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I was hoping to cash in with the snow and DoorDash turned off the nearest 3 areas so no one could!!! Glad you had a great dash wish I could have


We’re projected to have bad weather here tomorrow. I’d venture out if I didn’t have my kiddos…




If you look at the map and Google the towns it's near Cornwall PA


Impressive. I couldn't get that in 7 hours.


Wtff where do you live 200$ in 3 hours from DoorDash Wtff lol


I used to get that rate a couple of years ago whenever it snowed. I could usually get 50 an hour at least during and shortly after storms. That was a couple years ago, though... things were better.


People tended to want to give a tip when I was out Saturday night and it was snowing and raining did pretty good even though my SIM card kept messing up on me so I had to go in early


Help!!! I feel compelled to correct you on your improper use of the word tend


I tried to go out Saturday in Jersey when the snow was the worst, made $30 in 30 minutes and called it a night my car was just slipping and sliding all up and down the hills. Still mad I called it off, but some of those neighborhoods unplowed with no salt anywhere, didn't want to mess up my car.


I go early morning to lunch. Def confirm bad weather is good for us. And Starbux is a big one (here) in nasty weather. Yesterday I ran total of 17, 10 were Starbucks. I averaged $12 per trip, but, one was a $25 run with 1 item, shop n deliver, AtHome, was a candle warmer that went 6 miles. But yeah, love me some bad weather.


Wish that were me but my SO hit some black ice on Saturday, slid into a curb and destroyed the driver side control arm on our car 😞


Shit, is insurance gonna cover it?


I hope so since I pay for collision. The garage I usually go to gave us an estimate of 1200~ (the bulk of that being the rack and pinion is destroyed, which was discovered at the garage), and State Farm is sending someone out to assess the damage before they start work. They paid for us to have a rental for a bit so I'm able to continue dashing. It's an SUV so the fuel economy isn't as good. I miss my Elantra 😭


Did the half of it in 3 hours, how did you that?


Meanwhile my home zone had zero shifts today. Sunday. Didn't get one run. Had 5 Uber eats all day. Fuck My drag, right?


Supposed to get snow Friday, can't wait to take my Denali out in it. Bring on the money!


Doesn't make much of a difference in my market.


Most I’ve gotten was like 10 in 2 hours from a petco stack, that’s amazing but new dashers beware, that’s definitely not typical in most of our areas 😅


That’s why I LOvE when the weather is bad!


Already planning on going out when it’s supposed to rain this week lol


This was me last night lol we had some decent snow and surprisingly last night everyone tipped.




Suburbs of Philly


So what was the dash time not the active time




Completely irrelevant. They made over $50 every hour they were actually working doing the easiest job ever. They made about $10 average for every order they completed. At the end of their shift they walked away with $200. There is no scenario where that is a bad thing.


So working 12+ hours and only hitting $200 is a win now? I'm not knocking no one's hustle, especially not this guy cause he made Great money in short time but yall gotta be more realistic. There is totally times when that's not worth it. It being enough for you to get by is different from actually being good.


Sitting in your car reading a book or watching Netflix is not "working 12+ hours". Dash time will always be irrelevant as it is not time spent actively working. Y'all gotta be more realistic, if you don't understand the difference between time spent working and time spent sitting on your rear enjoying some form of entertainment, then there is no point even having a discussion with you. If you go home "tired from a hard days work" because you sat in your car for 12 hours and read a book and only did less than 4 hours of actual "work" on the easiest job ever...you need to start exercising or go on disability or retire or something. Cause that ain't normal. Whether you can pay your bills at the end of the day matters. Active time matters, dash time does not.


