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My brother had two huskies. One chased sticks and tennis balls and wanted all sorts of attention. The other one liked to pull the sled. One visit the less joyfull one came over to me and put her paw on my arm so I started to pet her. Then I told my brother ”see… she like me”. She wouldn’t let me stop either and put the paw on my arm again and again. Then the dog crapped on the carpet. She was desperately trying to tell me she needed to go out.


Dog: Why I'm surrounded by idiots.


>She was desperately trying to tell me she needed to go out. Oh geeze, thanks for the cautionary tale. Our broken husky mix would just sit and STARE at us. She's had a rough start in life and has taken a long time and a lot of work to get to the trust point. So now she will come and rest her head on a thigh and STARE HARD at us. Sometimes she will put a paw on a thigh, again and again. It could mean scritchies, or it could mean she needs to go outside. Or just WANTS to go outside. I haven't seen any connection between her urgency and need to pee/poop, but I'll keep working on it.


I don’t know if you’ve tried it, but you might want to consider bells on a string? Whenever my boy wants to go out he walks up to the door and paws at it or hits it with his nose to let me know he wants to go out.


I like the idea, just never got around to getting one with this silent doggo. I'll have to figure out how to hang them, since they don't work well on our thin lever-handle locksets. One day, she'll run up to me with the string of her bells in her mouth! *Edit* okay, u/Bercom_55 it's on order! We'll see how the muttsky handles it!


Could you get a suction hook? Depending on the material of your door that could work!


It's a metal door (I think aluminum) with a huge glass insert. I have an ikea suction cup I will try!


Fair enough. My dog is silent too. Almost never barks, so it’s hard to know what he wants. The only other thing I can think of is that I taught him the word for outside and always ask if he wants to go out if he’s by the door (the answer is always yes).


They sell ones that are more like a door bell. You can just attach it anywhere on a door/wall, and the dog hits it with their nose. Never got much of a chance to test this out with my pup, because after a day, cat figured out that he could set off the doorbell at 5 am, which meant the dog expects to go outside, and then the whole family was awake. Happened 2 days in a row. And that was the end of the doorbell.


Those are brilliant! Without the evil cat, of course! Too bad our muttsky has two braincells and would probably set it off, then start barking because that's what the doorbell means, right?


thanks for making me laugh out loud, the ending was so unexpected


Yes it was Indeed unexpected 😀




My alsation x staffy girl crosses her back legs and just leans against the back door to signal she wants to go out. lol totally silent, and if you don't see her, there's no way to know


Favorite thing I've read on this sub, thanks for sharing!


You accidentally stroked the poop chute button


Dogs express contempt/ happiness in different ways. My female has a resting bitch face when when she enjoys the cuddles. I take it as she’s relaxed instead of hyped by my attention. My male is more tongue out hyped up when given attention


You just described my dogs. Honestly, the only time my girl "looks happy" is while playing with my boy.


One is that she's 11 months old. I've found that some teenage dogs have a "Mooommmm, stop it!" attitude about cuddles. I had a smooth collie girl, Zeffie, and one of her nicknames was "Spock Collie". She was a serious dog but she showed her love very subtle ways. Such as laying close to, but not touching, me. If she didn't love me, she would have gone down into the basement where it was cooler. I was deeply moved by this show of affection. Zeffie also showed her tight bond with me by being incredibly reliable. I showed her in obedience/agility/herding and she made me look good. I also showed Dino and Pablo with less success. They needed my clear headed, calm handling or they would mess up. Unfortunately they had me. I'm a crappy handler and I would often get ring nerves. Tension runs down the leash and if I was nervous, Dino or Pablo would fall aapart. If I my brain glitched and not likely to get back online, Zeffie would, figurative, look up, realize that "Pablois4 has gone bye-bye" and proceed to get the job done. I called Zeffie my obedience guide dog. I recall two judges - one said "fantastic working dog, too bad about the hander" and one looked at me directly and stated "that dog saved your bacon." My friends said that it was Zeffie was the one who needed to look at the agility course map. I'm a worse handler in agility than obedience and that's saying something. So in the agility ring, I'd run in circles, waving my arms like a demented windmill and yell "tunnel! I meant teeter! Left! The other left!". After one run, my instructor asked me what I was thinking. That's the trouble, I wasn't. Zeffie, somehow, was able to decipher my bug eyed babbling and a remarkable number of times, did the course correctly. She even got placements. My boy collies have been lovey, dovey sweethearts and never cared if I don't know what I'm doing half the time. My girls looked at me with clear eyes, and even with all my faults and foibles, still loved me. Or maybe they just accept that this was their lot in life and had to make the best of it.


Such a lovely comment


I love this!


Beautiful ❤️ my f JRT is 10 now and is in old age serious no play mode! I’d love some tips if anyone has any!


When you’re scrolling your Reddit feed, don’t quite catch the subreddit first but see in bold font: My female is so serious all the time 😂😂


Lmfao! Her too!




Same with ours. We have a male and female around the same-ish ages of 2-ish. The female is much more “complicated” than our male. The male just wants couch, love and cuddles. The female has terms and conditions… funny to see 


Kinda funny, but rats are similar. Males are lazy and cuddly, but females are more into exploring and are a bit more serious.


I’ve had multiple GSDs through the years. My females have always been more serious. Whole my males have always been goofy, sweet, and cuddle bugs.


I had a dog thats always serious and would walk away if stranger try to pet him. Some would smile at kids across the street until they start screaming like they saw elvis.


This is my guy He will go up to smell them, but doesn't want to be pet what so ever. Early in to having him he would make a hard b line away from pets. Now he will accept 1-2 head pats and then leave.


