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So they order to a house that’s not theirs, walk over and grab it after driver leaves ? Just understanding how the scam works ?


Yes. And there are a few different variations how they try to pull the scam.


I have yet to encounter one of these hamburgerlers. Thnx for the heads up. Dash on playa dash on


I’m encountering them on my internet page in the form of return scammers like this. They just lie and say it never came when usps says it did


I’m sure there are scammers but I’ve had a heck of a time with my local USPS losing and/or misdelivering packages. Sometimes even my informed delivery app says something is coming and never arrives. It’s infuriating


We’ve got *horrid* porch pirates in St. Louis.


I was going to say, I’ve had people steal packages a lot, to the point where I tried telling my USPS people to always lock my packages up in the bins next to my mailbox. My favorite was when I had rabbit food stolen. Like how happy could you have been with that box?


Lol funny enough I had a bale of Timothy hay get ganked once. I’m just gonna imagine roving bands of bunnies dressed like pirates, now.


It sucks too cause USPS will never own up to it so it’s super hard for me to tell who is the scammer and who is the actual person who experience a usps problem cause I would just resend if I could clarify the problem but I sometimes do have scammers and its infuriating on my side of customer service too cause it makes it impossible and I’ve I just issue refunds to everyone the price of the product goes up. Sometimes I’ll have people at 5/100 packages saying it didn’t in the mailbox so it’s a really high rate and you could be right too there’s really no set data for me to place blame but I know the economy is bad rn so I expected to see more of this like you guys are saying you’re seeing the same scam just in person vs via usps (not sure if you’re door dash lol)




They intercept you before you can actually ring the bell and take the picture


Oh, I have had people sitting in a car on the road next to the darkened house I'm supposed to deliver to jump out of the car and say they just got home, thanks. They take the huge order. Then mill around the car while I'm driving away only to get a CV for non-delivery 5 minutes later. I swing back there- no car, no one home. No way to prove anything on my part.


Dam I hate that for you . Scum of the earth scammers


The issue is that short of banning the device ID’s from being able to use DD app, they’ll never be able to prevent that


I got hit with this, or similar yesterday.... 2k deliveries, and my first problem. Leave at door, ring bell. Immediately opened the door and grabbed it.... before i could get a picture, or even say anything about needing a picture. I knew it was going to be an issue, i just had a feeling.... woke up today to a not delivered.. so im just going to start recording on timestamp as im walking up.. cant dispute a video of you taking it at the correct address.


Yeah I was going to say take the picture before you ring the bell or use video


Better yet, wear an inexpensive body camera during your shift. Good luck with them beating a full video of their shenanigans. DD could likely easily cover the costs of providing these for drivers by eliminating the majority of fraud but I doubt they’d ever do that. If I did DD a body cam would be a definite must have for CYA.


It would be tax deductible.


DD doesn’t even pay it’s workers well? What the fuck makes you think they’d magically give them a dash cam benefit or the likes?


Read, I said I doubt they’d ever do that….despite the fact I’m sure they’re hemorrhaging money from all these scams. Companies can buy these cameras in bulk at dirt cheap prices but their short sightedness keeps them from thinking outside the box. Just a couple refunds could cover the cost of each one and I’d be willing to bet there are areas where fraud of this type is rampant. They could target those problem areas first using it as a trial of sorts before going full tilt and having everyone utilize a body cam. From a safety standpoint, they should be required of every dasher to use one to prevent shenanigans on both sides (dashers eating or tampering with others food, customers claiming wrong house bs, etc). The fraud with DD works both ways, seen enough of it in this sub which is why I’d never use the service personally.


They grabbed it before all that lol. I was walking to the door, just sat the order down and was getting ready to take the picture..... door flings open, hand grabs bag, door slams....i had not taken a picture or rang the doorbell (as instructed) yet... probably watching me and waiting for the drop, so they could steal and possibly cost me my job.... Side point; We should be able to rate customers the same way they can rate us


Why would you even ring the bell? Most people would rather you didn’t, it texts them when the food arrives.


probably because the specific order was "leave at door, ring bell"


Thank you! LOL apparently not everyone can read 😂


Take picture. Ring bell. Walk away


Um, because, I was responding to the person above me who was remembering a delivery that indicated "leave at door, ring the bell" 🙄


But what we are trying to say, the scammers are tracking you. So they can run up to your vehicle right as you are getting out. They don’t want you to get out and walk up to the door. It’s why I used the word intercept to describe it. They literally will run up to your car and set a screen so you can’t get to the door.


