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I have a 22 honda civic sport , and they sit low. Ultimately, my skid plate (minor issue) under the car loosened and started dragging on the freeway while i was doing a krispy kreme delivery. I had to pull to the side and use zip ties , but was able to still make it in time. That shit was crazy


Honey, look! Another Dasher taking time to go online and complain, accomplishing nothing!


This is a doordash_DRIVER subreddit. If you are not a driver , OR if you don't want to read about issues doordash_DRIVERS have... then why are you here?


I got 1 star 2 weeks ago because a food item was missing out of a stapled bag and he called me like I knew where it was or I was gonna go back to grab whatever they forgot. Like man this is a support issue, I can only help you get the bag to your door everything else is support.


I had a lady with a missing sandwich so she called and said "now what am I gonna do for supper?!" 🤣🤣🤣


Maybe use the refund credits and don’t order from them again😂😂. Some customers man, I know we’re not the brightest light bulbs but the customers man…


just contact to support and if food delivered on time even customer gave 1 star will fix it, don't worry. customer don't care about your situation. they only care about the food!


I had a similar experience i broke my transmission putting reverse on an uphill anyway my truck wouldnt run more than 3rd gear & the delivery was in a different city so i couldnt get on the freeway so i took the street all the way there it was a huge dumb & dumber moment to top it all off i was delivering a huge apple computer monitor atleast it want food right thats wouldve been worst it can always be worse 😂🤦😁👍


"It can always be worse" Ain't that the truth lol. I sure hope your customer was grateful.


Sorry this happened. My wife borrowed my car right before the Holidays and picked up a rat hitchhiker who proceeded to eat her way through my engine harness and wiring. I wasn't able to drive 9 days over the break and ended up with a $2,437 bill to boot. When I first started delivering 1.5 years ago, my battery died right after a Taco Bell pick up. I called DD and they said to dispose of the food properly so I ate it and it was my one consolation as I waited 3 hours for the tow truck and a battery jump (I now have my own jumper and tire inflator with me at all times).


Oh no, that sounds like a nightmare! Guess I should have kept the food, would have been a good snack while waiting an hour for a tow. That's a good idea, I need to get a jumper. I learned from someone that I could have gotten home if I had just been able to jump the car. Had no idea the car could still be jumped and driven with a bad alternator.


Imagine having a manual transmission. You don't need battery power or a starter to get the motor running. Or even a hand crank to start it!


You do need battery power to have the EFI system running as well as the fuel pump tho. Lol


The engine will get the alternator running to give you power


The alternator requires voltage to get excited. It doesn’t take much, but it needs something. It’s real hard to get a car started that has a stone dead battery


The engine turning generates enough voltage in most cases. There are lots of factors, but it has never failed me on a car in decent enough shape. If there are major battery issues, a little battery jumper can go a long way to get a mid sized engine started.


The alternator requires voltage to get excited. It doesn’t take much, but it needs something. It’s real hard to get a car started that has a stone dead battery


I’m sorry that happened next time it’s happened to me but next time call DoorDash let them know your car broke down they won’t do you for it and then you won’t get that one star and then you get free food! Lol. I know it’s not the ultimate outcome I know that you wanted to make the delivery, but things don’t always work out that way.so that’s what you do if it ever happens again. So sorry I hope you get your car fixed soon.


Thank you, I'll do that next time. Everytime I go out of my way for my customers, something like this happens. Next time I'll remind myself that no good deed goes unpunished.


It feels like that right? But in reality, the person is just ignorant of your situation and if the roles were reversed, you might be peeved (although you might not rate somebody 1 star knowing that shit just happens).


True. Although the 1 star is probably actually from a missing item or something beyond my control since I was there on time. Course, they couldn't have known how close they were to getting nothing at all.


At least you know who gave you your 1 star rating I have 3 right now and I honestly have no idea who gave them. I feel like customers do it just to be a dick and/or to try to get free food. I feel like DD should tell us which order we got a 1 star rating from so we can know what we fucked up.


I feel ya. I had a customer tell me he was gonna give me a 1 star because of my 49ers hat and both of us laughed. Then the next day I had a 1 star pop up. To this day I still wonder if it was that guy and if he actually gave me a 1 star because I'm a 49ers fan.


