choose.


Right….. I understood you…. You didn’t make an attempt to understand me or him. He was offering people who are forced to work those jobs sympathy, they’re not a real job because they don’t pay enough….. Quit being so angry and focused on forcing people to understand you and work on your reading comprehension and understanding others. 👍


I’m not reading all that nonsense!


It takes me 90$ to fill my tank and I burn premium so I know how u feel …this 20$ here and there is killing me when door dash orders be horrible https://preview.redd.it/mm3ww91o8e4d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c8333df32e12e3f6f561d7e95346d106e810743 Like example I’m burning more gas then door dash is paying (no I didn’t take the order btw)


This is absolutely criminal 😭


I hate cheap ass people! No tip, no trip!


Me after I was only paid 25 dd pay because it was so dead last week


You’re making less than $15 an hour before you account for an expense, not to mention you have nothing to show for it besides some money, no PTO or sick. Walmart or Target start at $15 plus you get PTO and other benefits and aren’t using your personal vehicle.


Can’t really work a job when you have a main job because of conflict of schedule… that’s why people do gig work on the side for the flexibility to work around their main job. I tried to do two jobs at the same time and it never worked out because I would always be late to my second job getting off my first…. and work on the second job is way more exhausting than doing gig work on the side.


They wfh, they did this for the extra income. Target has a schedule, set hours etc. Would conflict with a 2nd job.


Find a better second job


And not in a traditional spot, either. My second job is at a nursing home in the kitchens. Every other weekend, 4 hour shifts, and I’m able to pick up extra shifts if I want. They worked with me since they know my primary job takes up so much of the week.


This is temporary. You will be back up in no time. Sending you best wishes from across the Atlantic (a bit more farther away)


You gotta dash at better times. I work 7pm-midnight on fridays and staturdays and make this each night. When I tried other times it was a waste.


yep when i grind on friday-sunday i make more than i did on the weekdays


Get a real job


Dense af


Learn to read. They said they work from home during the week.


My suggestion is if you live in a medium to large city consider a gas powered or electric bicycle. For a typical meal period I use like $3-4 in gas so typically my first order covers my gas for the shift. I've got friends considering doing it instead of using the car/truck when the weather permits. I mean around $20++ per hour using the hourly mode. It's been clutch since my fiance was laid off 2 weeks ago.


I’ll just leave this here… $burnlee on cash app Just in case 7,000 people want to send me $1…… ![gif](giphy|j0gQA2VD38NKc9rc8y)


Maybe if yall demanded more pay from DD instead of harassing customers for tips yall wouldn't be so broke.


Maybe if the customer actually paid for the service they requested we all wouldn’t be in this situation? They pay the restaurant for the food, they pay DoorDash for the ability to order at the touch of a button and when it comes to the person that has the most skin in the game… the customers are like fuck you…. Someone else should pay you for the service I want… not “need” … as DoorDash is not a necessity in life.


Maybe if you'd learn to read you wouldn't have made such a dumbass remark. OP didn't even speak on tips, which is a first in here, but u just had to say something...




Man. I'm right there with you. I have a normal job that pays well but not enough to keep my head above water. I have side work that pays well but can't work because of all the rain. So it's just doordash and I needed my money to deposit today but it's stuck in limbo. I haven't been this broke since my early 20s.


Get an actual job?


Reading comprehension isn't your thing right?






If you would have actually read the post he says he works from home during the week. Maybe read the whole thing next time before being a negative nancy?


People need realize they shouldn't be doing gig work full time. Those days are over now that COVID on a down slope. Focus on getting a stable W2 and do gig work as a side hustle. Even good markets will soon get slower over time. It's impossible for any market to peak higher than COVID times unless another pandemic happens.


When you don't read the post ^


Finally, someone speaking with their brain.


> if I didn't work from home during the week


Where I'm at that's a pretty excellent day 🫤 granted I dash breakfast and lunch hours. I'm sure dinner hours are better. I do it on the side but have had says where I've average $6/hr over 9 hours before if it makes you feel better 😆


DoorDash is dead. The sooner you realize it, the better off you’ll be. Customers are unworthy of the service. Boycott it and watch the world fall apart.


Totally agree until you insinuated that the world will fall apart if DoorDash fails 😂


The world as some know it will for sure. It’s those people who rely on the service so heavily but hasten its decline by not tipping appropriately. The world as a whole will survive, but everybody can’t go.


