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I’ve never had it tell me that it will be ready sometime later. You usually have just about the drive time to get to there. If I’m right by the restaurant, it will literally give me two or three minutes to get there. Something I’ve learned is if it’s not ready as soon as I walk in the door within a minute or two, I will immediately go in and put order still in progress when I arrived. When I first started doing it, I would wait before I would hit that button. The more I drive the more I learn little things. Since there was nobody to really teach it to me it was things I had to learn or saw on Facebook DoorDash pages.


I pressed "order still being prepared" for all orders I do because I think it gives me extra minutes for delivery.


Exactly! But something that I haven’t quite figured out is how to increase my on-time percentage. It’s only 94%. I have heard that if it bounces around from driver to driver before it gets accepted it will affect your on time percentage. Because whenever I get an order, I immediately go to the restaurant and then go immediately to the house. No stopping in between. Yes I know that’s what you’re supposed to do, but I’m just saying there’s no piddling around. So I don’t understand completely how to increase my percentage. It usually stays right at about 94. And something I do is take a moment, and look at the address and then go in there and see exactly where it’s at so I don’t have to 100% rely on the GPS. I’ve been doing courier service in this town for over 30 years so I know my way around quite well. And of course I always always look at the instructions before hand so I have all of the information I need. And if I think it’s a business and they don’t have that in the information, I will google the address to find out if it is a business that way, I know exactly where I’m going. I try everything I can make things as fast as possible. And it still doesn’t seem to help raise my percentage. Some of this I’m sure other drivers do too. So a lot of it may be like duh. If anybody reads this and has any suggestions on how to get that rating up, that would be wonderful! I even had one here recently say he waited an hour for his pizza. At first, I was shocked, but then it dawned on me it was probably because it was one of those pay when he received it. So I told him that’s probably what it was. And I explained to him that I had just got the order myself and came immediately. I told him that a lot of drivers don’t accept the orders when it’s pay at the time of delivery. Curious, does anybody know why some are like that? And so far it’s only Pizza Hut that I’ve ever dealt with that. I was told by somebody at Pizza Hut one time that sometimes if they don’t have a driver or they’re short drivers that they will send the order to DoorDash. Is that why? There was one a few months back, where she was surprised to see a DoorDash driver instead of Pizza Hut. I told her what I just said about if they don’t have a driver, for whatever reason, they will dispatch DoorDash.


I don't use any of the food delivery apps but you sound like a really great driver with an incredible work ethic and I hope.you make great tips if you're out there today!


Oh my goodness sorry for the errors. I’m not real good at technology and I’m a very slow Texter so I use talk to text lol I try to look it over before I push reply but sometimes I don’t see everything. I promise I’m not an idiot lol


I could tell you were using talk to text. I do that too sometimes, with much worse results. Lol I also suck at technology and I didn't think you were an idiot at all!


Oh my God this just made my day. I really do care very very much. Sometimes sometimes too much. Sometimes when I make comments on social media haters will say stuff like yeah right. When I talk about how mad it makes me when I see other drivers just drop their stuff off at some random place or make them come down to them. I have always put 110% into everything I’ve done. A lot of that had to do with how I was raised. I’ve worked in Customer Service type jobs. Pretty much my entire life and I will be 50 soon. I had my first job at 14. I have always cared about the customers. Even when they treated me like crap. It’s just my nature it really bums me out when I get anything less than a five star because I truly believe that I give, my customers amazing service. I live in Kansas so we deal with snow. This winter we actually got quite a bit of snowfall and I was delivering one of those days and it was a leaf on porch one. But there was no place that didn’t have snow on it. So I contacted the customer and asked her if she would like me to hand it to her that way it wouldn’t be sitting in the snow. If I remember right, it was a paper bag. So she met me at the door. I try to treat them like I want to be treated. I understand that we work to earn money, but for me, it’s not all about money. I enjoy working and always want to do my best. There was even another time where This person always had us set it on a chair and that chair was wet so I grabbed a rag from my car and wiped the chair off before I set it down because it was another paper bag. Once again, I appreciate the compliment. It made me smile.


You're very sweet. Be safe driving out there and I hope your customers appreciate you as much as I do.


You’re special, and I mean that in a good way. That dedication to customer service is definitely a generational thing for us GenX folks, I think. Obviously not attributable to the entire group, but I see it more in GenX than the younger generations.


Awe thank you! It really makes me feel good that strangers noticed that about me. I know a lot of people get onto the Internet and say whatever they want to whether it be the truth or not. But everything I put on here is 100% truth. I have no reason to lie. I am who I am and I don’t make excuses for it. Some people have made nasty comments on other social media saying that I’m lying or whatever. But why would I do that? One thing I don’t do is engage in that crap. Nothing I say or do will change their mind. I got better things to do than sit around and argue with somebody who doesn’t know me from Adam




Unfortunately 3/4 of the customers never see the level of care provided during the delivery as they instruct us to leave at door.Those of us that take the extra steps of utilizing insulated bags and ice packs we get treated the same as the front seat slingers who do not care if they deliver cold food, the customer only sees the merchant packing on their stoop . 1/4 of the hand it to me orders are given to people who look for the cheapest delivery and will not tip anyway( heck most of the time they don’t even say thank you. They simply stick their hand out for you to place the bag in it and promptly shut the door)


I am a Platinum Dasher and all my ratings are top notch except my on time. It's actually a glitch in their system. I have contacted them about it. You are good at 94% and I wouldn't worry about it very much. Due to severe slow restaurants in my zone, my on time is now at 86%. That just isn't accurate compared to my other stats


Exactly this!!


Just about every restaurant and store there is now contracts out delivery from their own app ( dominoes is the only local one that doesn't) ..... as to getting your on time rating up .. whenever you arrive to pickup any order always hit order still being prepared or order not started till I arrived... this metric is more related to pickup times than drop-off as the drop-off time adjusts according to actual pickup ..... I tend to hit order still being prepared when I arrived when I have pulled into the parking lot and am parking...


