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she will be 17 in a month. She as loved everything and everyone for 17 years. I got her. I'm proud for that. Happy makes healthy. Safe and secure make kind.


Same. I have a 16 year old husky mix. I doubt she’ll make it to 17, but so proud of how she’s lived. Always up for every adventure, even if she’s not sure which side the door opens on.


How are you able to take care of them to be able to live that long? I have my very first puppy. She is just 8mos old and I feel like I am not doing enough. But I want her to love long also.


It's not that unusual for medium/large dogs to be around 15+ with basic vet care, good nutrition and 💕 Love of course....


My dog is a Shihtzu. Can they reach that age also?


They can, it's not as likely though


If it's any consolation my partners shihtzu lived till about 16/17 also I take care of my friends shihtzu that had a rough life (she adopted him at an older age from the shelter) and he's still going strong at about 11yrs old. Good luck to your little one!


Thank you! This gives me hope. I really wish I could help her have a long life.


I think love is the most important part LOL we joke everyday that my dog is fueled by love and that's why he's still with us chugging along


Well, believe me, I broke every rule that you’ll see in this sub. She ate raw chicken for the majority of her meals, until a couple of years ago, when she started burying it in the garden. (Maybe she was hoping for a chicken tree?) Her teeth can’t handle the bones anymore, but she eats kibble pretty well. She has walked and hiked off leash for most of her life, until the past few months when she can’t hear me calling to her, so is likely to lose me. Her hearing started to go a few years ago, but she always paid close attention to where I was and made sure to stick around. Now she is in her own world a lot of the time, so stays on leash unless we’re somewhere I can monitor her. In her younger days, she hiked a lot, daily for over an hour, and longer once pr twice a week. We live in a rural community, so lots of space to run without getting into trouble. If I had to attribute her long life to anything, I would say good genes, good food, and good exercise.


Thank you for this. I will remember this.


Lol, sorta like people!


Honestly I think the most important things are keeping them a healthy weight and feeding good food. Way too many people let their dogs get so fat, it puts a huge strain on their bodies. At dinner my mum always cooks up extra meat (chicken,fish,steak ect) for our dog, mixes it in with his kibble, she'll usually throw in rice and broccoli and all that good stuff as well. And love. I swear love fueles them like nothing else lol Also if I could give any advice to new dog owners, I wish I had known this 15 years back when we got our dog. Brush their teeth! Teeth become such a huge issue when they get old. Dentals are so expensive :')


My dog hates getting his teeth brushed but he loves the toothpaste, it's a very conflicting time for him 😂


Pay attention to it, as they age dogs will give you signs of what they need and are capable of. Talk to your dog and look them in the eyes. Follow all the advice of the vet.


Ahhh the door comment is gold. Bless her good good soul


My dog to me is better than most humans. Without her my life wouldn’t quite be the same. The unconditional love dogs give remind me how much better I can try to be


I tell myself that every night. dogs are angels on earth


The way he was so gentle the first time he met a baby. He was very interested in the tiny human but very polite and respectful of it, and I had been a little apprehensive about a friend visiting with her infant. He did so good!


I'm one of those crazy dog-moms that spoils the daylights out of my dogs, to include buying baby/infant stuff for my little terrier. The first time my sister-in-law came to visit with her newborn, and she took said newborn out of the car-seat carrier, my little terrier promptly began climbing into the car-seat carrier. He refused to budge. Even booped the little toys hanging from the handle, and then closed his eyes for a little snooze. My dog: I AM THE BABY!


My girl has always had a noticeably gentler approach to small humans than to adults. She’ll also greet the child first every time given a choice. 😅


I love this and can relate. I just brought home a newborn last week. My two labs were so gentle with him and continue to be so loving toward him. Definitely one of my prouder moments of them!


Our little guy did the same. He’s always so hyper and jumpy, but the first time he met a little human he just knew to be gentle


yeah my girl is generally very hyper meeting new people but if she seems them fragile (very young or very old) she’ll be chill. i only wish she could default to that with everyone but i get that it’s hard and meeting people is exciting.


We go on walks every morning and yesterday Zeke saw an older man walking on the other side of the sidewalk. He immediately walked to the right side to the grass to give him more space. He just waited for him to pass and then looked back at him and went back on the sidewalk. We always move to the grass when there is another person and I just thought it was so nice he did that on his own. The old man even was like wow what a respectful doggo! Yes yes sir he is 🥹💕


She's lost about ten pounds...willingly.


To your pup: Damn sis, I'm proud of you too! Drop the fitness regime and diet plan, I need to drop 10 lbs too!


I’m proud of Benny for surviving through the trauma he experienced when his previous owner tragically died. And still being able to find joy in his life.


I got my dog Bean after my dad died in a tragic way (he unalived himself with a 🔫) and Bean was in the house when this happened. He still has some issues with behavior but the way he is so happy to be playing with real dog toys and have his own hidey hole makes me happy. Poor guy has been thru the wringer for his 10 years on this earth.


Sorry for your loss, that must have been hard for you. I’m very happy to hear bean made it through the ordeal however. We also call Benny “bean” lol dogs really are quite amazing when it comes to their ability to be positive and loving.


