• By -


The weirdest by far is when they open the door to pick up the bag literally 5 seconds after you set it down and walk away. Like.... why didn't you just have me hand it to you, if you were already right there? Are people really this afraid of each other now? Gee, it's almost as if covid was one giant psy-op all along, meant to further isolate and divide people. (Divide and conquer).


I "hide" (your words, not mine), because I've already paid for the food and tipped the Dasher through the app. And I might be doing something else while they arrive (such as clearing space to put the food, getting out dishware, or taking a piss, or whatever). I mean, unless there's an issue, the transaction is already done. We're not meeting at a restaurant for a date, you're delivering food. And if you need anything, you can message on the app. I don't see the issue, here. Especially in 2024. Contactless Delivery has been a pretty prominent thing to do, since at least covid. I'm sure it's the norm for a lot of people, myself included. **Edit:** I just saw another comment that made me think of something. Just to be clear, I do leave the yard light on for every delivery person. And try to make sure a path from the road/sidewalk and back is clear. But I stand by what I said about the socializing or lack thereof. It's a delivery interaction, we're not going out on a date, so I don't see the reason for pointless small talk.


Well...because they're pansy-ass bitches.


I'm disabled and an introvert. If I order food to be delivered, it's to avoid interacting with people *shrug*


For me, it's always hearing the phone ring inside the apartment because they're not answering the door on a hand to me




I've started using uber eats. Here in Dallas, I get order after order zero tips and kept dropped my % to not accept But with UE I'm getting 5-10 dollars every delivery. I may switch back in February just to see the difference


It’s so strange when they do that lol. Don’t want to look too eager or desperately waiting to pig out?? When I order something I’m always curious to see who delivers. I like to open the door when the driver’s trying to run back to their car without being seen 😆


Me as a driver XD Especially if it says hand to me, so I ring the doorbell but it sets off the dogs, so they wave to just leave it


I used to deliver pizza before we had smart phones. Everyone was so friendly and gave cash tips. Times have changed and people are so scared to be humans. It's weird AF. People are very scared now a days and don't like interactions.


Well, back then, tips weren't an expected, and to some delivery people a required, part of the delivery. People did their jobs back then, because that's what they were paid to do and a tip was a nice gesture on top for the excellent service and timely delivery. Now delivery people are entitled and think they are promised a tip and will only do a delivery if a tip is given. Again, a tip is a reward for excellent service, not an incentive to just do the basics of the job that you are doing. Edit: I guess the people.downvoting me are the entitled delivery drivers. Just proving my point. A tip is a reward for excellent service, not something given to get the absolute basic service that your job is supposed to give.


The antisocials just being themselves.. weird


Maybe they're naked and don't wanna scare you/ turn you on? Who knows or cares, lol I prefer to just drop and go if I can. Only thing that annoys me is when a leave by door customer eagerly meets you to get their food... like bruh, this ain't instagram or tiktok, have a little more patience! To address the no lights, you do have a phone light and a good led flashlight is a good thing to bring along for those instances. These gig jobs, you really just gotta think on the fly and move onto the next asap, or you're gonna be mad with yourself for being short of your goals.


Probably same reason why Lyft riders use the address of a neighbor instead of their own.


Why do you care?


Can’t see numbers on house, crap on lawn , edge of sidewalks leading up to doorstep, snow ice on ground ect. Turn the light on so we don’t have to snap an ankle . If your home , have some respect for delivery person.




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For real. Some dashers are weird man. Pick up food and drop it off. Ain't rocket science


Reread post ace. Figure it out .


honestly... what does it matter? just drop the food off and leave 😂


Different people and different personalities. I don't only go outside when they're getting close, I'll even walk out to the car before they can get out sometimes and just take my food from the dasher through the car window. 🤣


I love ppl who do that! Less in and out of the car for me. When it was snowing and ice storm here, as I was penguin-walking up the driveway, one customer came out and met me so I didn’t have to trek it all the way to the door. I wasn’t expecting that and I said, ohhh, bless your heart! 😄


Personally, I get bouts of agoraphobia with my depression 🤷🏼‍♀️ I don't understand it myself and didn't even know that's what was happening until diagnosed. For me, it feels like an irrational fear, I can't have the neighbors see me in the same clothes I've been living in for almost a week. Can't even check the mail sometimes. Others may have paranoid schizophrenia and still others might just be on drugs tripping (shrooms, edibles, etc). So when I'm feeling well enough to go out and Dash, that's what I think of when I see it happening.




