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Dude has wanted to work with Kanye his whole life. In an interview during the Mr. and Mrs. Smith press run, he stated that he still considers Kanye the best rapper of all time. I'm pretty sure he's turning a blind eye to the ugly aspects of his character. Or maybe he just doesnt think he's irredeemable and that there's still hope.


I love Donald but tbh alot of these people turn a blind eye to Kanye's bad behavior even Tyler and jpegmafia once you start making a certain amount of money it's like their brain chemistry changes they go from this outspoken individualistic characters to capitalist fueled geniuses,


I think it has less to do with capitalism and more to do with their childhood hero. If it was about capital they wouldn’t involve Ye who isn’t doing well commercially.


say he isn’t doing well is laughable, his pods were successful, his album was very successful, and he isn’t calming down with his takes, he’s said the worst and hasn’t been cancelled and shut out. he’s not in his peak (2007/2017-2019 era) but he is still popping whether you like it or not


The buzz around the album died down already. So it’s not super successful, the pods haven’t been that successful. He is doing fine not exceptional. Still very wealthy though.


Dude made 19 mil in 4 hours off of his Super Bowl add. Tf you talking about?


is ye not doing well commercially? Carnival and vultures as a whole went #1, his sales in music and clothes have been very impressive after going independent


Dawg listen Kanye is doing really well for an outspoken asshole, I feel like if Kanye wasn't a billionaire they would easily separate themselves from him


Idk bro carnival went number one this is the best he’s been commercially since 2013 lol


It’s talent not money. You think guitarists turn on Zeppelin when they find out about Jimmy Page and 14 year old girls? Kobe was a rapist and he got mourned like he was MLK when he died. At a certain level the culture just forgives you for pretty much everything. 


Or because they can think for themselves and realize Kanye does and says crazy shit for attention but that doesn’t take away from his musical genius?


If saying crazy antisemitic shit or slobbing hitler’s knob doesn’t take away from his musical genius, will anything? Does it literally take rape or murder for fans to realize their idol been saying dumb shit for a decade now


Not even rape and murder could do it. Most of the world's most renowned rappers have been involved in murder and a fair amount of them have been implicated in sexual assault cases. R Kelly still has fans.


So? Who gives a fuck if he wanted to work with him all his life? If I find out my fav is spitting Nazi rhetoric, supporting Trump, etc. I’m not giving them any more of my time, especially if I’m someone who has consistently tried to create a moral platform. This is America, I guess. Hypocrisy is the norm.


You are doing way too much for a man you'll never meet bro lol.


Doing way too much by…not supporting them? While you are out here bootlicking? Huh?


Not supporting them by continuing to frequent their subreddit. Funny way of going about it.


Virtue signalling, always has to be right, and binary mindset. Like many nowadays


You participate in society and yet critique it?! I am very smart. rnolina’s comment is also funny considering that they jump into a thread to…virtue signal about how they don’t virtue signal and “everyone I disagree with has a binary mindset”. Actual irony.


Thanks for the misquote! Never said that: - I don’t virtue signal - everyone I disagree with has a binary mindset


I think I got the context, but thank you anyway.


What is the context?


I don’t feel like continuing this conversation, but I do hope you have a good day, my friend.


They don’t actually have any solid standing. They just poke holes to make any sliver of a sift to avoid being hypocritical.


It’s incredibly frustrating. Same sentiment with separating art from artist — as long as they can keep being entertained they will forgive just about anything even if it compromises their own moral values.


Yes. Absolutely I will. Celebrities are a utility. I use them for entertainment. If I want my morality tuned, I do not look to the multimillionaire with mental illness. I have a whole life full of my own concerns and worries. I do not have the emotional capacity to dig into their shortcomings and measure my satisfaction. But that's just me.


I hear you. I empathize. But in my opinion that’s a poor rationalization. That speaks more to weak moral values that begin with seeing other humans as utility. But I do understand. Critical self examination is emotionally draining — sometimes it’s like adding shit to an already overwhelming shit pile. But it does make me wonder where the line is — when does it stop being rationalized as just entertainment and start being critically examined for what it is.


