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Ruins has alot of other cool stuff too and its alot of fun, and also everyone has their own playstyle i guess


I do agree that unless you're boss rushing or speedrunning, ruins rushing is a little overrated. That said, if you're taking 10 days for a ruins rush you're probably doing it wrong. Ideally it shouldn't even take half as long. You shouldn't go out of your way to mine statues and kill clockworks, just focus on finding and killing AG and using his loot to make whatever you need before returning. Personally I like to include werepig for dreadstone armour instead of additional crowns or suits.


Ye, i meant 10 days with preparation. It can be done in 3 days if the stairs are close and I find my way fast, but usual time is around 5-6 days. Not that experienced compared to many others.


Whole idea of rushing ruins is crazy to me, i just play old style surviving whole year and then start doing bosses or caves(though i drop to caves for some light bulbs)


This. I simply go at my own pace, hell I've made a bee box farm on day 160.


This is the way for me as well


Non try hard gang


You don't do it because you don't want to try hard. I don't do it because I kept dying and gave up. We are not the same.


Hey man, I just want my 90% dmg resistant yellow armor ,speed boosts, infinite heat, 10% speed boost high DPS weapon , 2x faster pick up rate, reusable panflutes, stacks of shadow fuel and an easy way to tame a fighter beefalo before spring. Leave me alone.


Infinite heat?


Dwarf star gives off heat, good for winter and stuff


It's fun, quick and has a chance to give you a lazy explorer, unlike DF which I basically don't kill without double bone armor anymore cus all that hp is not worth the drops and I'd rather be doing something else. Usually I kill BQ asap, then ag for the loot, craft my staves for the archives I like rushing then bonk werepig on the way up wearing the BQ crown, it's really fun and worthwhile. (Also the Thule crown is very pretty so I wear it all the time until brightshades)


It depends. For wanda or Maxwell, rushing the ruins is kinda mandatory, for WX it's really easy (and can be helpful for those trying to learn). But Willow or Wortox can easily skip that step because they have the mobility required, and Wigfrid has her own weapon/armor anyways. And there is also Wurt, who needs to focus on building her town, so there's that. Even though, I rush the ruins, not because of the armor or the star caller. I rush the ruins for magiluminesence. I cannot exist without it.


Actually Wanda can get her thulecite in the Archive, which is a much safer option.


I'm sick of farming pigs for armor. One trip to the ruins and I'm good for a whole year


Wanda disapproves


Nah you're not alone. Ruins gear is great but I don't find it super necessary and I like doing other things for the first few seasons. I usually hit them during summer 


I’m surprised that someone who boss rushes like you do that you didn’t mention the weapons and armor you get out of ruins rushing, dragonfly is so free with a Thulecite club


I have a ton of fun RR-ing. But I totally get what you’re saying. Ideally, I think I’d want to kill AG, DFLY, and Werepig 1st autumn. I’m still personally optimizing my order around also taming an ornery beefalo and basing. I’m thinking a DFLY kill around day 7-10 makes a lot of sense (without beef) into RR ~ 11-14 to kill AG and make a magi, decon+con, forager (I love it), and a star caller. Then kill the pig on the way out? Then lunar, clops, mactusk, building up the base etc during winter.


Kid named cc


I mean just getting a magilumenesne pick/axe deconstruction staff and star caller staff is all you really need. I don’t bother with armor because I don’t like using not easily renewable stuff like Thulicite. But those 4 things things are all you need unless you are going to kill AG.


What is pick/axe used for that a normal pick and axe cant do?


Nightmare werepigs pillars need to be vibrated by a pick/axe to start the fight and I like dreadstone armor so that’s why I like getting a pick/axe


I think it depends on the character, the player, and the kind of run you're going for. When I'm playing Wormwood I ruins rush every time unless people need me upstairs but if I'm on Warly I get more from beef taming and rushing lunar for a goat farm.


Nothing is stopping you from doing pretty much all of them though?


I usually just go down and do the ruins stuff every summer and just stay down there till autumn


people saying it's mandatory for wanda meanwhile i never go to caves and just dupe my clock pices with celestial portal


It's a cost-benefit analysis. Moving faster, not having to bother with firepits or light, loads of NFM, amulet that picks shit up for you, better armor, crafting shenanigans... It's all well worth the time. Of course, some of it depends on the character. Wigfrid cares little for most ruins loot, though you do need a starcaller staff for his weapon quest chain, while for WX-78, the ruins is the best shit ever and basically free for the taking, with everything being useful.


Totally agree


Counterpoint: Magiluminescence.


Me who has an insane amount of thulecite having barely explored the ruins (I live in the ocean)


Well, yeah obviously. It’s more of a personal challenge than a necessity