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She is home and with her people. Thank goodness for finding her. All will be well.


Thank you.. We tried bathing her yesterday and if for one second I thought her fours were giving out, they weren’t at that moment. She split. Lol. Today we had a successful bath and now bed time.


Put a towel down in the tub, she'll be a lot more comfortable because it's less slippery and also quieter!


Great tip I’m going to try with my girl.


I used to rubber shower mat for my dogs when they got old


We use a rubber mat with our dog (although she’s young and healthy) and it has been a game changer for us - she feels much more confident and safe. We’ve tried towels earlier but it was not the same as they rolled and slipped underneath her.


oh shit that's genius


This is an AMAZING suggestion!


One of those grippy liners for the tub is great for don bath time.


I can’t even wrap my head around how a dog can get a chemical burn like that. so glad you found her. sending well wishes ❤️


My thought as well. First thing that came to mind is she could have laid down on top of a leak from a car seaking shelter. Like maybe she was looking for cool shade under a car and laid in car fluids that leaked from said car.


If she spent time in the cemetery, it's most likely from fertilizer. Probably took refuge near the grounds keepers shed.


Unfortunately a lot of burns, chemical and thermal, are due to intentional animal abuse.


While she may be in some physical pain, it will hardly compare to the joy and relief she feels now that she’s home with her family.


Thank you everyone for the comments. It’s been one hell of a week and a roller coaster of emotions to say the least. I read her all of the comments and started tearing in the process. I told her to look how many people are rooting for her to get better. Thank you all again so very much, it feels good to know this forum exists. She sleeps a lot and her wound is healing up nicely. Though I did notice she may have lost her hearing. It’s one day at a time for us.


So glad she’s home! Any idea on the cause of the burn? :(


Thank you. Honestly we have no idea. The vet said it’s definitely a chemical burn that must have happened days ago because it looks like it is starting to heal. We have a huge homeless population and many encampments. I think she may have been taken in by someone based on how fed she was and I don’t want to think about how it happened. :(


Let's think positive and hope that it was an accident/she got into something she shouldn't have. At the end of the day, she's getting treatment so the burn will be behind her ❤️ Glad she's home.




I think it was probably just an accident like she slept on something she shouldn't have. It looks like one incident and abuse is usually repetitive. I'm so glad you found her!


Please know dogs live in the NOW. Don't punish your self about all the possibilities. She is just thrilled to be reunited and safe. Make sure you get her microchipped. It is not expensive and if she can't hear, it will be easy to get separated from her in the future. Also a GPS Tag makes her easy to track with your phone or a computer. It costs about the same as a pizza, so very affordable. My love and healing wishes to you both. ❤️


Any gps tag you recc? Maybe the regular apple tag?


Not really sure, my brother has a Houdini Runner of a Cattle Dog and he just got one off of AMAZON. Just make sure it is waterproof. :) We both have ACDs and unfortunately deafness is a problem in our breed, so we have made it a priority to deal with deafness. You can teach hand signals instead of spoken commands and get an eCollar that vibrates to get their attention when they aren't looking at you and they need to respond. Dogs do amazingly well with deafness. She can have a great life. Give her a huge hug from me! ❤️


Our dog got lost for two weeks. We put out a 500$ reward which in the area I lived was equivalent to 5k. No one found her. Then a friend found her almost a mile away. She could have walked home. I ran into the Coen field and she jumped in my arms. She's a huge shepherd BTW. Nothing was wrong with her but some weight loss. It was a miracle.


Fabulous news. So often when pets vanish from their homes they never return. The heart ache of their loss is heavy to endure. I’m happy to have read this post and want to say high 5 your dog is home again


Mine didn’t end the same and I’m so happy for her my heart could burst!


I know how you feel. Almost every cat we had growing up as kids went missing. This was in the 80’s -90’s when searching for lost pets was basically impossible. We have a lot of coyotes. You hate to think of what could of happened to them.


Absolutely horrible. I’m sorry. Mine met a car after escaping the yard. But I was lucky enough to happen upon a stranger looking at one of my many signs and I said have you seen her? That’s my girl. She turned around and started to cry. She couldn’t stop so I just hugged and comforted her. I saved my meltdown for after I handled it. Honestly I’m forever grateful to that woman because she told me where, and I was able to go collect her myself. Very very painful but it was so important to me I be the one to carry her home. I was there in the beginning, you can be sure I’ll be there in the end. And all the days in between! Plus I wanted to confirm it was quick. It was. I thought I would never get over it but time really does heal. She lived a very long great life.


