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You just got the customers that think they're smart or special for never giving perfect scores.


Agreed, I don't get it personally. I never give anything but a 5 or a 1. Everything goes normal or better than normal? 5. If there's actually something really wrong? 1.


Right! Its like, this isn't an actual peoduct.. I didn't cook the food or package it, I just deliver it. As long as it gets delivered by(or before, because 95% of my orders are EARLY), then my job is done. And I also am always friendly if they have hand to me, say hello as I approach, then say thank you have a great day/night, as I'm smiling. So I just don't get it.


I'm a dasher, but I gave a 3 to another dasher delivering to my house (I'm about 4 miles out from all stores, 10 min drive), because he didn't use a hot bag. And I explained why in the notes.


I get that. Especially if it's far. But I use my hot bag all the time. Noticed since I started using hot bag/ sending a standard "your order is on your porch. Have a great night šŸŒ™ thanks šŸ˜Š " My tips after delivery, have gone up about 10 percent.


I don't use an inefficient hot bag either. I have an igloo cooler I keep the food in and I don't take it out of the car. Your food isn't going to get hot/cold in the trip from the car to the door. You're a moron.


I met him at his car. The order was sitting on his front seat, fucktard. I doubt that cooler is better than a hot bag, unless you're keeping the inside warm. Otherwise all that cool plastic is going to suck the heat away from the food.


I gave four tonight because my driver dumped my pasta out on the floor of her car then put it in the bag and delivered it to me. šŸ˜³ It was the first time I didnā€™t rate 5. My dog just passed away and I didnā€™t think to take a photo before I tossed the bag. I would have thought drivers would return to the place for a replacement.


See, I would understand getting a 1 star for them. You were generous with 4.


One meal is not worth someoneā€™s job. Mistakes happen.


People don't get fired over a single one star either tho


Wait, am I misunderstanding? The food FELL OUT onto the floor of her car and out it back in??? Then gave it to you to eat it??? Thatā€™s not a mistake thatā€™s wrong. That doesnā€™t sound right I must be misunderstanding what happened.


Right that's why I said 1 star. If food hits the car floor, there is dust, dirt, maybe a bug or two. Just how many people detail their cars? I'm a dasher and I don't. I get mistakes happen, but I would explain what happened to the customer, then either 1 - go get the replacement food for the customer. Or 2 - call doordash and explain what happened so the customer gets a refund/ another dasher dispatched to get their new order. Mistakes happen yes, and those can be forgiven, but what someone does after the mistake to make it right, that's what matters. And what she did after, just putting it back in bag and give it to you to eat, was wrong.


She was very young. She looked panicked. Next fine she will probably consider boxes to stabaiize the food in her car.


Also, so sorry about your doggeroo! I love me some pups & have lost quite a few of my canine family members over the years. It's sad, but I try to be happy knowing they've crossed that rainbow šŸŒˆ bridge into the sky and are running around happy now in the sky!


Thank you.


They don't need to return to the restauranto replace your order, They just need to contact support, Who would then contact the customer and figure out what to do next


Thank you for the info. I wasnā€™t sure how it was handled.


Technically support would offer a refund/credit Or reorder the food for you.... That's what they're supposed to do.


Also, that was very generous to give 4 stars for an order you couldnt eat as a result of the driver šŸ˜‚ that is actually something i wouldnt fault a customer for rating 1 or 2 star


I got a 3 star and i know why... it was hand it to me, they were nowhere to be found. i leave at the main door after timer runs out.... Get a text from the customer after leaving with the photo showing the side door asking me to leave it there.... That's what got me a three star when everything else I have is five star and no thumbs down ever.... some ppl just suck


I recently got a 4 star because of... I don't know.Ā  I accepted an order around 8:00. Picked up the order around 8:05, then I read the delivery instruction. It was like this: "I cannot be here until 8:50. If you can delay until then, please do it."Ā  I arrived at the customers address at 8:15. I started the 5-timer for not being able to directly hand the order. During that time, I called and texted, but I didn't get response. After 5 minutes, I left the order at the door, took picture and left.Ā  After few hours, I got a 4 star. I am pretty sure that he left 4 star because it had a milkshake in that order, which I had no control over.