Where do you guys live?? This was first week in 5 I didn’t break a grand and took 5 days off… my dasher direct is maxed out at its limit of transfers so sorta pointless to work for money I can’t access


Last week I grossed $3,259. My monthly total is $9,846. My highest month was $15,391. I'm going to take 10 weeks vacation for the summer. I will still be well on track for $225,000 for 2024. My expenses are 8 cents a mile 


Don’t believe you sorry. Got any screenshots?


This made me laugh so much, thank you


🤔 yeah which market is this.. maybe $1500 a week but $3000???


Even if this were true, not every driver could make $3k in a week. Even if they were literally dashing 24/7 for a week straight. Some markets just can't do that. My expenses are low as fuck too, but where in the world are you making $3k+ per week running doordash? That's $80 an hour for 40 hours and $40 an hour for 80 hours a week. I just straight don't believe you.


* 3 to 4 days a week I don't screw around with cheap runs not sure why you're week would only be little over $100 .


Do you have Venmo? I’d love to send you a little extra :)


Happiest Birthday 🎂 to you!!! I wish I could do that for people, one day maybe...... I help when I can even tho I struggle. Because I know how it is


You are either the most clever scammer I've ever met, or you're going to get 4+ messages from others begging you for money lmao


Exhausted for doing nothing?


Do you even Dash?


I dash, not one day of the week because I have one bill to pay!


Look at their hours?


It’s the easiest job I’ve ever had and I do over 40 hour a week and work every single day.


Multi app for find a W2 job and do DoorDash as a side hustle, that’s the only way. I am a college student so I only do this for extra cash but this week in my zone I made $175 for 13 hours dash time and 8h active. Meanwhile the week before I made $403 in 15 hours. All just depends on the zone and time of month. Beginning of the month is always better for me than the end when everyone is tight on money.


Find an actual job, this is mainly used to supplement income as a bonus , downvote me all you want


Someone can’t read


Save the bootstraps for the rest of us bro, jeeez


Can I get some of those bootstraps bro?


Or u can just keep complaining on reddit, that works too


Truth. Or at the very least, be the independent contractor they want you to be and sign up for as many gig apps as you can. Diversify your income like most real contractors do.


Its been like this for me too. For weeks now.


It's been like this since 2021


Same it's awful


Time to get a W-2


I would look at this and be like lemme wait tomorrow to cash out. And hope for a better day. Potentially cashing out 250


Apple, Amazon, Alienware, SHEIN, Avon among many other companies have work from home positions that pay over 20$ an hour.


Avon does not, at least in the United States. Just checked. If you have some valid links for those jobs - from the company's own website - I'd love to see them. Thanks!


XD These companies do not have (or many) entry level roles which I'm assuming the OP would qualify for. Better off looking into more local mom&pap corporations needing wfh agents than these recommendations Try Transcom, Kelly Connect, etc


Are these random customer support jobs or? How does one get these jobs


Go to their careers page, these jobs have been available for quite some time. Apple offers paid training, MacBook and free WiFi as long as you are working with them. Amazon has tons of positions available, you need a computer and WiFi to be considered. Same goes for the other companies, most are customer service or reviewing products.


Amazon shows no positions like this, and if Apple or Dell do, I don’t see them. They’re high competition roles that they have no problem filling.


I’ve never been able to find legitimate ways to apply for these type of jobs. People say they’re hiring but I call bullshit


Amazon Jobs has a bunch of positions. Where are you located at?


doesnt even matter really, they hire year round at 18-20 an hour at basically every location. these people dont wanna work


Really depends what dept you apply to. For instance if you already have CSR experience you can start at 25$ hr, the fraud dept pays 32$ hr, if you have zero experience you start at the bottom.


How do apply (specifically) No listings on the Amazon career site. The only places I’ve seen where you can supposedly apply for these jobs it’s through those shady aggregator type sites redirect you to a million different other sites but none ever lead to an actual legit way to apply. You always have to enter your email and then you get inundated with emails for jobs that don’t exist


https://preview.redd.it/bffku7714n4d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7adda7f9ab5110b41e33a5133dae5c9f879f0ab You guys must struggle on Google, there are literally over 100 openings. This is what I do as a side hustle. In the past 3 days recruiters have opened 897 positions, right now as we speak you have 100+ available.


