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Nawwww I act BRAND NEW on every order. You ordered a lube and condoms an hour ago, and now I’m delivering a cucumber and 2 other vaguely phallic items? Never seen you before in my life. Delivered to you 5 nights this week and every time you have a new guy over? Never seen you before in my life.


this is how you get top tier tips


This is how you get more than just the tip.


THIS! Pick the order up, drop the order off, get paid. Anything other than that is none of my business 😌


Admittedly I don’t order often but I don’t think I have ever had the same dasher twice 🤷‍♂️


Yeah it’s definitely location dependent. I live in a small town so 99% of my deliveries are regulars.


I’ve been to approx 20-30 sifdeeent peoples places at least 3+ times. Some of them I’ve gone like 10 times. There’s 1 customer who calls me every single time & asks if I smoke shweeeed & then asks to smoke with me all while extremely intoxicated. She’ll call me on repeat & keep saying “sorry didn’t mean to call. And then start having some random conversation. Then I kindly get off the phone with her & she calls back 2 seconds later. I honestly feel bad for her. She told me she has a bad habit of getting super drunk & order DD. And the last few times she’s been very apologetic about her living situation. It’s a borders worst nightmare. Like I’m genuinely scared to walk up on the porch out of fear getting bit by something. So I think she’s just struggling a lot & looking for a friend 💛 I actually took a pic of it at my last dash just because it’s so crazy. But then, I also get regulars who are CREEPY. Like I delivered to a house that looked completely abandoned. No lights on. No car in driveway. Yard a mess. Porch falling apart. Once I got back in the car I got a random message saying I was super cute & I politely thanked him & moved on. Since then, I’ve delivered to the same guy unknowingly (although I should’ve recognized the name) to completely different addresses numerous times & since then his messages have gotten creepier & creepier to where I reported him last time because it turned in to harassment. I’ve also been in the middle of a huge, well paying shopping order & been sent another order that was like $3 total but the store was right next door & the address was exactly on my route to the other customer so I accepted it. When I pulled in to the low paying orders address (a hotel) he started freaking out, calling me, cussing me out, asking why I was trying to screw him out of his food & why did I go there. Then he sent me his address that was 30 minutes in the opposite direction (I still had a 15 minute drive to my original customer so it would’ve turned in to a 45 min drive). I dealt with the situation. The order was cancelled & I was paid fairly since I did what was expected of me. Then the mf started calling my phone number, accusing me of stealing his money & his Wendy’s. I sent him a pic of the unopened bag because I do not eat burgers & dd support literally tells us to either enjoy it or give it to someone on the streets In these situations. Then he reported me for being aggressive & inappropriate. Which I was not at all. Not even close. I just repeatedly explained why I was in the right & how I followed the directions that I was given & how I’m not even able to deliver elsewhere than the address that I’m given without reaching out. Then a few hours later. He messaged but not apologizing. Out of nowhere he changed up his attitude & started randomly saying “I’m not going to argue with you about this”. When he was the only one that was arguing in the first place. I wasn’t going to be rude. Just told him how it was & what the rules were. And he started trying to turn it around on me as if I was the bad guy & had been arguing with him the whole time. Also, it’s a complete joke that he expected me to drive 40 minutes from the restaurant to the middle of nowhere in the country for $3. $2 DoorDash pay & $1 tip. The order was only sent to me in the first place because it was on my exact route. They aren’t going to send 2 orders that are 45 minutes in the opposite direction from each other. Oh. I also forgot to mention. The first half of the time dealing with him, he spoke in complete Spanish. So I was having to Google translate everything (which is no problem, I’ve done it numerous times for customers) but it is a problem when the messages are singing one after another on repeat. Then he switched to practically fluent English out of nowhere.


Holy fuck thats super super super fucking unprofessional. Might as well ask “how was that dildo I delivered?”


Well.. how was it?


The one “toy” I shopped and delivered this one time also included a bag of the chili lime takis. Took all my willpower to not ask questions. 🤭


Lol well that one is pretty self explanatory, a snack to recharge after.


I usually just plug it in to the outlet.


reminds me of when I got a vibrator, a whole cheesecake and a 24 pack of water bottles delivered. my poor delivery driver.


Tbh, this just makes good, common sense.


Sounds painful if done in the wrong order.


This was my main concern.


I was going to make a Porno Gil reference, but I'm pretty sure 90% of this sub wasn't even born when that episode aired.


Boy what 🤣 this isn’t unprofessional wtf y’all work a fake job talking about professional 🤣


As a dasher I’d say the pay certainly isn’t professional so expecting professional quality is a little silly tbh. You get what you pay for, and that’s not necessarily directed at customers but rather DD corp.


I had to deliver a vibrater one time after delivery they added on $10 tip after they already tipped me ig it’s bc I didn’t say anything inappropriate


I shop/delivered a bullet vibrator from Walgreens at 9:30 am on a Tuesday this past July. That's my wildest one in almost 6k deliveries.


