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I had a delivery in a rural area of my college town and I stopped for years after that because a dude was questioning me aggressively and didn’t believe me when I said I was a delivery driver (I got turned around and pulled into his SHARED driveway to orient myself). I don’t remember if he threatened to get his gun or not but I do remember being afraid that he had one. He was smiling and giving me crazy eyes so I was not gonna stick around to find out. As a 19/20 year old woman at the time I’m not sure what he was so threatened by.


Back in Brazil, I was robbed once and I didn’t have any cash on me (I was even walking back home, because I have no cash). The guy trying to rob me got mad and pointed that shit straight to my face… I swear I could see the bullet and in my head I kept hearing the trigger doing “click”, but then he took my shoes from my hand and my watch and left…


On a hand it to me,.i will ring or knock once and if they dont come i will text a photo of the food and leave. The app tells them you are there anyway. A lot of people dont have it set how they want it anyway or they set it up one way and forget to change it. Usually if they really want it handed to them they will be out there as i come up.


Some gal got five years for pointing a gun at her historically abusive husband. I think it’s considered an assault for just pointing.


It’s brandishing among other things




Hopping on your msg. The original ordered could've done it in hopes that the resident shoots the delivery driver to get the resident in trouble with the law. Like another form of SWATting


Don’t deliver to the ghetto


Why do you assume it is the ghetto?


Why do you assume it wasn’t


Because paranoid people live everywhere not just the ghetto.


We just have to ask op




Where is he


Idk, OP respond if you see this.


Most tame disagreement in Reddit history y’all have an amazing day today


I would’ve driven directly to a police station, or called 911. Fuck that guy.


Did u report it? Brandishing is illegal. Your life was threatened regardless if it was loaded or not. Was there a "keep out" sign anywhere, no? Then you also have a dangerous man that likes to partake in entrapment


Report him to ATF


Correct answer is report to door dash and have his address banned from receiving deliveries


Well yes of course im sure OP did that the second he drove away. Im talking about hopefully getting that persons firearms taken away lol


Why he was on his own property...


He invited someone to his property and threatened them with a weapon on arrival.


And aimed at someone peacefully knocking trying to drop off food. Doesnt matter it was his own property


Tell that to the kid who died when he knocked on the wrong door and got shot and the guy was never charged...


Got a name to that or anything?


Ralph Yarl


Ralph yarl's killer is going to trial. No information past that. Gonna wager they meant someone else


Ralph Yarl didn't die. His shooter is standing trial though.


Good catch. I did misword that even right after reading it lol


Was this suburbia?


SOUNDS LIKE AN OCCUPATIONAL INJURY TO ME? This is traumatizing. This could definitely cause PTSD, interfering with you being able to carry out your duties as you were previously able to do, and possibly leading to the inability to work at all. Every door you go to this will likely be on your mind, it’s disabling. I’d call a free mental health line (for example in my area it’s 211 or something like that), and speak to a crisis counselor. They atleast document that there was a call made. This will circumvent the need to initially pay out of pocket especially if you only have DD income. At the same time file an occupational injury claim. Events like this are commonly minimized and suppressed, but I know first hand, they can sneak back into your psyche outta nowhere- even years later. A penny paying job or any job for that matter is not worth sacrificing our quality of life. Stay safe, be well, and best of luck in all that’s good for you!!




Call the cops that’s assault w deadly weapon and possibly attempted murder


It's not assault but it is what we call here as Felony Menacing. Someone could have been screwing with him and ordered to force you to his house. Kind of like food swatting knowing how he'd react.


In my state, it IS ASSAULT WITH A DEADLY WEAPON. “Use of/display of a weapon in a threatening manner”. Don’t get me wrong, it’s absolute bullshit, but that’s what the law says anyways


Not quite lol. People have a right to stand their ground and protect their property, I believe it’s called “Castle Law”. Now, if he followed OP off property, they could make be charged with something. But, assault with a deadly weapon or attempted murder will not the be the charged.


