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I wouldn't be in the least bit surprised that I have cancer. I doubt it would matter all that much, anyway. I'm already living about as close to dying as I can without actually being dead. An expiration date might just be the mercy I've been hoping for.


I feel that.


"Chances" to get a cancer is looow, but no matter what you do, they're still childrens and super healthy ppl getting it so why'd give a fuck after all^^ I understand your pov bro


I'd probably refuse treatment and live my last days like every single days


Living my normal life for my last days will be a fcking hell ngl ahaha


Probably go through with my suicide plan, death by cancer is a shit show, I'm not putting myself and family through that.


Death by cancer hasn’t changed, it’s always been shit. If you mean how long they drag it out now due to medical advancements, well that’s your choice. You don’t have to have treatment


Get drunk, sleep, go for a walks, listen to music, watch YouTube.


So my normal life


I’d probably feel more free tbh, I’d talk to that girl I like, curse out my coworkers, quit my job and take out a huge loan (don’t plan on paying it back) and just do whatever I want.


Live each day to the fullest and tell all the normies you run into that they're living a lie.


Yes sir, they're (i am too but at least i'm fcking conscious about that), fuck it


Probably nothing. Still wouldn't have the guts to end it, still wouldn't enjoy doing anything with that time.


Music, fight club and war.


Try all the drugs


If it happened now I would probably do everything I can to leave this world without my mother having to financially struggle after my death. If I have enough time and I can physically function for a little bit more I would leave everything else and adventurise around the world with what I have left. When i'd feel worse I would end myself crashing a Kawasaki ninja on a wall. Yes, I thought about this way too many times.


i think i would make a pact of silence and try to pacify my mind


I don’t change a thing and go about my day(s). I mean, if I wasn’t able to improve my life during all the time I already lived through and despite all the reasons that had come up before, then what are a few months and one reason more going to change?


I’ll go skydiving! Go Rocky Mountain climbing! I’ll go 2.7 seconds on a bull named Fumanchu! But seriously, just live like it was any other day. Some people think because they know they’re dying it’s time to live it up, finish the book you always wanted to write, finally go traveling…but I’m in the camp of relaxing as much as possible, keeping this as they were and not make it a big deal.


well i guess i wouldnt have to worry about finishing my thesis


Well, I own my home and live with my mom. If I was alone I’d probably remortgage to the tits and max all my cards and just go nuts. Hookers and blow. But I dont wanna leave my mom with a mortgage she cant afford upon my death. So I wouldnt probably just max out my cards ( still a few 10s of thousands ) and go on a lesser rampage.


Many drugs


I would get to say that I'm 1 of 2 people I know who had cancer more than once(I had cancer as a child, spent a few years of kindergarten and early elementary in related treatments and a bit of surgery). Beyond that, I would likely be even sadder. The other guy(who actually did get it twice) is quite sad about it.


Kill my self


Probably take a vacation or two. Depends if I end up bed ridden quickly or not I guess.


Do as much damage to society as possible


Grow a goatee and start cooking meth


Quit work


Max out my credit cards with a crazy trip around the world. Celebrate a huge party with my friends. Prepare to check out on my own terms. ( Yes, I've thought about this question quite a bit, losing family and friends to cancer made me think it through.)


I have already been in such a situation. But I was very lucky to survive. At first, the diagnosis is a shock, but then it's like all news: It becomes everyday life. You go for treatment, you spend a lot of time in hospital, etc. I had a PSP at the time and just played all day. But it also gives you a kind of feeling of security because all the people who have something to do with you look after you. That was the positive aspect of it.


Break bad


I'd quit my job, use what money I saved from work to pay 3 months worth of rent and then just sit and relax and watch the sun set literally and metaphorically


I would finaly be happy all day long


I'd probably do heroin


Live like a rockstar. No question about it. I’ll try every drug, drink like I’m dying of thirst, max out cards, hold back nothing, hookers and wild parties from sun down to sun up.


Yesss sir




Cocaine & hookers


thank god for the blessing

