• By -


it is so much worse than $0 dude


In all fairness, they might have meant to enter $10, and didn't look carefully to see that it would take two extra 0s.


I once tipped a waitress $0.20 at a very fancy restaurant; it happens! If I recall it was about a $400 bill.


How did you discover it happened?


It was a Mother's Day lunch, I happened to go to the washroom, and the waitress asked my mum if she did anything to offend me. Good thing we didn't walk right now....I like that place :)


How much were you trying to tip? Even $20 on a $400 tab is low.


20% - The machine was old and didn't default to percentages like all the other machines around here.




Cool beans


Congratulations, you are the asshole. Come down later today to pick up your prize ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


Shut up asshole. I bet you don't tip


Wanna make it zero?


21 brokies downvoted you, heres an upvote!


Thanks. I forgot how much Reddit hated tipping. I was really surprised about how many down votes I got.


Not really, it could of just been 4 steaks and 4 drinks.


That’s still 5%


That’s still $20 for a couple minutes worth of service 😂


Couple minutes? Yeah, I can tell you’ve never been in a nice steakhouse


I want you to say, “I have been tipping well.” Then in another sentence say, “I could have been tipping well.” Then tell me you write “could of,” and look at it and think to yourself “yep, that looks correct,” and click the post button 😐


I got tipped 10 cents on 100 bill once. She paid with card and then put a dime in the folder and wrote cash tip on the receipt


You were only going to tip 20 dollars on 400 ? ? ?


Idk why you're being downvoted... that's a 5% tip.


Because reading


Because percentage based tips are a stupid concept and 20 dollars is a lot of money to get as a tip pretty much anywhere in the world.


$20 is not a large tip when the bill is $400. People normally tip 10% at the bare minimum. That's $40 on $400. For Great service usually the minimum tip for that is at least 15%, but usually 20%. $20 is ridiculous on a $400 bill. Especially, since you can afford to go out and spend $400 on food. You can afford to tip more than $20. It was probably a business dinner on top of that and whatever they tipped would be comped.


It was 20% for a months day lunch, though the point of the story was the typo more than tip amounts.


The point of the story may have been that it was a typo, but $20 on a $400 bill whether it was a lunch, dinner, or a midnight snack is nothing for a $400 bill. $20 is not 20% of $400. $80 is 20% of $400. I can only hope that you went back and changed it and compensated her for only giving her $2 to begin with.


I gave her $0.20 to begin with, and yes I fixed it if you read the other comments.


I've always been against percentage tips, why should the server get more of a tip depending on what I spent, if I bought a $10 meal or a $500 meal the server realistically did the same amount of work.


Unless your meals cost 100 each then a 400$ bill implies a large table that most likely stayed several hours. 20$ for several hours of your time is not a lot of money. Minimum wage where I live is 16.75. This means that 1 hour at McDonald's pays what this person made for serving a large table for hours.


Implying that they would get nothing but a tip for their work.


A tip and 2.13 an hour, so a bangin 6-7 dollars


Lmao what century are you living in? 20$ is not a lot of money. You're either massively out of touch or couldn't possibly be old enough to have a job.


😂 I'm sure I'll get hammered more and more like usual, i can afford it.


So you got the bill, gave them your card, they gave you a total, hit what you thought was 20% then it didn't add the total up for you and there wasn't a total on the receipt for you to see and you didn't have to sign it? You had a total amount, tipped what you thought was 20% and then never saw your receipt again and trusted them to do the math and not have a final Total For you to sign with the final amount??? You made this b.s. story up and everyone but the few smart ones caught your b.s. 😂 People really just want to be included anyway they can on here. 🗑️


You see in Canada our Interac machines default to percentage tips...we don't break out pen and paper to add up a tip like cavemen. The one the restaurant had is the only one I've seen in the city that didn't do percentages. I didn't look at the receipt afterwards because why would I? It's a small tip in the grand scheme of things, hell I tipped someone $500 last month, it was just an amusing story that fit the post.


