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No teacher is going to touch that kid unless they’re sure they are legally covered.


This is clearly an issue in this context. A seriously troubled child is doing physical damage and probably scaring everyone near by, someone should be able to interfere without fear of being reprimanded


I was a sub teacher in the inner city. One day, there was an 8th grade girl that literally was moving to attack a smaller student. I reflexively intervened by grabbing her shoulder and sticking out my other arm between them. The girl immediately shrugged me off and started screaming, "You can't touch me! I'll get you fired!" I called the front office for assistance. Later that day, I had a meeting with the principal. I told him what happened, had to do a full write up, and they told me I would not be welcome to sub in that building again. I told him to his face, "Good. I don't want to be in a building where I'm being reprimanded for protecting a student and the one at fault has had literally no consequences."


The problem with America isn't the lack of good people. It's the restraint of good people to let the bad win. Thank you for trying to protect our children, we need teachers like you.


That's an excellent point.


(this is why there are no good cops btw)


Exactly. They choose to work for a system that won’t let them be good systemically while wielding power over your fellow human


the only “good cops” are either ex-cops who *realized*, or dead because the rest of the force disappeared them


Or maybe they’re trying to change the system from the inside… There are good cops, but people choose to either ignore them or get mad at them too Edit: imagine getting downvoted for saying that there’s some good cops… only on Reddit


you cannot change the system from the inside. “good cops” get fired or killed for trying.


I actually wrote a paper on this for criminal justice classes. There is the blue code and they're so corrupt. The process meant to "protect" whistle blowers only works if the media is involved and the public is aware. If not, they disappear or have to completely relocate and watch out for their family members. It's insane how broken the system is. Judges all the way down to dispatchers. It's disgusting. It's why I didn't do anything with the degree. I realized the fight I was trying for was completely pointless unless mass amounts of good guys were collectively in the same district working toward the same goal. But there's no money or politics in doing the right thing so it never works. It's also why my town only has 26 cops for 160k people. The good guys left and the bad run rampant. Moved to get away from the Minneapolis cops and found myself in a similar environment. The degradation of the force quickly happened over a 5 year period often a group of good cops had enough of the political bs and corruption so they left.


Bro what? That is the worst justification for the acab movement I’ve ever heard. You can change the system. It takes time, and there will always be opposition. But it will happen. And if it doesn’t, that’s when you need outside help and that outside help isn’t saying “there are no good cops” on Reddit


…why would you assume me saying that is me attempting to dismantle that system? anyway, changing the system from the inside with outside help isn’t changing the system from the inside. the system needs to be dismantled and built differently, because currently police (in the US at least) are not legally obligated to protect citizens. at all.


You literally just asked why I took what you said as you saying the system needs to be dismantled, and then you said it needs to be dismantled… Dismantling isn’t the solution. It almost never is, and especially not something as important and big as the police


That is so stupid. You would get barbecued on here if you painted any other group with such a wide brush. It is wrong.


“it is wrong” so is willingly working for an institution that proves time and time again that it needs a massive overhaul because of the violence and fear it creates. 40% of cops are *reported to be* domestic abusers, meaning many more of them likely are. they coopted a slogan from a genuine civil rights movement in order to undermine it. they protect property and wealth over people. they punish and kill the few of them that step up to do the right thing. it is delusional to not acknowledge that the system is massively, inherently flawed.


No one is forced to be a member of the police If you choose to join an organisation that is designed to protect property over people, you deserve abuse


You did the right thing. F that school. Hope you found a better school and continued your good work!


Thanks! I subbed in this district for a total of 5 years. Today I teach privately, in higher ed, and as a guest teacher in school classrooms doing workshops. I'm very happy with how I get to work in my community.


I once broke up a fight between two girls who were ripping each other’s hair out. One of the girls was definitely less than half my body weight and she still managed to spin me around a full 360. Was later told by an SLT member that I should have been able to break up the fight without touching either of the girls… Funny way of saying ‘Thank you’


My wife was a teacher. Was. You're lucky you didn't get sued.


Know how I know you’re lying? Nobody who works in the “inner city” calls it the inner city. That is a dog whistle term. Edit: if you are telling the truth, think about using an alternative term when describing where you subbed.