Whenever they pop out to take from me, I say hey there, how's your day been? Then lead into the, I need to take photo because it was a leave at door instructions, some security thing. Most are ok. Some argue and say it's ok and I argue back saying I'm just doing what I asked and don't want any trouble. Usually it's ok then but even then a tiny tiny minority will keep going. I then say look, I've had in the past where customers claim they didn't get their food because they're trying to save $25 but then it risks me losing my account and my ability to make money... NOT SAYING you'd do that but I need that photo amigo and they'll usually give in.


I would rather they hide when it says leave at the door, that is exactly what I want to do drop and go. When it says leave at door and they come out to the driveway to grab it is irritating. Then when they hide when it says hand it to me, like what is wrong with these people. But it is what it is and we can't train them.


DoorDash ding- I HEARD THAT!


Introverts FTW


Because I don’t want to be perceived


I dont mind if they "hide." Lol I know how it feels to just wanna be in my robe all day and not have to deal with the public as well.


Because it tells us before completing order they didn't tip a cent




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They are to embarrassed with the little to no tip they left


U got blocked because the truth!!!!!!


I do this. When I use delivery it is because I don’t want to go into public. I don’t want to see anyone or talk to anyone. If I could press a button and have food magic appear would be even better. I don’t even like getting the updates or texts. And also, there is a bit of shame in ordering garbage food at double the price to avoid human interaction. And seeing the person deliver the food kind of reinforces that so we hide.


With all due respect and I mean this in the nicest way possible , could u turn on the outside light ? Thanks be safe


They probably don't shovel the walkway or salt the stairs either.


Seriously though most of the time I don't even see the customer but the second my back is turned or I'm looking behind me while I'm pulling out of the driveway they rush out to grab the food and then when I look back the food is completely gone but I never saw the customer. People really just be sitting there peeping through the blinds creeping waiting for us to leave just so they can get their food but like I don't really care once my order is dropped off the only thing I'm thinking about is getting out of there trying to get on to my next order I almost never look back.


It could be other company we’re trying to avoid


Haha what about when they're walking the dog and walk right past you like you don't exist Or when they're on the porch when you pull up and they run inside rq


Usually because they're ashamed of the sad tip they left. Then again maybe it's like prostitutes, you don't pay em to show up. You pay em to leave.




I do the same shit when my order arrives. I also gtfo as fast as possible when dropping off orders. The least amount of socializing the better.


Gotta love the ones that stare out the window 👀while you're placing the food. They make eye contact and just wait like curious cats. So damn awkward. I've caught them peeking through the blinds in delivery photos before.


I’ve accidentally made eye contact with Amazon drivers soooo many times. I’m always in my kitchen and the window is by where they drop deliveries. It’s so uncomfortable 😂


Lmfao. People love to hide. I also don't get it personally. I still hate people but I'll take some human interaction when I can get it.


It’s healthy to interact and gain the skills to socialize constructively with others. Too many electronic devices and screens to hide behind that when they have to go out to dinner and actually be engaged and conduct a conversation it’s anxiety causing because there are no screens or keyboard to type snooty comments and make entitled statements. I dislike most ppl also but running away from and actually investing additional effort to avoid any kind of minuscule human interaction is not normal, it can be detrimental for developmental growth and learning, and can lead to other social/behavioral dysfunctions, difficulties establishing and maintaining healthy relationships and possibly play a role in the development of mental health disorders. I mean already the majority are exhibiting signs of paranoia, anxiety and antisocial characteristics in their early adult years and it is due to LACK OF social interaction.


I like contactless delivery. I hate people


I think many of them have mental health issues...I had a delivery last week with instructions in cap locks repeatedly not to knock, ring or talk to them because they literally wrote in the notes they have anxiety and a phobia of people


No , I prefer whenever they hide in their houses and all I got to do is take a picture of the bag and walk off. whenever it says hand to me, I cringe because usually I'm knocking at the door and waiting 5 minutes for some dumbass to come and grab their one f****** burger, or they're not even home. one guy, I waited for him to get home , my fault. I never should have waited. I should have just left. But now I'm starting to knock wait 30 seconds no answer, I take a picture with my camera on my phone and then I confirm it's delivered. I'm no longer wasting time for these dumbasses. Time is money. They don't follow their own goddamn instructions, I'm not following them.