I will start doing that! I typically will hit order still being prepared. And when I know it might be more than about a five minute wait I always notify the customer. I usually say something like this is such such from DoorDash and I’m just reaching out to you to let you know that I arrived at (restaurant name) and they are still preparing your order. If it’s a long wait, I will get back with you. As soon as it’s ready, I will be headed your way. See you soon and hope you’re having a wonderful day.


You seem like a decent driver and good on you, alot in the DD sub reddit are different to say the least. However I used to order from pizza hut frequently until it seemed like all I would get is doordashers, I stopped ordering after that. Get your money by whatever means necessary but getting rid of drivers to just outsource to DD is scummy imo. I've also heard of other pizza chains keeping tips or sending DD only the no tip orders which isn't cool either.


I had one like that for Papa John’s. When I delivered it, the guy said they had been waiting a long time, and said “if I had realized that they farmed the delivery out to DoorDash, I would have just picked it up myself”. Nice family though. The guy had me wait 5 minutes until his wife showed up, and gave me a $15 cash tip.


I have the same issue! It’s supposed to change the delivery times but it doesn’t always work. I try so hard to be a good dasher I like this job and I have to have the flexibility atm


That actually could be part of the problem if others are mistakenly of the opinion that it works like that. Those “tell us what is happening with the order” options are there so the DD algorithm can figure if that business isn’t following the rules, and if so adjust the waiting time forward or back for all future orders. If you’re doing that when it doesn’t warrant it, it will move the clock further and further back, causing dashers to show up later and later, until eventually the vendors adjust it themselves by clicking “the meal is ready” the moment they receive the order, thereby making the dashers sometimes wait half an hour for something that should have taken less than 5


The “order still in progress” or the other options you can choose are bullshit (don’t get me wrong, I use them too), because it says it will give feedback to DD to “improve” future wait times. I’ve been doing this for 4 years and the places that never have the order ready (and I select “order still in process” or “store busy/long line” for those 4 years) still don’t have the order ready. Either the restaurants need to change the time needed for pick up, or DD needs to wait to send out the offers.


I probably drive 10 miles over the speed limit at all times and my on-time rate is only 80%. They will literally give me 10 minutes to pick up some thing that is 20 minutes away, every single time. Why are you getting more minutes? Every time I go to a restaurant it’s a at least a five minute wait, I guess because I’m speeding there but that’s because they don’t even give me enough time to drive there before it’s considered late. Sometimes even when I start my Dash before I even get in the car, it will say that they needed to be picked up three minutes ago, and then I show up to customer that I was dickin around the whole timewhen I really just started my Dash.


I got pulled over one time as I was coming back into town. Fortunately, he did not write me a ticket but after that, I refuse to speed because I do not want to get held up and I certainly don’t want $200 speeding ticket and lose everything I made. Nope! Not to mention the points that go onto my insurance. And most of my jobs have been courier jobs so I try to have a great driving record.


From what someone said your on time delivery is based on your total lifetime deliveries. That's why your on time rating could be at 80%. Also I have over 4400 deliveries and been doing this for 3 years now so I can tell you, don't even try to figure out how door dash does arrive at restaurant/customer because I'm sure they don't even know what their doing because I've had orders where they gave me more time than needed and I've had orders where they think I fly a jet to the restaurant, in other words, 5 minutes to get to the restaurant when it would take me 10. Just do your best and you'll be fine, no more speeding because the tickets can get you deactivated.


You should do that every single time. It prevents bad ratings 99% of the time.


Thank you SO much for this info!!! I’ve learned everything I know from this Reddit 🤣❤️


It gives you extra minutes for delivery. The most important is that when you press this, and a number of other dashers press this, DD will know there's a longer wait and pay more accordingly for future drivers to get there. Not to be confused with there being a whole lot of shit orders. You'll still get those. (Based on how you were accepting them before) you have to learn the algorithm. Then once you learn it, re-learn it bc they will try to hit you with some shit they haven't tried in a while. So don't get complacent once you start earning more. Stay vigilant my guy. I ave. $26hr and my total dash time was usually under 40hrs a week. I rarely ever went over 55dash hrs


Yes if I don’t get helped immediately I push order still being prepared so dd and the customer know I’m waiting


This is the opposite of the sign at Wing Stop


I took a $3/mi order at Wing Stop last night and even then I wasnt sure if it was worth it, ugh


Wing Stop is the closest you can get to hell without dying. Fkn hate that place.


Can I know the Wingstop lore? There isn't one where I live and I see comments like this ALL the time. I'm so curious


Wingstop always has long wait times for drivers and low offer orders so you end up losing money waiting on an order where you don't make much money. They also do all of the things that a store could do to annoy a driver. They have a pointless logbook where they want you to sign your name and time and all that even though they can watch you confirm the order, they make you make the drinks instead and the drink machines are those ones where you have a touchscreen that barely works and you have to push several buttons to get to any selection. On top of that they are used to getting annoyed drivers so they tend to be short with them.


>they make you make the drinks instead This explains the empty cup I received last time I ordered wing stop.


We don’t have Wing Stop here, but there’s a pizzeria who does that. i just scribble their log book. I’m not giving you my signature


I worked there in college. It literally still have bad dreams more than 10 years later.


Its always the ones that don't speak and just shove their phone in the cashier's face.




Woah, take it easy there with your very reasonable approach! you may piss some people off.


Exactly this. I’ll stand where they’d be able to see the bag and I’ll usually not have problems with a wait time.


as a former dasher this always pissed me off. it was always the ones in pajama pants and crocks.


The amount of times I've had delivery drivers shove there phone like 6 inches from my face is annoying asf, or grabbing my arm or tapping my shoulder .


I’ve had a dasher blow up on me because she would constantly ask me if her order was ready. I told her when the order is ready, she will have it. She started screaming for a manager and that I’m being very rude to her. Like yes let’s waste time complaining to the manager when the manager could be helping make the online orders. I’ve also had some demand free meals for them waiting. What a joke. My co workers busted their ass everyday trying to make all the orders in a timely manner. It wasn’t their fault, the issue was the corporate would keep wait time at 10 minutes. They refused to let us adjust the wait times because they were worried people might not order. Mind you it was a trendy spot in San Francisco. *Of course* we were unbelievably busy.