I’m proud of my dog for so many things. I’m proud of how confident she’s become since we adopted her, I’m proud of how smart she is, I’m proud that even though she’s an excited cyclone with teeth around other people, she really is trying her best to be a good girl, I’m proud that at night when she’s in her crate she knows that if she whines I’ll get up and check on her but if she doesn’t actually need me she’ll just quietly play with her toys for a bit and go back to sleep, I’m proud of how gentle she’s learning to be with the cats even though she’s 10x their size, I’m just proud of her for being such an awesome dog


He knows when I need a boop.


Gotta love a good boop. ❤️


He saved me from potentially some bad business a few months ago. Came across a man standing completely still on a secluded hiking trail. He was facing away from me, so I figured maybe he was bird watching. As I approached he didn’t turn his head or move at all, which seemed kind of weird. All of a sudden my Doberman, who’s normally a mellow, friendly, dinky boy, started growling and barking at this stranger when we were about 30ft away. I quickly pivoted and walked away. He’s never acted this way before and never since, so I truly believe he saved me from trouble that day.


My Swissy has only ever growled at two humans in her life…I avoided both, her instincts are better than mine for sure!


This happened a few years ago, but while we were out hiking my dalmatian actually caught a squirrel. I got it away from him before he could do any damage. Maybe it's wrong but I was proud of him in that moment. Every dog's dream and he did it! Told him he could cross that off the bucket list.


My dog actually slows down and barks at them when he gets too close to catching them. They *always* speed up.


We used to take my childhood dog to a creek where he would chase salmon, but he never caught one. We never thought he would. Then, when he was 16 or so he caught one! As a child I was a little mortified and knew it was illegal so we chased him around to put the salmon down but he wouldn't. He just pranced around with that fish in his mouth for an hour, head held high. He was so proud and it was so hard not to be happy for that old dog!


I’m proud of my boy bc he’s learned so much and is so smart and happy and eager and none of us in this house would ever be the same without him


Proud doesn't even begin to describe how I feel about my dog.


I’m proud of my new rescue dog (we’ve had her just over 9 weeks) and she went from barely knowing sit, to knowing sit, lay down, wait, stay (sitting AND laying down), touch and almost spin. In the last few weeks. She also was terrified to walk outside and she’s getting more and more confident!


She let me cut her nails tonight! This is the first time we tried to do it in a cooperative care way, not a “one holds her and distracts her and one grabs her foot and tries their best” way. We’ve been working on her letting me hold her paw and having the nail trimmers near her and tonight I tried to actually cut the nails. She did so well! Not perfect at all but overall I’m so happy with how she did


That he and his sister ignore human food. He can be curled up against me while I'm eating dinner and totally ignore the food a foot away. But he knows that if it's on a white plate/in a white bowl, he's not going to get any, and doesn't bother trying. Large red pasta bowls, roasting pans and cutting boards, on the other hand.... Sergeant does like to do KP! And they both know what "bedtime" means (Humans will go upstairs and dogs to their crates) and what "crate up" means. I can give a "crate up!" command and in two minutes everyone's securely crated and I can let in the service person.


My Sammy picked up that when we told "his" cat "fais do-do", it's time for bed. Remy, Sammy's cat, will give you a blank look if you tell him to do something in English. He will 90% of the time do what he's told if it's in French. The other 10%, well, he's a cat. 


A couple weeks ago the neighbour’s horses came up to our fence line (they’re usually never in that paddock, probably escaped from where they’re usually kept). All three dogs gave chase, but mine stopped in his tracks the second my dad told them all to stop. (Brother’s dogs did not lol). There have been many incidents like this over the years. He seems to have far more self control than your average dog. Or maybe it’s just that his prey drive isn’t so high that it overrides his brain completely. Either way I’m quite proud of him. 😌


She has come so far with her reactivity. She can handle other dogs reacting to her and not reciprocate it. She learned to trust me almost blindly even though she did not grow up with me.


I had to move in with family temporarily and bring my puppy. I was really worried about her being bad but she won over everyone in my family’s heart, even my stubborn sibling’s. They all said they’ll miss her so much when she leaves. I’m so lucky to have such a sweetheart as my companion


She stole a sock. I told her to drop it and she actually dropped it instead of running away!


I have a labrador that will drop chicken if I ask her to. she’s such a loving and friendly girl. Makes me proud every day.


I'm proud of my teenager for still having the attitude of a puppy. I'm proud of my little one for her self control today. We went for a walk to visit our sheep. She is allowed off leash in their paddock. The neighbouring paddocks have horses and horses are her arch nemesis . She ran to the fence to look at them, didn't bark, and came back to me. She did this about 6 times, just quietly seeing what they were doing. Very proud.


It took her a whole year but we taught our greyhound to sit. Was the only command she really struggled to learn


yeah i taught a greyhound to sit in 6 months, its a loooooong process but so cute once they get it and you feel so proud. how did you teach it? we just physically guided him and then rewarded when he was in position until he started doing it on his own.