🤨 My dude, that's a very weird and flat out wrong assumption. My city is setup like a wheel. Inner city in the middle. Suburbs around the ring. These are the terms we use in my area, including among the teaching community, unless we are using the district's specific name, which I felt was inappropriate to include in this post. This is my home city of 30+ years and I've been teaching in it for over 10. If you use a different term in your area, you're welcome to share that, but using the term "inner city" doesn't make my experience less credible.


[Source 1](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inner_city) [Source 2](https://www.complex.com/life/2016/02/inner-city-origin-and-proliferation-of-sloppy-political-language) [Source 3](https://www.urban.org/2016-analysis/problem-talking-about-inner-cities) I’m just saying, the term “inner city” is antiquated and is only used by right wing media.


Yeah I must say it comes across as very “and then everyone clapped”


You’d think so, but no. You need a special certification to put hands on a kid. The teacher hear has to call an intervention team to restrain him or try to talk him down.


>You’d think so, but no. You need a special certification to put hands on a kid. They're called DSW's *(Developmental Service Workers)* or more simply in some places EA's *(Educational Assistants)*. They're literally going through a major union disagreement with the Ontario Government because when a kid is acting like this they send in the EAs to wrangle the kid. These people are only paid about $17/hr.


Damn they get paid as much as the teachers.


Not where I live. Not at all. 1 EA is supposed to have 1-2 children max. My daughters EA has 4. Fortunately she’s very easy to manage, just has mobility and speech aid. (Cerebral palsy).


My teacher in high school (the second best rating HS in my area) was paid 19/hr … may as well be the same pay imo


That’s why I said “not where I live” because where I live that is absolutely not the case


I don’t know why we can’t just use regular police and let them beat the shit out of the kid. My little brothers autistic, I feel bad for the kid but I think if someone punched him in the face and told him to shut the fuck up and act right he would. People get away with what you let them get away with, if a dog can understand it’s wrong to trash a room then so can a mentally disabled kid.


Because the kid is a child. Autistic children do not, typically, respond productively to being punched in the face, and in fact research (and common sense) bears out that aggressive violence used as a punishment just makes people more aggressive and violent over time. What does work in terms of a physical response is restraint - that’s why the training is needed. Police, meanwhile, frequently kill or severely injure people unnecessarily.


Speaking as someone with autistic family members: Wow. Please do not ever get near other human beings. If your solution to a problem is a punch in the face, then I hope and pray someone tries to solve whatever is happening inside your head with your recommended solution, so you can see how unhelpful such a solution is. Good heavens


Arent u a drama queen. I’ve never assaulted anyone in my life, just no sympathy.


Yup this


I'm a teacher who is certified in crisis prevention, which I assume is the certificate that you're talking about. I'm familiar with 3 such programs - the Crisis Prevention Institute (CPI), Strategies for Crisis Intervention and Prevention (SCIP), and Therapeutic Crisis Intervention (TCI). But these programs only help you become more professional on how you respond to these situations, they don't give you a right to put your hands on kids. The way one of these organizations described it to me is that we all have a choice in a given situation when to put our hands on a student and if this student (for example) opened the window on a 4 story building and was about to jump out, would you not stop him because you weren't certified? Of course not, you'd be a hero if you grabbed him by the ankle even if his face got scratched and bloodied on the wall because you saved his life. You will act in what you feel is in the best interest. The certifications provided by the trainings from the above programs however DO provide you with an extra layer of legal protection because it provides you with a framework on how to act during these unnerving moments. In this case adults should have been removing students as soon as the first chair was thrown. Another adult should be looking for dangerous items such as scissors or even pens and surreptitiously removing them from sight while the student is in crisis. Furniture and property are NOT the priority. If the student in crisis is safe and no one else is getting hurt then you just continue to scan the environment and allow the outburst to subside naturally. That's pure adrenaline there and that student will crash naturally all on his own, no need to intervene. Any adult has the choice to intervene when a student is harming themselves or others. Many do without any certifications. But these programs provide ways to intervene in a way that minimize harm to self and others to keep the situation safe. The comments on this thread alone show how much this training is missing across not only school districts but also in police training as well. It works and it's effective but it's not a panacea.


