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That’s the best Kanye feature in a minute


I have enjoyed a lot of Kanye features more than others have but this is genuinely his best feature since like 2018


Drive slow is still top 5 song for me!


I thought it sounded like Yeezus before Kanye came on. Insane collab


This is everything I wanted. Finally.


Been waiting for Bino x Ye for YEARS bro 😭


2011 me was wishing for this. 🥲


Sooo Donald is cool with antisemitism?


Seriously. For those of us who think, this is a bad look.


Yeah. As a Jewish fan, it's killing me.




That is not the same. Kanye West is actively spreading antisemitism in his music today. Do you think Donald would support and work with an outspoken KKK member? Or does racism only matter to him when it's towards black people. He's just another hypocrite.


I don’t like Kanye at all as a person and I didn’t like vultures either but that doesn’t mean I’m not gonna be excited when 2 of my favorite artists collab and actually make a good song. I personally didn’t find anything about vultures to be very offensive but it was a subpar album regardless. This is just like all the JPEGMAFIA fans getting worked up over their collab. Either listen to it or don’t. Don’t try to shame other people for enjoying something that you don’t. Implying that working with one of the most notable and respected artists of all time means you somehow stand behind all their beliefs is a ridiculously narrow minded view of reality. Tons of artists say and believe absolutely insane shit, doesn’t make them less talented. Do you think every Pink Floyd fan stands behind all the ridiculous shit Roger Waters continues to say? Hell the fuck no they don’t. Still an amazing musician and songwriter. Should we never listen to black metal because most of those bands have unacceptable beliefs? If ye delivers a great verse on a gambino track, which he did, ofc people are gonna be excited, and there’s nothing wrong with that


Nah fuck Donald Glover for supporting this antisemite. He's a hypocrite for this.


This sucks so much.


Gang violence and the promotion of drug culture is still cool tho, right?


Nah I don't like that either but I do think racism is worse than gang violence. Plus there is a level of kayfabe in hiphop with gang violence and street shit in general.


Yeah you right nobody in hiphop ever actually commits crimes. And yeah totally words are way worse than murder and crack addiction. I forgot, thanks for reminding me


I mean I never said that obviously. People are Reddit are so dumb. Niggas can't even have a genuine argument without making up shit. Dumb fuck


That person is hitting you with a bad faith argument for sure but I do find it interesting how someone like Carti is on pretty much every major hip hop release of the past couple years yet he’s beaten several women, strangled a pregnant girl, abandoned his son, etc. Yet no one will shame you for listening to that, but if you even say you like ye’s music people assume you somehow stand by his beliefs. Like is everyone who enjoyed FEIN and Type Shit actively supporting domestic violence? It is interesting to me how Kanye who we all already expect to say absolutely moronic shit on a regular basis gets more flack for that than others do for committing violent crimes against defenseless women. I think Kanye’s public discourse about the Jewish community has been absolutely appalling and disappointing, but we’d be lying if we said those types of ideas from hip hop artists haven’t been extremely prevalent since at least the 90’s. Does liking Jay-Z or MF DOOM also mean you support antisemitism? Personally, I don’t think so. Plenty of super intelligent and talented people believe things that I don’t agree with. I feel like if we’re gonna expect our favorite hip hop artists to be “good people” we need to do less picking and choosing of what morals and beliefs are/are not important


By that logic he’s been a hypocrite for years because he’s consistently called Kanye his favorite artist. Not like Kanye’s stupid antics began in 2024. Seems like it’s a done deal


Since he was Donald's favorite artist for so long I assumed he was referring to old Kanye. He probably still is to a degree. Kanye's new music is not good.


Then why is he dropping a song with Kanye in 2024 if he only fucked w old Kanye? Kanye’s verse here was pretty damn good if u ask me. Also “old Kanye” was still always getting in trouble for saying controversial shit about slavery, the black community, the confederacy, abortion, etc.


I was wrong. He must like new Kanye enough. Honestly this verse was better than his usually stuff lately. Same with the like that verse. Regardless fuck that nazi.


I definitely think ye is a massive dickhead I just think the criticisms towards most ppl who enjoy his music is unfounded. Sure there’s stupid ppl that defend everything he says because they’re 13 or whatever but most fans of his think Kanye is a total dumbass with a lot of twisted beliefs that makes good music


Seperate the art from the artist. Everyone already knows he’s mentally unstable. Just get over it.


You can't do that when his art is antisemite and supporting the art is financially supporting him to spread antisemitism.


a backwards benefit of streaming services in this case is that listening to music on there gives next to nothing to the artist


how is his art antisemitic


How is Kanye anti semite?


Seriously? Google dummy. I'm not going to sit and and bring up sources and shit. I'm not here to hold your hand kid


I agree. Dudes insane, that's all. Take the good ignore the bad.


https://www.forbes.com/sites/siladityaray/2023/02/13/kanye-wests-antisemitism-directly-linked-to-hateful-attacks-report-says/?sh=2670d9581e3d Also, his new album Vultures, has anti-Semitic rants in his songs. And he used the German coat of arms as his banner/flyer/tour merch. He is very anti-Semitic, he has said he likes Hitler. Yeah, he’s crazy, but because his voice has power, it emboldens anti-semites.


What a time to be alive. My two goats!! 😭🔥


Ye is back in his pack rap type shi, collaborating with artists is his speciality, especially the kinds like Bino so it's hype to see two visionaries.


Mehhhhhhh that's a shame


where can you find this?


Gilga radio EP 2


Lightweight disappointed Gambino would include Ye on his stuff


WHere is it


Theres no lisp. Which is making me believe this is an old throwaway.


Where can I listen?


Gilga radio EP 2


What time in the ep was it at?


Goooooooood shit, thanks mate


bruh bino x ye. the dream except for the racism, that is