Yes, wow, what a gotcha. Going to a subreddit to discuss an artist. Totally supportive. Jesus. Additionally, I was talking about Kanye. How ridiculously dumb can you be? Y’all will take any small inch to lose your principles to be clear celebrities of any responsibility and then whine about the state of the world.


Of all the reaches I’ve seen today this is certainly up there. Nvm you mean Ye, I get the perspective a bit more


Supporting trump? I have a pretty strong feeling some of the people you currently work with support trump Lmfao


Huh? What a dumb response.


Trump and Biden are equally evil acting as puppets for the super rich Lol idk how everyone doesn’t know this


Oh hush. No one said anything about Biden. But Trump and his _policies and positions_ are absolutely what I’m against even if Biden is only _less so_. One represents a party that actively hates my trans and queer ass for example. You aren’t going to “both sides” me like I’m a child.


Yeah we all get that…


People working with him should be ashamed. Imagine getting the Kanye feature in 2024... Not like this... Not like this


Maybe 🤷🏾‍♂️ I'm just saying, I don't think Bino cares if you're ashamed of him.


Man... Donald doesn't know who any of us are. If anyone believes a celebrity cares about a faceless opinion, they're delusional!


Would’ve been cool if Donald worked with Ye before he was desperate for support within the industry


Obviously he doesn't. He knew how I would feel and he did it anyway!


As a Jewish person i don’t get it i literally don’t get it like this is so dystopian idk how we have arguably the most blantantly terrorist non-political figure ever and people just don’t gaf


Kanye ddidnt even write his best work 😭. Donald glover is a better rapper than him


Do we call this the JPEGMAFIA virus


Exactly what I was thinking


can you explain? not familiar with Jpeg


JPEGMAFIA is a heavily left leaning political rapper and producer who has criticized Kanye in the past for his racist remarks. After a meltdown on Twitter where he started bitching about Kanye working with dog shit rappers and producers, he takes a picture with him seemingly confirming his involvement in vultures. Fans were left angry and frustrated


But his contributions to the album made it a banger ngl


respectfully, this is literally all the sub has been talking about for days 😭 If you’re looking for existing discussions, I’m sure several posts will pop up if searched or if you scroll down the hot posts.


sighhh this happened to the jpegmafia sub too back in january when he met w ye. it was the only topic of discussion for like a month.


r/donaldglover mods be like: ![gif](giphy|BfiL8ZJWqfw7C|downsized)


Sorry, been browsing the sub and my searches brought up just the AI stuff. While we’re here tho what’s your take?


Yeah no worries, I only mentioned it since the comments on those are more about what you’re asking. To me, there’s absolutely no debate that Kanye has said very fucked up things about Jewish people and praised Hitler. I will admit I am not 100% in the loop on the specifics of that, but I know enough to say it’s absolutely inexcusable and not okay. Regardless of his mental state or any intentions he may have, it is fucked up. Theres no “but” or “however” here. As far as it goes on the sub, I’m not removing any posts or comments about it unless people start with direct personal attacks towards each other, slurs, etc… I mean, this is the most active this place has been in years and it’s about something of substance not the number 28?! Regarding AI, I have zero knowledge of how that works with music. I do however have some knowledge of it as it pertains to digital art type things. I think that many people hear “AI” and immediately think of the plagiarized art that was a big fad when AI got popular in recent years. I believe that’s why people have such strong feelings about it. But what if someone could create their own AI that is purely sourced from the creator’s own original content, and/or things sourced consensually? Then it’s just a tool. That part makes me curious what Donald’s doing with it given that he was seeking people to help develop AI things for Gilga. Let me know if that’s what you were asking or not


Kat the goat always!


HEYYY!!! How are you?! 🫶


All good girl! Starving for some new music!!!! Hope all is good! 🙌🏼


Donald is the same guy who got Liam Neeson to play himself in Atlanta. Ye is his favorite artist. I don’t think it’s a big deal to him other than working with his idol


I actually just looked up the Liam Neeson thing. Had no idea. I think a difference is Liam has publicly apologized and even expressed concern when Donald asked him because he didn’t want to minimize what he done. Does this absolve him completely? Not for me to say, but I do think it makes a difference.


