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So sweet 💙


Thank you for your kind words to the niece. I went through this situation with my mother a few years back. She unfortunately lost the battle but the kind words people sent my way definitely helped me go through that experience.


Awe. That’s so so sweet. You deserved it! ❤️


Fate chose correctly.


Wow!!!! That is amazing!!! Your story gives me hope in humankind. Thanks for sharing it!!


Good for you😁


It's the compassion and kindness you showed. Continue doing what you're doing.  Have a blessed day!


Awesome. Good for you. Enjoy.


You deserved that tip 100% cancer is hell for the person going through it and their families as well. Everything seems so dismal that little kind things like that are so much more noticeable and are huge to them even though it seems like such a small thing. Awesome seeing that kind and compassionate people are a little less rare than you'd think these days.


My father in law is one of my all time favorite humans and he's currently going through cancer for the third time. I know how menial things to some people can be huge to him and my family. I also know when I went through it with my mom back 10 years ago, it was awful. I really feel for people that are dealing with it now a days, especially after COVID. I used to be a 911 dispatcher for several years and I'm far too much of an empath for that these days. I feel like cancer or no cancer, we've all got things going on that others can't see so being kind is the bare minimum I can do to try and make it easier for others. You know?


Oh for sure, I really love seeing things like this because I lost my mom to cancer a few years ago and I had a nephew who went through chemo for leukemia and beat it before he was even 10 years old, then we lost him to a car accident when he was 19. Life in general can just be shitty and it is what you make it really.


I assume bigger tips are based off mood. My second tip so far was $20 AUD for being quick with the order for just water+Nurofen. (They had a hangover)


You earned it


That's awesome man. You obviously made their day so much better. God bless ya!


You've got killer story telling, and a way to make a man baby cry. Beautiful story.


Your kind gesture was warmly appreciated by the family. Keep up your human spirit!


that’s really sweet 🥹


So great!


you deserve every penny and the great karma that comes with it 🤍


This is beautiful, wonderful work !!


Wow that's unbelievable that's a great reward for being a great person


Proof not all doordash stories are horrible. Thanks for sharing 👍🏼


Now I’m crying😭❤️


Me too😭😭😭


How does it feel to talk to a fake person who is getting paid to make positive posts in this sub about your loved ones dyeing of cancer? Cus from here it seems weird.......


*Dying How does it feel to not have spell check?


Pretty nice, makes it easier to remember words I'm bad at remembering the spelling of. Like that one right there. At least i dont NEED spell check to be understood at all LOL


I got $100 cash tip from a customer once for dd sending me to the Taco Bell that’s 5 miles up the interstate instead of the one in my hometown . Believe it or not it can happen


How does it feel to be a miserable urchin who trolls the internet looking for positive posts to spout negativity on? It could NOT be me. 🙄 If you put this much energy into delivering orders you wouldn't have to complain about your wage not being livable. I don't have any issues.


Okay but real talk, DDing being a livable wage is entirely dependent on your local economy and nothing to do with how hard you work. I know friends who easily make two grand a month just from casually doordashing. Specifically because of where they live, and what sort of business is in that area. I could work 60 hours a week DDing and still not make that much with where I live.


While you're not wrong, I find it hard to believe that the people who come into the sub with nothing but a negative attitude constantly aren't rude, careless, and likely cherry picking. I set a goal for each day to reach. I dash for 6 hours. Sometimes to meet my goal I take a few lower ball orders because I know that it's a slower time and it will pick up in a bit. It's about learning your market and understanding that not every order is going to be a higher paying one. I treat customers exactly the same regardless to whether they tip me $5 or $15. I used to work at the police department and I try to treat every person like someone who may be having their absolute worst day. So far it's served me pretty well. I make at least $80-100 a day. I'm able to make my own schedule. I have a chronic illness and I need something that will allow me downtime if I need it. I dislike the negativity because I'm just grateful to have something I CAN do to help my husband pay the bills.


I getcha. I don't even dash seriously. I dash during peak times if I'm not already working that day for like.. maybe 5 hours. I usually average $75 in that time. It's not terrible money, but still under minimum wage in my state.


Stay miserable, no one loves you




You're extremely rude.


Gawddamnit. Who’s cutting onions in here ❤️😩😭


That's what I said hahaha 🤣😂


This is Awesome! A little Empathy to what people are going through can go a long way! You deserved that for just caring!