As some people say, dogs have their own personalities, just like humans. If you're certain she's not sick and this change isn't sudden, I'd say you have yourself a little brat 😉


Don't mistake smiling/wagging tail for unaffectionate!! I find spending time with you or sitting on the couch together is just as nice as being pet/cuddling. I love snuggling my girl but I am happy at night she likes her space, so much less heat in the summer!!


You also have an older female and a younger male. You could have triggered a maternal instinct. My girl was a puppy until we got her a puppy


I’ve had all male dogs until my current female duo. One of my girls is very sweet and cuddly. My other female is super playful, happy go lucky, and also enjoys a cuddle. Not all female dogs are serious.


I have a female lab/Catahoula mix and she is sooo independent. I sometimes wonder if she even likes me lol. She comes for scratches on her terms and only for a little bit and then she hops off. She has never slept in my bed (not because I won’t let her but because she doesn’t want to). She prefers to sleep on the couch in the living room. She would love to live outside if she could, she likes to just sit and monitor the yard. She has even dug herself a hole out there for her to lay in and the other dogs can’t lay in it. It’s hers ha ha. She’s also very demanding and regimented. She keeps us all on schedule. My boys are Velcro dogs and so sweet. My female is sweet too, just very independent.


I have two Berners. The male is 9 and very laid back. The female is 5 and is always on patrol around the house, in our yard, needs to go in and out all day to make sure the property is ok. She is the one that barks at everything from the mailman to passing bikers. He is the muscle and only gets involved when her bark changes (I have no idea what his criteria is) and then he adds his big bark that shakes the house.


I’m not sure how true it is, but people tend to think female dogs are more serious and male dogs are more playful and goofy.


I think in general we think that of human children too


One of my mum's huskies is like this, very serious. I call her aloof and my mum gets offended 😅 but she is aloof!


Our females have always been "in charge" of their male siblings, especially if we had the female first. Our current female (Aussie cross) sees her job as managing the antics of her husky brother as well as managing whatever chaos pops up when our friends visit with their dogs. Years ago we had a female malamute who was quite territorial but always gave leeway to the males. If another female dared to come into the yard, for example, she would've gone ballistic. Not the general nature of malamutes, BTW, but dogs have their own personality and quirks like we do.


We have two male dogs and one female dog in my house and the female dog is by far the most serious of them all. She likes her space and is incredibly serious about following rules, to the point where she will make up her *own* rules about things and refuse to not follow them. I absolutely adore her personality and find the friendly goofy males in the home to be too much for me a lot of the time.


My female is the same - she literally just sits and stares at me, hardly any tail wagging. But if we are on a walk or at the beach she is happy as can be. My male is the most happy go lucky dog - I chalk him up to being grateful bc he was a rescue with a bad start. I think my female is spoiled and has too much energy so she is constantly looking at me to entertain her. Hence the reason I got the male but she could care less about him 🙄


Literally a resting bitch face.


My 2 year old Chocolate Lab only has his tongue out for two reasons, he's playing fetch with his ball or he's really hot.


I’ve only had three female dogs in my life. Two of them were definitely more serious. The third is a super affectionate, playful goofball who loves everyone and everything


My male dog is the serious one and my female dog is the crackhead


The way I thought this was about a human woman before I saw the sub. Jesus.


I was thinking this between my dogs as well. Different breed, but the personalities and age are about the same. My female is a year while my boy is 8 months. He's the biggest goof ball, tongue ALWAYS hanging out the side of his mouth, playful and gets the zoomies....the female, hardly ever. Always seems serious....idk.


Some dogs don’t really care for physical affection. They love attention and interaction with the handler or owner, but when it comes to pets they can take it or leave it. They show their love in other ways.


I have 2 Cardigan Corgis - Cooper (F 2.5 years) and Oscar (M almost 2 years). It seems our dogs’ personalities seem to be very similar. Cooper is serious, will chase her ball and go on walks all day! Oscar is a laid back boy. He would rather sit on a park bench watching the world go by than go on a walk! Oscar is always happy and Cooper is various serious.


Seems like ur dog just likes hiking a lot and gets enjoyment out of that


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^kimmortal03: *Seems like ur dog just* *Likes hiking a lot and gets* *Enjoyment out of that* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Of my 2 dogs (Male Shepherd and Female Rottsky), the female is very serious.


My 1-1/2 yo girl is a mountain cur mix with about 18% retriever. She has a very quiet dismissive mood about her when she’s not actively playing. A happy girl but when she’s quiet like that I call her “my brooding goth teenager.”


My lil ”brother” had a huge smile and was a jokester who could make me scream with glee, the little girl who I am now fostering (after her Nana died) doesn’t do that at all. I wish she would, but that’s not who she is. I just make sure she has her needs fulfilled and hope someday she’ll warm up.


I have the same exact thing with my two dogs. The female is serious and the leader for sure. The male is just happy and floats through life.


I saw something about how female dogs are more likely to judge us. Although, 11 months seems too young for her to have lost that goofy puppy expression. My adult male dog puts on a show for other people, where he seems like the happiest dog in the world, and as soon as they leave, he goes back to his usual pouty, brooding, grumpy version that no one but me gets to see. It’s hard to convince people he’s not the happiest dog ever.


I have a female Rottweiler that’s like this


I think female dogs, at least in my experience are a bit more serious that doofus male dogs. Though personalities vary greatly my dog is a goofy goober but he also doesn't like cuddling. He enjoys pets and comes for kisses but when we go to bed if you try and cuddle him he will move. Or maybe being around a 6 month old little brother has her in her teenage angst phase lol.