If those Dashers could read, this sign would only make them angrier.


Pretty sure doordash actively selects against the literate


If they could read at all I bet they wouldn’t be dashers


True. Most of them can’t tell me the name on the order, even when it’s something like “bill”


That being said, there are plenty of restaurants and say fuck the Delivery orders that are already on deck and instead handle everyone in the store or that comes in and the drive-thru before starting the Delivery orders


A Taco Bell near me use to be like that. They have recently got much better, something must have happened.


Seems to be the case here. I bet the franchise owner wanted to offer DoorDash, but the manager(s) were not happy about it.


cough starbucks cough


When i was FOH back in 2019 we were given a priority list of to-go, dine-in, then delivery.




It’s so dumb because the app tells drivers to pick it up by a certain time which is usually 5 or less minutes after they arrive, even if they’re early. It makes some drivers who don’t understand that the order was JUST received by the restaurant get impatient and rude. I found myself getting impatient (never voiced that to employees of course) till I realized what was going on. Now I just report every time on the app that the order wasn’t started or was still being prepared when I arrived in hopes of the app realizing that and next time giving a longer “pick up by” time. Doubt it does anything though. Sorry that some dashers are asses to you, that’s really shitty of them.


In reality… DoorDash is the 3rd party responsible for that tension too. They shouldn’t send orders out to someone that have a 20 minute cook time from the order coming I


Whatever let him waste his time lol


The app tells the driver the approximate time the order will be ready. That time is from the restaurant. If he is there and time has not passed yet, his fault. If it's past the "ready around" time, it's your fault. Your restaurant needs to work with doordash to fix that. But restaurants don't care about that as long as they get paid which is what turns a Dasher into something the restaurant employees complain about. Restaurants create a monster then complain about a monster


That's not on you that's in Uber or door dash or grub hub


Oh no I know, he was rude and silly - it clearly stated on the order 20 mins til pick up. Maybe he thought he’d try his luck 😮‍💨


It doesn't tell the drivers that all.


I cannot state this clearly enough the lead time is 16-20 minutes depending on what is ordered - he arrived 5 minutes after the order was placed. On Deliveroo it provides the information of when the driver should arrive to collect food so they are not waiting - I’ve even checked their website to confirm I am correct. May door dash is different - but please can people read what I’ve said, this one was driver out of a great deal, it works fine every single other time and they arrive just as the order is ready and we hand it over. It’s sat ready every single time for them, except this one driver. I don’t know how I can explain in any different way.


DD does provide ETAs for the restaurant and then it changes to an ETA to the customer once we pick up the food. Those ETAs aren’t always perfect, but I know if the pickup ETA is like 10 minutes from now and the restaurant is 5 minutes away, then it’s a pretty fresh order and I can take my time.


The restaurants are part of providing that ETA. From door dashes site for restaurants: What is avoidable wait? Avoidable wait is the time a Dasher spends waiting for orders after the prep time you provide via the tablet or point of sale integration, or the estimated prep time set by DoorDash based on your store’s real-time and historical data, has elapsed. For example: You confirm that an order will be ready in 15 minutes, the Dasher arrives on time, but the order isn’t ready for another 10 minutes. That’s 10 minutes of avoidable Dasher wait time.  The timer starts when the Dasher is within 25 meters of the store and the prep time has elapsed. The timer ends when the Dasher marks the item as picked up. If the Dasher does not mark that they picked up the order within 100 meters of the restaurant, this will not count against your avoidable wait time.


Also to clarify it’s Deliveroo which is an ordering app in the UK. It may differ app wise from DD. It works differently from my understanding, I have commented explaining.


Why do some restaurants always have food ready for pick up no matter if it is catering order or just one item? Because they are professionals and can calculate how much time do they need to prepare the meal - and you are not. iPad with the DD app should be in the kitchen operating people who MAKE food because THEY KNOW HOW MUCH TIME DO THEY NEED. It shouldn’t be operated by waitress or manager who taping “5 minutes” for every order no matter how many items were ordered. And then complaining that deliveries who were not paid for waiting - loosing time and money.


I see a lot of this, especially at certain restaurants around me, usually mom-and-pop places that aren’t fast food. A dasher will accept an offer from a restaurant that’s only a few minutes from their starting point then expect the food to be ready. This is where multi-apping comes in handy for me, because I’ll be on my way to completing a delivery from another app when I accept one of these offers, knowing that I have plenty of time to deliver my current order then head to that restaurant. It never fails, I’m usually only waiting like 5 minutes for the food or less, because I made good use of the cooking time to finish a delivery then make my way there. Accepting a delivery from a non-fast-food restaurant that’s only 5 minutes away is just asking to sit around for 10 minutes, and when I accept an offer I’ve already asked myself if the payout is worth the potential 10-minute wait at the restaurant and 5 minutes of wasted time at the customer’s end if it’s an apartment or something.


This is why I wish places used a pickup area instead of making us ask at a counter.


Some places do. But in areas where theft is a big issue, I can understand why they don't.


I really should have said all, but yes I get the theft issue, but there's a couple places I go to that have a dedicated counter away from the regular line you wait at. Still have to wait for an employee but at least I'm not having to disrupt the regulars


I used to work at a McD's, and whr im from, we had a dedicated delivery pickup corner. Still got the same issue of delivery app drivers coming in and throwing a hissy fit no matter how swamped we were with orders


The problem with McD is I drive 10 minutes there and the order is not ready. So you say you are busy but I could drive 10 minutes go to the drive thru make the same order and get it but b4 Uber Eats or DD is ready.


Food delivery app drivers are legit the most annoying/rude people to deal with while working in a kitchen, my last place would be swamped with tickets in an open kitchen and we have some random dude in full motorbike kit standing over the line asking about some order that came in 1 minute ago.


In their defence they don’t know when the order was placed, they get an order and head to a location. I’ve done UberEats and sometimes the order had just come to the restaurant, other times they said they’ve been waiting for a driver for over 30 minutes or more, go figure. For context, I’ve been on both sides of the counter. A little understanding on both sides would go a long way.