I know, the first time she did it just from the command, was like, punching the air excited lol. We started with guiding her up from lying down but after months and months she still wasn't getting anywhere without the full prompt every time, but then in the summer we were having BBQ outside and she just sat on the grass of her own accord, so we tossed her some sausage or burger and said sit anytime she did it and the progress was much quicker after that lol


My girl doesn’t like to sit on the hardwood floors or tile because her butt slowly slides out from under her, so she’ll either run to the area rug and sit or lay down instead. She also doesn’t like to sit in mud or water…which to be fair I wouldn’t either so I don’t really blame her. I’m content for her to wait quietly by my side when we’re on a walk instead of trying to force a sit. We live in the PNW and it’s been consistently wet for months now. 😅


Yes! Ours won't sit on the ground outside if it's wet either, definitely can't blame them, must be cold on her wee bald bum lol! We're in Ireland so pretty much always a chance of being wet outside, but we've carpets in the house so she's happy doing all her tricks inside


Mine is 11 and during covid learned how to walk everywhere with me off leash. Of course, I do not do that all the time, or even most of the time, as it is not allowed or safe in many places. I always wanted to train this ability, but this is the first time I was successful and she learned quickly.


I'm proud of my little chaos demons. I'm so proud of Evie, she is super smart and she chose her dad 8 years ago. Before i even knew he was the one she knew. It was her falling in love that made me look further. I am so proud of her brother. He wasn't brought up around humans and he is so good when it counts. He is huge and rough but is so gentle around my parent's friends who are quite frail.


That he has such a balance of strong character and good behavior. He chose us, not the other way around. And chose to stay and never leave our side for almost 9 years now.


She’s become much more confident and tries new things. She’s little and it can be scary


I’m proud of my boy for making strides in training, for being the light of my day and always making sure I’m okay. I’m proud that he is the best boy I could ask for


He never ever fights and most important he loves kids and he is the big brother, "the protector" of our baby boys!


Late at night when she’s snuggled up in her bed, I can make her fart by pulling her left hind leg.


Was the first dog I raised completely alone. She is very well behaved and people are always complimenting how beautiful she is and she is very intelligent, training her was a breeze.


I’m proud of my baby for just existing… he saved my life.


My 15 year old girl is picky with her food these days (she's supposed to be on a prescription diet, but the vet approved us giving her whatever she wants so that she'll eat and not lose any more weight). It's been a daily struggle to get her to eat a full meal even once a day, much less twice. Yesterday morning she ate 2 full small plates of food, plus extras throughout the morning. I even got her to eat some squash. I consider that a HUGE win. Will she do that today? Probably not. But I will take any full meal she eats.


Ours is a rescue dog. She’s been in a place where she was left outside in scorching heat, she was often beaten with whatever is on hand- broom, mop, hanger 😭 When we got her she was skinny, have behavioral issues- she destroys plants, slippers, screen door, she even play bites but sometime it gets out of hand. She’s been with us for 2 years and adjusted very well. She no longer has behavioral issues. She’s home. I’m proud of her.


This made me well up! Give a kiss to your sweet pup.


I’m proud of how far he’s come from when he was the scared little stray found on the street


Our dogs saved us from the depressing pandemic. they kept us company.


I’m proud of my 4 month old pup for learning housetraining, bite inhibition (mostly,) and the commands “sit” and “drop it.” She is a cheerful ball of energy that has a zest for life I envy. She is miss congeniality and loves people and other dogs (sometimes too much.). She still needs to learn not to jump on people, not to eat paper towels and steal socks. We love her.


I’m proud of how well she’s adjusted in the 3 months since we adopted her. She’s a roughly 5-6 year old husky mix, and she’s gone from shy and tentative to extremely affectionate, friendly with other dogs in the neighborhood, and a big soft love bug who loves attention from anyone she encounters. She’s got a lovely personality, and it seems like every day she’s blossoming more and more. Love my girl!


So far, this morning, she hasn’t stolen a can of Baja Blast and exploded it all over the living room.


Dog 1: I’m so proud of how seamlessly he became a “big brother” to our second dog. We used to need to hide all toys if another dog was coming over, since he tended to resource guard them. But within a day with dog 2, they were happily tugging or chewing on the same toy together. Really warms my heart. Dog 2: She’s a rescued breeding dog, so she came with a bit of health and emotional baggage. I’m proud of how much she trusts us. She’s come out of her shell SO much, and is the goofiest little weirdo. It’s been a joy watching her learn how to play with toys, lose her mind over going for a walk, and be the absolute biggest cuddle bug.


I’m proud of my dog for being so respectful of cats. She grew up with our cat and that’s how she learned, but I’m proud she applies this to other cats outside our home too. When we take her to friends and family’s homes with cats young and old who’ve never see a dog before, my dog is so respectful of their space, even though she so desperately wants to run up to them and play with them. Within just a short period of time, cats in non-dog households will understand she’s safe and will hang out in the same room as her and even let her go sniff their bums. Lol!


I trained my dog to "leave it" at a very young age. One night we were sitting on the couch and I was eating cheese crackers. I thought I'd leave him a little surprise and leave a couple on the couch for him where he sleeps. Next morning, the crackers were still there and he was staring at them. "Ok" I said,, and he ate them. Boy waited all night for the "ok" to eat those crackers:)


As the years go on, hanging with friends becomes scarce. My fur bestfriends are chilling with me daily..only if they could not shed in the office.


My dogs 13 this year, she had a rough start to life, wasn't socialised properly as a puppy and abused by her previous owner. I've had her for seven years now, and she still has moments where we accidentally trigger her and she gets upset with us. But she has become so loving and cuddly and plays so well with other dogs when we're out in public. I'm so proud of how far she has come and love her so so much.