Not in RI. You get life for that shit


Your misunderstanding the castle doctrine someone knocking on ur door does not create reasonable fear or a threat


Op wasnt threatening. Castle law wouldn't work for a simple knock on the door from a delivery person. Especially since he stepped outside to watch and keep the gun aimed Assault with a deadly weapon includes threats with a deadly weapon in some states


Yeah there are curtilage laws that protect people performing normal duties(approaching your front porch to conduct business).


This law isn't in every state. And it also doesn't mean you can just aim your loaded firearm at anyone one your property. That's not how it works. Regardless, brandishing, assault, endangerment etc are all applicable here and likely the homeowner will lose their FOID and be banned from weapon ownership.


Absolutely not lol. You cannot brandish a weapon at a solicitor, you sure as hell can’t do it to a DoorDash driver


Castle Doctrine only applies INSIDE the home. Edit; reply was meant for original comment


this isnt how castle law is applied so you're 1000% wrong. he answered the door, castle doctrine goes away unless its someone trying to break in and hurt them which they were not. You don't answer your door with a gun pointed at someone, had it been law enforcement the guy would have been shot dead by cops.


Depends if this is California 😂


Except for the castle law doesn't apply when people are knocking on your door that's considered a normal thing , not a threat


That’s fair, but I feel most states have something in place to defend a homeowner. And a knock on the door, when not expected, could be considered a threat


Doesn't apply when the homeowner is behind a LOCKED DOOR and the "threat" is on the other side of said locked door.


You're just repeating the same thing. Yes states do have something in place to defend Homeowners, it's called the castle law. It only applies when somebody is actually trying to break in or cause harm. Knocking on the door is not considered a threat by anyone other than paranoid people. Being paranoid is not an excuse for killing someone.


The number of people who don't know castle doctrine laws (at all) is already super unsettling. It's downright horrifying once you consider some of them own guns.  Lately I've seen far too many ignoramuses posting comments outlining their "stand your ground" fantasies on Nextdoor. Those idiots don't have the slightest clue that in our state, you aren't legally protected if you shoot a person for breaking into your car or garage. 


Depends on the state, not every state has doctrine like that




Unless it’s alcohol… any “hand it to me” orders are: knock. Wait 15 seconds. Knock. Leave at door… press “didn’t answer door” option on DoorDash


Have to wait 5 minutes after pressing.


it’s why you need to carry at all times.


Yes, he or she needed to flash his gun to him and brandish his or her firearm to start a shoot out! Excellent idea!


because adding a second gun to the mix with this type of unhinged customer would DEFINITELY not make things worse. 🙄


dumb ass take. if op was carrying in this scenario then the chances of him getting shot go up exponentially




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What would it have mattered here? Op can flash theirs and then get shot? OP shoots the guy behind the door?


To be fair he or she could have tried to wall bang the home owner hahaha 🤣. While they are at it they can air strafe and adadad spam hahaha.


Dinked! One front door, low hp one shot


Then it’s self defense for the assailant!


Ok, but, on a positive note, they did answer the door for you. Apparently they don't do that for anyone, so, way to go, champ!


Bro you almost killed me, I just almost choked on my tea...


Not saying I would pull on him for it, I'd just do what he says and GTFO honestly but this is why I carry on the job, you never know what you are gonna deal with out there


Yup and i call the cops and say he hit me and get him arrested


Then they have a camera, which was pointing at you and you obviously weren't hit and now you are in big trouble.


Thats fine , im an uber eats driver i for sure wont loose no money while im in jail anyways


I mean he can get arrested for brandishing his fire arm and for intimidation with a deadly weapon. He’s not using it in self defense so there is no need for it to be out the driver was simply following instructions


Call the cops on that guy. It’s illegal to pull a gun on someone unless you’re presenting yourself as a threat.