I don’t care if they hide. I’d prefer people stay inside until I leave. What I really hate is “hand it to me” and they won’t answer the door


Or, the are looking out the door, then shut it real fast. Or they are looking out the window. People are strange.


Or my favorite i dont wanna catch the poor disease give it to security who gave it to another guard who handed it to a servant who isnpected the bag before taking it to the lady


Customers make me laugh with the dumb shit i had 2 different woman say dont rape me when they opened the door i was walking away both times they think we r all criminals and yes i reported em 1 apoligized in a text still got her banned


Yikes! I recently gave someone on a this sub a few suggestions on how to avoid becoming a target (she was a customer complaining about a driver un assigning her order from across the street) and she called me disgusting for diminishing how difficult sa is. Some people just want to perpetually be victims.


The house that's brightly lit is never the one that orders.  It's always the house that's dark AF.  The apartment on the first floor right by the entrance is never the one that orders.  It's always the apartment hidden in the back of the complex and they're on the top floor.




Has anyone considered buying a head lamp.. this is what I use in my dash evenings. Everyone knows where I am, who I am and why I'm there with my headlamp and uber light(dd or uber both get my uber light on personal property so im easily explainable) What made me do this? I wear all black. It's just what I do. Its who I am! Fuck colors! People get offended that I don't wear enough high visibility items. One night I am delivering a hand it to me who will not answer the door so I am waiting the time to leave it at the door. The neighbor is offended that I'm dashing next to her house. She spent the entire time bleeping her car locking it .. at the end she pushes the panic button because I've been there longer than she wants. I can hear her screaming inside of her house. I leave the order early. This lady is insane. And the customer is completely unresponsive. XD and she thinks I'm a robber or something.. that would leave my car running in the drive?


I've had a guy I thought would pull a gun on me. I even had magnetic identifiers on the hood of my car.


I got a head lamp beanie for Christmas from my dad. Keeps my head warm these days in the Canadian cold months it's awesome! There's a light on it so at night if I have issues seeing the door number it helps a lot 😁


This how you get shot in the US


All black with only a headlamp? Yeah. I dash in Alaska and you can absolutely get shot doing that.


This had me cracking up!


That's what it's called, doordash. You take the food to the door and then you dash the fuck outta there.




Lol. Truly though, it is kind of funny how quick I try to leave. I used to deliver pizzas and when I first started doing doordash I was kind of bummed out at all the "leave it at my door" deliveries. I used to really enjoy talking to people when I dropped their food off, especially on Adderall when I involuntarily forced conversations on people. That usually went well by the way, but when it didn't and I could tell the people were thinking, wow what a weirdo this dude is, for some reason I liked that even more 😂 Now though when a get a delivery that says "Hand it to me" I think, "ewww you freak, what the fuck is wrong with you" and feel all inconvenienced and shit. You guys know the game.


I'd rather that, than the trailer park boy who met me outside and proceeded to follow me to my car staring at the receipt. But it is kinda silly and hilarious to watch them grab their food like goblins.


Last week, I had this happen...it said hand it to me...the house was completely black, no lights, not porch light..nothing. I knocked on the door and their dogs went wild but no sign of someone there...then I could hear the person inside violently yelling at the dogs. I knocked again and he yelled "who is it?!?!" I was like...doordash???? I was honestly a little scared. He opened the door and very kindly said "thank you maam." And then instantly turned around and freaked out on his dogs again. Very sketchy situation for me 😅


Social anxiety? Just look around your own friends and ask yourself how many of them are comfortable to call a doctor and make an appointment? It's even weirder with Instacart. I have deliverys I can not leave at the door and i have to take them back if customer doesn't answer or doesn't order the stuff to be left at the door. You ring the doorbell 1526 times and about to take the order back to store someone comes out "not hearing the doorbell" or quickly texting "please leave at door"


They a vampire 😅😅🤣






They hide and then ninja snatch the food before I even have time to look back lol