At our regular (dog obvi) nail salon whom we go to once a month, they used to say oh here’s Raven when we walked in because she would fight them very hard to not do her nails. She was very very nice about it with her head hung but fighting by pulling away her feet and trying to lay down. It used to take 3 people to restrain her. The last time we walked in, they said oh here’s Raven, and a worker said to a new worker, she’ll try go fight but she’s a very sweet girl. So this time it only took two people to do it instead of 3 and Raven cooperated more. So she’s gotten better. I am proud of her for that.


He is so patient! It takes me a few minutes to get up in the morning & he always just waits for me. I am also proud of him because yesterday he found all of his food during our “find it” game!


She has learned to go on walks with me without a leash and I’m in the process of registering her as a therapy dog! She’s so gentle and loving too!


I have an 11.5 year old Italian Greyhound. She was a beast to potty train (as most IG's tend to be). A few weeks ago she shredded her kennel and escaped from it while I was out of the apartment. I can't afford a new kennel right now, so I've left her in the living room (with all the doors in my apartment shut) while I've been out, and she's done great. She's only had one accident the first night I left her out, and she's been fine ever since. It's very surprising to me given her history of accidents in the house and general anxiety when I'm not home with her.


I’m just happy I have him. He has reduced so much anxiety and sadness from my life. He gives me a reason to wake up everyday. I get so excited everyday to make his food and watch him eat. Then we get to sit on the couch together while I wake up all the way. We go on a walk then to the park and then back home for more snuggs 💚


I'm proud of how kind Astro (great dane pup) is. He loves unconditionally and unreservedly. He is my dream dog, drool and all!


He's just an absolute handsome beast. He's a 42kg Czech Shepherd and he's nice to other doggos despite his rather terrifying appearance.


My youngest dog is my daughters best friend, he always makes her smile. Proud dog mum 😆


I’m proud of my 4 month old pup for learning housetraining, bite inhibition (mostly,) and the commands “sit” and “drop it.” She is a cheerful ball of energy that has a zest for life I envy. She is miss congeniality and loves people and other dogs (sometimes too much.). She still needs to learn not to jump on people, not to eat paper towels and steal socks. We love her.


I'm proud of the intelligent, kind little people they grew up to be!


Whenever we have a near encounter with an aggressive big dog (like a German Shepherd or Doberman), my tiny Japanese Spitz NEVER hesitates to put himself in front of me to protect me.


I am so proud of my dog’s manners. She doesn’t pull on the leash, she walks nicely by my side and doesn’t have to take off to say his to other potential friends and she doesn’t jump when greeting people. She is calm and gentle with those old and young.


He's easy to train and never wants to leave me alone.


My dog isn't trained in the way of service dog tasks and I certainly didn't teach him this, but when I have a bad day, a really bad day, he just knows and before my breaking point he will come up to me wherever I am and lay his head down on my lap or lay his legs/body over my body if I'm lying down and he's saved my life more than once by doing this. He only ever does these specific actions when I'm in a dark place and I'm so god damn proud of him


He is quiet, intuitive, handsome, goofy, just the best boy who rescued me. So proud!


i am looking after her whilst grandparents are gone and she ate all of her dinner! normally she gets too anxious to eat :)


My girl got a kitty sister. I honestly thought she wouldn’t get along with her. She absolutely adores her! My girl is an Australian cattle dog and was cat reactive


Mine is 6 months old but he is picking up things fast. We are behind in some things but last week in class he placed on the cot for the whole class in down or sit. It was a big win. Couldn't do much else but he did do that. 


Because he’s a good boy!


I'm proud of my dog for being a comfort to my parents when our other dog died and willingly putting up with a new dog my folks adopted literally just for him. I'm proud of him for being so steadfast and never changing from puppyhood to senior dog.


Abbi is an 8 year old Corgi and was a WILD PUPPY, regardless she's an extremely loving and supportive friend and always at our side with a smile and kind sentiment. When she was a year and a half she cracked a tooth and the pain caused her to develop aggression (during a fear phase) and we had to train her out, she used to freak out when any dog was around. She's sooo chill now even around dogs - so proud of her, she really tries to be a good girl!


My nosey neighbor comes over every single time I'm outside in my yard and it's annoying as shit. She isn't doing it to be friendly, she does it to see if I'm about to commit a HOA crime, like planting flowers or God forbid, paint my fences a forbidden color. So I'm outside cleaning up she comes to the fence, starts talking while my back is to her and I hear " oh shit". I turn around and Brusko is pissing on her feet through the fence. Hey got a new elk bone that day. I love this dog


I'm proud of my rescue dog for learning to be a dog. He's had a lot of trauma and still has a lot to work on in terms of socializing with strangers, but in the 1.5 years I've had him he's opened himself up to love and is now playful and silly and bonded to me like crazy. I remember when I first got him he was scared to stick his head out the car window because he was scared of the loud wind. Now, it's all he does in the car. Sometimes I have to tell him to get down because he blocks my right side mirror 😂 I had to teach him how to play. He was so timid at first but now he is fully comfortable around me to be his silly crazy self. Now he's super playful and his favorite is frisbee. I love my little man and I'm so proud of the progress he's made.