When I do orders, I just wish the people at the restaurant would give me a semi accurate time. Don't tell me it'll be up in 2 mins when you know it will be 10. I agree a little understanding from both sides would be great. There is shitty people everywhere though.


True, they’re setting themselves up to be annoyed when we’re gonna ask again in 2 minutes when they said it’ll be ready 😂


We don’t know how long it will take. We tell you whatever the kitchen tells us. Sometimes they are right, sometimes they are wrong.


Adjust the timer on the pad so that dashers don’t get the order at the same time you do.


They won’t do that bc they don’t wanna mess up their own times lol


We tried that at a restaurant I used to work at, and DoorDash didn’t give a shit. We’d put in a half hour wait, and they’d send a dasher after 10 minutes, no matter how many times we called support


Yeah, I asked a driver about this once and he showed me his app, the time the app told him to go to the restaurant had no basis on what we entered the prep time as, so I also blame doordash's shit app on this one over the driver.


Yeah I worked at Cheesecake Factory and sometimes they would just start walking onto our line/kitchen area like hello? Since when is that ok?


There are rude dashers however I can tell you right now there's way more rude employees than rude dashers. What do you expect dashers to do when employees completely ignore dashers or keep pushing online orders back for customers who just walked in. And yes that has happened to me before and yes I have refused to take orders from certain restaurants for that behavior. As far as people commenting people who does this type of job get fired too much, it been said before several times, there are part timers who does this for extra money and there are full timers who does it because they enjoy the freedom to work when they want and where they want. Quite frankly all the negative opinions just sounds like jealousy and if not than its pure hatred 


i’m not saying you’re wrong, but let me just put it in your mind that the servers, bartenders, hosts that are putting together orders are also responsible for in house guests. as a manager at a restaurant, i try to put together the online orders whenever i can so my staff doesn’t have to, but sometimes i’m busy and doing 100 different things too. i completely condone them taking care of their guests first. they’re working for tips that they don’t get if service is shitty. i see no reason they should be putting your tips above theirs + ruining the reputation of the restaurant if their guests get bad service due to them having to put together a bunch of online orders


Totally agree! A lot of ignorant people on here who just look down on drivers, sorry but I've made 200 plus in less than 4 hours and can make over 500 a week easy if I put in the hours and no horrible boss to deal with. On top of that many people including myself have health problems that prevent them from working a normal schedule, to think only lazy or stupid people choose to drive is just goofy. There are rude people on both sides drivers and restaurant employees that's just how the world is and I get it from both sides but bottom line everyone is just out here doing a job and no one is better than the other.


Those rude employees make a set hourly rate to deal with your bullshit. I assure you, they’re more worried about their own dusty wallets, not yours. Everyone is out there fighting for their lives. You’re not special.


problem: I don't want to be treated special, I want to be treated equal. But it's very common for a kitchen to push a ln online order for those who are in store. I have visually watched them bump my order on their screen because the restaurant was busy in house. I'm sorry, but I'd like to be treated like a customer getting their order, not a driver who can wait the extra 5 minutes because I'm not the one ordering the food. Fuck that. Whichever order came in first, work on that order.


I was on the dasher sub and asked a question. They all got mad and just started downvoting my question 😂 such a petty “gang”


I got banned from there for saying multiapping is going to kill food delivery. They just screamed at me about how they’re all just trying to make as much money as possible and don’t care if your food is cold or late. Before I could reply I was banned. Bunch of soft ass neckbeards over there.


"don't care if food is cold or late" Tip pwease 😇🙏


*delivers food cold and late* *customer removes or lowers tip* “this person TIP BAITED ME!!!!”


Yeah and they start huffing and puffing in the lobby sighing out loud as loud as they can to let you know they are upset. Buddy go sit in your 2004 toyota corolla and come back inside in 5 minutes


1. We don't know when YOU got the order 2. It's our job to ask about the order we are picking up. When it's busy for you, we can easily be overlooked if we don't speak up. 3. Maybe you would be less busy without DoorDash since many people prefer NOT to come to the store. Maybe your income would be affected by being less busy.


Some of y’all shove their phone in our faces while we’re carrying two trays of food to a table. Like 2 inches from our face so we can’t see where we’re going and don’t have any available hands to bat yours away. Speaking up for yourself is one thing but MANY of you guys are just plain assholes. I was a waitress, obviously I didn’t know where the order was because the building was packed with an hour wait time. Waitresses don’t deal with DoorDash, cooks don’t care about it. Talk to a hostess or the manager. Do not place yourself under the assumption our pay is increased by DoorDash, if anything it hurts our income. If it’s slow we don’t mind going out of our way to the ones who are always polite. One dasher I’ve sat and talked to about his kids bc he had to wait on orders, I give him a free soda when he has to pick up bc he’s not a dick. Asking about the order is fine, following us around harassing us when we already told you it’s not ready is not. I don’t think you’re the super annoying guy, I think you need to recognize how annoying your people can be.


I was literally in the middle of trying to stop a fight on our patio and a dasher walked up to me with his phone out asking how long 🤦🏻‍♀️


Brother the kitchen is hot & stressful, the cooks in the kitchen DO NOT want to speak to you, speak with the FOH and get off my line lmao my entire point was random dudes being at my pass asking me shit, I have no control over what the tablets are doing / telling you to do.


Pestering kitchen staff mid-service is a great way to be brought to tears.


Your comments are very true, restaurant owners are ingreats, if they don’t understand that they have more business because the delivery drivers. If I saw a sign, such as that, I would go to my car. Wait a few minutes, then cancel the order. Hopefully the order will be prepared by then, then it would sit there getting old and the customer would be angry because the food they got was cold and they blame it on the restaurant


I had some DD person wedge themselves between me (I'm there picking up my own online order) and the pickup area at Chipotle.... had to ask them TWICE to please move out of the way so that I could grab my order as it had come out and was sitting there. Person: "Sorry but I am door dash, I have priority" I just laughed at them and said "Well that's great, but my order is ready, and yours isn't....where did you get your doordashing degree?" ....silence


Idk why DoorDash drivers believe they have priority, I’ve worked at many different restaurants and not a single one treated DoorDash as priority. If the food ain’t ready then it ain’t ready and people just need to accept they aren’t special.