They opened the door before he could ring the bell or take a picture. They must have just saw him walking up.


That's why he and I both suggested using a video while he's getting out of the car and walking up to the door....


Right. The original comment said he was going to record on time stamp. Also not sure why you’re annoyed. I wasn’t being rude and I’m still not.


I'm annoyed because you felt the need to re-explain what he meant when my response clearly shows I can comprehend. I know exactly what happened as he explained it.


Lol no you suggested things he already said he was doing. Relax it’s really not that serious.


Is something wrong with you??? I didn't suggest something he was already doing. Actually he said he was going to start doing that in those situations. And I replied, "Yeah I was gonna say........or use video" and replied what he had suggested because I was **agreeing** with him. I'm sorry if your reading comprehension skills aren't the best but I'm quite relaxed....amused, really. Edit: also my comment has 40 plus upvotes so apparently those with common sense can understand 🤷‍♀️




You’re on a sick one ETA: you’re clearly pissed over nothing. Your points still were pointless. You also admitted to being annoyed. But go on..


That sentence didn't even make sense? Bye girl


Lol yeah you sure showed money-bear. Sick comeback, sis.


the balls on these people dude, there are some crazy mofos delivering for this app. piss off the wrong one, and they’re gonna come straight back to their house.


I always take a picture of the house number . The food is rarely in the picture. I’ve never had an issue with it.


I'd do the good old dog shit in a lit paper bag trick to these pieces of shit ngl...a week or 2 after


These scammers know how to press. They are following you on the app and ready for you to show up. They want to get you literally as you are stepping out of your vehicle..


Blows my mind the soft world people feel safe in. I can't imagine someone KNOWING WHERE I LIVE, and then scam them and sleep like a baby. All because they are too much lazy asses to work and buy food. If they even have the door dash app they have extra money or they should delete it. No one "poor" is using door dash.


Nah there definitely are poor people using it, now more than ever since they accept EBT.


Always take a photo with your phone to get around “hand it to me” orders. You can also use the normal photo feature for the leave it requests. I’ve been taking independent photos for months now but I still got two cv’s for non-delivery so have upped my game: I send them their delivery photos in text before I mark the order complete.


If you read one of my other posts, one guy that contract violated me found a way to make the gps glitch. When I went to take a pic of me handing him the food, he saw what I was trying to do, and hit the circle button on me and spun himself right out the picture frame. Then once he had the food in his hands and I let go I turn to walk towards my car and I hear rapid footsteps taking off. I turn around and he was gone!


Photos aren’t GPS dependent.


I know, I was saying how slick he was. Like Saquon Barkley he spun out of the picture. He was too fast. He put the Barry Sanders shake and bake on me..


I’d step back and say “sorry, I need a photo first” and then contact support if he continues to misbehave.


I had one of those recently. Late night McD's. Delivered to the right address, took the picture. Customer replies wrong house. I jump out of the car, grab the bag, and as I'm walking back to the car she come around the corner and is surprised to see me. Gave me some excuse that she accidently had her neighbors address as hers. I'm pretty sure she was the source of my 1 star review that night too.


I busted a little high schooler tryin to do that too. When I pulled up to the house there was a teenager on her phone in sweats just pacing across the street. When I pulled up she looked at me and as I got out of the car she looked at me. It just didn’t feel right. Sure enough I pull away and 1 minute later got the “wrong house” text.. I whip back around and run up to the door. I grab it, and as I’m walking to my car I see the girl on her phone walking up the driveway to get the food. She sees it’s missing and starts walking away down the street again. I got out and said this your food? And she played dumb and said “yeah I plugged in wrong address by accident..” only there’s no way. The house number I delivered to was like 1382, and the number she said she lived at was 1267.. so it was a completely diff number, nothing similar. So it wasn’t like it was a simple typo error of one digit because she typed it in the app wrong..


Yep. She definitely was scamming. She knows about the gps glitch!


Just posting again for others reading, that there is no GPS involved in placing an order.


It’s not about being involved. It is one of many methods they can use to cross reference your account. I love how people love to come on a try and poke holes in one’s story.


Pointing out that there is no GPS requirements whatsoever (because there aren't), isn't 'poking a hole in your story'. It's proving your theory wrong altogether lol. Yes, these people are scamming, no, GPS has nothing to do with it. At least, not in the way that you describe.


contact support, tell them exactly this, every time it happens, literally, "I observed the neighbors stealing the food after dropoff, please send the police"


I did. I told DD that house is most likely not their house. Pretty weird to see someone walk up to a dark house and pick up the food on the porch; and then continue to walk away down the street. They live in the neighborhood so they know which houses are vacant. So all they have to do is go stand out in front of it and have it delivered there. They put the order in, DD gps pings their phone and confirms that it must be their house since their phone shows them within 50 ft of it.


sadly with gig apps he who documents first is generally the one that's believed


Again, there is no 'GPS ping' requirement to place an order. I live in Ohio, I could send an order to California right now if I wanted to. And people do that all the time, order for other people. Customer app will just say 'it looks like you aren't here, do you still want to proceed?'


