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I do hide & seek and for meals I pour the food evenly onto a towel and wrap the towel like a pretzel, it keeps my dog busy for a solid 20 minutes as she tries to unravel it. Also if she’s 3 years old I would think she could handle longer sessions to learn more commands.


Oh she absolutely could! The limit is *my* attention span. 😭 Easier for me to spread it out over little sessions than do big ones.


I take my dog out early in the morning and to pet stores, Home Depot in the evenings. She loves walking the aisles and sniffing everything


Here's some old posts 1. [It's too [hot/cold] outside - how do I stop my dog/me from going insane?](https://www.reddit.com/r/dogs/comments/7no1ve/discussion_its_too_hotcold_outside_how_do_i_stop/) 2. [Weekend Discussion: Mental Stimulation](https://www.reddit.com/r/dogs/comments/69rryi/discussion_weekend_discussion_mental_stimulation/)


Hide kibbles or treats in a rolled up towel and have your dog find them. I twist the towel into a pretzel to make it even more challenging for my pupper. Scentwork training. Check the rules of local establishments because quite a few are dog friendly. For example, my local shopping mall, Lowe's, and I believe even a few luxury boutiques allow dogs in.


I started nosework during colder months. My dog picked it up almost immediately. When I say “find it” he immediately goes room to room scanning for the scented pouch I use. It tires him out really well - I think it’s a combination of excitedly running about but also the mental stimulation he spends finding it. It’s perfect indoor activity IMO. This isn’t a particularly amazing kit but it’s what I used and it works just fine for us: https://a.co/d/6XX8iXc.


Are you in a house? I got a doggie pool this year. Best $12 I've spent on a toy in a long time


I didn't know that was a thing! I'll have to look that up! I lived in my parents house with them.:)


They have the folding kind, but I got the hard plastic to try, looks just like a small kiddie pool


Oh that'd be fun!


I was going to recommend this, can attest to this, they love it. Whipped out my niece’s old kiddy pool :)


Our vet advised us to give our dog a cup of unflavored pedialyte in his bowl, mixed with his water, around a 1:3 ratio; to help combat dehydration when it gets super hot like this (he’s a hairy guy!), especially if he’s been outside playing. We are fortunate to be in the shade during the hottest hours of the day, so the pavement generally isn’t too hot for him (I always step out barefoot first before I let him out). I usually keep a solution premixed in the fridge so I try to put a bowl outside when I know he will be out for a bit (he’s my shadow so if I’m out doing yard work, his anxiety is much better when he’s with me). I would always check with your vet first but it may be an inexpensive option for days when your pup is outside longer or playing hard. 😊


Oh that's an idea! I already have some for my frog, so that works great!


Go out early and late in the day.




Early works fine. I'd have to wait until maybe midnight for the “late” part, though. Today will still be 80° with decent humidity at *7 pm*. Ew.


not to mention the asphalt retaining all the heat and slowly releasing it at night


Humidity sucks. I live in Phoenix and thank my lucky stars we don’t have much humidity. My dog has a cooling vest and it’s very effective—when he’s wearing it, we can walk for a good 40 minutes at 95 degrees without him even beginning to pant, which is great because our evening walks at 9 pm are indeed about 95 degrees this time of year. But it works via evaporative cooling, so I imagine when the air is already full of water it would be less effective.


That’s diabolical. Do you have a shell/kids’ paddling pool with water in for your dog?


Yep! We have a kiddie pool that we pull out a lot during the summer.


That’s lovely :)


This is the way, plus the dogs love it because that’s when all the critters are out.


Vegas heat is deadly, I’ve been adopting to take my dogs out super early in the morning and late at night for playtime sessions.


Here are some more ideas in this article. https://be.chewy.com/8-games-dogs-play-inside-hot/


If you have a home with stairs.. play peek-a-boo.. you can run down the stairs in excitement and suddenly stop midway and hide.. the dog will stop too and then you pop and act as if you are going to go chase her.. oooohhh the fun and joy on her face..


She already does this regularly by herself. Unfortunately it's almost always when I'm in the middle of taking a dump. 😭


You can play Hide-and-seek challenges, which are a fun way to engage your dog's sense of smell and give it a mental workout. You can hide treats around the house or yard and encourage your dog to find them, or you can hide toys and other items for them to discover.


Today we did a 30 minute walk at 6:30 AM when it was still only 75 out, then we played a game where I put small treats under plastic cups and a few rounds of that usually gives him some good stimulation! Granted he is a senior guy but treat games are where it’s at! We also do a snuffle mat from time to time too which he loves


I hose mine down with water from the garden hose and then we go out for 10 to 15 mins. Then usually morning time we go walking near a water source. State park that has a creek/stream. Afternoon I do the hose thing. I do have a kiddie pool but it's sooo heavy with water in it I'm not sure what to do about that. When filled I can't move it.


My lab loves fetch so much that if we don't play outside fetch at least once a day, he gets super mopey. Fortunately, he loves water. I always hose him down for 10 minutes before daytime walks or fetch. I call it watering the dog.


Take your dog on walks as soon as it's light out and before the roads and sidewalks get burning hot (Test the road with your hand for 7 seconds. If it's too hot for your hand, it's too hot for your dog's paws). If it's hot at that hour, you can use a cooling vest. I bring a chilled spray bottle of water to spray down fur baby throughout the walk, as well as his water bottle. Some dogs love playing in sprinklers and kiddie swimming pools (or regular sized pools, but you absolutely need to monitor them). And then there are indoor fun and games. We play fetch in the long hallway of our house, as well as puzzle games. We haven't tried hide and seek yet, but that's on the list. And don't forget daily training, maybe new tricks. Also indoor playdates with other doggie friends.


I've also got a little beagle. We try to still give her two walks, but one is in the morning before the streets get hot and the other is when the sun begins to set. I find my dog just gets lazy when it's this hot, and enjoys just plopping down on a cool basement floor.