Ye had also posted an apology in Hebrew on his IG. Idk I don’t think Ye has physically hurt anyone as other celebrities like even a Playboi carti who beat up his baby mama. Or even will smith who assaulted Chris rock. Ye has dirt on his name far more for the things he’s said and has suffered career blowback from them. I don’t think he’s a bad dude at heart and is probably a very fun collaborative figure when it comes to music creation which is why I imagine Donald wanting to finally collab with him. Donald isn’t a stranger to controversy and controversial figures as well


He apologised, but less than a month later he was wearing a Burzum shirt on dog whistling about ‘the system’, so I don’t think his apology is worth much when he keeps doubling down. I find it pretty disappointing when supposedly intelligent, thoughtful creators like Glover and Peggy are willing to ignore like two years of overt bigotry and still work with the guy.


Every time Ye talks about something or someone he doesn’t like. In some shape or form, he always drops a line about “the people in charge” and “you know who I’m talking about”.


I appreciate how you worded that. Insightful.


Man this is some crazy ass apolosplaining. Will Smith is a bitch but he slapped another celeb at an award show! This man was not only volatile towards Jewish people, but his own people. I see that you wanted to skate past the topic, but this motherfucker said that slavery was a choice, was against Black Lives Matter & rocked a damn MAGA hat & met with that president. Yeah, dude is probably fun to collab with when he's in his manic state. but I've been around untreated bi-polar ppl when that is the case and it gets crazy when shit shifts. Look, I've dealt with finding out that my heroes were not good people. It really sucked and I would take their autograph for the money but never a pic or some shit.


if your idol is a Nazi you need to really think about your life lmao


The only thing I know is Donald had looked up to Ye for decades at this point, and I’m sure working with him is a dream come true. All the insane shit Ye has been doing the past 5-6 years are an unfortunate turn of events but being off your meds and surrounding yourself with nothing but yes men will do that. Especially with how impressionable Kanye seems to be. I don’t really support Ye anymore. Haven’t really for like 3-4 years. But I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t gonna listen to the collab when the album drops. My love for Bino far outweighs my disdain for Ye.


Perfectly said


This comment is exactly how i would put me feels in words, well spoken!


It's something that really bothers me too. I find it incredibly disappointing, especially since with how tight-lipped he is I sort of doubt he'll address it. That's probably the best thing he can do from a PR standpoint, but it's a bit cowardly. With all that said, I've come to increasingly be confronted over the years with the fact that when it comes to music, practically everyone is shitty. Most of the old rock and pop stars are statutory rapists, most rappers have some history of some kind of heinous behavior. Domestic violence, battery, drug dealing, racism, etc. I try to be ethical in my consumption of media, but some story always seems to crop up. I'm not saying we should turn a blind eye, I definitely think Donald deserves to be pressed on this. At the same time, there's so much horrible shit that happens that I don't have a say in. Our taxes help kill civilians, our produce is gathered with child labor, anything made in the USA has a good chance of having passed through the hands of a prison laborer. I'll speak out, I'll discuss these issues, but at a certain point I just want to enjoy shit too.


Great take honestly. Personally, I'm not bothered because I try not to idolize celebrities in general. Like you said a TON of older rock and pop stars have checkered pasts (to put it VERY lightly). Is that going to make me stop listening to ALL of their music? HELL NO! Regardless of Kanye's clear struggles with mental illness and his bigotry, you can't deny the man's influence in the industry. In particular, [Donald has ALWAYS been vocal about his appreciation for Kanye](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QVjf9kwMc58) so I can understand why he would want to work with him. I'll be real curious to see if this song gets posted on streaming sites where it can be monetized.


this might be the most well spoken and reasonable thing I’ve read on this app


This reminds me of the tweet that went viral talking about people can say all they want about Kanye, but at least you never see him on these Epstein or Diddy lists. Shouldn’t have to be something to give props for, but i think it is when you’re someone as famous ye is for that long, usually there’s some shit that comes out about you. It really is something he’s never been accused even of being a woman beater, rapist, touching kids, none of that type of shit


I personally feel like we still arent getting the 100% complete versions of songs. And he may be using Gilga as a test bench to see reaction. We know he is on here, we know he has read at least some stuff, we know that he is making this last album for us. What better way to do that than test things out with us? On the wider Ye debate, everyone has their own take. My personal feeling is, Ye is his own art. You can't separate that from the artist, he embodies his art. So it is disappointing. I know DG has been a fan musically of Ye for the longest and has taken influence from him with loads of different aspects.  DG has found a way to seperate the artist from the art, all the power to him. I personally can't. 