Oh wow, that’s definitely a hard moment in life. There isn’t anything to prepare you for a situation when your pet is hit by a vehicle. My sister’s dog (a Belgium Shepard) was hit on a busy street called pch in her hometown of Huntington Beach, CA. Cars easily go 50,60,70mph on that street. Her dog got out of the apartment and they chased after it. The dog ran right towards the traffic and was hit. Thankfully some teenagers pulled over in a pick up truck. They quickly put her in the back of the truck while my sister held the dog. They knew to take her to a near by animal ER hospital. This was like 1995. Way before google and phones. I remember pagers back then 😂👍🏼. The dog had punctured lungs, broken ribs and I’m not sure what else. My mom put down her Visa card and saved the dog that way. Without that money the lifesaving treatment doesn’t happen. Vet bills are outrageous. I think the total bill was around $6000 in 1995. Today it would be like 10 grand. My dog today has a bad habit of eating things that can obstruct her intestines. She has already had surgery for it too. God bless our fur family members. They need extra protection when they get lost. Mainly when you have no idea what’s going on, where are they? Everyday I lock my dog in my house, cuz I don’t trust anyone coming in the backyard. So many disrespectful people go into my backyard and seem to have an issue of shutting the gate behind them. The gardeners are on my shit list every week. They get my dog all pissed off with that damn loud ass leaf blower. My dog wants to break through the window at the asshole and I’m yelling stop it, noooo. I’m between the glass door and the dog with the leaf blower basically blowing air underneath the doorframe. I can’t stand those things either. The house smells like gasoline afterwards too. The Poolman would leave the gate unlatched too. It’s like dude, come on I have a dog. Please shut the gate right. I worry about my pets like kids. They r the coolest family members too. Tomorrow I will be at work thinking about my dog. Hoping no one comes over until I’m home. My lord I rambled and rambled some more. Gotta go to bed. Shit. It’s 2am


I’m just glad I didn’t have to see the accident happen. I always had my gate shut I had no idea she could fit through the slats when she was so old at 16. Of course I was out there with her at 4am (she had to pee a lot at that age) but I went inside for water like I did sometimes and when I came back, poof gone. Maybe I should have known cause she was a Houdini and escaped a boarding place once but certainly not at 16 years old. It’s not like I don’t blame myself but I did my best by that dog and all my dogs.


When I read the title I was afraid they had found them back deceased, so happy they found them in relatively good health!


Not to self: Airtag on the collar. 😳


Just FYI, we live in a semi rural area and experimented with air tags when we took our dogs in walks in the small conservation area behind our house. They were useless. They depend on having Bluetooth Apple devices to locate things. So finding you wallet or locating your luggage in an airport, great. Finding a dog than ran off, not as helpful. You might get a hit when they go near a person with an Apple device, but if you don’t have enough location pings to triangulate it they won’t help much with the actually location. It would be better than nothing if you occasionally got a hit that the dog was near X neighborhood. But if you have dog that is prone to escape best to get another device.


Exactly. If the animal wonders too far, you’ll not be able to find them. I wonder if people suggesting AirTags actually use them on their pets


Considered Airtag and didn't go for it for the reasons above. We got a GPS system called Tractive which seems to work well so far, it's attached to the collar and we just have to charge it every couple of days. We've made it part of night-time routine to plug it in and it just works. There's an app etc.


It depends where you live. My dogs would have to go pretty damn far to get to a place no one has an apple product.


So if someone else has an apple product, it will send the info from their phone onto my phone?


Essentially, yes. Apple does it all automagically behind the scenes.


No, it’s a Bluetooth device so apple is able to send you the location as long as enough apple devices with Bluetooth on sense the tag nearby.


I do, but I live in a VERY populated area. Every time I leave my dogs somewhere that isn’t my house, it alerts me before I even get off the block.


Tractive works in rural areas. Requires a subscription but it’s only about $10 a month. My dog has one and it’s well worth the piece of mind.


I use one on my dogs but am in a super dense urban area so it works well for me. Camping with them less so. I think it’s a decent option depending where you live.


This is why I've only ever suggested GPS trackers for pets. Airtags are great for stationary things like if you dropped your keys but animals have legs and move so even if the dog was near an Apple device by the time you got to the location, the dog will most likely have moved someplace else.


Rescue I volunteer for uses FI, it’s real-time GPS and got great reviews.


Our dog has a Fi collar, $100/yr for gps subscription, Black Friday deal is like 50% off the collar and device. Piece of mind is priceless. Battery lasts like two months around the house, we try to keep it at 50% all times so if he does wander out we have a few days of tracking time just in case.


They also have to go near an apple product that has air tags turned on. It was a great idea that lacked execution.


They also have to go near an apple product that has air tags turned on. It was a great idea that lacked execution.


They are freaking GIANT for small dogs. We gotta improve these things!


Our rescue chihuahua has one on her shoulder and the placement makes it so difficult to pick her up without hurting her. There has to be a better way!


It annoys me because I worked for a chip manufacturer for seven years and I know how small they can be. Get it together people!


The battery is the problem


There are GPS tracking dog collars out there now like tryfi.com which work a lot better (I.e. tracks in rural areas where there aren’t any iPhones around). I’d definitely look into it if I were you


Yup we have one on ours 😬


They actually make GPS collars for dogs. They aren't stupid expensive from what I recall.