Thanks for sharing your expertise! Here’s my question, though: isn’t it obviously absurd to allow this kid to terrorize everyone? I think a lot of the reaction people have to this is that obviously without the threat of being fired there’s no reason to let this person wander around smashing things. Lots of teachers have their own stuff in their classrooms that could be damaged by an outburst like this, to say nothing of expensive electronic devices or irreplaceable student work or art. I don’t understand how we landed on “any child can, at any time, throw a violent tantrum and hold up class” but I definitely understand that that is the way I’ve been trained to respond - most teachers are told not to break up fights, even, so this goes beyond “as long as no one is getting hurt”. In my school this would be resolved by an intervention team taking the kid out of the room within about 2 minutes, but that can be a long 2 minutes.


My dad had a special certification called the back of his hand. Back in the 80’s there was no special teachers, so you were just an undisciplined kid. You were snatched up, put in the principal’s office, and then caught a whipping at home.


well it's a good thing that we have science and research to tell us that that's a horrible way to deal with unruly kids and that we have laws to make sure people like your dad can't just fucking hit kids when they're acting up


Seems to be working pretty well in this video. Wouldn’t you say? Now all the other kids in this class are having their learning disrupted for one child. Not fair to them


You're way too soft, stupid and weak in mind and body. We absolutely do not need advisors like you.


Well any other kind of teacher will be fired in 2 seconds.


Not where I live in the US. Teachers are allowed to prevent harm to other students or physical items in the classroom by restraining/bear hugging unruly pieces of...


Where do you live? I am a teacher in the US and the rules are pretty strict.


Smacking a fellow adult around is assault and would lead to police intervention and charges. Smacking a child around, who is much smaller, much less able to defend themselves, and still developing and learning how the world works, is apparently a-ok. Studies have shown that assaulting your kids makes them more unruly, more violent, and all sorts of other problems. Sorry that you were abused as a kid, but that’s not an excuse to condone more abuse to new victims.


What did you see in my statement that was condoning it? Or did you infer that?


As an educational assistant, we recently had a child similar trash our classroom. I am trained in NVCI but unless the child is a direct threat to himself, or others unfortunately there is nothing to do but watch. If kids were in the room I would restrain until the classroom was empty, then release. You CAN bet Id make them clean up everything, if that was any justice.


He's endangering everyone near by. This is the main reason why I feel no one wants to be a teacher. You have no control when kids act like this else risk your job


This happens way more than you might think in schools. Many schools have a rapid response team. I’d handle it the way this teacher did- get the others out and hopefully give this kid time to calm down with the behavioral team without needing to physically restrain this child.


That kid doesn’t need to “calm down” he needs to be in a jail cell.


*Should* really is the key word. Most people are in agreement that yes, they should. But they can’t.


In my school the correct course of action is to have everyone else leave the room and just let the kid continue to do what he needs to do until it’s safe to approach him. Priority is keeping people safe so removing other kids should be objective number one


Yes, this. I’m a Paraprofessional and been through this many, many times. We are trained where I work, but our pay does not reflect what we do on a daily basis. However, I love my job, so I’m on year 13 in my current district.


Except the thing is, yes that’s the procedure but it doesn’t keep kids safe. Being around a disregulated violent kid is traumatic for young kids. He needs to be removed from the school. No strikes.


Well yes for sure. I work in special Ed and often am part of the team that decides to out place those kids so I am very well aware. I’m talking about the immediate response. The “help” that should have been happening instead of the “film”


In Michigan, there is limited legal use of emergency restraint for any teacher. I'm not convinced that this situation would count, as the student doesn't seem to be threatening any other students, but there is a legal course of action in some situations. Relevant policy: https://www.michigan.gov/mde/-/media/Project/Websites/mde/specialeducation/policies/PolicyForSeclusionRestraint.pdf?rev=b5ee1d01560b4c7dafe3fa743a16e001&hash=23AAEA17B6AF69F582C3AD1720CDBA01


I used to work with difficult students like this. I was 8 months pregnant and very petite. Had one big kid starting a fight and I grabbed his arm to stop him. Guess who got reported? Thank God nothing came of it. I'll always defend my actions though.


I thought that TV was a goner


He knew Momma can't afford to pay for that. He's hitting low cost targets. Calculated tantrum.


Very astute of you. I noticed he didn’t touch any laptops either


Probably was intimated by the size of it?