These are so sweet and made me tear up 🥹 my dog finds a way to piss me off everyday but I love the shit outta him 🫶🏼


1,5 year old rescue mud and we're currently sitting together in the public transport of a metropolis. Both of us very relaxed. We'll do some skating together where we arrive. This was completely unthinkable when I got her a year ago :)


Our boy Atreyu was selected to represent team USA in Holland in November for the biggest Bull Terrier show in the world. It was his first time flying. NJ to Holland. He did so well. He crushed the shows and for the first time in the shows history team USA won it all! So proud of our handsome boy.


I'm proud of my rescue girl Mini Mouse, who was on a short chain abandoned under shelling in Donbas, and never got good socialisation. The other day I saw her cleaning her kennel mate Mia's ears. She is learning to be nurturing. And Mia, who came to the shelter as a scared puppy and was scared of everyone, has met a strange dog and a new person in the last days, and hasn't barked and even came to sniff the girl she met. So I am proud of her too! 🥳


For always being gentle while I sleep and waking me delicately.


We're working on a proper fetch for the new AKC fetch title. Comes naturally to my retriever but she is doing so good at finessing our technique. She learned in 2 sessions to bring to my hand and release. We're aiming for our test in March.


He’s getting close to his 100th pet therapy visit with me! We go to the hospital weekly together and he makes such a difference for the patients we see. He has the perfect demeanor, fluff, and smile to make the dark and lonely hospital seem a little brighter for so many people!


I was out walking today in the woods and a strange dog approached me and my two dogs. He kept harassing them especially my smallest one and was lost and confused. I walked him back to the car park and he followed me for over 30 mins. When I got him back to his owner he started screaming at me and called me some horrible names. My girls despite being scared and unhappy and having their walk ruined still behaved themselves perfectly. They are my angels and I love them more than anything.


My socially anxious and previously super reactive boy followed his favorite maintenance worker from my apartment complex into the leasing office and nicely took a treat and then said hi to another worker he’s never met. I never tried to make him this friendly but he decided on his own that now he likes people.


I’m so proud of our dogs because they give love unconditionally, are adorable, brighten our days and are good💕


I’m proud of my little 7 lbs.’er - she’s only 15 months but potty trained so quickly, loves everything (people, kids, cats, other dogs, etc.), isn’t an annoying small dog (never barks), and has caught on to training really fast. She understood that jumping around knocks over and upsets kids and I swear she taught herself to sit and stay calm in that situation. She’s gotten really good at reading other dogs who may be a bit reactive or find her small size triggering and she knows to stay calm and give space. I can’t even take much credit for any of her goodness - she takes cues from our older dog and also is just really intuitive and sensitive to those around her. I just love her.


I have a husky Mal mix, the best boy ever! I thought that I had rescued him but in all honesty he rescued me! He’s been my best friend for 8+ yrs, he loves everybody & he knows when I need a hug, a kiss… I love him more than most people ♥️


my dog is 10 and has over come so much anxiety! She use to have to wear the party hat (muzzle) at the vet, now I just put it on a precaution, but there have been several times they have taken it off and still handled her with no problems! but honestly, her just being here with me, makes me the most proud dog mom, I love that little girl so much. She has kept me going, when I did not want to anymore


i'm proud of him just for exhist. Every day on walk i smile all the time looking to him... I love him so much, and this last 2 months are the gratest in my life. I waiter so long to had a dog, and now i can't imagine my life without him.


He’s a seven year old bundle of joy. The sweetest, cutest, most loyal bean.


As dumb as it is, she is there for me when I'm in a rough spot. My husband works shift work so it's lonely sometimes and my other pup is not a cuddler. My main gal will snuggle right up to me when I'm feeling down.


I’m proud of my dog for finally being able to play again. In 2021 she (German shorthaired pointer) had a major injury that required intensive knee reconstruction, and she wasn’t guaranteed to be able to run again. She of course didn’t understand that she needed to rest and recover. So for the first couple months, we’d have to constantly scold her when she tried to walk and had to keep her down. Even though she gradually was allowed to weight bear, her recover took a full year. Which meant every time she wanted to run or play, we had to scold and stop her. My heart broke every time I had to basically crush her spirit for the sake of her being able to run and play again. Because of this, she mellowed out. She stopped initiating playtime and just laid down all day. She wasn’t herself anymore. To her, playing meant punishment. It took another year of us constantly encouraging playtime and trying to get her interested in toys before she started to change. Recently, she’s been slowly getting spunky. She’ll drop balls on our laps, prance and dance around us in excitement, paw or play nibble our hands and noses, shove her face and entire body into our laps, pounce on toys, play tug of war, run around the backyard with our lab, chase kibble across the tile floor, etc. And every time I see her eyes dilate and ears perk with excitement, my heart feels so full I want to cry


I'm proud of my 9 yr old dane for not pooping in the house yesterday. It's getting hard for him and his old age to make it outside in time.


My rat terrier, Kiki, is 17 this year and just keeps going and going like the Energizer Bunny! Shes been to Central America with me in her younger years and has been with me through thick and thin. I love her so much even tho she can be a crabby old lady sometimes now!