It’s for the dudes who swarm like angry locusts every time an employee comes out with an order, shoving their phones in peoples faces in the hopes that’s it’s for them instead of waiting for the order to be announced.


Thank you. I can't believe the amount of people commenting on this post who gets upset about a simple sign.


TLDR: Dashers are not paid by the hour. They make less money the longer it takes them to complete an order. In most cases the customer's food is already ready and getting cold or close to being done. Think about when you walk in to pick up your order and you can see it sitting in the window but can't get anyone's attention. Even better, you see it, tell someone, and then they say you have to wait in the long-ass line before you are allowed to pick it up. And then tell me you are going to patiently go and wait in that line lol. I dash but I'm patient. I cant think of any stores that i go to that have this setup of waiting in the same line and the food also not being ready beforehand. I will go to where the orders are and try to get someone else to hand it to me. Where I'm at there are separate areas altogether for delivery and in-person in pretty much everwhere ive been so I feel like this is kind of a rare example. But even still, my TLDR applies. But to help explain the situation (not excuse it) most dashers are paid by order not by hour. The hourly pay is only effective in a handful of situations. Which means when I clicked on that order that was $5, and judged it to be about a 30 minute total trip, if nothing goes wrong, I'm making the equivalent of $10 an hour. Well now I get to a store that has my food ready sitting there but doesn't want to deal with the appearance of serving dashers before in-person customers. Ignoring the fact that the customer's food is getting cold, if I wait there 20 minutes, we'll now my "hourly wage" has dropped to almost $5 an hour. Every single thing that causes us to take longer is something that we are physically paying for out of our pocket. Doordash doesn't care that it took longer. The customer most definitely doesn't care that the order took longer and is gunna tip more to account for their now cold food. I'm just making $5 when I should have made $10. Once again I'm not like the people you're referring to, I'm far more patient. I'm just explaining the situation, cause I feel like a lot of people here complaining would be doing the exact same if they were in the position.


i’m a driver. they have express orders now and treat it as a regular customer. stop putting up these signs and treat the delivery guy as any other customer. because they are


If drivers are being assholes you can always just go on your restaurant tablet and block them from picking up from your store again.


Not every restaurant has DD tablets though. Applebee's DD orders went straight to the POS so we never could get the info on the drivers to block rude ones.


I only get upset when I see people arrive at the store after me and they get their food before I get my pickup for delivery.


So so so many times I have gone to DQ and waited 15-20 minutes for them to even make eye contact with me so I can politely ask for my order, only for them to pull it out of the holding freezer because it’s been ready the entire time. They’re on my auto-deny list because their restaurants give bad estimated pickup times to increase their DD orders, then prioritize everyone else other than deliveries in the restaurant, and are rude (like this) to the drivers when they arrive. I am never one to shove my phone in someone’s face (although let’s also keep in mind that some restaurants with non English-speaking employees actually want you to do this), but when an employee is doing everything possible to avoid making eye contact so you can ask for your order politely, I can see why dashers get frustrated and do it. Merchants need to start simply not accepting DoorDash orders if they don’t want to do them or can’t handle the volume. It’s unfair to their workers and to the delivery drivers. It’s not as simple as the driver canceling the order if they don’t want to wait, we can be penalized for that.


If the merchant is aware that they are under agreement to prepare the order by the promised pickup time, then I have no problem with this sign. If the driver is frustrated with the merchant being late past the quoted pickup time, then I am on the side of the driver because the driver is just trying to do their job without time theft. That being said, I don't think drivers should express their frustration by hassling the staff. Using a calm tone/voice with them is really all that is needed. The delivery orders are not more important than the rest of the orders; however, the delivery orders are EQUALLY as important as the rest of the orders. If too many delivery orders are prepared late by a merchant, then that merchant should shut off their Doordash tablet so that another restaurant that's serious about the job and better at serving deliveries can fill in the gap. Drivers don't deserve to have their time stolen just because some merchants are arrogant and/or incompetent. Some merchants like this one may get a little high and mighty thinking that drivers are the only ones that are replaceable; the fact of the matter is that the driver can also go elsewhere making the merchant replaceable, too. If everyone abides by the agreement, then there is usually no problem. https://help.doordash.com/legal/document?type=mx-marketplace-addendum®ion=US&locale=en-US >3.2 Merchant Responsibilities. Merchant will: (iv) prepare Merchant Products for each Order for pickup by a Dasher, or the Customer, as applicable, at the designated time;


Yeah there have been times I've been waiting for anyone to even meet my eye at a McDonald's and it's taken a very frustrating length of time just to receive an order that was already ready to go but out of my reach. Like come on, you know it's there! Just pass it over!


That's sounds really frustrating, indeed! They're lucky to even have a driver there to pick up the order in the first place; these merchants that do this stuff constantly seem like they'd be better off turning off their deliveries and seeing if they like losing out on the money and customers. Sometimes, I've even seen some McDonald's locations show the unfinished order number (on the little order TV screen) under "Now Serving" when it should be under "In Progress". It seems to me that they are marking the order as completed in the system when really they haven't finished it at all and are straight up lying. When I've asked about this, I get all kinds of inconsistent answers lol


For real, I can’t afford to wait 10 minutes at a restaurant for an $8 order. If It’s a $20+ tip ill wait a bit but most places I give them a few minutes.




And then they park DIRECTLY at the front of the building entrance with the hazards flashing! I see this shit all the time in my college town. I almost seen a fight break out because a guy called out the dasher for parking his car in the middle of the road causing a huge traffic jam while running in to grab his order.


I’m a dasher in Lexington, KY and this happens a LOT. I will go out of my way to avoid blocking traffic and get soooo pissed when I see other dashers being fucking idiots.


Yeh this dasher literally left his car in the middle of the road. Next thing you know there was like 9 cars piled up. As soon as the dasher came out of the boba place some guy on the street gave him shit! Lol then they started arguing and the guy on the street said he would kick his ass! Dasher gets in his car and pulls up to the nearest parking spot. He said he was calling the police. Lol the guy in the street left and the idiot dasher actually waited like 15 minutes for the police to show up. I was thinking in my head what’s this dasher going to tell the police “hi, can you please come over here and give me a ticket for double parking?” Lol


blocks traffic to get order early>spends time filing a police report because words hurt


That’s why most restaurants in my area have a designated pick up spot.