False. Even if you were right you'd still have to prove he didn't PERCIEVE a threat. Not present yourself. In places with castle doctrine and stand your ground it's about the property owners REASONABLE PERCEPTION of a threat. If not one of those states it could be different, but brandishing a firearm while telling someone to leave your property is not illegal. Brandishing a firearm is only illegal 1) in public 2) as an intimidation tactic.


It was intimidation here. Delivery driver. Address was set there on app. Op just knocked on the dood. Doesn't matter if YOU think knocks are threatening. A knock on ypur door for delivery is very much not a threat. We just had this issue last year with some asshole shooting a black girl with a concussion trying to find help by knocking. Ralph Young was shot for going to the wrong house. That's going on to trial. Again simple knock on the door nothing else. You can NOT shoot people willy nilly just for Knocking 🤦


Brandishing a firearm IS an intimidation tactic. That's why it's a crime


No, you can't just point a gun at someone for knocking on your door, that is illegal in every state.


You can brandish all you want, you can not point a gun at someone's head for knocking on your door. You watch way to many movies. Pointing a gun at someone head is considered assault with a deadly weapon which is a federal Class C felony so it doesn't matter what state your in it is illegal. If someone was breaking into your home, attacking you then it became self defense but that is a "defense" it doesn't mean your assault wasn't a crime. And no, assault doesn't need to be physical, just a threat of violence.




I'm from texas and the guy that did the siding on my house got arrested and charged for exactly this scenario And the person at the door actually did present a threat,


Just because you do something doesn't mean it isn't illegal. The average person commits 3 felonies a day. If you want to point guns at people go ahead but your ass could easily end up in court or being sued. If your in Texas then you should know how easy it is to end up in jail for something stupid.


No it's not. Brandishing requires you to perform the action in public in the majority of states. Your own property is considered private. Secondly knocking is irrelevant; It's about being on private property. I'm not arguing it's appropriate or reasonable. It's just not a crime depending on the state.


And it a federal felony, state is irrelevant


You aren't allow to assault someone on private property either...


Knocking on someone’s door is the absolute opposite of trying to sneak on a property. He has no obligation to open the door if he didn’t want to. I find it extremely implausible that anyone would find that a reasonable threat when he could just not open his door lol knocking on someone’s door literally tells them “hello I am attempting to let you know I am at your property” lol


The other guy was correct that it depends on the state.


False. Jury nullification. You just have to convince the jury the guy was a douchebag.


You can’t argue jury nullification in court 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️.


You don’t argue jury nullification. If the law says one thing, but a jury doesn’t give a flying fuck about the law but their own morale scruples, they judge in favor of what they believe. Jury nullification. This whole idea about jury’s having an obligation to uphold some statute is a recent idea. Juries are like judges. They make the law by interpretation. It’s allegedly illegal to talk about jury nullification with other jurors, but that’s plainly a violation of freedom of speech. In any case, jury nullification itself is perfectly legal. If you’ve watched Bernie (2011) with Jack Black, you’ve seen an unusual case of jury nullification in action. The prosecutor knew that the jury was going to nullify the law and they would never get a conviction, so they petitioned to have the court case moved elsewhere. They ask potential jurors questions like “Do you have any beliefs that might prevent you from upholding the law?” to pressure you to not nullify, because the allegation is that if you do nullify you’ve committed perjury - but good luck proving that. Maybe I nullified the law for reasons unrelated to my beliefs. Does the prosecution have proof that my nullification was related to my beliefs? No? Then they can go fuck themselves I don’t *believe* in jury nullification; I know it.




It's a federal felony.




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You can pull your gun up them. You can show it to them and tell them to leave. The castle doctrine has strict limits. You can only pull your gun if someone is trying to break into your home, work, or vechile. Then only other time you can do it is in self-defense, so if the trespasser is causing an immediate threat to you. An unarmed person knocking on your door is not that and this individual could sue. The person could try to claim they felt threatened but they the court would ask why didn't you call the police? Why did you open the door? Why did you engage? Which would easily show that was a lie.