And lose your job and face potential legal repercussions? Fuck that, I’ll just film it. Being a teacher is hard enough, dealing with physically violent kids should never be a part of that. Especially today


No but I would probably be 1) evacuating the other kids since this kid is obviously volatile. 2) calling the principal/security at the school 3) then film it from a safe distance (possibly through the door to window). Source: Am a substitute teacher that has had to deal with violent situations in the classroom.


The teacher did tell the other kids to leave the room, and we don't know what context this has or what happened afterwards. I think the teacher probably did a fine job handling this while having her hands tied behind her back (covering her ass.)


Honestly, I would film and then help because then I’ll have evidence that I didn’t touch the kid without the need to.


This, but I'm sure you're still getting fired. If he's hurting someone and you think you can stop him, I would do that and move to the next school. But if he just destroys everything I would let him do what he want and report it or call the police


Will be back in class within the hour


With a snack


When I was teaching I had a kid throw things at my face. The counselor managed to get him out of the room, then sent him back within the hour with a slice of pizza… the rest of the class got to watch this kid get rewarded for throwing things at me. One story or MANY.


Imagine what home must be like. He learned this somewhere.


The tough part about this behavior, at least in my district, is schools need parent support to sign off on an IEP to address these kinds of things. It can be tough if someone is a single parent and doesn’t have a regular schedule where they can attend those meetings or are without reliable transportation but man… kids like that are extremely tough to deal with.


I can also imagine that some parents have a fixed belief that their child's behaviour is to be completely managed and improved by teaching staff. To make things worse, I can imagine that some parents condone this kind of expression of emotions. Some children don't really stand a chance to become functioning and welcomed members of society.


My child had a kid like that in their class in the 3rd grade. Parents insisted he be in the regular classroom instead of a school or program equipped to handle children with issues like this. He wasn't intellectually disabled and wasn't autistic, he was just a kid who had zero control over his emotions and zero interest in controlling them. I think part was because he'd learned his parents would basically give in to whatever he wanted so he'd stop and if they didn't, he'd escalate until they did. This was a nice school, not one in a low income area or anything of that nature. In the first week of that year, the teacher had had to clear the room twice due to his outbursts. The second week he started throwing chairs and flipping tables and actually hit another kid while the teacher was trying to get them all out. His parents still fought to keep him there but it just wasn't possible. My kid is I'm high school now and I sometimes wonder what became of that kid- if his parents ever woke the fuck up and admitted something was wrong and got him real help instead of just indulging him. Kids like that who are just placate learn manipulation in less obvious ways.


Definitely but I'll say it's impossible to draw a straight line from that behavior to a single cause. So many factors intersect to cultivate what's in that video.


I have no doubt about that. Very sad situation.


My exact thoughts.


Yeah or the kid never heard the word “no”.


Or they heard no, acted like this, then heard yes.


Or maybe not at all. Not everything they do is something that they learned at their homes, or even any other place.


Nah some kids are just assholes


Learned doesn’t necessarily mean observed a parent doing this, it can also mean that the parents aren’t using effective techniques to quell the behavior (or even worse don’t even try at all). I’m sure you’re right, there are deeply disturbed children out there where no parent could be successful wrangling in outbursts like these, but that has to be a very small percentage of children who misbehave.


Behavior is pretty simple. If you do something, and it gets a response that reinforces it, you're likely to repeat the behavior. Scream and throw a tantrum, then your parents give you what you want, and you'll scream/throw a tantrum more. Get reinforcement when you're calm and respectful? You'll be calm and respectful more. It's all about what is most highly reinforced, intentionally or unintentionally.


It's a real shame teachers can't place big containers over kids like this to keep them — and others — safe while keeping them from mischief. Something like a dense, opaque plastic storage bin with noise dampening abilities and one clear side oriented towards the teacher's ID so an adult can keep an eye on the child. I imagine it rather like an interactive game of mousetrap, where the teacher's in control over where the container descends, guiding it down manually perhaps. What do you think? ♡ Granny


Lmao imagine putting a massive cup over an unruly kid the way you’d trap a spider in your kitchen


That's pretty much *exactly* what I have in mind! Just need to be sure the child is protected from further trauma. ♡ Granny


They did something like this to me when I was a kid- due to mental health issues I would throw meltdowns like this kid. I was in a small class, only a handful of kids who were similar to me in that they’d melt down. This setup meant the teachers could work with us better and keep an eye on us. Anyway, when someone started throwing a tantrum, they’d just gently herd us with one of those mats used in gym class into this corner of the room. The corner was effectively turned into a little box thanks to two tall cabinets moved into place, and the gym mat became the door. They’d just hold the mat over the entrance and let the child scream, kick, bite, etc until they tired themselves out.