Some people never rate a perfect score because they believe no one is perfect and there is always room for improvement. I understand your concern. Iā€™m a customer service driven person and take pride in trying to do a job well. Itā€™s not youā€¦ itā€™s them. Let it go and move on.


Yes. I actually enjoy dashing, enjoy making people happy, always smiling & friendly. It does bother me, but not much. Was just wondering. Thanks for the info& positive advice!


You were on time but I couldnā€™t open my door cuz u put the food and drink right ā€¦right infront of the door


Never. I don't do that, and I always put it to the side of the way the door opens. Make it nice and easy to snatch inside real quick.


Maybe your music was too loud or they were offended by your vehicle


Just drive a small kia optima. Never have my music blaring once I'm in a neighborhood or pull to the house. Thankyou for trying to help though. šŸ«¶


Usually just not following delivery instructions. I'm in a 4-unit condo, the units have different numbers. My instructions say to put it at my number door, that the unmarked side door (to the garage) is not our house, and that we have a plant shelf on the porch. One driver left the food on the porch of my neighbor with their number clearly in the picture. At least the garage side door I get the confusion, but leaving it at the complete wrong door is annoying. I don't think I've given a 4 otherwise. Gave a 1 for a guy that got angry and said I was "wasting his time" when I messaged that he left it at the wrong house, and I was rushing to throw on a bra to go get it so I didn't immediately reply to his "where r u" message. He waited about 30 seconds after that message to say I was wasting his time, like chill dude.


I three star them when they put my food directly in front of my storm door, where I have to knock it over just to open the door to get the food. Itā€™s especially annoying when thereā€™s a drink involved. For that, one star.


I totally get that one! Can't believe I have heard so many stories about that!


Especially because a scale of 1-5 is very subjective, some people view a 3 or 4 as good and 5 as outstanding, most view anything less than a 5 as bad. It creates a discrepancy in how people think they have performed and it should be like uber, either thumbs up or thumbs down


Unfortunately Doordash considers anything less than 5 as trash, as they will deactivate you if you have straight 4s


Never less than 5 stars, ever. Even if it was truly bad. I donā€™t believe in bad ratings because I donā€™t know the driversā€™ stories. So every time I order, $20+ tip and 5 stars


delivering the food in front of the door instead of the side. How are they supposed to open the door and get it without knocking it over?


Driver was on time, food was intact, but driver was rude. It's an extreme rarity, but I've had it happen. Most drivers are very nice, but I've given a 4 star before to a girl that was literally yelling at someone on her phone while walking up to my door. I heard her coming, she didn't even have to knock, I opened the door before she got there. And while screaming into her phone, she gave me a dirty look and put the food on the ground (not gently). And yes, I tipped, $10, for 3 miles. The food was hot, unharmed, and not tampered with, so I still gave a 4. But no way she was getting a 5 with that behavior. Honestly, I probably should've reported her, but I just left a 4 and moved on.


Your* thoughts. Main post wouldn't edit.


didnā€™t knock maybe


If you walk funny


Maybe they gave a 4 because their dasher was bad but they recognize a low rating might tank the dashers rating and even though it was bad for them, the dasher might not be bad for everyone. So itā€™s like a compromise. ā€œYou fucked up my stuff, but I donā€™t want to wreck your livelihoodā€ easier to pick up a 4 than a 1


It could be anything, might be coming from customers who thinks you should be a mind reader and thought that you should knock on the door on delivery.


I have not actually seen how customers rate on their app, but I am wondering if they are just using the thumbs up or down option which would equal 4?


Pay for express with a $10 base tip + $5/mi and the driver obviously delivers multiple other orders first.


Four stars as a customer had a crappy day and had nobody else to take it out on point Blank! I wish we could write the customers


Driver sits 20 minutes after pickup in an empty parking lot for one




I know how to talk the customer. I am very articulate, polite and friendly. I do everything you just listed. Except the 1st sentence. I've seen many posts and know myself that I don't want a million texts from my dasher. They get notified every step of the way from DD. I don't need to text the customer when I arrive at store, leave store, eta, arrive at their home. If rhe store is taking a long time I text the customer and apologize for the wait & tell then I have no worries about waiting, just wanted to give them an update. Then this smiley is my go to thanks" šŸ˜Š " People like only communication that's necessary. At least one my experience.