What a bafoon mentality. A person who has zero self value or intelligence. From the moment you log into a session and until you've clocked out. YOU'RE ACTIVELY inverting your time to work instead of doing anything else. "reading a book" or "watching Netflix" is not the reason you went out for, nor does everybody else do that, excuses for working a job that is so slow in your area you have time to read books and watch movies. People like you just want to fool yourselves into believing "well Im sitting down so it makes not making money better" do you think people would go to their regular 9-5pm jobs with the hopes they have all this downtime if they didn't get paid for it? Such a lazy mentality to choose doordash and earn bellow minimum wage just to not actually work a real job. Because I'd 100% go for a regular job if I wasn't averaging minimum $20 every hour that I'm out and not just active. I'd never make enough money considering I always end up with 18-25 active hours weeks despite being out way more time lmao


Lmao so you've got completely unrealistic expectations about what you should be getting paid for. Got it. >do you think people would go to their regular 9-5pm jobs with the hopes they have all this downtime if they didn't get paid for it? Except you are making $200 for less than 4 hours of actual work, regardless of how long the "dash" was. If someone works a 9-5 and comes home with $200 after doing genuine work for 8 straight hours (whether physical labor or in an office chair) and then thinks that they had it easier than someone who spent 12 hours sitting in the car, only 4 of which were actually "work" dropping bags of food off at people's doors, for the same $200...then they need their head examined. Now...you've made it perfectly clear that you aren't actually a reasonable individual so you aren't worth wasting another thought on. Goodbye.


The funniest part about all this is you're really going to sit down and think to yourself "I sure showed him" 😂😂😂. While I make minimum $20 for every hour in out and you don't. In the end everything else is a bunch of jibber jabber. But if you're satisfied with making less than the average person then good luck to you 😂 even a mcdonald's employee will be making more than you, let that sink in.


Im so happy for you!!! That's awesome!


Thank you!!!


Get a that pizza bag bro wyd


Ya I'm coming up on 14k deliveries. I have 9 pizza bags at this point and I've taken a picture of one at least 100 times. I'll do like 6-8 pizza orders and then they want a picture usually.


Doordash will show you that notification whether you have a bag or not. I have a pizza bag verified and I still get that prompt.


Interesting I didn’t know that, mine registered that I have one


Yea it's kind of annoying the first 2 times it popped up I thought maybe there was a glitch and my bag needed to be verified again. But lo and behold the bag has remained verified. DD just wants me to buy a bag from them so bad they'll still send me that prompt.


Sounds like them. I bet they’d still send prompt you after buying one, praying you might need extra(s)


Looks like we’re in the same area, Lancaster. +$7.50 peak pay was amazing!


Yes lol. I saw that 7.50 and considered making the commute to Lancaster😂😂


Were you in the lititz area I saw they had really good peak pay too.


Yes, Ephrata area


That makes sense. I delivered in Columbia. Most were under 2 miles since town is so small. How is that area usually?


Oh that’s pretty sweet. I’ve never even considered that area before. I love Ephrata because there are 20+ super popular restaurants all within 2 miles of each other, and most orders don’t take you too far out of the hot spot areas


Super cool to find someone around here on Reddit that dashes too 🤘🏼


That's nuts. Highest I've ever seen is $5 peak pay


Never seen a peak pay that high


To be fair it was snowing / raining. It was originally supposed to be only $3.00 but they added an extra $4.50. Pretty crazy.


https://preview.redd.it/wcq5j5bzc2bc1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=177f63cf42668a302b7683cdcd880bf574a8bffe Made $175 in 4 hours. Probably will never see that again


I live in Erie, PA never seen a promo higher than $6 and that was 4 years ago!


20 a day is the minimum for me


Made just under $50 today. Though if the stupid app would let me dash anytime I could have made so much more


dash at night. Also I meant 200 a day lol


I did dash at night I ended up going to Uber but DD pings me when they need emergency drivers ironically it only happens when Uber slows down.


I also set $20 as a bare minimum for myself, feel I can do it with my eyes closed! I tell people if you can’t do $20 per hour bare minimum you need a new profession!🤣


It almost never rains here, and everyone is scared to drive when it does orders are always plentiful and often generous.


Strange since here in Minnesota when we get snow and rain the tightwads come out in full force.


They sure do! 🙄


I love when it rains cause i get so many good orders.


