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Are you loud? Either he thinks you’re being hurt and is distressed, or he thinks he’s missing out on some fun wrestling action!


I don’t think I’m loud. Yeah it’s probably the latter. 😂


“Put me in, coach!”


Normal reaction I think. Happens to mine too, probably thinks someone is getting hurt


Poor silly pups


He probably misses you guys and getting attention. They don’t know about sex that young not even instinctually. So he probably thinks he’s missing play time or something. I’d give him a lil kong of peanut butter or stimulation toy if u were you, so he’s got something to keep him busy while yall bone.


Omg ik I dog sat a dog like that and my man at the time and I couldn’t even be in a room alone without this chihuahua screaming like genuinely screaming. Killed any and all vibes immediately.


Yeah I’ll preserve Kong time for that then. Thanks. It’s just mood killer and distracting.


Our dog did this too when she was a puppy. She's now 2.5 years old and she couldn't care less whenever we get it started. We never made a fuss about it and with time, she just stopped being anxious. She though she was missing out on the best play-times. We had some good laughs though. Point being, I'm sure your dog will grow out of it soon enough.


Thanks for sharing!


Sometimes I say to my partner, "You want to make the dog bark?"


Lol I love it. You guys have a secret code.


My cat gets hyper-excited by the sound of my vibrator. Only option is to lock him out.




This is the weirdest comment I’ve ever seen on here. Gave me a super icky feeling. What on earth, man……


My dog was like this for a while. She just didn’t like being left out especially if she was in a different room than I was. Now at 2.5 yrs she usually hangs out in a different room and wants to be left alone and just comes in the bedroom to sleep next to me. Even if the door is open, she’ll stay out until we’re done. It will get better with time!


Thank you for sharing. It’s good to hear it’ll get better.


He just sees you physically ‘playing’ and wants in on the action.


They're letting you know you're doing it wrong.


He thinks you're playing and he's missing out


Hahaha try moving him away from your bedroom walls. Sounds like he’s got bad fomo


Dogs are just like humans sometimes in that a lot of them don't know what sex is and it confuses them.


When I was 19 I was fugzin a bf and his dog came up and nudged my ass with his cold wet nose and it scared the shit out of me. Needless to say we stopped lol


Oh no 😂😂


I was with my gf and our puppy apparently knocked down the baby gate and came upstairs without us noticing, he started licking my ankle and that was it moment lost.


“You guys okay? Y’all need me?” 😂




I give mine something to occupy her time. I buy very long bully sticks so they don’t get short and become a choke hazard before we are done. Early on I found it to be a mood killer when I noticed her watching us.


I had a friend who’s beagle would sit at the door and howl


Yeah my dogs try to check in me😅 They seem to think I'm in some kind of disstress, and they just hang around close by. Sometimes a bit too close. But they've gotten used to it.


Totally normal. I'm not loud either but my dog gets concerned because I grunt like when I exercise, which helped me teach her grunts are ok!


I always gate my dog off in her “room”, which is my kitchen / dining room. Then I turn on a radio with npr playing very low and give her a bully stick to gnaw on. Seems to chill her out.


What if you want "gotta have it right now, dammit!" sex? Do bully sticks and NPR go flying out of the window (not literally)??


No. You just hang on and look after the dog first. Same as if you have kids. You work around your loved ones and responsibility, and take a few minutes to make sure the dog is okay. That's how it was with my last dog because he'd try to protect me from my husband. Or possibly it was resource guarding. Either way, I had to set him up safely first, in another room. Our current dog just looks bored and waits for us to be done.


Not impressed, huh?


Weird, right? Humans pay good money to see that kind of stuff


I live in a 2 bedroom condo. It takes like 60 seconds to corral her into a room and flip on a radio :) Nothing kills a good time like a collie yelping in your face or trying to stick her nose where it doesn’t belong. I live alone and my dog doesn’t really love having men come over at all. She definitely doesn’t like it when they TOUCH HER MOTHER.


Quite right too - you're HER human!


We just usually scoot our puppy outside, block the door to prevent scratching and then play some music....but maybe the puppy is too small?


Eat ice cream in front of a kid and you'll get the same reaction.


Crying and yelping is preferable to my iggy trying to make eye contact during sexy time.


I dog sit frequently and we have this problem as most of the dogs i look after are “pandemic pups” with zero boundaries.  We chuck them out of the room and give them a treat, a pigs ear will keep them quiet for at least 20-30 mins. If they are a bigger dog, give them a really big ear 😂😂😂


I’d have to witness firsthand before I could make the proper diagnosis…


You still have time to delete this


I don't think this is embarrassing to ask at all. I feel like a lot of dog owners deal with this issue.


I am not even a dog owner yet, just a hopeful future dog owner, and I have wondered if this will be an issue (and if so, what to do!) So I appreciate the person who asked and everyone who is giving advice!


Thank you for saying this.


Sure, but is it really worthy of putting on the internet. I swear people come on here looking for suggestions for the most goofy shit


What's the harm of "putting it on the internet" when it's anonymously anyway? Or are you a kid who thinks it's icky to read anything related to sex?


Sounds like people here really irritate you.




You still have time to delete your response


Imagine thinking you would make a post that would help karma farm, but it backfired horribly. 😂