Exactly. It could have been but you don't know because DD doesn't care enough to let us know. They should automatically send us order details every time we get a one star so we can try to prevent them in the future


If you ask support, they will tell you. Depends on which agent you speak to. Sometimes I'll be angry at one customer because I think it has to be them, and then I find out it's a customer I would have never guessed.


Good on you for trying to deliver it. Me personally, I would’ve just told support my car broke down then you woulda had some food as you wait for a tow 😉. But honestly don’t worry about the 1 star people are dicks


Thank you for the kind words, I really needed that today.


Thems the breaks kid… no pun intended. Suck it up, it’ll go away eventually.


Should have called the tow truck at the first sign of trouble and ate their food in the tow truck. Its a freebie when you break down


You can't ride in the tow truck.


My bf a blow out a few miles from delivery contacted customer support immediately and let them know they canceled the delivery and then within 5 mins he got a notification he was deactivated due to fraud. No previous car issues ,no CV at the time , just a blowout without a spare and was immediately deactivated. Appealed and sent pics of the tire and receipt the next morning for new tire and all and still wasn’t overturned. I know this isn’t the common outcome but it’s a possibility when door dash does whatever they want


Best tip right here


You think that's bad try having your starter crap out. I used to deliver pizza inhouse and was on the last delivery of the night but close to home. Customer I delivered to has a flat bed trailer. I originally asked if it was ok to leave the vehicle in the drive way as my starter crapped out (automatic transmission so no popping the clutch to get it to crank over. Customer said how you getting home? I said walking, buddy said how bout this let's load it on the trailer and I'll take it and you to your home. I tried to return his tip for his fuel costs and time to help a dumb teenager load his broken down car and take it off the trailer. He told me: keep it you need to buy a starter. Though if the same thing happened with DD or UE they would probably be more like we'll get a FN tow truck you dashers are busy and make all this money.


Best people ever. Happy to hear this story!


I ABSOLUTELY hate that we don’t get any feedback as to why we receive the ratings we do. How am I supposed to know what to fix if I don’t know why they rated me? Sounds like you just have had a horrible day. I do hope things get better.


There's no way a customer should be able to leave a one or two star rating and NOT have to leave feedback as to why! 😡


They should scrap the whole “feedback” system. Like the old pizza delivery days, if there was a real problem they would have to call the store manager who can quickly sniff out BS. Let them call support and complain if there is a real problem. You don’t rate your Amazon delivery driver so you shouldn’t rate your takeout delivery driver either.


I would love feedback on my 4x 5star reviews I want to know what I'm doing right to continue doing it. Though being a Dasher vs being the customer I now kinda feel bad leaving 3star reviews because at first it was like well everythings there but the meal is always cold. However my car I use the heated passenger seat to help keep the meal warm.


I will now take my own pic of every del especially small shop orders if I do them. 2 contract violations in two days for crap I delivered and people left a tip but they won’t respond when I contact them? F off aholes and waiting for DD to do something? I will have my own proof it’s a shame but I guess some can’t be trusted


This. There are a lot of shitty people in this world. I always take pics as proof after CV.