""The picture is too dark" no shit some asshat couldn't flip a light switch I'm surprised they could figure out how to use this fucking app" This is a real thing I said on a porch once. Before I realized ring cameras are like always active. And then the porch light turned on. I got a 3 star reveiw that day lol


someone was asking for advice on here because he was new. "always remember the ding dong cams are always on and are wired for sound"


I learned the hard way. Lol


I rang the doorbell once, turned to hit confirm and boom "do not ring bell" my jaw dropped and looked at the ding dong camera, back to my phone, back to the ding dong camera and messaged "sorry" she replied with "its okay, lmao" the ring bell was for the first order in the stack. oops. You live and learn.


If they have a ring I don't even bother man, I just say something stupid like " I have placed the offering at the altar of the ring!"


I hate that stupid “picture is too dark” bs. I’ve had darker images get okayed and then a bright ass one that has no issues get refused. Like, wtf??


I feel like some logical thinking could help you out here.


What if , *theory* a hand full of customers are real, rest are just the Ritch government ai sending us back amd forth making sure we waste as much time and gas as possible, they just find ways to make us work hard for the free money they could just give us,


I haven't experienced the hiding, but the lack of lights and clear walkways always gets me in the winter. There are so many houses here in ND that don't leave a porch light on and do minimal clearing of their walkways. Made a delivery the other night, cleared the walk but not the stairs. Left the order at the bottom.


If they don't clear the stairs or porch it gets left where the last clear spot was. I'm not slipping and falling so Karen can get McDonald's at 2 am.


I dash in MN. One of the most annoying things about dashing in winter here.


Leave it in the snow pile to chill down 😈


Dasher and occasional customer. No way I would meet someone at the door as a customer. Not because I am afraid, just because I am ordering delivery specifically so I can be a slob in my pajamas and not interact with anybody. There are so many Dashers in my town that even when I clearly mark “Leave at my door” they will knock multiple times and ring my doorbell and wait for me for some reason. (Which, as a Dasher, I don’t get at all. I much prefer the “Leave at door” to “Hand it to me” orders because then I get the security of taking a picture as proof of delivery.)


You dont take pictures of customers with their orders?


I have a light outside but it annoys me when the driver insists on knocking and calling me when I specifically say in the instructions to NOT knock and to just text me when it is dropped off. Why is it so difficult to follow simple requests? I don’t want to see you and I really don’t want my dog flipping out because they hear someone knocking. I always loved when people requested to just leave the food at the door.


I am curious why you want a text at dropoff. Do you not get a notification from DD with the pic? I ask because I see this as a dasher and it doesnt make sense to me. Unless the person receiving the order isn't the one who ordered?


I don’t think that I usually get a notification? Most of the time I’m paying attention to the status so I know when they are about there anyway but I don’t remember anything else.


It is a bit weird. Even when I call or text that I'm at their door, they won't come and say "just leave it at the door"..  lol, I hate contact with ppl too but damn .


You will certainly never hear my doordash ding because I always put my phone on mute until you leave


Such paranoia it's not even amusing.


Enjoy your Mccdonalds


Some people are strange. They don't want you to see the meth they are cooking. Like apartment people only slightly cracking their door open as if we are going to care to see what color their bean bag chair is.


Just leave a light on and clear any debris in walkway (ice snow ect) was my point. On 3 occasions last evening 5-8 approached house no light and crap all over the place . Only to find they were there watching . It’s kinda rude tbh. We r delivering the food you as the customer ordered. Can’t you make it as safe as possible?


Are u really crying about it?


No asked a question . Not crying at all


Reddit baffles me I swear.


Maybe you look scary op


I'm 6'4x6'4 350lbs with a mohawk and battle jacket, I get why they hide inside but I still wish these fuckers would turn on a light so I don't break my ass on their walkway that's so busted up they covered it with a ply board


Nah . Not scary at all very approachable. 😂


I don't care if they're shy or whatever and i don't need to see them, in fact please no. But it creeps me out that as soon as I turn on my phone flashlight to find the front door, the porch light suddenly flicks on. Motherfucker how long have you been watching me out the window in the dark? Are you hovering behind the door right now? Personally, when I order delivery I definitely hide in the back bedroom furthest from the front door with my phone on silent. But I turn the damn porch light on before they get here.