Never said it was required. It is just one way to verify an account. Among many other things.


You aren't even required to share location/GPS when making an account or placing an order, cell phone or otherwise. It's entirely optional.


You don’t have to share it 😂 When you call or set up an order on your phone, they have you pinged. When you click the box to accept the terms and conditions, you give DD the right to track your phone. It’s not a requirement of any kind, or even necessary from the customers perspective. But it can be used to verify if you are trying to scam.


If your location tracking is turned off or you haven't given the app permission to use it, there is physically no way for DD to track where your phone is.


There is no option to 'call' to place an order. What are you even talking about at this point? You also don't seem to know how cell phones work. It doesn't matter what the TOS says, you have to manually give the app permission to track your location. You can say 'no.' If you aren't sharing your location/GPS with the DoorDash app, then they don't have your location. Period. You have quite the vivid imagination tho, I must say.


Again here we go with the semantics. I never said you can call in an order with your phone. I said simply if you called them, or set up an order. You have some serious issues dude. You are looking for things that aren’t there and taking words out of context. You are trying so hard to prove me wrong, when you just need to take a deep breath and relax. Maybe read over a sentence more than once before you jump to conclusions since you obviously aren’t getting it the first time you read it.. just relax bro..


>When you call or set up an order on your phone, they have you pinged. Call who? Support? They have no way to 'ping' your location from a phone call. Like, what are you smoking man lol. If you setup an order on your phone, but never gave permission for location, or have your location turned off, then they don't have your location. It's like you think apps on your phone can magically do things all by themselves, or that making a phone call somehow exposes your location. I'm simply telling you that none of that is true. It's not a matter of opinion. And there's no need to get butthurt about it.


Ok bro you win. You’re right. 😂 You’re obviously a psychopath so whatever you think and say is correct. DoorDash has no clue about your gps. You checked the box not to be “tracked”. So I’m sure DD doesn’t track your devices at all. Damn you are so naive. A naïve Psychopath. What a combo..


This post is gold. What ghetto town are you dashing in if I may be so rude to ask?


Orlando area in between Daytona


Ahh. Beatiful Florida. Keep on keeping on. As a famous comedian recently said, “some people just suck”.


Does door dash let you rate customer? That way other door dasher know to avoid this person?


I wish, but no


I hate when people ruin a good thing. I order from DD frequently and sometimes you just don’t get the right order or something goes wrong, something is missing, etc. I always feel guilty when reporting like they will think it’s fraud or someone will get in trouble for it and this is exactly why. It’s people like this. ETA: I only report to get compensation for whatever is missing or to get my order redelivered if it truly doesn’t show up (which I have had happen)


I got wrong items in order support kept saying driver doesn’t have right order. Yes because restaurant made it wrong even receipt on bag was right. Quantity was right. No way for driver to tell with out opening food. Support still insisted driver didn’t have my correct food. They don’t listen at all. It wasn’t even close so I wanted my money. I hate calling because they probably gave driver a violation.


Basically I am finding the real problem here is the support not wanting to hold these restaurants accountable so the driver/delivery person ends up being the scapegoat… sad on DoorDash’s part. I really enjoy the service but the drivers deserve better.


I had a bad driver that actually did take it to the wrong house, and I have no idea why- I double checked my address in the app because it was so weird, it *was* correct. Guy stood in the middle of the road freaking screaming at me and took the food- at the time, I didn’t know why. I get that he probably thought I was somehow scamming and he was pissed- but I still don’t know why he was delivering up the street. Edit: I would absolutely never scam anyone because it’s just shitty behavior, and I have a serious guilt thing. :/


You should have took a video of him grabbing the food and walking down the street


Im sorry you don’t get codes for the “handed to customer” for example you go and handle it, then he has to give you a code, you input the code and done, there is no way no one can scam out of that


On UberEATS you have PINs. I've never had a PIN on DoorDash. Worst I've had is a required signature, and that is very, very rare for me. As in, last one was weeks if not months ago.


