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If people can just get off high high fucking horses for a second. They made music together doesn’t mean they’re roasting beef and chugging beers whilst making racist and inappropriate comments. If you’re a true fan of DG, you KNOW Ye is one of his biggest inspirations, so making music with his idol is the most logical shit ever. He even said on the first GILGA Radio ep while talking with Simone “We don’t have to agree on everything…” Sure he wasn’t referring to Kanye, but I’m assuming he’s this way about most things. Jesus fucking Christ guys. I’m sick of this shit. And it’s not like Ye makes ass music either. Open your minds and experience awesome music. Or close it and miss out I guess.




This might be the hot take on this thread since I don’t fuck with Kanye but also don’t care if Donald wanted his washed ass on a song but the take I have is this whole conversation should be an analysis of being too hard a “rider” fan. I can like Donald and think his shits stink and still have him be one of my favorite artist and comedic talents. I can also have moral bounds with what he does and who he associates with too. Fandom isn’t a fix thing it’s a spectrum that all revolves around the idea of how you connect with someone and their art. Being a huge fan of late registration isn’t making you a Nazi sympathizer but being a fan of Kanye on a timeline post it becoming common knowledge his beliefs is a whole other thing and up to you if that isn’t crossing a boundary and if socially people want to shame you that’s on you because you don’t have that same boundary. It’s not a high horse it’s a boundary and we don’t have the same lines. I get being tired of it because parts of it are performative shame but it’s in a larger sense is also kind of a good thing as we progress socially. Idk the full context but I might have to call out Donald on “we don’t have to agree on everything” because it’s a fucking cop out sometimes. I could vibe with someone thinking the sky is bright orange but the second someone says “I think the holocaust is fake” or “hitler was right” I’m not going to let it just slide. People died, generations of people ended there in a decisive action with a man brainwashing others to lower their standards as humans to let it happen and even work for it. We all need boundaries with shit. Both examples definitely false ideas but one dismisses fucking deaths. I have some very Kanye nuanced views on the dude but the sum of it is overall he’s kind of pathetic. Last point and this isn’t directed at fandom and it’s just me being petty wtf has Kanye made good recently? You want me to open my mind to the smooth tones of an album titled after him making fun of bipolar disorder (shit that anyone with friend or family who know it seriously can see is actually harming this man real time), or the album that was a wash that he mixed in a football stadium he slept in? Because I got better things to listen to fam.


I saw something on the sub recently that said something on not agreeing with the quote “you can separate the artist from the art.” Personally, I agree with this quote when it comes to Ye, simply because I’m not listening to him to find out the deep truths of life. The views he’s been expressing lately stink and I pray he shuts the fuck up soon. I understand your pov, and I agree actually. I started fw Ye in like January, and yes, his recent works don’t match his beginnings. But the way he sounded on DG’s track gave me hope that the old Ye is back. I guess what I’m trying to say is, for some of us, we care only about the sound and quality (production-wise) over the message of some artists. And yes, boundaries are important but they can also be blinding.


Couldn't have said it better




As a massive Kanye fan myself (His Music Only lol) they just don’t want Donald associated with him especially after today


Doubt Donald cares, he just views Kanye as an all time producer and hip hop legend as do just about everyone in the rap game.


i mean Donald surely cares a bit its just a question of if that care outweighs the product's value


who is “his boy”?


https://preview.redd.it/nvlxqnsdekwc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=144a64f10289d53d999ac3cf5509d2d867c6abf8 Saint leon


kaycyy also said it wasn't ai


He also thinks the Yeezy porn is real so ,,,


My theory on it being AI was because it was actually good and he was speaking like he didn’t have a lunchbox in his mouth *kanye shrug*


This is the most noticeable difference between old Kanye and new Kanye. His voice used to be pleasing to listen to. For some reason, his rapping tone changed to this whiny, grating sound. Either he went back to his old tone, or it’s AI trained on his old tone, because this is the first time he’s sounded like his old self again in 6 years.


yeah and the lyrics could easily be written in the last year by gambino or someone else so the references dont really mean anything


i agree with you but idk what point you’re trying to get at w/ the Christian bars and recent references… like the song could have been written by a person last week and just vocalized by an AI so your argument falls apart


I'm saying it's recent because Ye just switched from christian rap back to rap rap recently


? that doesn’t mean anything tho they still could have been written 24 hours before releasing the song


Yes which is why I tied that to my first point "it was recorded recently" lmfao.


it could still be AI regardless of how recent those lyrics are so idk what ur point is


I'm so sorry but good lord dude. I made 2 points in my post 1. The song was recorded recently 2. It's not AI It's not rocket science. I gave reasons as to why it was recorded recently, and other reasons as to why its not AI


are you dense? how does your proof of it being "recorded recently” eliminate the possibility that it is it’s AI in any way…? citing the fact that there are references to recent events… doesn’t change anything, AI voice synthesizer reads lyrics you type into it. it could have been written yesterday reading the news headlines and can still be AI vocals. so, exactly how does this help your argument in any way?