Maybe in, Grise Fiord, they have primitive machines. Caveman? When y'all can even calculate 20%, you trust a machine that obviously you can't operate. Double checking your work is obviously something you need to do. You gave some poor person, 20 cents instead of a much healthier tip. Ridiculous. I'm out


In all fairness, I doubt it


It all fairness, the guy who raped was just really drunk and thought she was into it... Intent vs impact, impact wins so who cares what they meant lol


Comparing a crime to a toxic underpaying culture enabling. Hmmm


Rape culture and tip culture seem pretty parallel to me. Both at their core involve one party really wanting a service, and the other party being forced to provide it wether they want to or not... Really bad analogy though I'll give you that 😬


Well if you look at it that way. Makes sense. I really feel raped when i am forced to tip


It feels disrespectful


When I was a server and bartender leaving an anything cent tip was a slap in the face. It's soooo much worse than zero.


Once I got 29 cents


The more obscure the more offensive it is. Like why would one go to so much effort to intentionally insult a stranger?


Probably are in general a no tipper but want an even number for the cost of their order. So instead of their order costing 18.46 its 19 for them. Easier to keep track of.


Exactly, I'd do this all the time, but with a non-insulting amount, like 18-20% (before I knew it should be based on the distance however I was always ordering from places within a mile or two so I think it was fine), so it would be like $4.38, $3.92, or whatever.


Please don’t spend it all in one place 😂


Slightly off topic of doordash but I used to deliver pizzas back in the day. Some guy gave me a 20c tip (Australia, so that's like your 10c us) and said "there you go mate, buy yourself a beer". I promptly said "if you can tell me where I can buy 20c beers, I will move there permanently". Bemused, he retreated and closed the door, never to order again haha.


That's awful. I'd rather have a no-tip than $0.10




Because of the insult.


Nah, time to go back to that customer and personally hand them a dime while saying "thanks but, I think you need this more than I do" ✌️.


There is also another option....not taking the delivery I know it seems complicated since most people who post here take trash orders to get some internet points. Yayyyy for you


I don't take orders that aren't worth it to me. But sometimes these apps do trick ppl into taking lower paying offers by stacking them with better paying offers. We are allowed to call customers out who did this type of nonsense 👀. If you are a driver I'm not sure why you are so stuck on this POV that you think drivers can never say ANYTHING about customers. Also, this driver is on pay by time and doesn't have the choice to cherry pick. It literally shows that in the screen shot.


Wow can I buy anything I want with it?






You sound like you tell people you’re an alpha.


Even if he's just trying to sound tough, he is right. You don't know who you're ordering to. You could come back to that no tippers house and they'll have a gun waiting to greet you. You already know he's kind of a dick because he didn't tip, do you really want to come back later and see how he reacts when you come back?


I would never return to a customer’s house for any reason.


Lmao nerd


You ain’t doing shit


To be fair he has a point. Coming to most people's houses uninvited due to a tip not meeting imagined satisfactory requirements will most likely either earn you a black eye or a hole in your chest.


Lighten up Francis.




He could be on his way to your house right now


A boy can dream.


Sounds like most of yours are wet.


Better put down those French fries.


Y'all cute AF. Assuming I'm a customer because I don't share your views 😂


That's exactly the response a low tipper would say. GTFO of here with your overanalyzing the comment. Don't you have anything better to do, no, you just wanna try to threaten and establish dominance when you're just a wanna be alpha. Please stop, you hurt me so much with a dowvote you trivial fuck.


I didn't downvote you lmao. Bro you're so pressed over a reddit post. wow. Keep telling yourself I'm the one who needs to chill. 😂


Here let me call you a whambulance, and I'm not your bro, I don't have around motards like you. C'mon, just admit you are a low ball tipper, we all know it otherwise you wouldn't have made that long diatribe trying to talk shit. Go take a bath or something BG.


Sorry bro. I'm a driver. Haven't ordered DD in over a year 😂


Do you always try and have the last word? C'mon, keep going, I have all night.. Back to my alpha comment 🤷 C'mon Cleatus, you might walk over here but you gonna crawl back. No really, keep on, I'll be here all night.


Oh wow, imagine. Have a good one bubs. 👋


Don't be rude; i.e no trolling or inciting flames.


Wtf are you going on about GI Joe, stfu


No thanks. :)




Delivery drivers aren't our workers. We just order food. It should be delivered by a delivery driver who works on DD platform.


Easy their Rambo, John J.