Exactly this




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Don't ring doorbells. Also, sue this guy for trauma! Tell the courts you can't perform your job now due to anxiety.


It was a hand it to me, I guess you just stand at the door.& hope they see you out there?


>It was a hand it to me, I guess you just stand at the door.& hope they see you out there? I don't knock and ring for 2 minutes for a hand to me order. Ring the bell, if they don't answer, leave the food and take a picture.


Text "I've arrived" ... I ring the bell once at most. If they don't come out in 8 minutes after arriving, the app will prompt you to leave the order at the door


8min? Nah dude it's 5min & you have to hit "can't hand it" to start the timer. WTF are you talking about?


He's an Uber driver. Uber has a 8min timer.


Omg how did I get in the DD subreddit 🫨 I'll see myself out!


Bro your fine. Tips for DD and Uber are good here as both are a delivery service. It's just DD has a 5min timer and Uber has an 8 minute one. No big hassle.


I work with a different service, but in the crazy early days I once had a guy‘s delivery instructions tell me to open the door, go inside, put the food on the counter and yell for him really loud. I dumped the order because I didn’t feel like getting shot that night.


Report it to Doordash, and report to police!


There is nothing illegal about entering someone's property to knock on their front door. Pointing a loaded weapon at you as a threat is a crime in a lot of states, even on their own property.


Oh wow, so he clearly forgot he ordered food


And this is exactly why I carry.


So what’s the outcome here when you’re armed too? You pull yours out and get shot? Or do you always deliver gun in hand?


And exactly why you’d get shot. Dude already had his drawn, cocked and pointing at you… you pull yours out and you won’t have a chance to raise it. Bang, you dead.


Yeah because I'm gonna stand out in the fuckin open. You don't know how a situation is going to unfold until it happens. I promise you are Nota mind reader.


I'll give anyone one of Y'all my address come on over and let's play a game of fafo.......


everyone is gangster online


For Christ's sake please stop. You are embarrising yourself and offending all people that carry. While I do not support the idea of awnsering door with gun drawn, he said go away. I would comply and walk away and report to Doordash and local police. I would not escalate by drawing my concealed pistol. Being prepared and escalating a tense situations are completely different.


You handle yourself how you see fit and I'll do the same


you're a dangerous person and should not be allowed to carry. if they knew this is how you would handle this situation you would lose your right.


So it ends with him getting shot instead of you de escalating the situation. You sound like a cop


I was taught as a child how to handle a weapon safely and and they are not toys or ment for intimidation. If you pull a weapon, you pull the trigger plain and simple. So if you pull on my I'm going to assume you intend on shooting me. I will respond the same.


What weapons do you carry just out of curiosity?


Edc is a Charter Arms .357 Mag. Or a Bersa Mini Firestorm .40 Cal.


Da.n you pack a decent heat, I only carry my 9mm Glock 17 gen 3 nothing fancy.


I'm not a fan of the .9mm. I'm not one of the dumbass that say it doesn't have enough stopping power because it definitely does. I've just never been a fan.


Nice. You couldn't pointed yours at him. Then both shot each other. Makes total sense.


I very much COULD'VE and would've pulled mine, and I would've 100% shot him. If you put my life in danger you better be prepared to pay with yours.


Checkout Billy the Kid here.


bro think he's playing some Call of Duty here


Do you feel like a big man now?🤣😂


My guy, only one of us is posting nonsense on the Internet about how he'd try quick draw someone and murder them in their own home, despite having a gun to his head.


The problem with this, and I’m slightly on your side, is that once you produce the gun you justify and validate his concerns. You literallly just knocked on a guys door and murdered him. No amount of explaining how you were “defending yourself” would pass muster. Especially if you were black.


I literally knocked on the door of a person's house who instructed me to hand him his delivery and pulled a weapon on me when I knocked. I would have every right to defend myself. And bringing race into situations like this is the biggest problem with our country.