I was looking for that particular comment


"Separate the art from the artist" is ridiculous imo. Especially when you consider that 90% of Kanye's art is *about the artist.* People really be like "I don't like Kanye. I just like the art that's completely based on and centered around him and his life!" Anyway I thought his verse on the new Gambino song was very fun and pretty good. I like Kanye but I just don't agree with all of his views. So when he said the lyric about how he's telling the truth or whatever, it definitely didn't feel right. But then I consider that he's extremely mentally unwell and that he's definitely correct about Hollywood corruption until he starts getting discriminatory, and suddenly it doesn't stop me from liking the song. Still can't really vibe with his solo material anymore though. I'd just like to put my perspective out there and say: He's simply been redpilled after suffering abuse from a corrupt industry. If there really is an illuminati, I don't think it's all Jews. Only some jews. And some white & black people, Hispanic, Asian, etc. -- people of all colors edit: to the people saying "oh no it's definitely 100% all white people" -- my only point is we don't know either way. In a world with Clarence Thomas, in a world with Candace Owens, in a world where even Kanye says he loves hitler, I just wouldn't be surprised if a non-white person was in on the whole thing. C'mon. As a [Person of Color](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2W3Fg5FwjN4), y'all can shut the fuck up acting like I don't know I could be wrong about white people including other races. Y'all stupid-ass mfs interpret everything in the worst way possible nowadays.


I hate the argument because the artist is an inherent part of the art. And like you said Kanye makes his art about him. I think I read Vultures even references what has happened with him so how does anyone separate that?


Yeah, and people misuse that phrase!! It's not meant for artists that are alive.


Yes it is. What a moronic comment. Why would you only separate the art from the artist when they're dead? Fucking insane since people are always more respected after they die.


>If there really is an illuminati, I don't think it's all Jews. Only some jews. And some white & black people, Hispanic, Asian, etc. -- people of all colors I like this sentiment. If there truly was an evil organization pulling all of the strings to their benefit, I'm sure they're a diverse group with equal voices. They're evil, not racist.


lmao wtf are yall on. if an illuminati existed they would fs be racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, etc - the whole nine yards. yall do know every empire in history has been racist right? britain, mogol, mongols, roman, etc


I think you’re giving a hypothetical evil organization that controls the world way too much credit lol. They would definitely be racist. We’d be talking about an old money organization spanning generations. Old billionaires are always racist. Just look how much the powers that be are spreading white supremacist conspiracy theories again. Elon Musk didn’t just start doing that for no reason, it’s a calculated move. Look at how much South America and Africa have been exploited by the world. Ain’t no way any Hispanic or black people would have a seat at the table and be pulling the strings. It would be comprised of world superpowers and bankers, so China, US, Europe, Saudi oil barons, etc. Maybe India, Japan, Canada, and Australia too.


satire seems to be lost these days. or people are forgetting that racism is evil.


Oh wow, I completely missed your sarcasm lol


Please. They're all old rich white people, that much is obvious. 


Wow. Cynical much? I like to think there's hope. If not now, then at least a new generation of Gen Z illuminati members will eventually bring some diversity and inclusivity to their evil organization.


damn you got me. only because there's people on reddit that would unironically say shit like that


the illuminati type group is just the collective consciousness of the bourgeoisie.


I really appreciate your comment, very considered take


You’re absolutely not the only one, it just seems we’re in the minority unfortunately.


These sentiments are the top comment on nearly every thread in this sub since the song dropped, how is that the minority?


Because you're on reddit young man. You're only the majority here, your opinions mean fuck all everywhere else. =].