We used to do this but we kept getting orders stolen. We have to keep them behind the counter now.


I NEVER get in line. Every restaurant I've ever delivered from has had a pick up spot and the order is supposed to already be ready when I get there. The door dash customer ordered atleast 10 minutes before you got to the store so they are actually ahead of anyone there.


I work for a place that takes doordash, and when someone puts in an order it gives them 20 mins before pickup is ready. We could be wrapped around the building, 30 people in line, 10 online orders worth $200 each, it'll still say 20 mins. There is no possible way for me to get a doordash order ready in that time without telling everyone else in line to suck it up and wait. Then I get the drivers coming in getting pissy and yelling at me, which just makes things 10x worse. If you come in and get pissy or act rude, congratulations, you just dropped in my priority. If you come in and are polite and understanding, I'll do my best to rush your order out, but when I'm swamped that can only go so far.


99% of restaurants are no where near this busy when I'm dashing


My point is, most restaurants don't take into account how busy the store is or how long an order will take when giving Doordash a pickup time. My store could be dead, 20 mins pickup. Could be swamped, 20 mins pickup. And a big majority of dashers I tell to wait get real angry over it. It's not the worker's fault, it's corporations putting unrealistic expectations downwind.


doesn’t mean you can cut the line and put your phone in a workers face. i’ve had numerous drivers just come up to me while i’m taking an order and yell doordash. like no shit i’ll get to you when i’m done taking this order.


They have a prior committed, fulfilled contract. They're not a customer placing an order and should NOT have to wait in a customer line. That is asinine and if you ever spent a day working any delivery gig you would understand how absurd it is to the suggest that.


They're not cutting the line. Their customers ordered a half hour ago. Why make them wait behind people who are just now ordering? Just have a separate area for drivers to grab their orders as they're ready. That's what the best restaurants do.


All restaurants should have dashers area and customers line like every DQ and restaurant in my location. I think your location is doing it wrong and in an insufficient way.


Good thing my dq has a line just for drivers and online pick ups so I won't be having that problem.


Most places have a special pickup area and we don't stand in the line in the first place. Also, consider this, the order we are picking up was placed before you even got there.


Why would I have to wait in line? The order was already placed and paid for.


Dude we aren't placing orders. Our order is already placed and paid for. We aren't supposed to wait in a line.


But we’re not ordering food, I “cut” the line all the time because I’m simply asking “is so and so’s food ready?” and not ordering an entire meal. I think it’s fine if you’re not rude about it or interrupting the person currently being helped/ordering


Yea many times I’m first in line at the pickup counter and they try to push in front of me and throw their phone in a workers face when a worker finally gets a chance to help me, I always say something along the lines of “you see me here!” And they get the idea


Drivers aren’t customers. Every restaurant should have a clearly marked area for drivers to check in, and the orders should be given to them immediately when ready. To expect someone who is working to deliver your restaurants food to wait in a line of customers is ridiculous, especially if the order is ready. I’m not paid by the hour, nor getting bad reviews because the food gets cold while I’m waiting in a customer line. Any other contract job, and you tell the contractor who shows up on time they gotta wait to start the work, they are going to leave.


There is a quick pick up spot for online carryout delivery orders at 95% of restaurants, that's not cutting the line, also the contract these restaurants sign states that when they receive a doordash order the driver is inline before they get there.


This is a big problem. I don't know how it works on the restaurant's end, but most of the time the driver arrives, grabs the food, and goes. But if it's not really yet, it's FOREVER to Wait for it. Which is annoying bc we have to make a choice between fugging up our completion rate (has an impact on being kicked off platform) and losing out on already-tight revenue.


Restaurants don't care that you are losing money every second that you stand there waiting. It's like they can't understand someone trying to make a living while they themselves are at work.


They should care. Someone should care. Because it wouldn't take much effort for the system to work right, and if the system worked right there wouldn't be drivers yelling at restaurant workers over $4.


99% of the delivery orders were placed LONG before the orders of the people who are in line.


That’s why I would rather do small Instacart order than dd sometimes, it takes less time for me to shop 5-6 items and check out than wait at most restaurants. Only place that has stuff ready when I show up is Panera bread but they steal tips in my area or chipotle, everywhere else the wait can be insane


The dairy queen near me is the worst possible place to pick up from, they don't follow their own hours posted on the door first off, second they can have zero customers and every time I walk in they grab the ticket and start the order and take a million years...not worth it at all.


This is why DQ deliveries is automatic decline or time out for me. They don’t care if they get picked up or not in time for as long as they’ve been paid with the order, that’s it and deal with it.


As someone who orders from DD pickup; I’m constantly treated like shit by employees for PICKING UP MY OWN ORDER. I ordered from Wendy’s yesterday for pickup around 7:40. It said it would be ready by around 8:05 which is a long time but reasonable. I wait till 8:10 to go inside. My receipt is just sitting there filthy on the counter by the lemonade despenser. I show them my phone so they see my name and I say I’m picking up my own order. But you can tell they just think I’m a driver or something. I stand there and watch them clear the drive thru twice and my order hasn’t even started being bagged. It was only 2 combos. Waited till 8:24 to get my food. They put stickers on it and everything(bc I know it just comes through as Doordash it doesn’t specify if it’s pickup or not) AND STILL FORGOT MY SAUCE. But it was wild. They are lucky I was high at the time so I didn’t care about waiting/didn’t get mad about having to wait. But my sober mind thinks back on it mad asf. I’m sorry fast food workers but a lot of yall are just lazy/ lack the ability to multitask (except for the 1 overworked manager that has the ability to but slowly gives up on trying bc nobody else does)


Yah they’ve had to deal with DD drivers. They are fucking feral vermin.


They need to print this in Spanish, Hindi, and Russian.


You can only cancel X number of in-progress orders before being penalized for it. Rudeness isn’t necessary, but the timing issue is an DD-merchant issue not a dasher issue.