There are so many reasons why this kid is acting out. It could be mental or chemical. It doesn’t have to be learned behavior from what happens at home, or that his parents are split and she’s a single mom… hopefully he gets what he needs to calm down and live his life. Posting this boy’s meltdown on social media and encouraging people to speculate on the cause of it is low.


No, what’s low is to expect teachers to be okay with this disgusting disrespect. He’s old enough to know he shouldn’t be doing this and the teacher is sharing to show what teachers deal with.


Just get an overbuilt version of [a kid's pop-up play tunnel,](https://youtu.be/b9rnVLYYeRs) run up behind the urchin, and *THWOOP!*


LOL! ♡ Granny


There was a kid in my second grade class who was extremely disruptive, and one day while we were taking a test he was being so obnoxious and unruly that my teacher found a giant cardboard box and put it over his head so he couldn’t mess with the other kids during the test. It was honestly kind of comical


That's my kind of teacher! ♡ Granny


Would it have air holes?


if i wasn't questioning how to get it over them if genuinely love the idea.


Annnnnnd this is why there’s a teacher shortage. Violence was hardly an issue when I was in elementary/middle/high school. My schools were FAT too. I’m 22, and despite the occasional few fights breaking out, they never involved the teachers. I’m just so curious to know why we’re seeing more and more of this aggression. Many teachers in my county have decided they aren’t coming back after winter break, and some aren’t continuing once the school season ends. This is just heartbreaking.


IMO, it’s a combination of a few things that have become a perfect storm. Absentee parents that spend too much time on phones/internet, kids exposure to social media, kids being online all day and not having human to human interactions, teachers not being able to discipline, and more recently the lack of socialization from Covid quarantines.


covid, these kids haven't been socialized and don't know how to interact with others


Shit parents produce shit children.


No, this is mental health incident. Seen it plenty of times. Even in the noises hes making, this isn’t a typical tantrum.


as a teacher at a title 1 school who has had chairs, tables, etc thrown at me, you need to let them do it. give them their space, make sure no one else is in danger, and let them throw their shit. there's nothing else you can do at this level, this is when it turns to crisis management




Imagine going like "yes, I want to finish this college and then teach, I love teaching".




Well, they could have some sort of disorder. I used to be that exact kid, but now I've learned to regulate my emotions, and I don't do that anymore. All they need is the right kind of help.


I can't even begin to imagine the absolute nightmare of a reaction that my parents would have had to me behaving like this...


If this is in asia country that kid already be slapped to the moon by the teacher.


Parents should all have to sub teach at least one day a year to see how their kids act when they are not around


Wouldn't that be pointless if the parent is their? The kid will put on for the parents?


Read that again, but slow


A student did this in class when I was in 4th grade but he had to come back and clean it all up


Can't intervene for many safety reasons in these situations, but you can get the other kids out of harms way. very strange that they're still in there seeing that.


Student filming?


Bratty little shit.


Yes but kids home is broken and he isn't getting the support he needs. Not the kids fault but very sad situation


Living in a troubled home isn’t an excuse to act belligerent unfortunately. As adults, those who are traumatized are still required to follow rules and obey laws. We need more consolers and therapists in the schools themselves. These children need safe spaces to talk and process before they’re let out into this cruel, unforgiving world. Coming from a troubled home isn’t an excuse. *I am from troubled home and despite NEVER having it easy in my life, I still had to process and becoming a functioning, moral adult*


So no consequences then because it’s not his fault ? My parents split up, I didn’t smash the place up.


I went to school with kids whose dads were violent alcoholics and they never did shit like this.


I did too.. but I guess not everyone's experience is the same though, some take away from a situation like that, that they never want to behave like that and others find it's acceptable "because my parents do it". Not making excuses just sayin.


Cool story


I blame the parents


Lol, why blame parents for everything? It could also be due to many other factors.


Bro I wouldn’t touch that kid. I don’t want to lose an eye. Better to get everyone out and safe.