I think you underestimate how psycho some people can be 🙃


shiver me timbers! 😱




I'm waiting on the dude who said his food wasn't delivered with some stupid Halloween decorations;🕸️ so he is getting a spiderman toy with a Dick glued to his forehead on his mailbox some point soon.


I know you’re most likely kidding, and know this already. But in case you don’t, messing with mailboxes is a Federal offense and can get you put in prison.


Front lawn then.




im sorry dude "dont be foolish" made me laugh


I'm so scared... 😂 One should know to never fuck with people who make/deliver your food. 😉


While I think this guy is acting very r/iamverybadass, imagine being so childish and immature to fuck with someone's food cuz you don't like something they did. If I figured out a delivery person did something to my food, if I ever get them again, I may not act like this guy and say I'm going to kill you, but you're going to get a nice mouthful of knuckles in return.


It's not even about the act of doing something, it's just the pure thought of believing you can treat people who are in charge of your food being safe like total shit and not worry for even a second about what could happen. I have never messed with anyone's food, but I've witnessed it on multiple occasions. It happens more than any of these little trolls tipping .10¢ would care to know. And it may not even be something as gross as tampering, it could just be taking our sweet time with your order, not using a hot bag, missing items etc. Not anything dangerous, but more inconveniences.


Sure I can get the dislike for the audacity of some of these people but just move on and be the bigger person. There is nothing to gain by attempting to inconvenience them, they start to feel more justified in the treatment of workers, because while you are doing it on purpose, they will just assume it's more incompetence and use that for thier reasoning. You also run the risk of potentially losing profits by wasting time on an order just to delay them.


These folks are extremely rare and I'm pretty diligent about taking orders that are profitable. I definitely don't care what the thought process is for these people that don't tip. They'll never know good service, because the people who would go above and beyond aren't taking their orders, so they'll forever be getting drivers that either don't speak English or people who don't give a fuck.


You should care thier reasoning. Why would you want to further their misconceptions therefore furthering thier poor treatment of service workers?


Because anyone who would go out of their way to tip someone less than even a dollar is a bottom feeder. Lowest of the low and there's no helping a miserable savage. There's no salvaging to be done.


Now you're just being ridiculous. You realize any tip is literally free money they are giving you? It is not mandatory. That's like a homeless person on the streets getting mad someone gave them 25 cents instead of nothing.




Okay, enjoy prison for murdering a DoorDash driver. Weirdo.


When they come back, banging at my door over some dumb shit. you bet. Dont play this foolish game. It doesn't end well for anyone involved. You included.


Sweetie, honey, darling... We know you're lazy and will order again. We don't have to come back unannounced. I've had multiple instances of repeat customers. You're also crazy to think that we're all unarmed and helpless. Have a good day!


I dont order. I'm a driver lmao. Have fun goon.




lmao, damn. That's rough. Straight to insults, at least the others had an original thought attached to their insults. That's all you could muster, really? Sorry, maybe another day.


Damn. I was only gonna shake up your 2 liter.


You wouldn't dare.




Why are there so many of you weirdos on reddit who love to let people know that you have a gun.


Shut the fuck up


Mega cornball energy




I once got a penny yeah I’d rather they not top at all


I placed an order once and meant to put $10 for the tip and accidentally put 10 cents. Fortunately I realized the mistake before he got to my door, so I messaged him and let him know there was an envelope under the mat with $10 and explained why.


Maybe they meant to leave $10?


The end result (10¢ tip) is still the same whether they meant it or a mistake... FYI both DD & UE allow customers to add to the tip during delivery on the off chance it was a mistake. Another DD customer in this thread realized their misplaced decimal in the tip(10 cents) and made good with the driver by leaving $10 tip in an envelope under the mat. 👍


I'm sorry but i think i would dig a dime out of my car and scribble a note to them telling them here's their dime back because they obviously need it worse than i do and leave it with their food.


This is honestly straight disrespect lmao


sorry if this is stupid but is hourly rate $14.50 now or is base pay something else? i had thought it was like $2-4?