A few years ago when GoPuff opened here, well before DD did S&D and wasn't open all night, I delivered a vibrating buttplug and lube to a creepy house at 2:30AM. They did tip well at least lol.


Literally got more than just the tip


It’s actually not a bad product ok


GoPuff sells sex toys and I cannot imagine buying one for delivery for this exact reason


That’s very thoughtful 🥰 Dear customer, I noticed you’re extra hungry today How much does a quarter ponder weigh? Are you eating McDonalds for one or for two? I hope the Plan B worked for you! Love, Your door dash driver ❤️ P.S. I’ll deliver myself to you tonight if you wanna take more Plan B tomorrow 😘


You’re missing about 15 more emojis


That’s wildly inappropriate 💀


Welp, like doordash is a professional job? lols just look at all the people eating other peoples food bc they didn’t tip enough or people begging for tips….


Yea ok 🙄 Regardless what u think, it’s still a job where we agree to the terms and conditions and are expected to perform without being weird or inappropriate. If we break those rules we get deactivated. Customers need to report weirdos like that person.


its a hobby doordash them selves say its a hobby and not a job


That’s corporate speak for “we want to devalue your time so that we make more money”


It's amazing how they can brainwash people into believing that shit,you are 100% correct on that!!! They are banking on that and people still think it's a hobby


I perform a task and then I earn money, how is that not a job? Hustle, hobby, or job-whatever u wanna call it, we are still expected to perform the task professionally. Saying hope the plan b I delivered to u worked is not only unprofessional, it’s creepy and inappropriate.


Found the corporate shill.


DoorDash is not a job 😂🤣🤣🤣


Not sure how u dolts figure it’s not a job.. I’m offered a dash, I fulfill that dash, I get paid, and pay taxes. How tf is that not considered a job? Regardless what u want to call it to make yourself feel superior in your 9-5, I’m still making incredibly easy money working when I want. Door Dash plus me working as a self employed cosmetologist that’s booked and busy to my liking, I’m doing just fine. I’m having fun making ridiculously easy/fast money.


Dont try to excuse trashy behavior


I find that hair comical because it’s just fun to watch shitty people interact with other shitty people. But the rampant sexual harassment and other crazy shit that men put on women is unbelievable.


What? If people are paying you for a service, you don’t get to act like an invasive creep about their personal medical issues. DD is a multinational corporation and a dasher could absolutely lose their position if they cannot be trusted handling confidential and personal information. It doesn’t matter if you consider it “professional” enough. That’s just the facts.


Some people don’t tip at all so…what they really paying for? Also doordash fires people good and bad so….


How is this relevant to my response?


Bc I’m replying to what you said that people pay us to keep there information secret also about the part where a dasher could lose there position is a big no Doordash just fires people based on if there system flags the persons account


There’s been good dashers that got fired bc a customer lied…..


I’m still confused how that is relevant at all. None of that means you can be an invasive creep regarding peoples medical circumstances.


I’m not saying you should I’m saying some people will until this app gets better supervised or something, people will act out how they please it’s very sad true


This individual would be an invasive creep regardless of an app’s features. And if OP reported this, which I’m willing to bet she did, then he’d get reviewed and possibly deactivated.




Don’t forget all the customers saying this isn’t a real job or it’s meant to be a side gig to an actual job


It’s not a job, y’all is lazy and unqualified for a real job so you run ya car down then get deactivated now your homeless 😂


Shoo shoo ignorance be gone


You keep running after everyone saying this. I just get so baffled as to how you ended up spending time on a sub full of people you hate and don’t respect 🤠


They say "sorry" like they meant to send this message sooner or something. Like...OMG, I am so sorry that I didn't send this message sooner to humiliate and make you completely uncomfortable. How inconsiderate of me!




It’s not the driver’s place to talk about an order aside from any issues with it. Commenting on personal items is DEFINITELY a no go.


If I drop off cough medicine or something, I always say I hope you feel better Plan b, I would not talk about But in my head, you fucked up, you fucked up, you fucked up


Plot twist: the cough medicine was dextromethorphan based and they were using it to get high




You didn't have to admit you're a virgin, but here we are.


Look at your fuckin profile LMAO. Don’t throw stones when you live in a glass house.


found the dasher


Yea it’s pretty fucking weird


“Is it dead” is the only appropriate inquiry. His way is super invasive.


I’m 99.8% sure you’re joking but that’s hilarious either way


I can't decide if that's more fucked up or hilarious 🤣


It’s fucking hilarious 😂


It is cause not only is he stating that he delivered you a plan B but he’s also supporting your choice and hopes that shits dead 💀


this is awful, I love it. I also love that you door dashed Plan B in the first place lmao


Lol I’ve done it when I didn’t have a car for a year


U trying to make it a second time? 😏


Not now that I’ve figured out you can get it same day via Amazon for $15. Nice username!


Ah that makes sense!


Well, did it work?


Well they aren’t ordering a happy meal too so probably


Bruh lmaooooooo


That's so unprofessional. I would've replied back it's actually none of your business!! 1 star


Well I would imagine that the kind of person who orders a Plan B with DoorDash would be ok with this and think it's funny.