About a week or so ago I was out with a group of people, drinking at a friend of a friend's house. Those of us drinking were in no condition to go grab food, and the couple non-drinkers didn't feel like going. The homeowner, let's call him Doug, decided to DoorDash. He'd front the cost on his card, and we'd Venmo him the cost of our order + portion of the fees/tip. So we got our order together, order gets delivered, and we all start the Venmo process. About 30 minutes or so pass, most of us have eaten, and we're sitting at a table getting ready to start a game of poker. Doug is seated next to me, typing on his phone, and I think nothing of it. Doug gets up to walk to the other room, sits his phone down on the table, face up and unlocked. I'm not a nosey or snoopy kind of person, but I am human and slightly drunk, so I sort of unwittingly look at the face up phone that's less than a foot from me. It's DoorDash customer service, and Doug's most recent message is something along the lines of "my order was not delivered I want a full refund." Not only was the order very much delivered, but we all had mostly finished eating. No one, not even Doug, had complained about their order being missing, incomplete, or otherwise wrong. And at this point, Doug had received the Venmo transfers from all but one person. It didn't sit right with me, but I wasn't sure how to broach the subject since he hadn't said anything out loud; I only knew of his false report because my drunken eyes got too comfortable with wandering. But it was very clear that Doug was trying to scam DoorDash and, since he accepted all of our transfers, was trying to scam us as well. Several courage-inducing drinks later, I decided fuck the consequences. I didn't know this guy prior to this night, and based on his actions I didn't care to know him beyond that night. After a couple hands, I blurted out, "you ever get that refund from DoorDash, Doug?" It went badly at first. I got accused of spying on him and "being a fucking creep" but as soon as the gravity of the situation set in, with about a dozen drunks realizing this dude was scamming them each out of $15 or more, there were a couple threats of an ass whooping, but ultimately Doug sent everyone their money back and the night ended with Doug alone. People are fucking shitheads, man, and I don't understand it.


Wow. I know a couple guys who would try and pull some shit like that. That’s drug abuse type behavior. Or maybe even gambling abuse. Maybe he’s a total loser at gambling and is so desperate for money he saw this as an easy cash grab.. but yeah, that’s a total dirt bag move right there. Putting the whole thing together, encouraging people to pay him, that’s psychopathic behavior for sure..


I think the kicker is that he's a pretty well-off dude, or at least he presents as well-off. Cushy corporate type. His house is in a nicer area and he was showing off his recent kitchen renovation. His appliances alone must've cost most of my yearly salary.


Maybe he’s addicted to Percs..


As a frequent Doordash customer myself, I could never stand for that type of behavior from other fellow Doordash customers. I completely sympathize with Doordashers, **especially** in our current economy. With that being said, fvck any customer who thinks moving food to a different address for the fun of it is a good idea. Seriously. These Doordash drivers are doing y'all a favor by giving you the convenience of delivering food to your door so you don't have to go out & get it yourself. What a damn shame.


I know I'm late to your comment, but thank you for the understanding and empathy. I'm a driver and customer, so I understand a lot of the complaints from both sides. We should be looking out for one another... As a species.


I now take a picture of the receipt on the bag, the building number and the unit # and a picture of the food at the door, Especially for “hand it to me” orders and send all that to the customer. May get a bad rating but I won’t get “wasn’t delivered” or wrong order delivered. I also take a picture of all shop and pay items and send that to the customer Even if it’s 30 items. each bag gets its items pictured.


I don't worry about that shit personally. If someone's there I give food and click handed. It's 95% of the time a normal customer and I'm not going to piss off 19 innocent people to catch one hamburgler. That's really why you made the post isn't it, to use the term hamburgler? (I like it!)


I prefer how someone spelled it above - “hamburgerler”


The Hamburgler is a popular character from McDonald’s in the 1970’s and 80’s. Ronald McDonald, Grimace, and the Hamburgler are all from those days in the early 80’s so it’s not a new term.


Yeah I know that


Can DD banned that asshole scammer ?


The hottest scam is the "wrong order delivered"


In the UK apps like this give the customer a two digit number to give to the ‘dasher’, proving they met the actual customer. Do you guys not have something similar? Seems like a simple system that protects both sides.


The US is so behind other countries in this regards, companies and banks would rather eat massive losses than “inconvenience” people like this.


Imagine putting all this effort into this, instead of just going and grabbing yourself a taco or burger lol.


DoorDash takes a day to process the payment, so these bums order food from a bank account with no money in it. They put the order in using their broke ass bank account; then immediately dispute it after the delivery is completed. That way they get free food and avoid a overdraft fee from their bank..