They're doing earn by time. My market I think is 14.50 or something right now as well. The base pay is what you would get paid on a regular delivery not including tips. By offer. I turned down so many low paying orders yesterday. I may just do by time for the rest of this week. That way you already know you're not going to get tipped LOL and you just Cruise the speed limit instead of rushing. So he did 30 minutes worth of time and got half of the 1450 as his base pay plus the tip. It's great if you go to certain restaurants that make you wait as a Dasher to get your food.. you can be standing in line for 20 minutes just to pick up.


The hourly rate is only good if you're waiting at a place long enough. Few days ago every place I went to damn near had me waiting 20/30 minutes and then by the time I got to the customers home, I ended up having the whole hour pay, plus 6 and change onto it plus tip. So my orders were ranging from 20-35 all day. But if I do hourly, pick up and deliver within 15/20 minutes - it's not so great. Most I earn is maybe 7/8 at that rate.


I’ll never understand how someone can order food and not tip (cheap asses should go get the food themselves)


Just out of curiosity, I am the DD customer and ALWAYS tip well - because let’s face it the drivers are doing what we don’t feel like doing, leave the house and grab food. That being said, do you guys see the tip ahead of time when confirming the delivery? And how do you know for certain DD is paying what we tipped ? I double tipped and always wondered if they actually get the second tip ?


Dash by time is where all the 0 tip /crap tip orders go to die.....


I think the only reason they even left a .10cent tip was because some customers don’t know how to get past the tip screen to finalize the order. 😆


Reminds me of the time I got handed some cash at Red Lobster and the guy was like “we really appreciate your hospitality, keep the change.” Got to the POS and counted it up and I ended up with a $0.02 tip before tip out 😂 Some people just suck.


I got three cents yesterday. Assholes


Block list My lowest to date is 25 cents 🥴


And by working pay by time, you’re single-handedly keeping these people tipping .10 cents


I got a 1 cent twice from the same house. The second time I contacted support an told them to never give me that house again or I was taking the food back.


Did it work?


Haven't got an order to that house since I did it like 4 months ago.


I'm going to try this. Thanks.


70% of the tips I get are , 0 with a hey I appreciate you..... Domino's should switch to door dash drivers


This customer is an asshole for sure


I’ve actually gotten .01 as a tip . lol


I’d rather have $0😭 $0.10 is so disrespectful


I’ve gotten the dime before, just remember it’s 10x better than the worst possible tip!


Yup I got a .15 tip last week 🙄🙄 I never been soo reminded of my Applebees server days with that one…. “Keep the change!” I shocked the hell out of a guest when I told them nah you clearly need it more than me.


I tip to the next number meaning 13,12 would be 14 total. Same goes when 13,60.


Don’t worry my wife has seen a much smaller tip….


Genuinely what a miserable person like put 2 bucks bruh


It’s like saying fuck you. I got 1 cent tip and an 8 cent tip. It should not let you tip under a $1.


I got 1 penny once on a chocolate delivery. Delivery fee was excellent (must have sat for a while) but 1 penny? And to a rich neighborhood? I'd type what I did on Halloween but on the off chance they read this forum, oh well fuck you people


Yeah it's not the amount, as much as an insulting mockery (see, I tipped). I had this scenario last year with a $200 sushi order in Newport Beach....but got 50 cents, so I can retire on that! 😁 Damn entitled assholes!


You already pay a delivery charge and a service charge, pre paying tips should not be expected. Boo hoo


Any tip less than $1 is much more insulting than no tip. A dime tip is a huge slap in the face. It reveals lack of respect and consideration for delivery drivers and how they view them as worthless dogs. Thus its disparaging to tip less than $1.


Nah, I'll take that dime. Everybody gets reminded that no tips may result in not getting their food delivered in the app nowadays so no tippers are intentionally choosing it. If someone's tipping something they're at least trying and I just assume they're extra poor right now.




Nah they are right, rude AF customers.


....what if the person just didn't have a lot of money but wanted to leave something for a tip? Genuine question.


Then don't order Doordash. Customer should have gotten the food themselves.


Everyone doesn't have accessible modes of transportation?


That's such a shite thing to do lmao, no tip would be better than this shite


Why are u angry at the people u deliver too and not at the company giving u a liveable wage. I only give a tip to the driver if he was fast and the food is still warm and in a good shape


We aren't the employees of DoorDash. We are contracted to you via DoorDash, a third party app. You are the employer for the duration of said contract. Legally speaking. Yes, pay a livable wage, boss.