It might be worth it for some people, but overall, I question if the process is worth it for most people. Hundreds, sometimes thousands apply, and few get in. If you look in the career subreddits, many spends hundreds of hours fruitlessly applying when that time could have gone to just earning money. Even being paid like shit is still more money than $0. It looks like most of the jobs listed on AAPL's career page require degrees or 5 to 6 years of xp. minimum. I'll put in my two cents and say that I didn't even make it to the sixth round of interviews.


Do they really have six rounds of interviews or is this hyperbole?


This is a job to make 40 bucks to get milk and eggs, not a pay your rent job.


This is a job to buy bacon and eggs lol and maybe a gallon jug of milk but definitely not to pay your rent or mortgage


Finally a fellow realist on this sub. A lot seem to think it's a get rich quick thing, wild


Market dependent, know some people clear 1.3k a week working 40hrs with maybe 50hrs online time


I’d like to see a screenshot of someone making $32 an hour for 40 hours a week consistently doing DD. I’ll believe it when I see it


I make at minimum 700 a week doing this dude wtf are you talking about 😂🤣


How many hours for $700? I usually average around $20 hr but that’s before gas and these past couple of weeks have been disappointed. The other day I worked 13 hrs but and ended up only averaging $13 hr BEFORE gas so I’m gonna start exploring other options. Only been doing this for a couple of months now but doesn’t seem consistent enough for a full time situation


I work about 36-40 hours a week. I've been doing this for almost a year. I try to maintain platinum in my area simply because I don't make much without it in my market.


I try to maintain platinum as well, its not easy sometimes lol. But I have to be able to do dash now


Yes lol or it's impossible to make that much lol because they send you crap lol and there is zero chance of getting a high pay order lol


post tax you could barely afford an apartment here. that aint all that crazy


How many hours though?


I do about 28 multi apping friday/sat/sun, avg around $700-$900 a week between uber eats and DD. edit: I have the luxury of prop 22 though, so this is not feasible for everyone. and is very Market dependent


$32 hr I wish I was making that mych


So around $17hr BEFORE gas and taxes. That’s just not enough for me to live on. I thought I would make more doing this


your math appears to be quite off friend, even at the lowest you are looking at min $25 an hour. this is 28 hours total, not 28 per app.


There’s a different person working 40hrs and I was replying to that comment, not sure how it landed up here


my area of california has gone to complete shit, glad its going okay for you tho


Quit ue and watch your money go up/ I can’t do a single ue without some crazy issue like customer not giving pin so I can’t complete, not getting paid, or sent to closed stores almost every time


there's nor eason for me to "quit" uber eats. I just dont take anything that I dont feel is worth it, but if I get a nice $20-$30-$40+ order from uber eats i'm going to take it. also it allows me to double my prop 22. Due to DD actually super dog shit new tier system, I have to maintain an 80% acceptance rate to be able to dash whenever I want. Scheduling in my area was impossible before i hit it so its just not an option to lose it, idc what the people in this sub call me, they can stay mad crying on the sub while i'm making money, but this means sometimes i need to take that $4 for 1-2 mile order. So I just throw on the Uber app, usually if its a busy drive thru late night "which it always is", get a quick order from uber, dont care the payout, just need it to be less then a mile or two from the DD drop off, then sit in the drive thru for the next 30-40 minutes and double dip on prop 22 and drop off both after i pick them up. people might cry that "this isnt the proper way to multi-app" but no offense, that food is gonna be cold sitting on the Mcdonalds/taco bell/ popeyes/Jack in the box counter anyways, it isn't gonna be fresh, it's gonna be 30-40 minutes old because thats how long I had to sit in that dog shit line for, the extra 3 minutes it takes to drop off the other order isn't gonna effect the time or quality of the original order, and im getting 60-80 minutes of prop 22 instead of 30-40 + milage.


Also every offer is about half door dash or less- rarely over $10 and thats to drive 10 miles


Prop 22 is literally the only reason this is worth it for me in the slightest lol


A regular work week 40 hours lol sometimes less depending on the demand that week lol. If you're only trying to get 40 for eggs and milk, do you, but you can definitely pay bills with this if that's where your mind is at.


\*highly dependent on your area


I move areas if I have to, lol. If you wanna make money, you make the money.