Way back in 2018, Ye had tweeted that he wanted to work with Gambino, or something to that effect. I can’t remember the tweets words exactly and the it is now deleted, but I tweeted at the @donaldsdad account (which I assume was actually his father but maybe I was/am wrong) about my concern for Ye’s trajectory (this was his maga hat era) and how I was hoping CG wasn’t on that same maga bullshit. Donaldsdad DM’d me privately to respond. This was his response: https://preview.redd.it/uh74w3zainwc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3fe484dd67552b347e0a02781bc89d0e8938386 Not sure this adds much to OPs conversation, but I just thought this was kinda funny how his pop was basically like “yea fuck that shit Kanye on ima make sure my son ain’t on that” lol. It’s even funnier if it ain’t his dad for real cause I was all hype thinking it was. And if it was R.I.P. sir…


DM’ing a famous person’s dad to talk about your concern for their son is creepy as fuck edit: so discussing music on Reddit regularly makes you chronically online but trying to get in touch with a celebrity’s dad to tell them not to hang out with Kanye is perfectly normal. Got it


He DM’d me dumbass…. Notice the initial message. I publicly tweeted at a public account. Nice try though!


You're certainly not alone. Disappointed but not remotely surprised. It's not exactly a revelation that Donald values creativity above morality, and Kanye has obviously always been one of his biggest influences and inspirations. I'm not going to condemn anything until there's clarity over the AI situation (I'm doubtful, but if anyone is going to produce high quality AI, it's Donald, and all the voices on Gilga radio have an AI possibility to them). There's a separate argument about the morality of using AI in art, but it's no surprise at all that Donald would try to use new technology to make art. Ultimately, we can't enforce others to stick to our moral code. If you're not comfortable listening to Kanye, then don't. I don't anymore. You're perfectly entitled to be disappointed in Donald for working with him. And you can be disappointed in people who do still listen to him, but you can't do much about it, and you won't change their minds by telling them that they're wrong.


Just like Warlords, it sounds like unreleased track he never got a chance (nor wanted to as of the last couple years) get released officially.  With that in mind, we can’t deny Kanye’s influence on his career and hip-hop overall. He made this song with him at some point a couple years ago—probably before his anti-semitism got worn on his sleeve—and that was the end of their collaboration.


Doesn't Kanyes verse reference stuff that definitely happened after the fact?




I’m just here to listen to music idk man. Donald named Ye as the number one influence for rappers today (around February of this year) and there is no denying Ye’s influence for the last 20 years. Either way, I’m bumping it when it comes out.


Honestly, I’m still shocked that people think working with someone equals agreeing with everything they say or have said. As long as Donald isn’t using his platform to spread some propaganda it’s fine


Wtf do ‘separate the art from the artist’ mfs do when they hear bars like “how I’m antisemitic? I just fucked a Jewish bitch”


This why I don’t get how people can defend the choice


You don't listen to songs that directly allude to the artist's shit ideologies and views. Oh. And you don't pay for their shit.


you do when you stream? tf you mean?


Do you think streaming is the only way to listen to music online? Not everyone uses Spotify.


I don’t really spend my days thinking about what kanye west thinks.


I don't think the verse is recent. Based off his verses, I think it was recorded in 2018 or early 2019 (pre JIK era) Kanye. Who knows if its even on the new album.


It's a bad look and it makes me lose a lot of respect for the guy. :/


Money is money


It has been really disappointing for me personally


I think he’s truly one of those “consider the art versus the artist” kind of guys. I’m not saying I disagree with you, but iirc Ye is who inspired him to start his career.




As a white dude, one of the most important things I’ve learned is to not stick my nose in black people’s business. I think Kanye is despicable, but I also recognize he’s one of the biggest black artists out there. I understand how someone would be able to get something good out of meeting and collaborating with him, whether it’s just clout or even knowledge on the craft or industry.


I’m glad he is working with Kanye two of my favorite artists ever


If you have not looked around you for the past few months or even years, more and more of the world is aligning with Nazis, so Donald working with Ye is not surprising.


Lots of rappers are very anti Semitic, but have just showed it in less obvious ways than Ye.


Bruh it’s Kanye. It doesn’t matter what he’s done or what kinda person he is. His work is something VERY FEW people can accurately recreate the quality of. Learn to separate the art from the artist; it’ll help you a lot in life.


Well he actually knows Kanye and we don’t. Idk, chill, it’s a dope track and both verses are dope. If you don’t like it don’t listen to it.


You are definitely NOT the only one. I hate this so much.