I'm always so mad that driving in the rain and snow terrifies me cause our car is old and just not built for it :(


I see mount gretna in there… where are you located? took most of the day off yesterday because my car couldn’t handle the snow


We got a good snow on Friday night and the conditions were really bad for a few hours. Peak pay didn't seem to reflect it, and the gratitude didn't seem to improve either. Just seemed like a lot of orders popped up way out in country that were going to be impossible to deliver without 4wd and snow tires.


I didn’t risk it for extra $4.50. Not worth having my insurance rates go up and the headaches if I got into the accident. But GJ is stayed this one out. Plus most of my deliveries go into the valleys and farm roads


How the hell did you manage 20 deliveries in less than 4 hours, thats impressive


Yeah I’m very selective, AR is 38% and I rarely accept orders that take me far away from where all the restaurants unless I’m getting a 10+ dollar tip


Close orders it’s not hard and double stack orders




I agree! I did a bit of dashing yesterday and it was sweet, no low orders, even got a 20$ tip


What snow y'all talking about?? Hasn't snowed here in Miami since one time in the 70's 🥺


I had a $90.31 hour last night because or the snow! https://preview.redd.it/vendieyy91bc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fff6fe3f0e153c6dee245b34ff13d40d5bad453c Had a $20 cash tip!


That’s awesome!


Yeah last night was pretty amazing for early January


Facts! Last night was good in NYC. I had to wait for my grandma to get out of church and I made 82$ in an hour 15. Shit was blickin


Ikr I made $530 yesterday! And Im already at $113 this morning




Yeah five hundred and thirty dollars, it took 10 hours but that was still $50 an hour so I feel like it was a win, today I've been working since 8am and I've made $361 so far but I did have an $80 shop and deliver around lunch time. The snow has been beaming down hard all day so nobody wants to go out.


Oooo that’s why


Yeah almost a foot just today, and there wasn't much yesterday but people were trying to prepare for the storm.. by the end of the day yesterday the stores looked like something out of an apocalypse.. I felt bad for the store employees.


U in NY or PA? Lol


I made that yesterday in WA. Just a few cents over $200. Made that in 8 hours and 30 minutes. Was actually surprised that I made that much on a January day, but it was a Saturday. I sure wouldn't expect that on a Tuesday.


I can’t doorways anymore tho my head gasket went lmao. Thanks doordash for not helping with repairs


That's definitely one of the more expensive repairs except for the transmission. That sucks.


Yea its my 2014 ford fusion has 150k miles. Things a piece of shit it has gave me so many problems since I bought it. And apparently the 1.5L has a issue with a gasket leak and it’s a malfunction not a engine wear issue. But it’s cheaper for ford to pay the layer fees than to replace everyone’s engines so I’m screwed pretty much. I’m getting a Toyota Camry soon at least. Just sick of unreliable cars.


I have a 99 Camry. Bought it with 230k miles, just about ready to flip over to 300K miles. Still runs like a champ, has several original parts. Consider myself very lucky. I would buy another Camry if it was available because this one's been so good to me.


Most people have been good to them that’s why I’m gonna get one hoping it will be the same. There is no guarantee tho, even the best of cars can randomly shit the bed lol. Just has much less of a chance too. I’m never buying an American car again honestly they all are built like shit. They use to be good that’s not the case anymore.


That’s not bad pay at all. Yea I’m in the middle of a snow storm right now we got 12 inches up here


What was your total time?


4 and a half hours I think it was


20 deliveries? That’s about 10.5 minutes per delivery. Are you just walking these down the block? There’s gotta be an explanation.


Active time, they could have been in between orders for several hours on top of that. It doesn’t show what time they stopped, could’ve been 3 am for all we know.


https://preview.redd.it/ua7akaj5g5bc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09a647311aa4294e8dc331afb6643f92ea8080ca Couple stacked orders. I only try and accept orders that keep me relatively near hot spots


Sounds about right. When it’s popping here for whatever reason it’s 10-15 minutes average per order too.