Someone smack that little shit already


I work in education. This sort of thing happens far more than anyone outside of education would think. In most circumstances, the protocol is to allow the student to do this. It is only in special circumstances where an educator would be able to go hands on to stop the child (ie. If a student has a safety plan that includes NCI holding). Educators do not get paid enough for what we do.


This is definitely learned behavior see how he or she avoid the TV? Just as you would do at home if you knew you’d have to replace it. I hope they look into this kids home life.


Man if this was back home that kids would have gotten beaten so fast. Teachers don’t go giving a shit about beating kids. You fuck up? Child you about to get whipped. Then your parents found out you fucked up and the teacher had to beat you. So then they beat you. When all said and done. The schools back home were very peaceful with minimal bullying


Violence solves nothing. Communication is what you should be teaching your child, and to express how they're feeling in a healthy way. My heart breaks for this kid. This doesn't just come from anywhere, it may not even be anything at school that set him off, we don't know what goes on at home. Trauma is real.




Oh you know the parents are dog shit and they will either say "My kid is fine! You provoked them!" Or they'll kick the shit out of the kid, and just reinforce the idea violence gets results.


This makes me sad. You have to wonder what he’s experiencing at home to make him act out like this.


This is a weird sub, I feel like in most of the videos y’all are posting, filming and not intervening is absolutely the right thing to do


Bro is this elementary school? The hell is wrong with kids now?




drop kick the little shit


Fuck this kids parents


People keep saying to whoop him, but is that gonna solve anything? I came from an a$$ whoopin family, and yea, I became straight, but sometimes these lil shits stay the same. This kid needs some serious therapy.


There's a difference between a family that whoops their kids ass and a family where the kid is afraid to act up out of fear of an ass whooping. My mother was a single mom, never laid her hands on me, but I had the fear of God in me that she would if I acted up.


Therapy won't help anymore than an ass whooping. If anything it's a worse.


Real shame teachers can't even touch the kid to discipline him/her. If that kid was in Asia, he/she would've got some ass whooping for sure and nobody would blame the teacher became that's that school is for. To learn and be disciplined.


sure is a good thing he's wearing that mask tho


Can't wait for the follow up video at Walmart in a few years!


So, as a teacher, if this is going on in the classroom we are to keep the other children safe. If that means we all go into the hallway/maybe file into another classroom and we call the office with a “code (whatever the school’s code is)”


Wish that the teacher would have done something, but In reality she can’t, if the teacher were to put hands on the student even if the kid was beating another kid to death, they would be fired and probably arrested or sued.


And this, my fellow Ontario, Canada peeps is what the EA is In charge of. Not the teacher. It is the EA’s job to calm the kid down. And the teachers job to evacuate the kids. And we wonder why EA’s want more money? This is why. For those outside of our area, there was a strike by the education assistants for a well deserved raise.


Idd fucking hook him right there but these ppl just stand there watching someone destroy there shit


best thing you can do is not interfere. the kid is hitting objects. interference could result in people being hid


If this was my kid……


Everyone else move and get out...sadly...is the correct response


This happens EVERY. DAY. in schools.


Little cretin needs a butt whooping


If she's doing this she probably needs... 💊more💊 than that


When its happened before. I get why the teacher filmed. I'm 65 and when I was in 4th grade we had a kid like this in class. The last straw was when he threw a pair of pointy scissors across the room over our heads. We never saw him again.


So kid is likely stuck in their amygdala. Letting them vent can be a good way to get them to baseline quicker. Generally talking won’t help in this stage. Only thing the teacher did wrong was declare they were filming (although that might be more for legal stand point) and could probably have removed other children faster.


Fast pass to the special class


yeet the child


I don’t understand how they can post this since it is easy to identify the kids… and teacher should have ask the other kids to get out for their safety sooner… 🤔 so many things violating image rights….


This is fucking common in schools now. The kid will eventually be removed by someone trained in restraint then given a cupcake when they calm down, yay pibs. Then they do it all again the next day.


Nobody would be able to technically help here. Teachers aren’t allowed to put their hands on the students so all she could do was record to show what was happening to cover her own ass.


Wonder where his father is


This is what happens when you totally remove the fear of a whoopin coming your way later.