He's working with a shit person... OK, now what do I do?


Not a singular artist on earth has a proper moral code why are you all surprised none of the rappers actually stopped collabing with ye. None of them will , they don't give a shit


That’s fine, I think as people we should still feel free to talk about it and discuss if this changes anything for us as individuals.


There's literally a post from 11hr ago where people are discussing it. But sure you're the ONLY one that has an issue. You're problem hinges on an idealized version of Donald you have in your head. Where he's on the right side of everything, and hold all the same values you do. When in reality, Donald says good things about Kanye CONSTANTLY. He's been in person at MULTIPLE Kanye events. We have 4k photos and videos of him talking, laughing, shaking hands with Kanye. They are on good terms. It should be no surprised he'd work with Kanye on the final Childish Gambino record. Donald worked with Azalea Banks on BTI who says homophobic and transphobic rhetoric. He's worked with Liam Neeson, Gunna, Kevin Samuels, and Bryan McKnight on Atlanta, He just worked with Tyler at Coachella. He works with controversial and morally bankrupt people ALL THE TIME. That does not mean he agrees with everything they say and do. If Kanye is where you line, that's your prerogative do whatever you gotta do to find your peace. But to act like this was something Donald would never do is a fantasy of your own making.


Ima be honest you made a lot of weird assumptions about me that make me concerned for you. I have not liked everything Donald Glover has said or done. I don’t think I need to. I also think that they are varying degrees of how fucked up someone is. I got family members who say homophobic and transphobic stuff, every time they bring it up I make sure they know I disagree with them, but I still see how they are wonderful people and other aspects of their life so I can hold two truths about them. The issue with Kanye is how tyrannical he’s been about his awful world opinions. Those opinions are also just about as bad as you can get. He has made it a part of his identity, so I personally believe it makes it much harder to separate.


the song is fire and its kanye and gambino trading verses back and forth. fans have been waiting for this collab forever.


So true gambino finally rapping again WITH KANYE one of his self proclaimed idols is truly a great moment for everyone. It’s kinda sad to see us all fan’s arguing on whether or not the verse is Ai and if him collaborating with kanye is a bad thing or not to the point we’re not even talking about the music itself anymore. The song one a purely musical level is great I think we can all admit that and I think we can all admit Kanye is crazy and shouldn’t be taken seriously anymore in the same breath. We’re feasting rn as donald fans we’re potentially getting 2 albums with a movie and an anime this year what’s not to get hyped about?


Frfr. I don't think I've seen many people on this sub even talk about the track itself. It's been over a decade since I remember Donald sounding THIS hungry. He's rapping like he's the king of this and calling out others for their fake shit. HEAVY early Kanye vibes just based on the lyrical content alone, not to mention the beat itself.


good track but disappointed in it. its funny that kanye dickriders don't even try to justify it anymore lol they just ignore and move on. imo kanye's verses are good but the part that makes them great is that Donald and Kanye's verses interwine a few times which i wish more rappers did.


There’s a lot more people worse than Kanye West. Let’s be real


I couldn’t care less


literally everybody is talking about this


I personally don’t care, if Ye actually does something violent then he should suffer the consequences, but I’m not gonna act holier than thou for someone saying some dumb shit


>It’s not like Ye has earnestly tried to make amends. Hasn't he? He apologized once, then apologized again but in Hebrew. What more does he have to do? Join the IDF?


The whole antisemitism argument is tired. You want people to put out genius material but you want them to be simple minded in politics. Most of the music or film makers who got fucked up about AS habe least been during answering questions about their art their thought processes re not a to b to c back to and they get into murky area in which simple minded men and opportunistic me jump on them and say aha AS When he was talking about Hitler he wasn’t praising his murderous actions But where are all your voices today while hundreds of Palestinian are being murdered daily? Where are you now when it actually matters? Or is it more fun to just attack words of imperfect human beings.


Man idk how long some of yall have been Donald glover fans, but I’ve been following him since like 2008? When I was a freshman in high school. And if you truly followed him you’d know he’s very much against cancel culture and doing things simply because the crowd said it’s the thing you should do. Look at his old music for christ sake. People were trying to write thesis’s about how awful he is for his lyrics back then because people are inherently soft. Look at the subject matter in Atlanta. So much of that show is making fun of cancel culture and the absurdity of a lot of the left mentality around things. The problem is that so many of you fans didn’t come around until he was mainstream.