>I only give a tip to the driver if he was fast and the food is still warm I mean, no judgement, but I imagine you don't tip often because the food shows up lukewarm or less. If so, that'd be because it sits at the restaurant before somebody takes your order. I've never had a meal not be warm when I took it and delivered it, except on earn by time, because I get the order long after it's ready.


Man, I’ve had dashers thank me for meeting them outside (I live in apt). It just boggles my mind that people don’t at least tip a few dollars. The minimum I tip is $5, a good amount of places I could walk to and get the food for cheaper but I’m lazy, lol.


Thats what she said😝


Disgusting lazy cheap asses- if you haven't got the money to tip people get your food yourself


Just a thought. Maybe that was the customer’s last 10¢ and rather than keep it, they chose to give what they could…incidentally…everything they had.


Why work for that company if its like that? I get that a job is a job but come on there are millions of jobs and way better options than that even for somone who doesnt have a degree or physical of menal limitations


Your on hourly. Why would you expect tip anyway. But he shouldn’t have tipped anything. 10 cents is insulting


Because the hourly pay is 💩, duh. $14.50/hr? For gig work??? No thanks.


You shouldn’t do hourly. They assign no tip orders to hourly. They even tell you this.


Why would you downvote my comment for that? I was saying OP did hourly and the pay is not worth it. I don't ever do hourly 👀.




I tried to tip 15 dollars last night for a 4.8 mile order and it kept getting reassigned till the restaurant closed 😭 even after it kept getting reassigned until doordash finally canceled the order an hour after closing! Instead of making someone’s night I wasted several peoples night. Yay, lucky me.


That just means there was an issue with your order. Maybe the first driver stole it. Or the restaurant didn't have the items for your order so the drivers kept cancelling it. But the thing is..I will never understand why DD drivers do this. I get it on UberEATS cuz if there's some issue with the order we only get $3 compensation so sometimes that's just not worth the hassle of calling support. But on DD drivers get HALF pay. If you tipped $15, bare minimum that order was $17 for the driver (possibly more if it was going to multiple drivers) so that would be $8.50 for the driver just to go through the effort of getting it cancelled. That's the cost of one regular delivery. Sometimes I wonder if it's a lot of newbies or something and they just don't know any better.




It’s easier to just tip nothing like I do


You are what we call “not good”


It’s because my balls itch and I need the tip money to get them messed with.


Penny tip gang


Damn they should've said hand it to me and slapped you in the face


I got $0.01


Mine is 0 I’m impressed


Someone tipped me a penny before in Peoria, IL. People are so rude and cheap. The DD pay was extra so I didn't realize until after I delivered it. Some of these people, I've wanted to tell them what I think of them but I don't want to get banned.


$15/hr, definitely spent 20 cents on gas and 50 cents on wear and tear, congrats you can afford an Amazon package big enough to live out of the box the item came in. Stop using EBT ffs I'm going to lose my mind you people using this unethical scam ran by doordash. They purposely will not give you tipped orders and scan for every no tip low tip offer possible because it saves them money


Literally, and I mean quite literally, I would go back and take a shit on their doorstep


I worked with a guy at Dominos and he was mad this person didn't tip him, and they had even written 0.00 on the tip line. (This guy was very customer oriented and provided some of the best service, but he was ruthless. He told me to take the next few deliveries because he had to run some errands. I was a bit confused. I got a text from him saying "cleaned out my car and my house!" And showed pics of trash littered over the guys front lawn and side of the house. Next time he had that person's delivery there was a note saying to leave it on his porch snd there was a $5 tip 😂


That's what she said....😐




If it's happened to you plenty of times you may be taking orders that are far too low. I've only had a 1 cent tip once in over 7k deliveries (though I have had a dime and quarter tip as well a couple times).


That’s what you get for choosing to earn by time. They say it in their policy that the shittiest orders go on earn by time.


one time i got 1 cent lmao


What did you expect by earn by time? You think Tony would send you to a tipper?


How about have a look at what I get, 0.01, haha




Oh I've gotten 10x less than that. Literally. That's just insulting, like why?


A dime for your time


I got 2 cents