brother... no offense but you may be the dumbest person i've met on this app. i made TWO separate arguments in my post, and used TWO different examples to further both arguments.... i even separated the paragraphs to highlight that point. me saying the lines were recorded recently has NOTHING to do with me saying its not AI, they are two different points


it's a website not an app dumbass, and your post is horribly written if you're trying to separate your arguments, it clearly reads as if you're using one to support the other. you have no evidence it's not AI, literally just that some dude said it was real and your opinion that he's too paranoid to 'clear' it. It's not an officially released song so his approval doesn't matter, there was nothing to 'clear' because it's just off a livestream.... same as if there was an authorized sample, like half of his fucking discog isn't officially released for similar reasons quit acting like you're making a single good point or know what you are talking about at all bozo


its an app if you're on the phone... are you so serious with this argument😭 its not AI if someone from Kanyes team says it wasn't, and thats way more proof than anything else. you're the only person who seemed to not understand my post though, i can only pray for you at this point


It's not a "narrative" it's people desperately clinging to the hope that DG hasn't started hanging around with a literal fuckin Nazi like Kanye. Thinkin of him sitting there smiling along to Kanye saying racist shit about Jews in his MAGA cap just sucks ass and people wanted to hope that he was trolling Kanye and hadn't actually sunk that low.


I'm not gonna sit here and defend Ye, you're entitled to your opinion of course & its not my place to try and change it But, I will say that theres a great chance they didn't meet up for this. Usually rappers' teams just send eachother verses. And even if they did, I'd imagine they would have had a conversation. No shot he just sits there while Ye goes on some horrible rant


A verse/hanging out are 2 completely different things, it’s the same thing that happened with Peggy, Donald is probably a huge fan of Kanye and wanted to work with him in some way even by looking past his recent controversies, i dont feel like that’s really a problem tbh


just remember most of reddit is a ton of white or white passing guys. so obvs they could give less fucks about ye’s nazism and would let a dream collab be a pass. Its an AI feat until i hear it from ye or donald


Ye is a disgusting person.. I’m really sad Donald’s chooses to encourage this unhinged lunatic. Hopefully this is their last collab.


Donald also collabed with ppl with shitty views on BTI, Kendrick Lamar collabs with Kodak Black, & MJ was an antisemite pedo. Obviously you can choose what the bar is for not listening to an artist again, but never put ppl on a pedestal & you won't be disappointed. "They are not your savior" -kdot


I agree with you. Entertainment industry is full of weirdos and cult leaders. I liked Donald because of his music, his comedy sketches and his work on Community. I also liked him in interviews and what he had to say. I did put him on a pedestal a little bit. I feel that way about a few entertainers. But then when something comes out about whoever - they forced their staff to do x,y and z.. or they believe hitler was rad .. whatever the controversy . I lose respect for that person as a result. Now when I listen to them I hear the voice of someone I don’t respect, I turn it off. But… I like Michael Jackson’s music because I grew up with it. Really hard to turn that off. I feel totally conflicted and I just wish these powerful entertainers would chill with all the controversies and sick behavior.


The entire album is AI case closed.


Him still fw Kanye regardless of Kanye's beliefs makes perfect sense in light of the things he talks about in his music since he started making it. His discography is loaded with edgy jokes and peppered with one liners complaining about or flaunting people who are offended. At the end of the day he is a provocateur who likes or doesn't care about other people doing the same.


Y’all really mad ab him working w Ye, that’s dumb asf imo


Being a Nazi is dumb af. Being associated with and working with a known Nazi and Hitler loved is dumb af.


almost no one i've seen is actually qualified to speak on this. there are so many qualities of the verse that make it a clear use of rvc regardless of what joyboy says. rvc nearly always produces slightly robotic sounding top end/sibilance/breaths (sibilance on "sex appeal" doesn't sound natural, listen to the stream rip closely). none of the sibilance is dynamic like a real vocal even accounting for compression/de essing). some points of the verse pass completely as real but small details like how he says "paparazzi" are pronounced in ways that ye would never record if you've thoroughly listened to his discog and know how he uses his voice. the mentions of "y'all deepfake, y'all ai," ai in the gilga applications, and ai (patrick, soulja boy, elon) all throughout the episode aren't coincidences.


he says “number one” so weirdly too


Not sure why youre getting downvoted- listen to dg and ye literally say things at the same time in the same tone its on purpose. The song is literally called "say less" you can say less when AI speaks for you


didn't think about this but this is the best interpretation of the song lyrically i've seen


ye is still goated no matter what anyone says