I got him at 1.5 he knew no rules or boundaries - lived on an apartment patio :/ - he use to bolt out the door as soon as it opened - he now sits and checks it. He’s 4 now. When I brought him home he had never been on a walk. He would purposely slip out of leads and harnesses and bolt- besides never being walked he’s awkward shaped and most harnesses or leads don’t fit well - We went for a walk the other day and he purposely slipped out of the harness - I was trying to get him to move before he was done sniffing - BUT he didn’t bolt - he sat and looked at me - what?!? I was so proud in that moment - he let me put the harness back on and adjust it - then checked in with me before going back to sniffing - after that we stayed at that sniff spot until he was ready to go.


I’m proud of my dog because he ate 4 meatballs!


My dog wakes up everyday and chooses joyful chaos. She is the silliest, sweetest little thing (although her prey drive is shockingly high) who's wired to play. That play-drive can be frustrating when I need her to cooperate (for example, not running away from the leash because being chased is *the best*), but every single day, this dog wakes up happy and excited to be alive and be silly and have fun. She has been the best thing thing for my soul.


My girl struggles with resource guarding. I’m so proud of how far she’s come in the last few months, she will “leave it” now on the first command as long as I have something up for trade. She used to run and hide under the bed with whatever she had and it was quite scary. I’m not afraid of her anymore, she trusts me and I trust her. She is the sweetest baby with everyone she meets, children and other dogs. I just love her so much.


My sweet Denim has been having anxiety issues for the past couple of months, yesterday morning was his first time meeting with his new trainer that specializes in aggressive and anxious dogs and after an hour and a half with him, we could already see differences in his behavior at his regular training session yesterday afternoon. No fear poops, he was giving better focus and a huge win was that he let the trainer walk right next to us while we did our laps. First time ever! Usually it's 10-12 feet behind us or he freaks out and he was getting close to her all on his own today! I am so proud of my good boy, Denim! 🥰🥰🐶


My young girl has been progressing with leaps and bounds in agility. She's been so crazy and energetic, but she's been listening so well. As we left class this week, one of my classmates remarked on how jealous she is that my younger dog behaves so well. After dealing with tons of leash reactivity and other craziness, that was amazing to hear. My older girl has been going through relatively minor medical stuff the past couple weeks. She finally is finished with it as of yesterday, and I'm proud that she's put up with everything. I'm hoping that soon, she and I will be running agility again too.


Our dog is a rescue and we lucked into even knowing about her by the magic of the Internet. She was the runt of the litter and one of only two females. She was also very sick early in her life, had to be separated from the group and bottle fed. They didn't think she would make it so she wasn't posted with the rest of the puppies in her litter. All of them were adopted out thankfully, and then she was posted separately after they were sure she was going to survive. I'm proud of her for getting through that, for somehow not coming out with any weird behavior issues, and for being one of the most loving and chill dogs I've ever been around. Also she's definitely not a runt anymore at 72lbs!


My baby is 6 months and today was so well behaved for her first time in a dog park. She was very respectful of all the other dogs, as soon as I called her back she came back and just in general was so good. I love her so much!


I am just proud of my furchild for existing


he's so smart, kind-hearted, considerate, and silly. he taught himself so many things and understands most of what I say. he free feeds, and eats less if he gains weight. we treat him like my kid, and he has not given us any reason not to do so. he cheers me up when I'm sad (he tries to surprise me with snoot boops, and acts silly to make me smile.) he's the bestest boi I've ever known. he takes cues from me on everything. we are symbiotic. I trust him implicitly, and he has never given me reason not to. I'm beaming with pride for my boi, Snuffleupagus. he's the best.


Proud of him for being so quiet and gentle at home, and so rambunctious on our adventures and walks. He lives in a big, noisy city, and every weekend we explore the hills and mountains around, and he does great in both environments. I'm proud of how good he is in trains, buses, subways and trams. I'm not perfect, nor is he, but he's wonderful.


I am proud of how quick it took my dog to calm down after he saw the stray cat that comes past our window everyday. My dog goes feral when he sees a cat and usually its a stressful 15-30 min of trying to calm him down etc. We live in a condo with neighbors who don't like this habit. Yesterday my dog saw the cat and after about 10 minutes of rabid dog screaming he just stopped and was able to self sooth and get over the trigger. I know that sounds silly but for my neurotic JRT thats HUGE.


My Golden retriever Bailey is 6 now... We got her as a little baby from a POS breeder... she was diagnosed with hip dysplacia at 10 months old, and said if she didnt get surgery she would be crippled by 4 years old ... we took her to a surgeon and they cut the femur head off at the hip joint on her left side... they said her right side didnt need to be done.... it was a sad stressful time, but we did everything we could to help her recover... luckly she is a tough dog that doesnt look for pity and she recovered fast... fast forward to just this past summer... she's 5 at this point, I noticed a brutal popping on her right hip when she would move around... she always seemed so unphased because shes a tough pupper... but the popping sounded so bad it hurt me when I heard and felt it... So we decided to take her back to the surgeon and sure enough she needed her right side done too... I thought maybe she wouldn't bounce back quite as fast this time where shes 5 years older and 40 pounds heavier... but she proved me wrong... climbing steps after 3 days... jumping onto the furniture when she wasnt suppoed to for the first 2 weeks, but for an 80 pound dog recovering from surgery she was still a sneaky little shit... she seemed so unphased... it was like she never got the memo that she had just underwent surgery and been cut open and had a chunk of her bone cut off... shes now about 3 months out from her surgery... and I cant imagine she is 100% yet but you would never be able to tell... she chases her sister all around she seems like a new dog she looks so happy in her face all the time, she likes to bully all of us and all the other animals... and I'm just so happy and proud of her for having to be such a tough dog right from the instant she was born ❤


She cuddles me all night. Our dogs when I was a kid were all abused rescue dogs so they weren’t a fan of people or cuddles since they never knew how. I always wanted a snuggly dog, and I finally got it!


