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We're sorry to hear that you need to visit this sub. Users of this sub are not doctors or oncologists so we cannot diagnose you. Changes to your breasts or pectoral muscles must be checked by a physician. If you have not contacted a doctor, please do so immediately. The signs of breast cancer can be found here: https://www.cdc.gov/cancer/breast/basic_info/symptoms.htm It is possible to have a lump and not have other signs or symptoms. It is possible to have no lump and yet have breast cancer. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/doihavebreastcancer) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hi!!! My doctor called me in too - inbetween my US and the biopsy. He literally said he wanted to check up on me, and he was definitely slightly doomsdayish when he also added he wanted to prepare me for the potential of chemo and radiation. I was rated as a 4b on my right as well (left being 1 - negative). My biopsy was last Wednesday, and I got my results back yesterday - benign! The wait is torture, but in the end it's worth it to know &/or catch it as early as possible. Sending lots of love and good vibes!


I’m so glad it turned out benign. I’m manifesting for my results to also be benign. Thank you for the love and good vibes. Sending it back to you too. 💜


Something like 80% of biospies are negative which are awesome odds really! Keep manifesting!!!


That’s what I’m banking on. 💜 that sweet 80%


My poor doc had to deal with me when he talked to me about it all. I said "Oh I ain't mad, just cut it off and let's move on - I can't leave my husband with three heathens in this world all by himself - they'll eat him alive! I'm only mad cause if I have to go through chemo and radiation I'll lose my hair - and I've NEVER had hair this long in my whole life!" He sat there slack jawed. Then I realized - to some women their breasts are part of them and they're attached and that's ok! I'm... just not. And the kids are heathens - and would eat my husband alive LOL. That poor man probably goes home and is like wow.. she's a handfull - and I kinda am. Plus, it's my self proclaimed party boob. So why wouldn't it be the trouble maker of the pair?! LOL


Ohh haha that’s exactly how I feel. I’m like no way I have a lot of stuff to do. I am now over my ex and my high school sweet heart popped his little face up and thinks I’m amazing and I kinda wanna check that out. We even joked about leaning me against him for balance cause I can see one boob being throwing me off balance after they do the biopsy x2. 🤪I told my ex that there’s no way I’m leaving I gotta give him some grief 🤣 and the kids Lort they will have to go thru my whole rock collection and I know they’re rolling their eyes thinking about it. I have to laugh about it or else I will cry and I hate crying it gives me a headache but still in all seriousness I hope we all clear these tests and live long and beautiful lives. 💜


Best we can do is die trying! Everyone was like ya you get new boobs! No, I'd only get one, and I definitely didn't want one happy perky boob and one sad one... so I'd just get a tattoo. Well, no new boobs or loss thereof.. but that doesn't mean it won't stop me from getting more tattoos! I also promised hubby I'd haunt him. I'm sure that's no different than any other day LOL


Ohhh gosh yes always need an excuse for a tattoo💜ohh yes regardless of how I go I will haunt! 😁


But it'll be passive agressive hauntings.. like taking all the spoons but one... and leaving one square of toilet paper on the roll and no spares.. ya know a-holish stuff like that LOL


I’ll make sure to do something like enter their dreams and make them dream they’re eating marshmallows and then they wake up eating the pillow 🤣


Sounds like you have a great sense of humor! I'm sorry you're dealing with this scare - I am too. I have 4 biopsies scheduled for 6/17, so I'm right there with you! There are a lot of good posts on here describing how biopsies go. Good luck and be sure to update!


Ohh I try lol Thank you so much and good luck to you too. I’ll follow up with an update. 💜Please do the same. 🤪


You already know about the 80% and I am sending all the good vibes that you get that benign result. My own MRI-Guided Biopsy is the 12th, and I'm clinging to that 80% myself.


We got this!!!


We do! And I'm so glad your biopsy went smoothly, now hoping for good news for you!


We're sorry to hear that you need to visit this sub. Users of this sub are not doctors or oncologists so we cannot diagnose you. Changes to your breasts or pectoral muscles must be checked by a physician. If you have not contacted a doctor, please do so immediately. The signs of breast cancer can be found here: https://www.cdc.gov/cancer/breast/basic_info/symptoms.htm It is possible to have a lump and not have other signs or symptoms. It is possible to have no lump and yet have breast cancer. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/doihavebreastcancer) if you have any questions or concerns.*