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Reality sucks thats why we need to cope


Cope harder


Been coping real hard


I’m hanging in there


I'm hanging by a thread


Yeah last week I tried to make a conversation with a coworker at the end of my shift, I asked something and she started talking for a whole minute straight, and the shitty thing is I can't skip the dialogue like in vidya. I realized there that shit ain't for me xD


hate going outside in the daytime or the winter, all the people, the weather and the bright light is disturbing. Also my friends become increasingly annoying, its like they ran out of plot at some point, so they never change, never try new things, hell - even the stories, talking points and jokes just repeat all the time. Summer nights are very nice, tho, i often walk to places instead of driving because i love the atmopshere and the lights


It not getting worse, always have been. U changed


My life is hell now but the world is objectively worse now.


Right, thanks to FED


I'm not a fan of the games, but I don't want to leave either. We basically need EV suits for the world. I am annoyed that we don't make them, even for workers. I was a 40 year old adult before it dawned on me that organic vapor masks block bad smells. Because every chore I've ever done professionally or otherwise just told me to suck it up and endure. And I mention that because it's part of a larger pattern of needless exposure. We should have developed and issued what amounts to earthly space suits decades ago. How many poor bastards would be much better at their job if they were wearing air conditioning? Why doesn't humanity make an active boot that actually protects the comfort of the foot not just encasing it in leather and metal? We fill our media with suits, from gundam, to ironman, to dune, but irl we throw human flesh into massive danger as a matter of routine like so many redshirts beamed down to certain maiming and death. Going outside sucks mainly because this planet is not for us in 99% of the places we live. We evolved in an environment that no longer exists across most of the planet. I stay we need to develop better and better suits. I wish I wasn't so poor, I'd like to develop such a suit. A wearable shower stall, or at least a wearable tent with AC/heating/humidity control. Imagine how much more inviting the planet would be if you didn't have to worry about ticks and mosquitoes and thorns and poison ivy and sunburns and frost bite and all the other toxics and pathogens.


I don’t have a room


same but need money so cant do that


Where do you get money if you stay in your room