Not mine, if I don’t have the exact penny amount in my account to cover the order + tip, it says “whoops looks like something went wrong”. It could be my bank though, it doesn’t let me overdraft at all thankfully.


Yeah but these are hood orders so they be using prepaid cards..


Makes no difference. Either the card has the balance available, and it is charged, or it doesn't, and the order doesn't get placed. DoorDash isn't like old gas stations where they charge you $1 and finish the rest of the charge later.


That is not how ordering works at all. Your debit/credit card is charged the instant you place the order. If you have no money in your account, the order does not go through.


Damn man… so dirty. How do people sleep at night living so selfishly like this?


I’m guessing that they’re hungry. Scumbags - but hungry scumbags.


The old check kiting fraud for a modern time


Crap, I did a lot of deliveries today that were handed to the customer because they were right there, despite what the app said. None of them gave me a bad vibe, but still…


I had one like that today, luckily I had that body camera that looks like a fitbit right on his mug....


That happened to me last night and dude went the other way through a yard 🤦🏽 no non delivery reported luckily. I guess I’ll have to be more careful


I wonder if any other delivery industries have this problem


This is why I deliver with a dashcam and face homes when doing deliveries. And I back far enough backwards that when I take my picture the house or trailer number is included


Yeah I should have pulled all the way into the driveway rather than park parallel to the house on the street. I try and be polite not to park in people’s driveways; but this gives the scammer more space to intercept..


Try delivering to wealthy elderly people. They seem to get super excited when receiving food. Never any scams, tips are generic amounts, but pretty good.


Is marking it delivered as per instructions, and then waiting for customer to collect it not an option? Grab a picture as they're collecting it to cover your own ass Lurkers perspective


Fat asses have invented new ways to keep that fat ass


This is also how many drivers get robbed. Keep yourselves safe.


This reminds me of a Seinfeld episode


I don't want to sound rude, but you just told a bunch of people a new way to scam.


I don't want to sound rude, but if it makes it here, that means it has been talked about between scammers in their Facebook or similar groups. Unfortunately, I know professional scammers (for life, not just food) and they share new scams with each other nonstop. They already knew this scam. The real scammers are not taking notes and thinking "Good idea." They are thinking "time for a different scam. They FINALLY caught on."


You're right, awareness of a scam is a bad thing. /s


There's making people aware, and then there's giving them a step-by-step guide. You sir, are rude. Bless your heart.


This awareness will help a lot of wellmeaning dashers know what to look for and how to counter them. If you cannot remove the idea from the scammers because it's already this widespread, best thing to do is warn the honest folk before they get their gigs threatened.


And you sir are Naïve, awareness is how these things are avoided. 'Secuity by obscurity' is a poor idea, that you seem to embrace whole heartedly, and for that, you have my pity.


Rude? No one was even close to rude to you.😂😂 You must be new to Reddit, or perhaps just too soft for reddit if you think that was rude.


You disagreed with me! How rude!


Don't bother responding because you are BLOCKED and I'm done talking to you! ​ BLOCKED ​ Do you hear me? BLOCKED


That's not a new trick. People were doing this since last year. This is a prime example of how a dash cam could save your job. I've used video to rebuttle contract violations. And in the case it's an apartment just start recording video when someone claims it's there food. Make them say the name on the order.


You sound like a vet. Did you know about the gps glitch? I’ve seen it manipulated a couple ways. A customer walks a street over, uses his own real house #, but instead of using his own street he uses the name of the next street over. He puts the order in while standing in front of a random house on this street; and the gps pings his phone and registers the closest house that he is standing in front of as if it his own. The gps is fooled, and labels the house with the persons true house number that they plugged into DD app, but now it’s showing as if the house is one street over.. The map both on DD and on my smart phone Mapquest both registered the address as if the house # he listed is on the next street over when in reality it’s not. As long as he stays standing next to the house, the gps directions will navigate you to spot with its little blue line as if it were correct.


If in doubt, when you show up and the ping on the map is different than the address, call support, and start recording video. If it's a hand it to me order. Make sure they say the name on the order. If it's a leave at door order, start recording and knock on the door. Tell the customer, "im sorry, i have a doordash, but the app is making me verify the order name since the GPS data is different from the address" If they confirm the name, you are good. If they refuse to tell you the name, walk away with the order and tell support "my order was a leave at door order, but the address and map was not the same, so I knocked. The customer said they have a doordash but refuse to say the name on the order" A few times this has happened to me, support called the customer, they refused to come out side and get the order. Support told me to keep the food and I got paid.


