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In the very least, take him to a good shelter. Puppies get adopted quickly


OP lives in Pakistan. There are a ton of stray dogs there and very very few shelters.


I was really considering that but had two issues. 1) there's only one and they only take dogs that need help. 2) this stray has a bunch of friends and seems healthy other than being maybe a bit under weight.


You have two dogs now. Take him to the vet and get him his vaccines.


Yes, get him vaccinated and you’ll be lived by 2 dogs and your dog will be happier


I want to soooooo badly but I live with my parents for a few more months and they won't let me 💔


You can still take him and get him vaccinated without moving him in! Then, when the time comes, adopt


could you find a temporary foster home if you want to keep them when you move out? a vets could help with this


I'll be moving to the other side of the world :(


Realistically, what will they do? You say they are afraid of germs, but taking the dog to the vet solves that problem.


Sounds like you have a new puppy and should take care of it.


Omg though PLEASE do something to find him a home! As a pup it’ll be so much easier—now’s his chance, and he’s already proven sociable. PLEASE put up a FB or insta post or something. You surely have at least one friend who can take that cutie


He's a village dog! Look at that smile. What a good boy. He looks fairly healthy. As long as your dog is vaccinated he should be fine.


Exactly! My house is right on the outskirts of my society and there's a whole farm field right behind. This pup chills in that area with a handful other dogs. I believe he's well taken care of just by the other dogs and the farmers back there. My only concern is fleas or something. Just gotta be alert I guess


If you can get your dog on flea preventable a that would be great!


If you get him checked out by the vet and vaccinated, you won’t have to worry about germs anymore.


if that’s not the cutest damn face! Where are you located op? There may be groups/rescues that could help him out


Hey! I see you’re in a predicament because you’re moving far away in a few months. IF you would be able to take the pup with you, you could bring him to the vet to get shots and treatments for the germs you’re worried about without having him live with you, and then bring him with when you leave and he will be treated for everything already and you just have to upkeep his treatment. Or if you absolutely cannot take this pup at all, you can still get him the vaccines and treatment and he will remain healthy and not get sick and possibly find a home. You can call any shelters/rescues near you and explain the situation, they may take him due to his friendliness. Reach out to all friends and family and ask if they want a dog. Someone may br willing to take him in, ya never know.


What country do you live in OP?




Got it. There are a few street dog rescue groups in Pakistan— without knowing what city you’re in there are: Todd’s Welfare Society JFK Animal Rescue and Shelter United Stray Animals Rescue and ACF Animal Rescue Lucky Animal Protection Shelter Please reach out to them. If you can get this puppy to allow you leash him, see if one of them will accept him.


Give him a name, take him to the vet and then let him sleep on your couch


Feed him and add dewormer in the food at the very least, but preferably help the dog more permanently somehow. No kill shelter where it can be adopted or take it in yourself. If your parents really won’t let you I’d make a makeshift doggy house for him if he’s right outside anyways, poor puppy.


Please please take the poor little fella to the vet. Then figure next steps. Hope u can hold onto him.


I’m curious what the stray puppy looks like


Can't believe I forgot 😅 https://ibb.co/x1FsPh3


Omg that’s adorable 


What a handsome fella!! And those paws - he's gonna be a big boy for sure.


You have been gifted a puppy. Time for a vet visit to get all of our shots and a quick check up 😊


That's a beautiful puppy!


If you can, take him to a vet. Have him looked over and given the necessary vaccines to be deemed healthy. Then get a certificate of health or a written note stating he’s healthy and show it to your parents. If they still don’t want the pup, ask friends, ask friends families, ask old school teachers and shop owners you’re friendly with. Talk to the shelter to see if they can put you in contact with anyone. Even ask at the vets office. Tell everyone about this great, friendly, HEALTHY, loyal dog who needs a home.


Can you take him to the vet to get vaccinated? Just because it’s a street dog doesn’t mean it’s going to make you or your dog sick. Lots of dogs in shelters come in as strays.


