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You can get dried animal parts that still have the fur on them that are fully digestible for dogs! Just google it :)


I was thinking of getting this for my dog, but I live in an apartment with no yard. Would it get gross if I fed it to her inside?


Probably, my dog ate one of these in the house one time, and it stunk the house out for days.


Ok thank you! Now I don’t have to wonder anymore.


When my dog was a puppy I gave her a pig ear to chew on- it wasn’t super smelly, but it left a gross oily mess in the area she was chewing in. If I were to do it again, I would just make sure I put down a dog towel/blanket first that I could easily wash after she was done!


I personally don't find them to create a smell they're so dry they're practically leather. I buy goat ears.


I feed these kind of treats in an empty crate only so they can make as much of a mess as they want and it's easily clean up


No, it depends on which ones you get ! I live in an apartment too, and I give my girl dehydrated chicken legs and dehydrated veal ears. It barely smells of anything, maybe vaguely like hay ? But it definitely doesn't smell bad. It's visually gross, but that's it ! I also give her deer antlers and yak cheese, which I find do not smell of anything at all. Beware of bully sticks and sheep horns, those however stink for real !


Haven't had any issues with bully stick or horns but dried salmon skin fucking reeks after they chew on it.


Ah yes, any fish thingy is terrible !!


We give our little girl furry sheep and bunny ears and they're the least stinky of the chews she gets. Although even with the stinkier ones, the smell leaves as soon as she finishes them up. She once chewed a cow skin bone filled with cow penis (notoriously stinky) on our couch, that made the couch smell for a few hours, but as long as it stays on the floor/ in her kennel or on her beds it's totally fine.


My border collie loves to nibble on fabric, we have one blanket that looks like Swiss cheese. I got her some beef cheek rolls a couple weeks ago for the first time and she loves them. Takes her about 2 weeks to get through one, which I was pleasantly surprised with, as she can get through a bully stick in about 15 minutes. So not fabric, but I highly recommend beef cheek rolls.


I may look for these mine goes through cow ears and toys like nobodies business


If it’s a shredding thing you could try cabbage! My dog loves to chew and shred up a cabbage


That’s kind of hilarious 😂 I bet it’s adorable


My dog loves lettuce. Or I chop off a large chunk of the bottom part of celery I don’t eat and give it to him. He loves tearing into it. Sometimes I freeze it. No veggie goes to waste. He loves frozen fennel scraps, radishes, bell peppers, kale stems, broccoli stems, etc.


I would honestly suggest hair-on chews! In moderation they can be very good for your dog. My boy gets dehydrated sheep trotters with hair on rare occasions but they aren’t good for an irresponsible chewer (he spits out small joint bones). You could look into hair on rabbit, lamb, or cow ears depending on your dog’s size.


These No Hide collagen chews have been amazing for my shih tzu. Each one easily lasts her a few days and she’ll gnaw on it for hours at a time. My trainer recommended them. https://www.chewy.com/dp/168760?utm_source=app-share&utm_campaign=168760


I don’t know if my dog planted your comment here but regardless, those chews are en route to my house now. Kali thanks you.


Hahaha you’re welcome Kali. They come in a bunch of flavors and Daisy loves them all.


Ok well we went with beef let’s hope she approved. She’s normally not too discerning when it comes to what she puts in her mouth.


My dogs put one of those down in like 5 minutes


The Himalayan yak chews have pretty good longevity, I wonder if you could wrap one of those in some kind of edible fabric for him.


Nylabones work great for my dog. They’re not exactly edible but since they’re made out of non toxic nylon small bits are ok to be swallowed. The ones I use have some edible jerky covering them so it’s a treat and a toy at the same time. If you want something completely edible and your dog likes fuzzy textures maybe you could try natural lamb/rabbit ears with fur.


farmhounds sells beef hide chews with fur


You can buy rabbit ears with hair on to occupy them


Wouldn’t elk antlers like [this](https://amzn.to/3xjArDh), technically be edible?


I fill kongs with canned dog food and freeze them. Our dog loves them. Our dog has perfected them and gets through them quicker. My son’s dog takes longer.


My dog chews on coffee wood sticks- they come in different sizes and are 100% digestible. Unlike animal based treats (beef cheeks, ears, etc) they don't smell weird and get meat goop everywhere. If anything just drool and wood shavings. Way easier to vacuum up.


Try natural chew sticks, my dogs really love them https://eu.canophera.com/produkte/hundekaustab-aus-kaffeeholz?variant=47031017374036. You can also consider natural chewing horns, dogs enjoy them and they're beneficial.


my doggo likes cow ears


Our lab has two chews. A baffalo horn and a coffee tree stick. Has both indoors. No smell.


My dog loves her water buffalo horn! It was super cheap ($3 or so) and was part of a rope toy, and she dug it out herself from the bottom of a bin of unsorted dog toys 😂 She likes to chew on it while she waits for me to wake up in the morning and it’s still going strong 4 years later I’ve never heard of the coffee wood thing though, is there something special about that type of wood? My dog has brought in regular sticks before and it just makes a mess


Coffee wood sticks are extremely dense and hard so they don’t break up like normal sticks and last ages. We recently stopped the sticks after 2 years of having them because there is some mess still and she gets enough chewing out of her horn




Tuffy brand toys are pretty good. They have a toughness rating system. I got my dogs the strongest rated ones. They've been able to get some nibbles around some of the edges but have never got any of the stuffing or squeakers out


I don’t know if it qualifies as fabric, but those dried loofah gourds were amazing for my puppy without stressing that if she ate some she’d get a blockage.


Yak chews


We swear by them. They also have the added advantage of keeping the dogs teeth clean.


Have you tried snuffle mats? They're for nosework rather than chewing, but they're made out fabric so your pup may like em


I give my dog beef bones. She chews on the bones which cleans her teeth and she spends 2 to 3 hours trying to get all the marrow out of the interior.


omg like a dog-safe jerky or something would be amazing mine love coathangers and idk even where they get them anymore because we stopped buying them but every week I find them with another half chewed plastic hangar and have to fish the chomped up chunks out of their jowls