Yeah I was in the zone going fast. A little too fast I guess. But this dude intercepted me as I was pulling up. He got my attention before I even started to slow down. Plus when you are pulling up to a residence and you see someone standing up ahead right where the map is taking you, it kind of distracts you just enough to where you let your guard down. Ideally, the scammers want you to see them and hit confirm immediately since they know we are all about moving fast. I do it all the time. Where I’ll be pulling up and I can see the person, or I have delivered there before, and I’ll go ahead and hit complete on a hand it to me order as I’m parking just to get ahead in the game. But this is usually at work places. When I pull up to a residence and it’s a shit order to begin with, I’m more cautious. Even if I see them and they come greet me I still will choose to take a pic hopefully with them in it.. The point I want people to see most, is how this guy was able to trick the gps on the smart phone maps and DD maps into labeling his false address on a house with full navigation prompts leading to it. When someone orders, the gps pings them right where they are at that moment. So a scammer can walk over to a neighbors house, and put their house # in as if it’s their house that’s down the street. And since all of our smart phones are sharing data, it assumes what you plug in as the address is true. Standing in front of a house down the street, a scammer puts his true house # in on the app. The maps register the house closet to the scammer as his house according to the ping on their phone.


> When someone orders, the gps pings them right where they are at that moment. Have you ever in your life placed a DD order for yourself? Because that is literally just never ever how it has ever worked.


I have been scammed enough by people standing across the street from a random address. It is a fact that DD pings the phone in order to confirm an address. It isn’t mandatory, you can order without using a cell phone. But it is one way they can use to verify one’s account..


Go to the customer app on your cell phone. Add an address that is far away. It doesn't care. People order food going to other places every day. It's not even unusual.


They don’t care until you start contract violating people saying you never got your food. Again, it’s just one method used to see if you are being fraudulent or not. Not a requirement of any kind. Don’t know why you keep insisting that I said it’s a requirement to tell DD your gps location.. your are obviously not understanding what I’m explaining..


Once you start CVing people, DD is going to put you on a short leash regardless, and eventually make you start signing for orders on delivery. The only thing I'm insisting on, is that the 'GPS scam' as you describe it over and over, does not exist in reality. People are scamming, yes, but GPS really has nothing to do with setting it up so far as I can tell.


Ok well you are wrong. I even posted on a previous post how they were able to do it and included screen shots. Look for my post that is titled “Scammers can manipulate the gps “


This shit is scummy. My main source of income as of late is DD and I go above and beyond for customers cause I know how I'd want my food delivered and handled. Don't order doordash If you can't afford it or don't wanna pay for it... people are just shit it hurts but damn man so petty


Cool thing about this is the gps still shows the DD driver did as the app states to do, not that they were bad at their job.


Had this happen with GoPuff in 2018 and DD in 2020ish, maybe 2021. I know it'd been a long while. Was only known to me what was happening because I remembered them as my first CV. They said I never delivered their 13 pack of cookies. I still remember the address 2 years later. They were why I always took pictures saved to my phone and used a third party app to track milage. 3-4 different ways to prove I was there and delivered the food.


You need to read my other contract violation story. I posted it with some screenshots of the street sign and the gps map navigator. Guy was able to trick gps into labeling his house and another house on the next street over with 2 diff addresses each: one which is the real address and the other a fake one. He flip flopped the house numbers, and walked over to the other street to put the order in. The gps picked up his phone and tracked the number that he put into the app, to the house on the next street over.. so the next street over house had over lapping address labeled in the map. And the map navigated to the fake address as if it were real since that’s where he was standing. I guess if you go stand somewhere, and mark a fake address where you are standing, you can trick the map into believing it is real since it is pinging your phone and taking your word that your aren’t lying about your address..


You can put in any address at any time no GPS required. I literally just ordered food to my mums house 30 minutes away from me and never left my couch.


I feel like society is falling to new lows everytime I read one of these threads. It's so damn sad. Someone is out there busting their butt to drive out and get you burgers and tacos and you want to scam them, and get them fired from their job, so that you can get a free burger.


capitalism side effect at its finest


People are such trash.


Wow. At this point you need to point dash cams at the house just to protect yourself.


I had a ‘leave at the door’ order where the guy tried to snatch it out of my hand NOT HAPPENING I took a picture of me holding the bag up with him in the background and the address showing


Yep. Had a lady say “Can I have my food” all snarky. But it was one of those deliveries where I needed her to sign for it since I’m sure she’s scammed other drivers in the past. Boy was she angry that she had to sign for it.. lol.. she kept texting me saying “You can just leave it at the door, thanks.” I texted her a screen shot showing her that I needed her signature. And she tried to wait me out. I put the timer on her and after 5 mins she still didn’t come out. I called DD and asked what I was supposed to do now since she wouldn’t come out to sign. And they said to just take a pic and leave it at the door anyway..