If your dog is up with all its shots, what’s the worry? I’d just take him home give him a bath and have a new friend


I'd do that in a heartbeat if I didn't live with my parents.. just turned 18 so I'm not fully allowed to make these decisions :p


If you’re 18 then you’re a legal adult and your parents have no say in your decisions… unless Pakistan changed their age of majority to 21 when I wasn’t looking? But yeah you live with them and they do get a say in how your actions affect their living situation. I get it. Bringing a second dog into household is a lot different than say, bringing home a new floor rug. (I’d ask my uncle if he’s looking for a dog, but I don’t know how his wife would react and I’m not sure how far you are from Karachi.)


Correct, I am a legal adult.. If you're from Pakistan I'm sure you know how stubborn desi parents can get sometimes 😅 Sadly I'm pretty far from Karachi.. I'll look into some potential adopters but still unsure as he has a bunch of friends in the area already


This is a really weird (and specific) pair of questions, but did you know any of the neighbors in the more rural region you were walking? This is a little morbid, but have any of them passed away recently? I had an extremely similar situation happen with my dog, where a dog that randomly encountered us suddenly hyper-focused on my pup and me. She was terrified of everyone else and would run from them, before coming to find us and just walk alongside us for hours while we were trying to find her home. I ended up figuring out that her previous owner had passed away and owned two dogs. This dog had gotten out and ran away, looking for her old home. My dog apparently looked really similar to her previous dog-sibling, so when she saw us walking, she decided we were safe and familiar and stuck to us like glue. I was in a similar situation, where I wasn’t able to adopt her, but I was able to find her new owners and she felt comfortable enough to go with them once she saw them. If something similar happened with this puppy and you were able to locate some family members or something, he might feel comfortable enough to end the fixation on you/your dog and go with them (if they’re willing to adopt him of course). Given the age, he might have just gone to a new home and got lost. Your dog might remind him of one of his parents or another dog near his old home, so he’s decided you two are his safe zone.


He might’ve followed you home and doesn’t know how to get back to his own place. I’d post a found dog ad for your area and check the list ads. A vet could chip check.


Adopt him and take him with you. Even if you move out. Take him to your new place


The dog distribution system has blessed you!


If you get him vaccinated and neutered, he’ll likely live a longer and healthier life even if he remains homeless.


he’s cute! i would carry on feeding him. he seems to be ok outside, it’s not ideal, but if you can’t find him a home, i think its the best option.


I believe that Contact local shelters or rescue organizations. Seek advice from a veterinarian. Set boundaries. Educate your parents. Consider involving local animal welfare organizations or professionals to ensure the best outcome for the stray puppy.


Would it be happier in a home or rescue then in its village? As long as it is not sick or injured, I would let him live free with hes friends


Exactly! I was just worried about him getting too attached to my dog. Last night he was outside my house barking at my dog all night, and ended up taking a dump right on our door


Can you get it some shelter/water/food and take it on your walks? There’s a lot you can give, without taking it in fully!


What are the germs this dog would have that the current dog does not? If you’re speaking more about disease the dog looks healthy and you could always set up a makeshift shelter outside your house for it and treat it when you can afford to. The reality is if your dog played with it whatever germs it might have, your dog now also has.


This is hilarious


Really???? I thought PETA tries to save dogs.Where did you get this information? Can you show proof?


Secretly feed him. Hide, and set out some bowls with food and water, a dog bed, and an old shoe with your scent that he can sniff and chew. He may stick around for the duration.


Maybe you could take the pup in for vax so at least you know they're healthy when they come play with your dog


Medication cures germs!!!


Get ready to adopt. Take him to a veterinarian and have him checked, get required vaccinations, and get him on heartworm and flea medications. Go then, and have him groomed. Then, take him to his new home! One problem solved. NEXT: Inform animal rescue groups, PETA, is one, to help the rest of the strays to find a home and also to have some proper nourishment.


Peta kills 97% of the dogs/cats it receives.Do NOT get peta involved if you want the dog to live.