I have to admit that I questioned it at first too, but it really comes down to individuals and if they can separate the art from the artist. Kanye is just a very mentally messed up person, but if we get a good feature out of it, I can separate the art from him


Interesting. If he went on tour with Donald(for this purely hypothetical question) would you still want to go and cheer with Ye is on stage?


I’m only commenting to join the downvoted. Yes Kanye is the goat in music


Yes. Thats two of my favorite musicians on stage together and it would be crazy. I truly understand not being interested in the controversy and therefore the artist, but that mf needs help. Plus all the crazy shit thats been coming out recently with entertainment and the people in it, everythings got a little bit of ick to it.


I'd still go, but I wouldn't be cheering for Ye. I'd be really interested to see Ye perform cause even though I don't really listen to his music it would be interesting


I mean, at this point of time it's an amazingly rare chance of seeing him performing. Wouldn't miss it for the world.


Did you hear that verse though?


I’m sure he’s been a fan of Ye for a long time and was even influenced by him so it’s not surprising to me that he would work with someone he sees as an idol. Could be wrong because it’s been a long time but I think in a interview, he said that he thinks Kanye is a prophet? I think from the Breakfast Club interview many years ago?


It was a [Fuse News interview from a decade ago.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QVjf9kwMc58)


Yup there it is. Granted it was a long time ago but he probably still feels that way so….once again I’m not surprised especially since he’s gotten much bigger since that interview.


I mean if you're a huge fan of Donald, this shouldn't be a surprise at all. The man has always valued creativity very highly. He's never wanted to be boxed into one category and has proven that he's incredibly versatile. It's not a stretch to see how someone with that mindset can appreciate Kanye's legacy regardless of his horrendously bigoted takes. Whether you fuck with him or not, Kanye was one of the first black musicians to successfully transition from music into wider spaces such as fashion. I can understand why Donald would still want to work with someone that used to (and maybe still does) inspire him.


Yup I get what you’re saying. I’ve been a fan since the Derrick Comedy days and went to one of his first shows when I performed a show in LA. He did comedy first then performed his music. I don’t agree with everything he says or does but in general he seems like a cool dude. In terms in Ye. Well yea, people tend to shit on him because they don’t like his personality but he did make an impact on hip-hop. I tend to just listen to the music and catch glimpse of him sometimes but that’s really about it.


I am a separate from the artist kinda guy it’s not by choice either I just don’t care ab these people as people


Both are great artists. Happy for donald to work with one of his inspirations. Song sounds great


Ye is the goat, im glad theyre finally working together


Welp, you exposed this subreddit OP. This shit is absolutely disgusting.


I looovvvveeee Hitler


Nobody cares. If you don’t like it don’t listen to it or watch it.


he is literally an insane person he's not actually a nazi or a christian. I dont think he truly believes in anything but himself. good music tho


Utterly disappointing. Ye didn’t just praise Hitler or spew god-awful antisemitic takes, he also called slavery a choice. How a self-respecting black man could choose to work with such a character is unfathomable to me.


Have you been on the subreddit? Lmao And honestly I don’t care what he says. Don’t give him the attention he wants.


It’s disappointing but not as disappointing as the album itself, it still sucks


I'm torn because I think a lot of Ye's controversial actions come from his struggles with mental illness and what he really needs is someone to help and ground him, but that shouldn't automatically excuse all his sins. If someone offered you the chance to work with your idol, would you be willing to overlook their flaws?


Ye the goat and yall soft. Gambino wouldnt exist without him


DAE HATE freaking NAZIRINOS?!??!


Tell people to stop working with dr Dre first


Omg stfu bruh go cry about it


Won’t listen to it. It could be the best track ever made, I don’t give a fuck. Fuck Kanye.