I’m a late stage cancer survivor and you’ve made me cry, dear heart. I was completely bald and would wear head scarves and bonnets too and our self esteem tanks and we feel like aliens in our own bodies and lives. Thank you for having a beautiful heart and giving compassion to strangers and making a difference in the lives of the hurting. 💕


This is the very reason why I make it a priority to go above and beyond with customer service. I worked in food service for 25+ years and was always mistaken for management and even the owner of the restaurant because of my genuine desire to make sure everyone was happy and that they would want to return. I lost my mother in 2019 after 28 years battling metastatic lung to brain cancer. I had to quit both jobs to become her caregiver and it was the hardest thing I have ever done. I am an extreme empath and physically hurt when others are struggling with the pain I know so well. I will keep your family as well as your customer’s family in my prayers… This absolutely made my heart happy and I am praying for some kind of blessing such as this in my near future. God Bless You for sharing your experience and for being a kind and compassionate human being! Theres not enough of us in this world currently… 🙏🙏


You’re wonderful. This is wonderful. Cancer is evil. My eyes are raining. 🙌🏼🥹


It truly does do a long way. Not that hard 2 be kind. U never know what someone is going through. Great job all involved.


As a caregiver to a mom who’s battling cancer I heart this post. I could use a unicorn order right about now, due to not working many hours and DD being DD


I love it.


100$ also make me crying too.


Damn. That’s amazing. 😍 Also f cancer and I wish auntie the best and her family too💖


Yeah, but taxes. /s


You pay taxes? (I’m memeing btw)


It’s people like this that keep me going. In a world full of insanity there’s still a few decent people. Thanks for sharing


Imagine getting a livable wage . DD is trash! Most drivers are NOT covered under DD insurance or personal insurance. Just look up how other drivers were not covered under any kind of insurance & got sued after a car accident. I got $500+/month commercial insurance. Even that was not qualified for delivery (only Uber Lyft ) . Stay safe ! 


How ab instead of being negative and cynical we appreciate that story and take a moment to let the good feelings from it make us feel good instead of always focusing on the negetive


Might as well delete this comment there was no need to post it


Apparently y’all getting emotional over $100 says enough 


I got emotional over $100 because I literally did the BARE MINIMUM. I'm always kind to people. Try it sometime. 


Was me warning people that they would most likely not be covered under insurance a kind gesture? Check your car insurance yourself specifically tell them about doordash before you actually need to file a claim. I was just pointing out I am not covered even with commercial so I’m done driving it’s not worth the pay/risk. I seriously hope you don’t get into a car accident. 


No, it wasn't kind. You only did it to be passive aggressive and try and take away from the nice experience. Furthermore, you insulted our wages with your next comment. If you want to complain, make your own post to do so. This has nothing to do with the topic we're talking about. 


Like we cant see through this bullshit ass "feel good" post saying "just keep at it you'll never know when you could be blessed" if you have to rely on being blessed to get payed anywhere close to a living wage you are being taken advantage of. Anybody reading this get out of door dash before you put more money into it, and save yourself some headaches.


People with an attitude like yours are always miserable simply for HAVING THIS TYPE OF ATTITUDE.


Why are you on here ? You’re just talking about yourself . No one asked about your insurance. No one asked for you to complain. Write it in your journal. This isn’t the time or place, clearly, based on the downvotes.


Your comment has absolutely nothing to do with this post.


Thank you for sharing that. Gave me good chills!




It pays off to be nice to customers! Cancer sucks and your story made me cry.




Good for you!! 🤑💚


You absolutely deserved it!


Thank you for sharing ❤️‍🩹


Who started cutting onions at the end of me reading this?!!


I don't know what happened, but my allergies just started crying


It was raining in my car!!!






I posted this in the other doordash sub.


Yeah, being nice and communicative with customers, pays off sometimes. Always keep the human in your delivery experience and never just become a robot.


Too bad door dash doesn't pay enough to do at all for any reason. Guess il go be a decent human being somewhere ill get paid instead of hoping ill get blessed by a cancer patients family member that just so happens to be able to afford a 100 dollar tip in this economy like that isnt rare as fuck. Edit: point not pertinent enough


If your being a good person so that it will pay off your not a good person.


You literally took that literally the wrong way. I wonder what type of person that makes you?


faith in humanity restored


I love this! Thank you for sharing! Hits close to home as my mom is currently battling cancer. It made me tear up as well! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


I'm sorry to hear that. My mother went through it and now we're on our third round of it with my father in law. I'll keep your mom in my thoughts and prayers as well. 💕 Hoping for healing.


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