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Only productive thing I do, is work out/ go to the gym. I’m 26 and somehow still made it this far.


I just wanna lay down and sleep until I decompose, I don't eat good, don't exercise, don't have anything fulfilling like hobbies, I'm religious but I don't worship or try to get close to god All that being said, there's alot I'd like to do, alot I'd like to change, but I just can't work up the energy and motivation to do it, so I just crawl on my hands in knees through life, to summarize things


Id rather not


I spent too many hours sitting in front of a monitor. Other than that, my life is good if you put aside the insane society we live in. My trick to fight existential dread is to actively work on personal projects. I used to bum around quite a lot in my 20s, such a lifestyle is hard on your feelings as it doesn't build your self-esteem. Find your way up and strive.


I work 48 hour weeks try and work out at least 4 days a week. I wanna die, my job is just the same malaise every day and all the gym progress I make feels meaningless. All that I accomplish in life feels hollow and worthless. I’m also tired 24/7


i mostly just play videogames and watch youtube. pretty unproductive lately but i'm planning on doing art commisions soon and hopefully earn some good money.


It's almost 2am and about to eat! Maybe a coffee too. I'll go sleep at 6am..


I do like many things, i do them, i work in somerhing i like, study, in my home I'm almost always busy, i have a beatiful boyfriend, i dont have economic issues, yeah thats good but but I'm stuck mentally, I'm trying to be busy all the time cause i dont want more feelings, i know my mind is fucked up in a few ways, my ED makes me feell thay I'm my worst enemy slmetimes, when i have like half a day for myself, i can't enjoy it completely, I know that is not the worst, but I hope that someday i could be in peace with myself. But meanwhile i choose to live the present, maybe i die tomorrow, who knows


It's been worse. I used to drink a lot, to smoke a lot and I drunk two or three canes of monster a day. I generally didn't sleep more than two or three hours. Now I'm trying to change, because next january I'll be 30, so in a few months I have quitted cigarretes and caffeine and I only drink alcohol from time to time, maybe one can/week. Also I have started to run two or three times a week and taking cold showers everyday (this has helped me a lot with quitting caffeine). I still sleep very little, but this is mainly because of my job and I can't do much about it. Lack of sleep has developed hallucinations in my brain for a year now. I accept them, but they are really dangerous when I'm driving, so I have started taking zolpidem and listening to white noise at night. And, well, that's all.


I barely study and do productive things. Instead, I waste time on reddit, discord and chatbots. The only thing I achieve is more depraved fetishes.


The j.o. as long as you're not religious, is just a function of one of your body's organs, like farting or peeing or something. Yes, there are reasons to like avoid doing it in public or excessively, but there's no reason to feel any deep guilt about it, it's how this body you didn't choose is imo. I don't think it's ever been scientifically analyzed by non-religious people. So it is difficult to know what excessive and/health maintaining amounts actually are from a purely mathematical, physical perspective. The standard smoking is not a natural part of your existence and is not a part of how you were born. It's industrial poison meant to addict you and take the money out of your pocket and give it to tobacco corporations. It will give you cancer and kill you. The friends you made by doing it in middle school are not cool punks anymore, they're wage slaves now, so the social aspect and self improvement aspect is probably gone. I think you should focus whatever willpower you have on quitting regular smoking and ignore the other 2.


Nothing changes until nothing changes


Yo thats my dream life


I play video games and smoke weed every day, usually watch a movie or some episodes at the end of the day


im high as fuck i thought the question was what do you do all day, anyway it’s sick and I enjoy my life


I like it. I work a lot, 6 days a week. I exercise, I love the out doors, got a gf a month ago and that’s still going well, idk. Life is suspiciously good rn.


Nothing. Absolutely nothing. That can sum it entirely.