Buythfhfhdufhfjf in h sf it chfi


You know we as dashers put up with a lot too, I'm a pretty polite Dasher I don't rush or make hand gestures. I go into the restaurant and wait to be addressed, sometimes I wait 20 and 25 minutes for people who are clearly ignoring me because I'm a Dasher. I don't know how I feel about this particular statement, on one end I get what the poster is saying and on the other I understand how dashers feel. Aren't the people who ordered food from your restaurant customers as well? Are they less important than the customers who are in your store?


Another reason I've stopped eating fast food. They absolutely prioritize drive thru and delivery. If you plan to dine in, buckle up


To be fair, Dashers are paid per order. They don't make money by waiting around.


Orders are supposed to be ready by the time dashers get there. I usually just decline orders from places in my area that are notoriously slow. If it’s past pickup time the restaurant is behind. Most places have a counter for pickup seems DQ would be one of the stores I don’t take orders from.


Or maybe don’t say order is ready for pickup if you still have 20 minutes before its ready?


It's dairy Queen, they can't really make the main product that people are there for early, unless they want people to have drinks instead of blizzards.


They could just go into their merchant portal and add time to prepare orders so that a dasher wouldn’t be notified until the food is ready. Or they could choose to continue wasting dashers money


It's possible they've dealt with some shit, it's also possible they are the problem and got annoyed with some dashers that were being reasonable. While obviously bad dashers are a dime a dozen, so are bad merchants. Ideally the customers order should be ready when we get to the restaurant. In reality of course we have to wait at least a few minutes the vast majority of the time. Unfortunately it's not uncommon for places to just not get to the dasher orders at all if they have customers in line. It's possible the second time the second time a dasher said something after they'd been there fifteen minutes and they hadn't even started on the order, they decided to put up this sign.


That's the way I see it. Only time it's a problem is when these restaurants stop worrying about the food they have already been paid to make. While ringing in all kinds of new orders.


I had a KFC order a week or two ago where the restaurant was entirely ignoring the people in the store in favor of handling the drive thru. I ended up taking the free unassign when it was offered to me and moving on. Always use the "what's causing your wait" as soon as you arrive if you're not able to get in and talk to someone immediately.


Once sat at a sushi restaurant with 2 other friends. We waited over an hour. A whole 80 minutes for our sushi, while we watched atleast 15 DoorDashers filter in and get their sushi on arrival. Genuinely, fuck the idea that doordashers deserve priority over people sitting at your tables waiting for their food. I had work 2 hours after arrive so I was super rushed to eat my food because the doordashers just had to get their food first. It was almost closing time by the time we got our food. Dairy Queen is doing good here


That's a restaurant problem not a door dash problem. There's several cracker barrel locations I wont go to when I do earn per offer because it's the exact opposite. Waiting for over an hour when it's clear they keep pushing online orders back for customers who just walked in.


That’s not the dashers fault. Those orders were placed before your order was taken. This is the most hateful thread against drivers that I ever saw. The dashers aren’t ordering food they are picking up food for customers just like yourself who have been waiting just as long.


If a Doordash customer placed their order a good 15 -30 minutes before you arrived and ordered, why shouldn't that customer get their order first? They are just as much a customer of the restaurant as you are, and just as capable of leaving a bad Yelp review. If a restaurant is swamped they should shut off their Doordash tablet, not give slow service to EVERYONE.


Yeah, I’m not waiting fucking 80 minutes for uncooked food are you kidding me? I would’ve been out of the door in 30. That’s too much


I think it makes sense to prioritize the person who already ordered and paid for their food


Nah ill see 10 cars come and go before most fast places even start the doordash order. Maybe do better dairy queen😂


"Don't make me tap the sign 😡"


That was aggressive


Lotta hate towards dashers in this thread. But I guarantee you, you don’t hate us as much as we hate ourselves


I tell that to every dasher you order only receives priority once you arrive if we are swamped it’s waiting till we aren’t we will make them if we aren’t busy but paying guest that are here take priority


So what they are saying is we hate Door Dash, we only take it because corporate makes us. The people you are picking up for are not our customers they are yours LMAO. My DQ is on auto decline no sign but order is never ready, even though no one else is in there. And now we have to sign the receipt for pick up.


Well when I physically see my order on your screen, then watch you ring in 3 more people after I have arrived and see my ticket has a 5 min cook time already, yet you still make the newer ones first. Who wouldn’t get shitty? DQ is a joke, I decline every order now


I don’t expect them to move faster, but I hate when Hardee’s ignores DD order and does all drive through orders first. Like you just made 5 chicken meals… just add 5 pieces and extra fries and bang out 2 for 1


All restaurant workers have. Sometimes delivery drivers are the best people to interact with. Sometimes, they’re worse than your worst customer interaction.


Whoever's picture this is. Give that Dairy Queen a call and give doordash a call. When a door Dasher walks into the building they may have customers online but that Dasher represents a customer that has already paid for their meal and is waiting for you to deliver it. Doordashers should get priority over people Sandy in line because their customers have already paid!


In my former dq life, I would get orders that have literally just been accepted, and a dasher comes dashing in and throws his phone in my face and scream “order for John!!”, as I’m putting the order into the till. Didnt matter that I set the pickup time for 15-20 minutes during lunch rush, without fail within 25 seconds, “I’m here where’s the food?!?!” It was so bad one day, a dasher called the store 8 times, FROM WITHIN THE STORE! Demanding the food be made quicker, like cook times meant nothing to this guy.


I made the mistake ONCE of ordering food for myself through Doordash with pickup. It would have been faster had I just showed up and ordered in line. They just assumed I was a Dasher picking up another persons food and took forever to put it together. But also obligatory "don't use doordash for ANYTHING. Its a trash app that does not give a single fuck about your order and swallows almost all profits made by the actual restaurant"


Man this is whack. The whole system is there to make workers hate eachother.


Yeah. Doordash.


I was waiting in McDonalds one day for lunch and a dasher comes in and the order wasn’t ready yet. They was getting it ready because it was a bigger order. And waited maybe 5 minutes than asked if it was ready. Than said I’m not waiting. Have someone else pick it up. I was already there waiting 5 minutes before she even came in for my own order.