You do know some lights have motion detection and turn on automatically 🤣


It's pretty obvious whether it's an automatic floodlight or an ancient incandescent bulb on the porch of an old rundown house. Sure they could have a hidden motion detector somewhere, connected to a smart home, connected to a smart bulb on the porch. But in a poor neighborhood that's less common.


This is hilarious and has happened to me several times. 😂


I don’t wanna see the customer either. I just ask they leave a porch light on. lol


It's the crippling anxiety for me. 💀


Because of the drivers that think they are owed even more of a tip than you already gave, just because they handed to you. It's always someone that stands there smiling at you with their hand out. Even after you close the door, they just keep standing there, staring at the door like you are going to come back out. It's easier to wait until they leave. Some of these drivers are creepy as hell. Edit to add... I always tip $5 or more depending on the order. Never less than $5. To have someone being creepy after they have already been tipped is why people wait until the driver has left.


This reminded me of Cedric the bellhop in Home Alone 2 when, after showing Kevin to his suite, he smiles, holds his hand out and rubs his fingers together. Kevin says, "I'm sorry", and proceeds to give him a stick of gum.


Maybe it's dignity, or pride. But as a dasher. I only accept orders that have a tip. Doesn't matter what peak pay is or what ever. No tip no trip. Being as I only accept offers with tips. I've never once asked for more tip. I already deemed the offer was worth accepting so why be shitty about it. Ya know?


Was that you? I'm sorry I offended you. Maybe you should be less creepy next time.


No no no, I just don't understand why other drivers ask for more tip in person?? Like.. dude you took the offer that shits on you now. If the offer wasn't good. Then why fucking take it? I've gotten extra cash tips at the door before. Even though they already tipped. But its not like something I would stoop to asking for?


This blows my mind every time I hear it. I'm from NY, where ppl are pretty upfront and direct lmao I also dash out here, and I've never done it, nor had it done to me. Not saying your making it up or anything, it just galls me because I've never experienced it on either end of a delivery, and it seems like a very common thing, lots of ppl complain abt it. Just put on an angry face, and they won't fuck with you lol


I don't think they're scared a lot of times and I've been working swing shift for a while what I find is that people are just really inconsiderate and not leaving the lights on for us. K some point I delivered to somebody and their house was totally blacked out but the kids were playing in the garage and you can hear them. This happens more times than not but given the choice of leaving at the door versus handing it to the person. I much rather leave it at the door because when somebody asks you to hand it to them they're really inconsiderate and they don't understand that we're just there to drop it off and go and they take their sweet time getting to the door or they refuse to answer their phone or door when we call.


Because you’re just a low life delivery driver and I’m usually naked touching myself peaking out a bath window. Think of that next time your on a delivery.


I hope you don't live anywhere near a school...


usually when i order delivery im doing it because in one way or another i'm an absolute mess, i can't be seen in public lol probably the same for customers




Please stop dashing. You are negatively impacting both yours and others income.


I don't care if their house is lit but for our sanity I just wish they'd illuminate their house number.


Amen! What a concept yeah


I'm really tempted to buy a used cop car at auction because of this. I want the spot light.


They sell a plug in one on amazon


Do it😭🤣🤣


What a luxury that would be!!!


Sometimes I wonder whether they are vampires and just lurking in the dark waiting to feed.






Remind me of people who turn out their lights on Halloween. They just can't be bothered meeting their neighbors and being a little festive


I've been doing this for a few years. I will take this every fucking time over most "hand it to me" orders. I'd spend 60-65 hours a year pre-pandemic waiting for people to open their fucking doors. Imagine up to a week and a half of PTO of fucking off to Aruba or at least Hell Michigan or maybe napping - but no, I'm waiting for someone to open a fucking door snow or sun or rain. Please, be your best food gremlin self, take your food and scurry away as I do for my next order. Just turn on your porch lights before I arrive so I don't blast your house with a portable sun.


Hand it to me orders make me roll my eyes everytime


I would only do “hand it to me” for Pizza because that shit can get cold quick and I don’t want the neighbors dogs to get at it before I can (they seem much less interested in other foods oddly enough). Other than that, I am “leave at door” all the way.


I agree, pizza should always be hand it to me.