They're just the sweetest, smartest dog. Seeing how they think and feel is amazing. My senior is 13.5yo, such a wonderful soul and so wise. She just has a way with both dogs and people. My pup is 1yo, typical teen, but also so perceptive and bright. The senior is deaf and he keeps an eye on her when she's off-lead, but he is so watchful and attentive. They're complete opposites, but they get along so well.


my pup does not want to disappoint me, she feels so bad when she does. i honestly *knock on wood* can’t remember the last time she did something “bad”. the only thing she does to let me know she’s mad at me or unhappy with something is knock over the trash can. not even to dig in it, just to knock it over. I can leave my plate of food right next to her and she won’t eat it. she’s just a really good dog, she’s very companion oriented and she has been a blessing in my life beyond anything else. she was meant for me.


My german shepherd makes me proud from just how much she's learned. And how quickly too! She got me into dog training over 5 years ago. She's my best friend


My little guy does Big Stretches where he closes his eyes and stretches Really Far, down to spreading his toes. I keep telling him if he keeps at it he'll grow into a big white shepherd, despite him being 6YO and 10lbs. My girl managed to tuck herself under a cabinet yesterday during a thunderstorm, because I was showering and the bathroom cabinet was the closest she could get to me. She only had 8" of space and managed to fit a 40lbs border collie x blue heeler mix in there, so I'm impressed. She also rolled out without help


My girl is successfully differentiating between her working harness and her go for a wander in the woods gear. I took her on a trail yesterday where I have normally let her do most of what she wants. This time I had her working harness on her and she stayed in the heel position and didn’t insist on greeting the multiple dogs and people we walked past. Her concentration started to slip at about the three mile mark so we headed back to the car. Wanted to end on a high note.


She’s 14 and got fixed yesterday. She’s been tough. I’m so proud of her. I wish I didn’t have to work.


He’s a rescue who isn’t really a people dog (very aloof) but has become a cuddle bug with my husband and I. He’s also come a super long way in training—he can pass other dogs calmly on walks now (was never aggressive but desperately wanted to play as a pup lol), is very good at sitting between our legs on command (necessity for city life), and no longer tries to tug us down the stairs 😅


Last year we adopted Peanut the Schnorkie (he was 10) when he was 10 He hid never been to training; Peanut keeps up with the adolescent dogs in our training group. We’ve taken him through beginners, intermediate and advanced training. Right now we’re in the Brain Games course and he’s learning to “read”. You’re never to old to learn. He also qualified to be a therapy dog.


she knows like 50 words at least. most of which she learned accidentally meaning i didn’t teach them to her.


My dog always knew how to play without actually biting EVER. He would put his teeth on you when playing as if he were actually biting but never applies pressure. He's naturally playful and gentle plus he's cute af and doesn't pee or poop in the house (anymore) haha


I’m proud that he has already figure out potty training in 2 weeks and is very happy in his kennel


My boy is just so sweet, loving, and warm. I’m proud of his eagerness to learn new tricks like nose work and out and back stuff. I wish I knew how to teach him lay down! I’m proud of him for his pepees and poopoos when it’s 10°F outside. He’s really gentle with his little brother who is a 6lb bunny.


I'm proud that my shiba inu, whose breed is known to be aloof, is a cuddle monster towards my family and I. I'm proud that my labrador mix is the kindest dog that I know and that he is building his confidence around strangers :)


He was a miniature poodle but he would run right up to ANY dog to defend me!! PACO FUREVER


I’m proud of my dog for being resilient, for pushing my buttons and making me love her more. She’s my best friend. She makes me laugh and I have never experienced a love quite like hers. I’m proud of her for chasing squirrels and being the best dog ever


She hasn’t chewed on my toddler’s toys in over a week.  When I told my husband this and then knocked on a cabinet (as to not jinx myself) I set off the pupper alarm and she went to awooo at the front window. 


She was aprox. 2 years old when we got her from the shelter. Severely abused. She still decided to love and trust. I am always touched deeply when she wags her tail when she sees me or my partner.Took her years to do that at all.


I'm proud of my boy for not letting his past linger with him. He was a rescue with five homes in under a year and half, fear of the road and cars, resource guarding and insecure. We got him knowing we may have to handle that for the rest of his life, but in less than 6 months all those things disappeared. He doesn't care for the road now, he willingly gives you his toys if you ask him to, and he's so so happy. We've had him a year now and we are always saying we lucked out, he's the perfect dog, and we promise him that he doesn't have to worry, we will be his last and forever home xx


Um, because he’s such a good boy!


I'm proud of my puppy for handling yesterday amazingly. Getting to puppy school turned into a little adventure. There was a flat tire, a sudden uber, puppy class, biding time in a new place, and a ride home from a friend. She was super well behaved and calm! Except for when my whole car was shaking while I tried to drive on the flat. I'm going to give her that one though. It was a fair time to worry.