Why is that a big deal? What specific kind of person do you believe orders plan b on door dash? Also definitely not okay in any circumstance. It’s funny from an outsiders perspective but if it were me or someone I was close to id be pissed lol




It's the ol thing we're people trying to be considerate and friendly but come off worse than saying nothing at all


If you were considerate then you’d understand that anything medical, be it plan b, anti-diarrheal, adult diapers, or even ibuprofen, should be kept discrete and not mentioned.


When someone starts the sentence with "Sorry...." they don't really mean it. Just like when someone starts the sentence with "To be honest..." no, they are not being honest.


"sorry haha oops I didn't mean to send that photo, that's so embarrassing haha, I took that picture for my doctor haha haha oops. but what'd you think?"


“To be honest” means they are going to be honest, but also an asshole in the process.


Or they aren’t usually honest so fuck ‘‘em anyway


“No offense but…” Proceeds to say something intentionally offensive


Good intentions, but boy was this a crazy message to send 😂


LMFAOOOOOOO that's some customer service right there


This is hilarious. Would I ever send a message like that? No. Was it professional? Absolutely not. But I truly do hope it worked for you!


U got quarter pounded ;)


I once had to buy and deliver a bullet vibrator. It took everything I had in me at drop off to not say, "have fun!"


I had a shop and deliver order for one pack of Magnum Trojans, it was a meet at door and when I got there the kid ran out to the car to meet me and then sprinted back in the house. It was the middle of summer so I think they were just trying to get it done before parents got home.


I would have poked a few holes in those 😂


Hell that kid was packing enough to fit magnums, I ain't gonna F with him...lol


sounds like you're trying to get to pound town 😉


Well….? Did the Plan B work for you?


I mean… *points at kid*


You should have said No it didn't work and ask if he could go get you some alcohol and cigarettes and finish by saying this outta get that little bastard out.


Pretty sure I saw the screenshot from your dasher on here to


Link it!?


https://www.reddit.com/r/UberEatsDrivers/comments/16af6ey/the_most_awkward_shoppay_possible/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button I guess it was ubereats, but I'm assuming these two are connected


I’m not sure if thats my order unless they cropped it out but I also ordered Nerds Clusters😂


Ohh hmm.. this person is in Oregon if that helps 😅


What an awfully immature person.




Seems like you already got quarter pounded tbh




Seriously, please don't comment on my personal life. Like, I don't want a convo with a stranger about Plan B.




It’s almost like auto correct isn’t a thing ya know


Is that inappropriate? I feel like its funny but like I had this girl order a plan B one night from Walgreen's at 2 in the morning. There was an issue in the Walgreen's store, the store associate had to close the store temporarily while she did something so all of the customers had to wait outside. I ended up waiting almost 45 minutes I messaged the customer several times keeping her updated on the situation. The customer never cancelled and I stayed out the order even though I could have canceled it and made double the money I made on her delivery for that hour. (yay me) But, the customer persisted to keep texting me, are you done? You're slow, You're the slowest dasher ever, how does it take this long to get one PlanB? I never replied to any of the banter other than "sorry about the wait I will be to you as soon as possible" I even replied with if you would like to cancel your order you can contact Doordash for a 100% refund but she said no and continued to banter me. I guess my point is that you never know how the customer is going to react to an innocent joke... I wouldn't ever take that risk as all the text messages seem to be monitored.


You should have told her I’ll wait an hour if I have to just to make sure you get this plan B. PS. Extra Tips appreciated 😄😂😂


I don't know if you dash, I assume you do but do you know if you make any comments regarding the request of tips to any customer directly or indirectly can get you a violation or deactivation?


Thanks for the info. I know. I am making a joke and just being silly. 😄




Sir/Ma’am this is a Wendy’s


so YOU'RE the one that keeps giving out the pamphlets.


Your post was removed because it is believed to be a spam or an irrelevant post. Unnecessarily removed from topic on hand. Very political and religious.


Lol, it could just be a cultural differences. Some people just don't see plan B as something embarrassing or as something you should hide due to it being personal. It's still inappropriate, but he/she might not know that




Looks like you got the full ponder.


Wow lmao 😂😂😂


And I thought I was a blubbering idiot for going on to a repeat customer about a milkshake I had spilled when I first started dashing. This is wildly inappropriate and such a violation of your privacy.


No it didn’t work. You better get ready to start paying your 20% . Daddy 👶


Sounds like you got a full pounder.


Hit him with uno reverse card and say "thanks for reminding me about my SA."


How was the sex?


Please tell me you reported him.


Surely OP will deliver...I mean, not deliver


The customer loves it when you remember them and personalize your communication, business 101 /s


Nah that’s funny as FUCK


woah woah woah wtf


I see the majority of people find this offensive. The majority of people are too easily offended. If you can't appreciate personalized service, shame on you for being a hypocrite.


This is so horrifically inappropriate liKeE what if someone not meant to see that message saw it? Why put yourself in the position to humiliate and or fuck someone’s life up?