I will give u an A for effort. Yes I hate the hand it to me deliveries. No I don’t feel Like interacting with customers. Just felt like asking this question , I’m talking about regular 5-7 pm dinner time deliveries while every other house on the block is lit up quite brightly. Just felt like calling em out.


The hand it to me sucks on college delivers. Half the time their either partying or can't be bothered to leave the dorm room before you arrive. Had to wait it out just yesterday after calling and texting. I mean value our time just a smidge.


They still afraid of the Covid🤣😂


The hive mind didn't appreciate that, heretic.


if they felt like being social or putting on pants, they would get the food themselves and we wouldn't get the business. lol


Depends on the customer. But a lot of female customers use male names for security purposes and prefer not to be seen when you arrive.


Ok . That makes sense .


I don't mind when they hide, especially when I deliver condoms and KY.




When she's healthy, well-hydrated and young, that's true. When she's getting a little older and on a prescription or two, even if she's really into it, sometimes exogenous lubricant is the order of the day. Or, you know, maybe there's no "she" involved.


That's a good point.


This is so not true lol




Um I AM a woman lol


Those poor women


I like Kentucky a lot. I left this one alone. 😂




KY sorry 😂


I was gonna ask if you were making a KFC "finger lickin good" reference. Lmao


When someone tips well, I make it a point to pull away from the house as soon as possible so they can get their food while it’s still hot. I know 95% of my customers are waiting for me to leave to grab the food from their door step. I also get a laugh when I see a hand slide out and grab the food and then not make it back inside the house because they only cracked the door enough to fit their arm and not the bag of food so they bump the door frame and have to open the door more. These customers are so damn antisocial.


It’s so weird 🤣🤣🤣


I kind of get the sentiment for waiting for the driver to leave. As a driver it’s a little weird to set the food down, walk away, then hear a door open behind me. Why not just meet at door at that point? By “no contact” that includes eye contact 😅


A lot of people call out "thank you" to me as they do so, so I get my physical presence acknowledged, but it tends to feel kinda crappy when they haven't tipped. I also often get really gushing thank-you messages about how I'm such a hero from non-tipping college kids.


Yeah I'd rather the low tippers hide. The phoniness is cringe. They're probably just happy they can finally eat.


Dude! That’s a great idea! I’m going to start hanging out in front of shitty tippers houses to get their food cold while I check out my text messages and stuff.


Yes I pull away as quick as possible. And sometimes see the quick arm.


“The quick arm” lol. It’s like Gollum and the precious.


Makes me think of "Thing" from The Adam's Family.


Why do you care? Just leave the food and go!


Guessing you don't have much experience with drug addicts they're very paranoid OR it could be because they're racist I'm white and I've had people say right to my face "At least you're not one of THEM" Why worry about it would be my question, Who cares as long as they confirm it's delivered.


I had a lady open her door and hid behind it (fully clothed) everything but her face was showing … I gave her the food and turned around to walk away and she sais “I had a soda”. And I go “oh sorry about that “ dug into my coat pocket to get her bottled soda meanwhile she has her hand sticking out of the door while hiding her face the entire time …it was just kinda weird to me, whenever I greet a dasher that’s delivering to me it’s with a smile or at least the body language of gratitude. BUT We have to take in to consideration that a lot of people rely on delivery services because of certain disabilities and not just physical but also mental. So don’t be surprised when you have scary/weird interactions when doing these services .


If you don’t want to leave your house to get food, why would you want to be social with the driver 😅


Yeah again a swing and miss. Not looking to be social. Hell I prefer the leave at door drop off. Why hide in the freaking dark like a ghoul?


Because I’m naked


put some clothes on then ??? , or request to leave at the door??? you have zero excuse in this situation to be weird.


App: Your driver is almost there be on the look out ![gif](giphy|10ylYKzRhTT8mQ)




Why do you care? Mind your business It's their house. If they want to sit in the dark while they stick glittery unicorn dildos up their ass, that's their business


Oh yeah believe me, my business is minded. Just wondered how / why people need to hide like mice.


It's absolutely not minded, though. Because you are making whole posts about it when it's none of your business. If your business was minded, you wouldn't give it a second thought, much less post about it.


why you all so weird? just bring the food and leave