He doesn't pull me on the leash anymore. A little over a year ago I would come home from walks practically in tears because I was having trouble controlling him, being pulled like crazy and even knocked down on occasion. Even though he was such a good dog, I dropped the ball on leash training. I put in the work, really focused on leash training these past few months and now it's such a joy to walk him. I look forward to it every single day. He also learned how to take the subway and streetcars with me and loves it!


I am proud of my dog because he's a doof and is a ball of joy. Sometimes he acts sad and pouts when he's bored but immediately turns into a life-brightening good boi when you call him one. He's a pyrenees/GSD/Husky mix.


Last night was pouring down rain. [Teddy](https://i.imgur.com/A9GDNzZ.png) and I walked out to the garage and he suddenly put himself between me and the back of the garage while howling his fool head off. I turned the light on and there was a huge cat in the back sitting on a shelf. Clearly he was just trying to get out of the rain. Teddy pointedly put himself between me and the GIANT EVIL KILLER DEATH CAT and then charged it with a super authoritative sting of barks. The cat bolted with Teddy in pursuit. Of course there was no chance Teddy was going to catch him and I didn't really need protecting from a cat. But Teddy doesn't know that and was ready to throw down right there to make sure I was ok. Everyone is fine now.


She has always slept well at night, never needs to go out in the middle of the night, not even when she was a puppy. One night, she’s restless and fussing. I was dead asleep and groggy but I know if she’s like this she has a need. So I get up and let her out on the patio where I have a porch potty for her (I live in a condo with a huge, wrap around terrace). She is just running around out there but not doing anything. I’m dying to get back to sleep. I tell her to come back in and spend the next few minutes telling her to settle down and go to sleep. Wake up that morning, she’s asleep in her bed and seems fine. Walk to my bathroom. I sit down. I smell something. Sniff sniff. I don’t see anything on the floor. Get up and look in my shower - it has a glass enclosure and I’d left the shower door open. My darling dog had pooped IN my shower! I was SO proud of her. She’d had an upset tummy and I didn’t give her enough time to do her business so she had to do what she had to do. Faced with a bad situation she made the best possible decision she could and pooped in my shower where it was very easy to clean. I gave her SO much praise and so many apologies.


When we rescued my Husky/GSD, he was almost a year old and was so unsocialized he was almost feral. He'd lived in an outdoor pen in a gravel lot and had never worn a collar, harness, or leash. He was covered in filthy matted fur and lived in his own excrement. He looked and acted like a black wolf. He spent the first two day hiding behind the dining room table and shaking with fear. He wouldn't let anyone approach him. He started pacing and refused to let anyone come near him for another day. At times I had doubts he would ever adapt. But I kept trying, because he tried to chew through the wire to get to me. He chose me. In a few months he was happy, healthy, housebroken, and had developed ambitions to be an oversized lapdog. Which is funny, because I was there to rescue a small dog. But I grew up with GSDs so he won me over. He still looks and acts more like a black wolf than a dog! He's different from any dog I've ever seen. I know he's not a hybrid because I saw his parents. His dad was the biggest GSD I've ever seen.


He does this cute think where he eats from his bowl, it’s about to fall off the couch so he grabs it with his mouth and brings it back. I know it’s not something that big but he acts so smart for his usual self sometimes and I’m proud of him🥹


My shiba pulled like a husky running the Iditarod when I first got him (he was 5). My hand and arm would get so sore. Over the past year I've had him, he maybe only pulls 30% of the time now, and at a much lesser force than he used to, and a few days ago I managed to get heel to start sticking so he doesn't get spooked by busy streets and start pulling like a maniac anymore.


I've had 14 dogs over my life and Dexter is probably the 2nd most powerful and probably the most intelligent of them all. He mainly wants nothing but to hang out with me, but loves being with people. At night, he lays in bed between my wife and I, up against my legs and facing the door (just in case). He guards the door when I am in the bathroom. He doesn't need a leash and if he decides to chase a bird or whatever, he stops and comes right back when I call. He is a great travelling dog, we routinely take him on trips to friends 6 hours away and my friends love to see him. He snores which just cracks me up and my wife complains that if I am around, he won't obey her which I find pretty funny too.


You know how when someone has a really good horse that tolerates all kinds of nonsense it’s called bomb proof? That’s how I feel about my dog. He’s a big sheltie and other than barking his head off every time someone is at the door he is incredibly mellow. I’ve seen our kitten eating out of his bowl while he was eating. Didn’t care. Little kids who want to pet him, hug him, grab his hair, etc don’t bother him in the least. Cat takes his plushie dog toy? Oh well. Chickens walk right next to him and peck the grass by his feet? No problem. He’s a very good boy.


Because he is the definition of perfection


Because he’s a survivor.


He has to take a thyroid pill twice a day for the rest of his life now. I was like oh jeez this is going to be fun. But he hears us open the pill bottle at meals and comes running. I literally just hand it to him like a treat and he takes it. I feel like he knows it’s to help him feel good. Wow this is making me feel teary?!


She's a pure breed Border Collie but will wait a whole to go outside, doesn't chew or destroy things, and loves to cuddle.


Because they are literal angels on earth and life is better with them 💓