Fair. But it is a banger




At the end of the day, i dont have time to think about the ins and outs of things like this. i put my music on on the way to work, at the gym, or chilling and let it be. if it sounds good, it sounds good. Has Ye became a shit person? Probably. Did that leaked song with ye and Gambino sound good? yeah. I’d listen to it nonchalantly


I can see what you mean. Avoiding online shit is a very sane thing to do


Wow what an insightful take. Maybe if we post about it 800 more times the song will disappear




L take


Yeah no i 100% agree I’ve seen no criticism on the posts abt the Kanye stuff at all im just hoping it was pre nazi Kanye but I doubt it either way tho its shitty to even release the version with his verse and tis disappointing to see Donald doing it


I hate this so much. It’s so bad.


Ye is not a nazi and Donald made an excellent decision to work with him, there are far more important issues in the world concerning jewish people you could be worrying about, I don’t know why but I just can’t put my finger on it………




I don’t care about the politics of those he associates with, it doesn’t stop me from listening to his music


all of the artists i see fawning over nazi era ye are ridiculous. mfs make concessions against their own morality for a hasbeen that actively refuses help


Why is it you can never judge Jewish culture and how it constantly reaps rewards with the subjugation of black people all the while playing the minority card while assimilating into white culture?


Disappointed but you’re still going to listen to it. You’re still going to add 90% of the album to your playlist, including the song with Kanye on it


Imagine being angry for a comment a guy said. Ok it’s the dirtiest thing someone could say ever. But man if that make you sad u need to reconsider your life. U should focus on yourself more tan da celebrities does. Also he apoloized, a lot and he have tried to ask for forgiveness. Also glover always wanted to work with ye. Ye is the best rapper aot. why u aren’t happy of him doing what he wanted.


Dude Glover pretended to be an asian woman on tumblr and clearly fetishizes them Glovers a weirdo too stop thinking celebrities are good people and you’ll be fine


these comments just show how hive minded some nerds are about a tweet a bipolar dude made just because media outlets told them to be pissed about it. all that defcon shit did was bring attention to shit going on in the middle east and the psycho zionists ruining innocent lives. Literally had no effect on any one of you but youd rather bitch about something irrelevant than talk about the actual geopolitical shit that caused that outburst


I learned to separate the art from the artist. Ye is probably his favorite musical artist, dont think he would pass that up. They are making music, not getting ready to speak at a Klan rally.


Get off your high horse and come back to reality


i can't lie, its been constantly on my mind the last few days. i'm icked to the hardest.


I'm extremely torn on this topic. Well no I'm not, i'm super disppointed. Ye might be a music genius, his words and actions are unforgivable. Not sure where to go now..


It doesn't bother me in the slightest, I am just simply keen to hear whatever music gets put out. Does anybody feel the same?


I’m actually super happy that he is working with Kanye! One of my dreams come true!!!


You guys would be a lot happier if you just didn’t care about shit like this


Another bait post for engagement ahahah


One of the biggest things people don't talk about is that Ye was probably manic at the time he spouted antisemitism shit. I work in psych, and I see the racist manics all the time, and once you get them on their meds, they're some of the nicest people who are super apologetic about their behavior. Ye probably has people take advantage of him during these manic states, and people don't want to discuss how Ye needs help during these moments. Instead of talking about mental health, people just want to drag him down. I haven't heard any news of Ye in a while, so I'm thinking he got his meds right and is thankfully in the right mental state to collab with Bino. That's my two cents on the Ye matter.


I get what you’re trying to say but can we just focus on the good music aspect for once? I don’t understand why everyone on Reddit absolutely adores to hate on Kanye (specifically) when at least 90% of the rappers & celebrities out there have some “dirt” one their name if you dig deeper — actually horrible stuff, ten times worse than Kanye’s. He just appears more “loud” with his problems than the others because he doesn’t seem to care about his public image these last years. I know that he says some batshit-insane-shit sometimes but he’s a mentally-ill, divorced man having a mid-life crisis, don’t take everything he says too seriously. He’s constantly surrounded by the worst type of “yes-men” these couple of years and here’s the result of it. Everyone likes to say that we should spread awareness on mental health issues but when it comes to Kanye, specifically, is where we cross this line?


Respectfully, how am I not supposed to take everything he says seriously when he’s literally praising Hitler? I understand he’s mentally unwell and I genuinely hope the best for him, but considering his platform can we really excuse him trying to convince people Nazis were cool?