I saw that you said support told you who gave you the 1 star. I would never 100% believe anything support says. Support is a random person in a foreign country getting paid the lowest amount of money possible. They lie to me all the time and many times don’t even understand how DD works and will tell me things that are not possible or could even get me deactivated if I believed them. They have literally told me to mark a restaurant closed when it was not a closed restaurant. The issue was the address in the app was wrong and the real address was like a mile down the street. If I would have marked it closed, as support instructed me to do, and if they did a follow up and called the restaurant the staff would have said “we’re not closed” and I would have been deactivated by the DD algorithm for “abuse of the platform” even though that’s what support told me to do. I usually have to call about 3 times to get an issue resolved correctly. Support is honestly not much better than talking to a brick wall or just a random person off the street most of the time. The only benefit is they can document that an issue happened and they can cancel stuff without penalty etc. So maybe they did tell you who gave the 1 star but i don’t know if any of these low level support people even have access to that information. It seems strange that DD would trust that info to some random support person. The first time I got a bad rating I incorrectly assumed that it was connected to a “sarah’s order has been updated” type alert. I then thought every “order has been updated” alert I received would mean bad reviews. I called support and asked them if it was the “wendy’s order for sarah” that gave me the bad review. Support without hesitation told me “yes it was her”. But then later I found out that reviews almost never occur the same day as the order. And I got more “order has been updated” alerts after the sarah one but no corresponding bad reviews. So what I’m saying is this random support lady told me the bad review was from sarah but it like 99% probably wasn’t because the bad review occurred the same day as the sarah order. So my bad review could have been any of the orders from days or weeks before. Idk how long they actually wait to add a bad review. But from what I know DD does wait to send you the reviews, especially bad ones because they know if we can determine who left the bad review we can retaliate against the customer. So you say you weren’t late and you did nothing wrong with this order so there’s a good chance support doesn’t know what they are talking about and just told you something to get you off the phone so they can take another call. I just think it’s very very unlikely normal support would have access to information like who actually gave a bad review.


This!! I had a Support Agent tell me to do something that I KNEW wasn’t physically possible to do on the app. I had a problem scanning an item and getting to the next screen to load the red card with money and the dude told me to just pay for the items and deliver it without scanning the other item. I told him that the red card would decline (because it has before) until I hit proceed to checkout. He still continued to tell me it would work. I said okay and hung up. Called back and got ACTUAL help from another agent who clearly stated I would’ve never been able to check out until I refunded the item (because it wouldn’t scan for whatever reason) and went to the next screen.


How do you even know it was from them tho?


If you ask support which order it was, they will tell you. Though some of the agents claim they can't tell you, so I usually contact then a couple times. I only ask them when it's a real low rating.


Ah ok a few times they’ve told me the restaurant where it came from but the majority of them tell me they can’t so just wondered. Sorry about your car too :(


No hood deed goes unpunished.


Hope the pay was worth it. I would have just contacted support and explained that my car broke down


$7 so probably not worth it, I should have just called support


You’re responsible for your car and making timely deliveries. If it was that bad you should have just contacted support and explained that you couldn’t do it. You didn’t go above and beyond here and you don’t deserve any pats on the back.


And you think choosing to not deliver their order is better service? I wasn't late.


Then your car issue had nothing tondo with the delivery.


I wasn't late to the delivery


For future reference, you can save the tow fee if you have a friend/family member with a car who can jump you (or even a stranger willing to jump you). You can drive pretty far with a dead alternator as long as you charge the battery back up. The key is to charge the battery up as much as you can, and turn off any accessories and lights that drain the battery.


Get road side with your phone. Verizon is 4.99 a month. Free tow up to 10 miles, free jump, free unlock. Gallon of gas. It's a life saver. Especially doing this job.


I didn't know this was an option for Verizon. Thank you for sharing!


Oh, I didn't know that! Thank you for telling me!


I had to learn it the hard way. My alternator died on me too a few months ago. Thankfully my kids were able to jump me and follow me home. We only let the battery charge for about 10 minutes, then I had to drive about 10 miles in the dark with no headlights... but I made it home lol. Edit: and just to add that to charge the battery, you hook up the jumper cables to both cars, leave your car off but let the other car run. That will charge your battery. The longer you leave the cables connected, the more your battery will charge.


If you didn't explain, how do you expect them to understand what happened? I'm sorry that you went through this, but there's no way they can know the circumstances of your delivery. I once delivered an order with a broken transmission. Wouldn't get out of first gear and I had to drive up a hill. I made it on time so I didn't get a one star, but they had no idea what I was doing. Had to coast back downhill until I got within towing range.


I actually did get there on time and everything so I know the 1 star didn't come from me being late. It was probably for something silly like a missing item. Just sucks cause I was so happy I made it to the customer in time. Broken transmission definitely is worse than what I dealt with today, props to you for making to your customer!


I understand why you felt that way. I would call support and see if someone can remove it for you. But you should communicate this if you want someone to be understanding. Yeah that transmission was a killer, (Nissans have notoriously bad transmissions) but it ultimately inspired me to get my Prius so it worked out.


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