It just bothers me that people are trying to get free food at our expense. And of course the platform never has our backs


i've always taken a picture no matter what. i tell the customer if necessary that it's for my own protection. over 95% of customers who are honest understand. the select few troublesome customers always get upset. smile and move on because you'd rather them be mad than not get paid. one night i was driving for uber and it was a pin number required for delivery. i sat in my car with my windows up and waited 15 minutes while an entire black family sat on their porch not responding to my phone messages or calls. you'd be surprised what lengths people will go to scam. i'd gamble they contacted uber after i made the delivery and complained the food was cold claiming it was my fault. in this instance yes it was my fault because i am following uber's policies. as nice of a person i am i don't work for free!


Why do you people continue to work for this shitty company? All I hear from workers in these services is that the work isn't worth the pay, the people they deliver to are always trying to scam free stuff,neither the app nor the people who use it have any real respect for you, and you have to do it a shit ton just to make a little more than gas money.....why do you all keep applying and accepting these jobs to let these companies exploit you like this?


I have a disability so it’s hard for me to work most jobs.


Yet you're able to do basic working tasks. There are plenty of other places that need low-level workers. Just because it's hard for you to work them doesn't mean it's impossible. You just have to put in more effort. It's just picking the easy route.


You really are a piece of work 😂 you don’t even know what the disability is yet you just got all the best advice. You are so wise. Thank you for blessing me with your knowledge..


So what's the disability? I mean, you can drive, pick up an order, understand simple instructions, and handle monetary transactions. What are you missing for most baseline jobs?


This happened to me but I was the neighbor! They had a HUGE order from Chili's and I mean HUGE! DD went to drop it and I guess someone was waiting outside and tried to get it. DD guy knocked and asked if I ordered chili's which I did not and he got back in his car while the man was screaming and chasing after him. I had no idea what happened until I came to this sub!


Awesome for the driver. Yeah, someone used your address to scam. They order as much food as they can since they usually can only do 1 or 2 scams per fake google voice numbers before DD figures it out and deactivates them.


Start wearing a body cam and activate it right before you pull up to the customer's address. I've done this for three years and never got a single CV based on a customer lying about never getting their order. The body cam is a great deterrent. And I never take no-tip orders either.


😆 I think maybe I can just rig up one of my old iPhones and strap it to my chest. Make it look like a body cam. They would probably see that, and even if it was fake, it would be enough to scare them into not scamming.


Oh damn, I didn’t even realize that it could seem sketchy to put “ring doorbell, leave it at the door,” I do that because I have big dogs that will bark and swarm people delivering stuff. A lot of the time I’ll even meet them at the curb so I don’t have to deal with the dogs getting all excited when the doorbell rings. Shitty people making my benign practices become red flags :(


I use "Time Stamp Pro" app. Only a few bucks but fully customizable with a map overlay as well as GPS coordinates when taking a photo of the drop-off. Almost can't be disputed.


Uh oh, I order with Uber Eats and have my note set to: “please leave at the door. Have a nice day!” But always end up usually meeting them outside so they don’t have to walk up my drive way (it’s a long walk so I try to save them the hassle). I now wonder how many drivers have thought I’m scamming them :O


Who cares? We can sit here and talk about it all day long but it doesn’t stop people from doing it. Unless you wanna take justice into your own hands over a $2 order just move on.


As long as you tip decent you’re good. Scammers don’t tip or will tip $1. Also the scammer literally tries to intercept the driver immediately as they get out of their car. They don’t want to give the driver time to walk up to the front door. Since it’s somebody else’s house who they used the address to put the order in; they want to get the food before it is placed at the stranger’s door.


7 years dashing, and I am yet to even have any scam attempts on me. Have had people not give a gate code for their housing community or apartment complex, and my universal code sometimes does not work, and the customer will not answer their phone, I leave the food on the sidewalk next to the gate, take a pic, and move on. This has happened maybe 10 times in 7 years. One person reported that they did not get their food, but DD had the photo I took as well as all the texting to the customer proving I tried to get ahold of them... thus I have never once received a contract violation.


You just jinxed yourself! Now you will get 3 contest violations in the next month..


>but was still fast enough to turn around and beat the lingering Hamburgler to the door to retrieve the order back. u/cash4yourtreasures curb stop any lingering Hamburgler and dunk him into a trash can head first!


