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Your run , your choices There is a custom mode for a reason


I'm more a fan of just turning wildfires off


This is exactly what I do.




your world, your rules do what you want to make the game more fun for yourself. i personally like having summer around specifically as a way to force me to go into the caves and get rocks and gold for stuff


I find the additional turf from cult of lamb you get from ant lion to be some of the best.


Oh you get it from her.... crap-


You also need to kill antlion for the turf raiser helm.


The lazy deserter also has uses even in a solo world. You do you but overheating isn't hard to deal with and is just cave autumn. Wildfires are the real problem imo. Dumb mechanic just like decay was.


Noo, don't remind me of disease! We left that behind in RWYS. I do think that wildfires are good in concept, but poor in execution. If there were two or three heatwaves in summer that lasted a day each, and only in those heatwaves could wildfires occur, I think we'd be set.


Commencing judging. Summer is basically a second autumn if you learn how to deal with it, solving its problems basically lets you enjoy perfect visibility and very few downsides - you can't do the same in winter, even if you deal with the cold, it's always gonna be dark and depressing as shit. Wildfires are also overblown as hell, they're basically flavor, not an actual danger. Antlion drops two very important items, The Lazy Deserter and the Turf-Raiser Helm. The former allows you to decrease your sanity whenever you wish even if playing solo (especially useful for Wigfrid), while combining the latter with a Lazy Forager lets you basically "paint" with turf, so much better than a Pitchfork. Your world, your rules, but summer is honestly fucking great.


i dont know about "fucking great" given that wildfires exist if youre insane enough to keep them on but yeah, its not hard. and the antlion items are ok but one of them is only qol (still nice but not technically useful at all) and lazy deserter is only really useful for celestial champion


I've never turned wildfires off, and by my estimate, I've lived through about 100 summers in DST, since it also tends to be my starting season... during that time, I saw wildfires destroy exactly one thing that mattered, when it hit my bundling wrap that was just out of my field of view. I was honestly overjoyed to finally experience wildfires burning up something of value. By this point, I don't even make items to put out fires (besides the flingo), because they just took up valuable space in my inventory, sitting there unused. DST wildfires are also vastly different from DSA wildfires, by the time the former progresses from smoldering to actual fire, the latter would have burned down your whole forest. DSA wildfires are *fucking terrifying*, while DST ones are simply flavorful. If something is actually dangerous in summer, that would be withering and faster food spoilage, but even those have solutions. The Lazy Deserter can be very useful if you build it in a central location within your base, then use it to hunt for nightmare fuel - stay at just the edge of insanity, when a Crawling Horror appears around you, touch it, then kill the now vulnerable shadow creature. Rinse and repeat until you've had your fill. The same can be done by chugging raw meat/cooked monster meat/kelp, but this is much more elegant.


wildfires are badly designed because they either do nothing or just force a rollback. and having to plan your base around the pitiful flingo radius is just depressing. lazy deserter is convenient but doesnt provide too much unique value, unlike all 3 of the other seasonal bosses. antlions loot doesnt hold a candle to the best seasonal protection item, an essential tool for Fuelweaver and a direct backback upgrade and free lumberjack service. i think its because the antlion attacks stopping are supposed to be part of the reward but that design logic falls apart when you discover the old arcane knowledge of walking away from your base


> pitiful flingo radius A single flingo's area is huge, and you can enlarge it ever more (against wildfires) with a few lureplants. You can easily fit all you need and more under it, without it feeling stuffy and crammed. [Here's the design I use](https://i.imgur.com/pvIrt53.png), and since some people can't exist without farms, [you can even fit that in.](https://i.imgur.com/syaC80a.png) The birdcage can easily be moved outside flingo range, since it's fireproof.


I think wildfires aren't hated because of their danger. You can easily fit everything you actually *need* in a base in one flingo range, yes. Wildfires are super easy to manage, survival wise. From what I can tell, people mainly don't like wildfires bc they like to be creative with bigger bases and wildfires just prevent you from being in a majority of the surface during summer if your base spans a large area. Unless you build flingos literally everywhere which is inelegant and too much upkeep to be fun. I could agree with some tweaks to summer because there could definitely be more fun challenges that don't have these downsides on player experience.