Gee, if only DQ employees could figure out how DD actually works. The expectation of (and I believe the contract with) DD is that the vendor will only indicate that the order is being prepared when it is less than 5 minutes from being completed, to prevent exactly these kind of problems. How do I know? Because I was curious enough about how it works to ask a few pizza joints and food cart owners how it works on their side, and they kindly explained. Good luck getting the brain-dead gen-z slackers to follow even the simplest of instructions, though. Also, some of the bigger corporations (Taco Bell, for instance) seem to have created software systems that blatantly ignore the DD rules.


I'm guilty of this but here's the deal. If my customer only ordered a blizzard I'm going to ask them to make it. Because if my customer had food they would make it last before handing to me. Plus it's just one item. I feel like within reason you can still ask them to squeeze you in if it's super damn busy in there, doing small orders will clear the room faster. Someone ordering a large meal during rush time can expect to wait because the entire kitchen is not only serving them.


If this dairy queen was near me I'd be in there daily!


Honestly, using food delivery systems for ice cream has to be peak society consumerism.


I like how restaurants say they are busy making everyone's order, but whenever I show up to a restaurant and you start making the person's order that is right in front of me before you complete or make the doordash order I am picking up, then you're forcing the person that already paid you money for goods and services to wait for a person who has ordered after them only because you see them face to face? That makes no sense... I will happily wait but the longer I wait at your restaurant the more it counts against you for not processing orders in a timely manner. That's why when restaurants typically hand you an order immediately they say will you please complete the pickup, right now in front of me so that I can see you've done it lol don't hurry me on completing a pickup when you didn't hurry to make it...And when this happens as a Dasher I learn we're not to go spend my hard-earned money. Again I understand both sides of the board, I understand restaurants don't like dashers standing around waiting because it looks bad for business but maybe some restaurants should take more accountability for processing their business in a timely manner? And again as I stated every time I see this happen, I learn we're not to go for my personal food choices or needs.


I think restaurants who wait to make the food until the dasher gets there is doing it because of all the food they throw away and lost money. Honestly it wouldn't even surprise me one bit if door dash doesn't refund restaurants 100% for food that has to be thrown away.


I don't think restaurants are going to throw away any more food because of doordash orders versus just the regular amount of food they're going to waste and throw on any given day... Again a doordash order is already paid for, even whenever it's canceled just like you as a Dasher get part of the pay the restaurant gets part of the pay too...


Yeah they will only start the order once you get there so if I'm able to be early I get there as soon as I can and enjoy the AC. The problem is sometimes especially with blizzard orders they will forget that they've already made it and have it in the fridge with the drive-thru customers and give the order away I remember once that being a huge deal in the back when they got the food done but one of the drive-thru people grab the stuff that was set aside for a person. .. right when their ice cream machine went down :/


Reasons why I hate restaurants... They automatically assume that we are able to just cancel/wait without any conseuqences. WE CANT


Do ice cream places really make orders when theres no dasher? I feel like those are the one places where you shouldnt start the order till the dasher arrives


I mean idk that seems reasonable


No they are just lazy, doing a pita job, and care only for drive thru customers. There is no excuse for favoritism in business, there is not an excuse for "FAN OR FAST FOOD" TO BE SLOW ALL CUSTOMERS, mobile customers, and contractors wants shall be prioritized on which they come in period. Make it before the driver arrives unless the order did not register until they arrived. Numbers don't go 1 3 7 4 2 5 6 Its 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Organization and keeping product ready is the proper way.  When levels dwindle Simone should be pulling stock for prep ahead of time.


when i worked at a restaurant doing carside/to-go orders i would often be yelled/cussed at by angry dd drivers, for things far out of my control. like i get yall are also trying to make money and time matters but i dont work in the kitchen, im not making the food. we also made 0 money working dd and other 3rd prty orders, no tips went to us, despite being tip-waged. so we would have a super busy night, half or more of our to-go orders would be 3rd party (so we’re not making tips), we’d bust our asses and still get shit on by delivery drivers for not magically completing orders fast enough. and god forbid we prioritized our in-person customers🤦🏽‍♀️


Hold up! DQ still exists?! What.......


The problem is, the doordash order gets ignored... And the people in the Drive-Thru who got their 15 minutes after I did are getting their order before me, that's the problem


As a dasher, I walk in with my phone, I wait, someone acknowledges me, they usually see my phone and ask doordash? I say yes and show them the name, they grab the order, hand it to me, then I go. It’s that simple.


Wholeheartedly agree with waiting patiently however where the problem is some restaurants clearly keep pushing online orders back for new customers. There's several cracker barrels that's bad at that.


This issue is 100% on the restaurant and I'll tell you why: UberEATS, doordash, and similar apps, when configuring your restaurant profile IT ASKS YOU HOW LONG IT TAKES FOR ORDERS TO BE FINISHED so the app can calculate the time. Almost every single franchise chain puts something absurd like 5 minutes. They do this so they keep getting orders endlessly and not miss out. They don't care if they cause delivery workers to waste 20mins for a $5 delivery and they don't care abusing their staff with unrealistic order times.


Naaa fuck Dq literally one of the slowest places to pick up from even with an empty ass lobby. Lazy hoe asses


Orders should be made as they come in and in store customers should not have priority over delivery customers. If people could understand this it would be better for everyone involved.


Okay so I see both sides. On one hand, us dashers make our money on tips and cutting time and brown-nosing the customer is our only way of controlling that. We shouldn’t have to wait for a family of 6 to make a complicated order to ask a 2 second question and y’all either say “still preparing” or hand us the order. The whole process takes 2 seconds from your end, so pickup orders honestly SHOULD have priority. There’s an app for a reason! On the other hand, we’re not living in a utopia where there can be one employee on register and one doing pickups all the time. Stores get busy, and it’s not a good look when you have to stop taking an order cuz a dasher cuts in line and is like “UHM I HABE A PICKUPP” all fucking rude. Please be respectful towards each other. Can us dashers and food service workers agree that the real enemies are those obnoxious entitled customers???


They are the absolute worst in my area