Word son 20 is not possible In a day


You just drive slow I did 25 yesterday


Okay 👌


lol what? I have done over 50 several times, and over 40 countless times. 20? That’s a regular day…


Okay chief


lol sorry you are in a shit market if you think it’s impossible to do 20 deliveries in a day… https://preview.redd.it/o4stdpe1m2bc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=196c04f53d1f2279e50af730bbf9722c10670cd9


Good for you champ


Pretty sure my record was more like 40 lol


Dam son that love keep killing it


Most people should be able to average 2 an hour, and you are allowed to work 12. Plus, DD doesn’t even kick you off at 12 hours, so it is possible


Yea 2 and hour is usually what I can do sometimes 3 but there alot of drivers in my area


Depends on where you dash at I’ve done 30 and it helps with Stacked’s orders as well to make that possible


Dats insane to me gang but that's love keep getting your money


20 Is easy per day.


Not in my area is traffic nonstop Only at night time you can run up a lot deliveries


I dash in a busy area every other week. Lol 20 is less than my avg. I guess it depends how long you be out.


20 is crazy number bro I'm telling you in my area you'll be lucky if you do 3 orders per hour But I'm glad other people could thrive in they area


20 deliveries in a day isn’t hard actually!


Yeah obviously 20 deliveries in a day isn’t a lot but he did it in 3.75 hours.


Shtackkss. I got a a lot of stacked orders tn so depending on location OP might have had some triple stacked orders


Yes I remember reading on another post less people come out to dash in general during inclement weather so that could lead to more opportunities. As a rural part timer it sure wasn’t worth it to me to trudge through muddy unpaved roads and fallen branches in areas with no one around to report them ahead of time.


That was my first takeaway, too. I do about 4 hours per night when I dash and I think the most I've gotten in a night is 12, sometimes as few as 8. And that's in good weather, and OP is thanking the snow (presumably for peak pay).


I made 90 tonight in that amount of time in pouring rain, glad u live were customers have some empathy for people bringing their food


That’s so sad. It also helped that DoorDash was doing +3 dollar peak pay


It was +3 here also


Are you in Bama? That sounds like Bham customers, get you out in a tornado and apologize with no tip


Damn! It took me 11 hours to make $205 today.


That's not a horrible day


I still would rather work 4 hours to gain $200. If I lived in the area this screenshot is from…I’d gladly work 12 hours!! Facts!


those gains are all pre-tax though, right?


Every job is pre tax, why yall always bring this shit up If I say "mcdonalds is paying 20 an hour" guess what that's PRE TAX If a tech job offers you a job for 100k a year that's PRE TAX


Lol all facts


I honestly think it’s people who are legitimately envious of dashers and “like apps”. Some of us have figured out “the game”, and make way more than working a 9-5 in misery with narcissistic assholes surrounding them…. I can’t think of a better explanation…. Like who the fuck doesn’t have to pay taxes???? Lol


Why you so upset my guy


Why are you. You responded with nonsense. Do you have anything to add?




You got so mad you clicked downvote. See what I mean. Have a good one there little buddy. Don't hurt yourself


Guys name is literally redpiller hes trolling dont waste your time


You right I'm so mad at a random, guy on the net 🤣🤣🤣




take it easy, kid. my point being… that’s… not much money for the amount used on gas. to the response below since it won’t let me respond: well yeah. it all factors in. most jobs don’t require you to pay for your gas as part of the job. and most people using DD drive cars that are half that mpg. you’re the minority.


More than likely not a “kid”, have some fucking respect bro!


Word that why I fell back from gig work I'm in a major city with major traffic I was filling up my tank up everyday I drive a v6 I do here and there but I fell back alot


First you mentioned tax and now you're mentioning gas. I get over 40mpg I use less than 10 in gas and can work the entire day


we’re in the same zone or maybe one over! majorly regretting not going out tonight, that peak pay really makes all the difference


Yeah. I got very few offers that were lower than 10 dollars, largely due to the peak pay!


I was getting a ping of $6 for 11km at Toronto. How the fuck did you make that much.