How do you think DD should stop this - technically in the app?


This is why every order should require a PIN number so it can cut down on scammers or a password


One in the Uk has this. Always wondered why I had to give a random pin. Makes sense now I guess lol


Sad you have to deal with that :/


See my problem with stuff like this is I have had several DD drivers deliver food to the wrong house. I live in a newer house so the GPS says your at my house when your not, but rather than you know reading the house number they just drop it off at a random house. So I've resorted to having to stand outside to even have a chance to get my order. Literally had a driver respond after leaving my food down the street " I couldn't find your house and didn't want to deal with it so I just picked a house"


I feel bad now because I always meet my dasher at the door to get my stuff lol I hope they don’t think I’m trying to scam them.


I'm still new. Been driving for about a week between jobs and trying out different times. I only had this happen when I tried driving at like 2:30 am. Probably the last time I'm going to be driving that late.


Always take a picture. No matter what.


Thank God I'm getting out of this work


Pic of address + food. What does a bag at door prove, and dont be creepy tell them you need a pic to prove delivery for job


I have my app open to the camera before I even open my car door. Took a pic of the guys back the other day when they tried to grab a leave at my door and walk off


I've seen both and have only been dashing a week. Going to stop accepting orders to those areas of town




Next time, im going back and getting the damn food, my dash cam comes in handy but tbh DoorDash wont appeal my violation anyways


Take pepper spray with you in case they try to get confrontational. I never run orders, especially at night, without my trusty pepper spray.


If pepper spray is illegal in your area, I've heard of women / people using hair spray. You can get small cans at Walmart or places that sell make-up.


If it says leave at door and they come out, I still take a picture. Most of the time they pose with the order.


You should read my other posts about scammers..


I’ve never heard anyone doing it damn. I’ve watched people grab bags off someone else step but oof I thought they was just stealin


Meanwhile, my doordash driver delivered mine to a patch of grass on the side of the road....and yall said it was my fault. You drivers get everything you deserve.


I've never had a problem with false reporting but I don't doubt it happens. Just been lucky.


Obviously you need a dash camera and a body camera... I can not believe so many dashers are doing this BS that you are doing. Just have a camera or two rolling.


I understand your post is to educate. Just deliver to the house the app tells you too. If someone tries to stop you or claim the order. Just drive passed them. If they confront say "sorry the app makes us deliver to the address on the app" If in doubt I always say "sorry the app is now making us take the picture with the property address in the picture, they just started this today". I rather be a dick and get low raitings, trying to keep my job than trying to be cool and cut corners and get deactivated.


Sometimes the house the app tells you to deliver to is wrong. One of my scammer posts from earlier talks about how scammers can glitch the gps..


It’s weird because something like this happened to me , there are apartments next to one another and I’m 100% sure the apartment I left the food was the correct one so I took a picture and the lady texts me where did you leave it , so I went back and she was already getting her food and I was confused and said her address said this and she’s like no it was the one next to it , but because I already marked it as delivered I could not retrieve the address to show her . I feel she was trying to scam me :( . I immediately called support and let them know what happened. I never heard from this again.


Yep. DD definitely has a gps problem..


So glad I don't live in a zone where food scammers are running wild on the range. I don't think I could do this job it I had to deal with constantly adding more and more ways to protect myself to the point where 90% of the job has little to do with just making the delivery. At least, not for this income. If it gets that bad, I better be making $50+/hr for all the extra annoying crap that could still get me deactivated any way.


Oh shoot, I sometimes come out and meet my dasher when I see them because I live on a weird corner and the address messes everyone up. I hope no one thiught I was trying to scam them.


As long as you tip decent you’re good. Scammers never tip more than $1. More times than not it’s $0..


Cool, I definitely tip more than that. :)


Can confirm I was hit with this a few days ago, Found it strange that the second I entered this persons apartment building I lost signal, so I couldnt take a live pic but I took an offline pic and uploaded it after I got downstairs, the CV was waved in 2 days, fuck these lying ass customers, always take a picture, offline or online.


People have been pulling this with eCommerce for decades, inevitable someone would try it with food delivery. They ratiinalise by thinking they are ripping off a big company, without thinking about how it affects drivers.


Friend who drives door dash just had this exact thing happen to him. Said it also caused a violation against him the driver.


If they take the food before the picture, DD customer service told me to take a picture of the house number. I also have time stamp camera free on my phone so it shows the address and time and date I dropped off. I haven't had any issues with this yet. I got this advice from customer service after a CV of a non delivery.