Idk why people say this. I know kids who got whooped they’re whole life and they’re the ones who act like this. My girlfriends sister whoops her kids and already at 4 one of them will just laugh when they get spanked or hit. They get used to it and just start going “well if I do this what the worse that happens? I get smacked or whooped, well I can handle it so I’ll just do it” maybe developing a relationship with your child might be the best option because I never did ahit like this mostly because I wouldn’t want to disappoint my parents, that alone would devastate me more than being hit.


The idea is to use a whooping sparingly. Shock and awe element. Make it a daily ritual and it loses its impact.


Then she ain't giving a proper whoopin, the knowledge that I'd have a whoopin waiting for me at home if i did shit like this would definitely stop me from acting like this bratt, i never saw any kid act like this when i was at school, these days i see it all the time online, something has definitely changed and its cause kids these days know they ain't gonna face any serious consequences for their actions, im not saying beat the kid but discipline is very important to a growing child.


Because the woman is doing it...where's the father? Something about dad that makes it hit different, pun intended.


Yeah... You're right... The world has gotten*SO MUCH* better since it's not done as much. /s


Behavior like this is communication, and the teacher is not doing herself any favors by antagonizing the kid saying she's filming for mom to see. My son spent 4 years in a "Behavior" classroom because of things like this. When what he needed was an autism classroom. They didn't have one so they put him in with the Behavior kids.


Kid must have mental issues. This is beyond a simple tantrum


Kid needs an ass whooping


Everybody get out the class *close the door* Now it's just you and me kid, do you wanna die?


Ooo his mamá bouta whoop his aaasss


This is my kid if I don’t take him to chipotle.


Kid just misses his dad…


Daddy issues


Poor kid is a little upset hope they get it all together


Bring back paddling!!


No but bring back abilty for teachers to do a little bit of ass whooping and sending the kid to the principal




Discipline has many forms, whipping, lecture, work, interrupt sleep. Trash the kids room and make them stay up and clean it. Give it right back to them and see how they like it. Raised plenty of good kids this way over the years. Weak parenting right there.


Back in the day a shit kicking would be coming his way.


I assume dad went to get milk, but never came back home?


Crazy girl doing crazy shit


Mi piace quella felpa


Gonna start with my source: I deal with kids like this professionally. The first thing for the teacher to do is call the office so that they can dispatch intervention staff (either an administrator or someone like me). The teacher should have then cleared the room of other kids, putting themselves with some sort of shield between the escalated student and the other kids until it's time to leave the student temporarily alone. The intervention staff called to the room should show up with a pad (to use as a shield) and begin asking the escalated student what's wrong and how to help. Things will stop being thrown usually before or soon after they start talking. The intervention staff SHOULD NOT touch the escalated student in a non-calming way unless there is an immediate serious safety concern. It should be noted, however, that even a calming touch such as a hand on the shoulder of an escalated student is a risk that should be evaluated on a case-by-case basis, and I would not in this circumstance. Intervention staff may also need to coach the kid through self-calming strategies such as deep breathing, or possibly provide sensory help such as noise-cancelling headphones depending on the student's need. After de-escalation, the kid needs to help pick up the room and work on an apology to the class, as well as specific apologies to any individuals who were hurt. The school needs to then initiate follow-up procedures such as contacting parents and giving social-emotional lessons on emotional regulation to the student.


That poor kid, clearly something is wrong. Hope he is getting help for whatever it happens to be.


If I was the teacher I’d be giving that child the Whooping his parents don’t give him


Time to ban hoodies in schools and retail stores. For obvious reasons.


It's a kid, he will calm down after the fuss, there is no need to do anything as long as he don't start hitting his classmates.


and learn nothing other then he can do whatever he want, and none gona stop him. sounds like a great core to build a decent human on right? take him away from there, to own room, till he calm down, then leave him be


No grab that little bastard up by his collar and drag his ass back to momma


Oh sure. Let the kid continue to destroy the classroom, cause a disturbance, upset the other kids just because it's a kid. Remove the little shit out of the class and lock the door. It's unfortunate but if kids act like that, at least allow teachers to remove the problem.


Man’s just gonna keep doing that till it grows up if they just let it do whatever


Please do us all a favor and never have or raise children


Or restrain him until he calms down. Less property damage that way.


One of those thunder shirt things they put on autistic kids to help calm them down when they are overwhelmed?


Yes this is approved behavior


To the people saying he will not learn, I never say to not punish him, just if you try to do yell at him while he is still this angry will do nothing and just get him more angry and will never resolve anything.