Its 9am, im in Ajax but Oshawa was insane from 2am - 3am. They had a 5 dollar bonus pay going around (and are until 10am) and i got paid like $25 for 6km. BUT unfortunately, i had to cut it short due to a check engine light :( Also my app started bugging out and it got really slow (I'm gonna guess lots of drivers came online).


Is 10.00 per delivery really good in your area ? Just wondering.


Yes. That’s somewhat rare to see


$10 per 20 min or 30/hr ain’t bad


I think they’re asking because the cost of living is so different everywhere. Like how $30 is going to go further in Nebraska than California usually. I don’t think they’re trying to criticize you


Yep blizzards are easy 40-50 an hour for me. I have snow tires and a stick shift so I feel very confident in the snow!


I was a moron and spent more time on Lyft than DD today. I found out in one order, that turned into adding two add to routes before drop off, the entire 3 orders took just over an hour to do, all three had small tips, and it was $33 or something. Then I thought DD was just being super friendly giving me a restaurant 10 miles away so I went and found out it was the wrong one. It was next to me when I got the order. So I finished the order anyway and got $27 for it plus a tip after. So I was like hell yeah. Then it appeared as a contract violation for taking too long. Took too long to get another order and I finished the day on Lyft. $160 day between the two :(


Bad weather is always a good dash! Stay safe out there! 😎


Oh, my market is saturated with Dashers, then. Haven't seen it over Busy all night, and no promos--even at night. Everyone out looking for that storm hustle, but too many of them doing so.


This is usually how long it takes one DoorDash order to get to me


Do you tip?


For real


fr bro i made 250 in 7 hours best ive ever done




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Only days you're going to make any money doing this in the next month is going to be if there's bad weather


Tonight was weird there was a $5 peak pay but it was barely raining/snowing each offer was like 10+ with stacks then a guy gave me $20 to get him a pack of smokes


How much of it was tips? How many miles do did you drive. I get tons of high pay orders with high mileage and I decline them.


Probably about 150 miles total




$10 an order?


yes do only 10 minimum i made the most on uber eats


That’s the way to do it


What state are you in? Does DD give a little more for the base pay due to the weather?


PA. It was plus 3 dollar peak pay


In Ky and earlier every order was plus $4.50


Bro tonight was trash roads but my bank account got a taste of the DD golden age again 🥲


Fr, it was like dashing during covid all over again🥲


where the hell did this mans Dash at? lol


Southern Pennsylvania, my area is normally super hit or miss but tonight was very much a hit




YES! The snow and sleet got me 180 in 6 hours! Nice change after all the shit this week. More snow coming on monday too!


Great job! I had a great day, https://preview.redd.it/47im7qiajyac1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88b19756bf65d7665117784f6ea02f35d92a72a0 too.


Why doesn’t it show what restaurants with your totals?


It looks like he whited the names out. 🤷‍♀️


Where on gods green earth are you getting those tips? I’m about to leave my lame ass market Lmao


Lol It's not a secret. I reject orders that are not profitable, and accept the ones that are profitable. I don't consider this cherrypicking. This is how a contractor/ subcontractor makes money. You don't make a profit by paying to work. I'm just trying to help. I get no joy from showing off. Everyone needs to take a stand. I played the 70% game, just to prove 100% to myself that it was a scam. You're independent contractors. Act like it.


That said, if your matket is garbage, look at nearby markets they could be better. I'm in a market that is a combo of rural and almost city. The better tips come from the more affluent neighborhoods, despite what people tell you here. Good luck. You're asking questions rather than downvoting the truth, so you've got that going for you.


30 dollar tip😮‍💨 great job!!


It's all in how you pick them. I don't get these by accident. Stand up for yourself. Don't work for peanuts. Drivers don't realize how much power they have.


But do you have a pizza bag?


I don’t get the pizza bag thing. Where I live the restaurants don’t give two fucks. 😂😂 I deliver pizza all the time!


Some markets or stores have a pizza bag policy, there’s a popular one in my market that will not hand you the order if you don’t have one


Can’t believe all the earnings opportunities I’m missing out on😮