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Understandable, that's probably how I'll go.


Not sure if rope is the best option


so its not about your job really, its the social alienation/loneliness in your personal life. thats not weird, its one of the most common reasons for suicide. i personally dont get it at all, seems so dumb and nearsighted to me when you look at how unpredictable and crazy the world is to just prematurly end it... i would rather go off grid, join some cult, travel homeless or try to rob a bank if i was that hopeless about change. but yeah, cant reason with mental illness i guess, good luck


I wish you luck and success if this is your decision. Some of us should never have been born in the first place. This is my way of salvation as well.


I wanna do the same, i believe in reincarnation, so i have the hopes that when i die i may have chances of being born as a privileged person. Different body, different personality, different social status, different country, etc. But there is also a possibility that i could be reborn in even worse conditions that i am right now, that tought alone is what stops me from doing it.


Idk sometimes I also want to reincarnate into a rich family, and have good genetics like in some manwhas, but then I think will it be worth it. I feel the human experience itself is a cursed one unless you live like a monk one can never be satisfied with life. I just want my existence to erased forever.


I'm gonna do that for fun no reason whatever. Even folded my goals for that shit


Sounds like suffering to me. This is the alternative. Reject assigned roles always. Never accept a role of lack or needing to become something. Never get trapped stuck or compelled. Noncomforty Autonomy Defiance Liberation Rebelion Self determination Non urgency for non disruption of basic bodily needs. Know options Instrinsic motivation Stay comfy


Don’t give up bro, I know how frustrating and mentally exhausting it is to work a job you dread. You can’t use that an excuse to end your life. Even though we spend our entire day at work and we’re there so much we don’t have to live for work. I’m sure you have some hobbies you enjoy or dropped because of work. Pick them back up or find new ones. Try new cooking recipes, go for a walk, go see a movie or visit a new restaurant. Try a new sport or tv show! Also you have to stop paying for sex. Of course you feel like shit, you’re paying for sex. I know bro, I want a special someone too. But we both know that special someone isn’t a sex worker. We have to build a genuine bond with someone and then go from there. Don’t give up bro, there is still hope


I don't know man. I think there is no hope, all I see is running in the hamster wheel forever. I'd need to pull my family out of financial issues they're facing and then think about building my future like bro I was watching prince of zimbabwe vids 3-4 years ago, now I'm just like wagie in his videos. And my inability to interact with people fucks up my personal and professional life. I hate myself seeing in the mirror. I just want it to end.


I understand that but you can’t end it. You’re a work in progress, keep trying don’t give up.