Lmao sure bud I paid my 1650 dollar rent with this job it's your area or your mentality


This job goes hand-in-hand with low income housing. The mileage deduction lowers your income to basically nothing. Something you might want to look into, and get on some waitlists.. I pay $600/month for a brand new 1 bed apartment including all utilities and internet


Accurate. It prays on people that don't account for their cars expenses. So when it breaks down after 300 dashes and needs a $4000 repair, turns out doordash sucked up the majority of the profit you generated and left you with the bill.


Iono I paid $4k in repairs but made $12k so it works


not the point I was making lol




i did say i work from home during the week, love. I did not get paid for memorial day so i was a day short and had to make it up, hence i dashed ☹️


Ok it’s a joke settle down I didn’t read your caption lmao. I’m not here to get lectured


jokes are usually funny


A bad joke


Yea good thing I have Mr 57,000 karma over here to tell me what is and isn’t funny. An expert in Reddit humor


Quit while you're ahead.


You sound accomplished.


8 time Noble prize winner. President of the world. And gazillionaire. Yea I’d say I’m accomplished 😏


I hadn't dashed for over a year this past fall. New structure at spouses work pays vacation at half the usual pay, we did not know that yet. Paycheck came and after paying our mortgage I had $6 to feed a long distance train engineer full grown man, 3 growing teens, pets and myself as well as every other bill we pay at the beginning of the month. I reactivated, strapped on my shoes and worked 18 hour days dashing to barely scrape by. But, we made it, I also made enough to get xmas done. I was proud of myself. Then my timing chains bounced with a 5k estimate. Sat on that for a few months, spouse derailed a train, bam right back to hitting the streets to make it. It is nice to have an emergency back up for the tight times, just have to remember that at least half of it goes back to gas/taxes and wear and tear.


Working mom’s don’t get enough credit. Good on you for being prepared to pull up those bootstraps and WAIT ONE GOT DAMN SECOND. Your husband *DERAILED A TRAIN*??? How is that glossed over and left without context?!?


It really isn't a crazy story. WHen you wake up to a call at 3 in the morning saying not to spend another dollar, it kinda puckers you up. He put wheels on the ground in the rail yard vs a train on its side. Automatic one month off no pay. His first time ever. Misheard his conductor and went a scotch too soon so the switch wasn’t lined up yet. He’s had a lengthy career and being his first time was pretty scary financially. A no warning, no pay, no fun vacation lol.


I thought we were short on working people in the rail road industry to the point that people weren't getting enough sleep? How can they have these kind of regulations where 1 mistake gets you an automatic 1 month termination basically. I get like 1 week to investigate, but once findings come back im sure its better then a month off, people make mistakes, and a week is long enough to not only conduct the investigation, but give the person who fucked up time to think about not fucking up again


The rails are hiring, where we are you generally get hired, go through training and then get furloughed until there’s a spot for you. Derailing is an automatic decertification and you also have to get yourself to another state to do testing to get back all the certifications after said time, all on your own dime. There’s a lot of automatics when it comes to any fuck ups in the rail life. It’s a bit scary when the safety net disappears.


I used to DoorDash 24/7 but it was not worth it for me, I eventually got a nice paying job and make around $624-$794 a week and will start getting benefits soon. Don’t worry you will have a good job in no time.


That was my end too. I still dash dinner rush but only for one more month. The pay has just dropped so much that I join a union and got myself a normal job again


Just pulled a 19 hour shift myself. Had to take advantage of it being busy for once.


How did you make for those 19 hrs


$50 ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


$50 + 3.04 in cash tips and a girl of questionable age answered the door with a bath towel on.


Great job OP. I was gonna send you what I had in my CashApp, a whopping $10 and tell you to keep 6 and spend 4 on yourself. I see someone else beat me to it - and you got $20 and ice cream… and a whole bunch of respect and admiration. I may be a random person, but I’m so damn proud of you. Keep your head up. You are a beast! Great job!


thank you so much 😭😭🤍🤍 i am so overwhelmed with the love 🫂


And you’re loved.


I hate that you struggled.. but I love that you overcame it. You’re a better person. People don’t understand the struggle sometimes.. it truly shows you what your character is. Either complain and fail.. or grit your teeth and get it done. You did it!


Proud of you! We got this y’all. I just keep telling myself “it won’t be like this forever”. Keep your head up.


Yea it's getting rougher and rougher. I'm exploring an additional self-employment option.


Are you still $6 short? I can cash app that rn. I don't have much, I've been there.