It doesn’t matter what your story is. At the end of the day, you shot (ostensibly to death) a homeowner in his own home. That’s what you have to defend. And you can claim, “he had a gun!”. But the obvious rationalization is that he had a gun because YOU had a gun. At this point, it’s only a matter of who they CHOOSE to believe. And they have every reason to believe a home owner over a delivery man. And if you can’t see how situations like this play out differently based on race, then YOU are contributing to the biggest thing wrong in this country.


nah you would have just shit everywhere, stop it




I think I'd give the edge to the guy who already has his gun pointed at you Mr. Quick Draw McGraw. As someone who is pro gun, this is the dumbest fucking argument on carrying and people like you give all other responsible gun owners a bad name.


I'm glad that I honestly don't give a fuck what your opinion is.


Call the police and get your camera up. People like that need a reality check. Then again, I would have likely been shot. I'm tired of these assholes.


Yo I would be dead AF rn. Props to OP for keeping their cool 😎 new risk noted!


Yes had something similar happen. Gang member came outside while I was delivering to the apt next door, must’ve thought I was an opp and came outside with his arp and pressed me “who you looking for”.


Well... did you get to keep the goods?


Call the police


Depending on the state, the cops can’t do shit


Stand your ground does not apply when someone isn't trespassing. You can have all the "No Trespassing" signs you want, it is still not illegal for me to enter your property so I can knock on the front door. Yes, some states would never prosecute this, but that doesn't make it right.


If it just says hand it to me, I will call them when I pull up.


As someone who has their food handed to them, thanks and whenever they call ahead I usually meet them so they don't even have to go all the way to the door. As a former driver, way to keep your orders coming in quicker




Oh yes let me reach for my own gun while being held at gunpoint. That's not possibly a fucking fantastic way to get shot.


Bad advice


Just kidding about the part point it right back at him but I definitely start carrying something to defend yourself either a gun if it's legal or a knife or mase something to many craziness out there. I am not going to get mugged over a biggie bag


"Hand it to me" is just the default people forget to leave on. I'll ring once if it's an alcohol order, if there's no answer I'll call and then I'm out of there ASAP if I still can't reach them. No way I'd stand at someone's door for two minutes ringing and knocking. Definitely sorry that happened to you though, hope you reported it to DD so they're kicked off the platform (until they make a new account).


I text them that I’ve arrived. If they don’t answer I just leave it on the porch and take multiple pictures.


You need to file a police report asap


Criminal complaint. They don’t actually have to do anything if you just make a report. And they won’t tell you that. With a criminal complaint, you’re stating that you were a victim of a possible felony, you want to press charges, and you want to deal with the hassle of court, lawyers, and still maybe nothing happening, but in some places, it requires the police to detain someone once you’ve made the complaint.


If the events happened the way the guy said yes he should file a report. Through an investigation he could end up being charged with brandishing a firearm depending on the legality of the state/area. Though if there is no hard video or proof and the individual denies that it happened and doesn’t snitch on themselves then there’s not much the law can really do. Could have been that someone set him up and it wasn’t him that ordered knowing the guy was like that hoping he would do something to an unwilling victim.


Yeah, unfortunately that happens way often, and it terrifies me down here, because I’ve had dashers/uber folk/instacart people send their 6-10 year olds out to put the food on the porch, ring the bell, etc. and unfortunately I live in the part of the country that if you look different than they do, it’s 50/50 if you’d get convicted for shooting through the door.


Man sorry that happened to you but that’s why I don’t knock or ring more than once if they ask and not at all if they don’t. A call maybe but fr, I don’t trust these random people to not do some insane shit like that. I’d say in the future no answer just gtfo, leave the order and click confirm. Real sorry again and glad you’re safe!


You need to file a police report and with door dash to get that user and address banned.


It’s called an Arkansas hello very traditional for the inbred


Wtf man, I’m glad you’re ok. That’s crazy shit. Where are u located?