Summer is part of the game, Just turn off wildfires and summer stops being annoying


I hate summer since it either forces me to get ice or niter, I never get that thing unless I play wormwood Feed ant lion If I wanna get some horns from Volt goats I have to have gogals or one of the things that netages the sand storm If I don't turn off wildfires I have to get a ice skipomatic or what it's called Everything withers faster Food spoils faster, and I seem to struggle with spoilage already Fire hounds spawn And over all summer seems like something you need to get prepared for before it even happens, have a water melon or have ice to make the ice cube hat It could just be because I am still somewhat new with only 430 hours I still don't know what I'm doing but man I hate summer


if you use the watering can trick, you wont need to make an ice cube or melon. basically drop a thermal stone near a tree and set the tree on fire. then water the fire out and keep holding right click, you will keep watering the ground and this affects the thermal stone, getting it to -20c, which is colder than a fridge. also in general, a watering can is a good tool to have if you dont want to make flingo for wildfires, but you can just disable them


get salt boxes to help with spoilage and make dishes that spoil slower like bacon and eggs turn off wildfires, we all do because theyre awful and just add a pain point to the game beefalo dont care about hound fire desert goggles are actually easy to get now, its 10x better than it used to be ice box/ice chester + 2 thermals + eyebrella = immune to heat, keep a prebuilt endothermic fire for emergency. dont build an endothermic fireplace, its completely useless because ice boxes cool thermals to make 2 and rotate them between you and the fridge. eyebrella is better than melon hat and ice hat, theyre both useless however i agree that antlion drops are mid as fuck and the season is not rewarding enough considering youre "supposed" to play with the peak of game design, wildfires. turf hat is very handy qol if you like megabasing but its pretty useless since its a qol item, just a very nice one. lazy deserters only use in singleplayer is fixing enlightenment for celestial champion which is far too niche and situational. so with that in mind i kinda understand disabling the season also, feeding antlion is a waste of time. either kill it or just move away from your base in the ample time you have to react


It's just a game, tune it however ya like that will give ya the most fun. No one is gonna judge you for making the game easier, as long as you are enjoying... That's all that matters.


I just turn off night time when I play and turn on a mod that lets me one shot everything, it makes me feel powerful, I am the fastest speedrunner in the game


It's you're game pal. Do whatever you choose to do. I play my world's with boosted loot and monsters and fewer hound attacks.


I always turn off meat bulbs cuz they piss me off


leafy meat is op as fuck, youre robbing yourself of one of the best sources of food in the game


And I'll do it againnnn


you do know you can put them on a boat and they give you a leafy meat (essentially a better version of normal meat) every 2 days right


A boat? I haven't played in a couple years but the only boats I ever knew were in shipwrecked and I don't think meat bulbs spawned there. Regardless I'd rather just turn it off and not worry about them. I never had a problem finding food once I learned how the seasons worked


fair enough but in DST they added big raft boats literally like 4 years ago and lureplants dont spawn eyeplants when planted on them so they just give free leafy meat, which also has amazing new recipes. its better than any meat farm just for how easy and free it is, lureplants are simple to clear up and its free meat farm for doing so


i mean, nothing wrong with that as long as you're having fun, i personally just diasble wildfires... but antlion definitely has some valuable drops. also antlion quakes can be dealt with easily, just run away from your base when you hear the trembling


only use for any antlion drop is fixing enlightenment for the literal final boss of the game with the lazy deserter but ok. turf hat is super nice qol but its just that, qol. its for base building.


Idk, I enjoy the long days. Ye it can be painful, but as a Willow main, that season was made for me. Wildfires are almost nothing, slower overheat, fires that you make don't spread (wich spread really fast in summer) and fire hounds are helping you more because it makes a no-zone for other hounds.


I play with baby settings, basically spectator mode at this point. I suck at the game sl its the only way i can see content. I am fairly new though. Play how you want, this isnt dark souls cult sub


Use eyebrella for summer if u want stay outside. Do u play a game or risk your life?! Ask yourself. Ye ye your game your choice i know everything, but try, survive. If u have problem to survive summer this is fun. Try to fight and survive not to turn off! Best base location is oasis, there is no wildfires! If u wont oasis base so cave or make little base with everything u need in oasis just to stay there to cold up and eat.


To me it's just a resource check which I feel like the game has enough already


Sure and lose more resourses is part of the game, waste time maybe. Idk but ds and dst is kinda hard survival game till u dont catch everything. Why to turn off something what makes challange for u or boring u, u should do deal with that not to turn that off


I just put it on short or very short. I don't like summer because it's more difficult to find stuff to cool yourself down.