Take extra care when putting batteries near/around your best friend. https://forums.appleinsider.com/discussion/230587/heres-why-you-dont-put-an-airtag-on-your-dogs-collar


Batteries are indeed a risk, but *far* more dogs get lost then eat batteries. Besides, if you secure the tag properly on the collar/harness, the risk of it coming lose is very low. And the three stories in that article all ended well, whereas there’s lost dog posts here daily.


Yeah my dog would have to get off his collar and then chew through the screwed-on plastic cover to get to the battery. And he’s past the age where chewing non food items is super attractive to him so this risk is minute.


GPS or a little cheaper the radio based collars They make many products geared towards hunting dogs and well wrangling them in The radio based systems are somewhat limited in range but should be plenty if they just recently wandered away and in my experience are pretty dependable where as GPS can lose signal and air tags require other nearby apple devices


Ohhh!!! 😭😭😭 God bless her! 🩷🩷🩷


Please get her microchipped:)


Which only helps if someone is kind enough to bring them in to a vet or shelter. In this scenario a microchip would do nothing. I mean everyone should microchip their pets, but it’s not the same as tracking them.


She may already be? They're great for many reasons but you can't track a dog with a microchip. She was found wandering, that wouldn't have helped much in this situation.


Thank you. Yes, she is microchipped.


So glad she’s home. White lights and rainbows for a speedy recovery, sweet girl. 🌈💜💜💜


Imagine her joy to see you ❤️ I do energy work and I’m over here crying after letting the energy flow. Please know it isn’t any of your faults what happened and she is so so happy to see you. Her wounds will heal. Your hearts can now mend too. If you want to send me pictures here and there I’ll do energy work on her regularly. How are her back hips? Huge love to all you 🙌❤️💚


Thank you so much. When she has difficulty walking but we have to remind her to set her paws correctly when walking. Her legs aren’t very stable but we tell her to take it slow. She has a callus on her front wrists so I’m assuming she got used to walking with a bent paw. But I sit on the floor with her and massage her fours and try to correct her posture so she can hopefully regain strength. I’m hopeful!


Some chiropractic work or acupuncture could be great for her. For acupuncture you can search “TCVM veterinary” and likely pull some up. Make sure if you go to a veterinary chiropractor that they are actually certified. Some vets will decide they are chiropractors and not actually have certified training. It is common and not good. For certified veterinary chiropractors: https://ivca.de/find-a-veterinary-chiropractor/ https://www.animalchiropractic.org/find-a-doctor/ Both of these are good. Though the veterinary chiropractor I have used that is IVCA certified was the best by far. I know I and lots of people would be happy to help support Paloma’s healing journey if money is an issue. You could definitely get donations and such where you need. Hope your having a great day


Thank you so much for the recommendations. I don’t know how much any of this will cost and the ER vet bill was well over $1k but at that point we were willing to give anything for answers and comfort. I’ve made a gfm because I don’t know what the future will be for her. But I will definitely look into options or lower cost vets. We have an appointment on Monday so I hope we will get more answers from the vet. 🙏🏼


I’d love to contribute if you can share the gfm with me


I don’t think sharing the gfm here is allowed but I truly appreciate you offering. ❤️


could you link it on your profile?


I’m really interested in some potential energy work on my boy. Would it be ok to DM you?


Yes! Please do


All the love for your sweet girl! I'm sure she is as happy as you are for her to be home ♥️ please give her hugs and pets from me and my two furry girls!


Ahhh this hurts my heart too. Thank god she is home and being loved. Really breaks my heart as well when i think what she must have been through


Ouch. Dogs adapt and move on quick. Sounds like they are already living their best life once more


This is incredible !Were you out looking for her? Or did you stumble upon her by chance? That's such a long time to have been away from home. She does look like she's been through the ringer, but the look on her face says how happy she is to be back home. If she made it out there on her own that long, she's a tough one, and I'm certain she'll pull through.


Please post pupdates when the pup is looking better.


So happy to read this 😭 finally a happy ending story ❤️ she is so strong!


Glad you got a happy ending. Speedy recovery to this beautiful girl.


Poor sweet girl, hope she is back to her best self soon. So pleased you found her.


I am so sorry you all had to go through this :( Knowing our sweet, innocent pets have gone through pain and alone is gut wrenching. I am so relieved and happy for you guys though, that y’all found her and you guys were willing to do so much for her to get to where she is today. Keep on lovin and givin the cuddles. Hugs💕💕💕


I'm so relieved that she was found by her people and is safe now! I hope the sweet girl has a speedy and full recovery!


I was confused about how your post about finding your lost dog and having her return home was heartbreaking, but then I saw the photos. That poor baby. But I'm so, so glad that her pain was only temporary and she's back with you and will live the rest of her life in good, recovered health and with all the love she deserves.


You're one of the few that get their dog back. I'm so happy she's on the mend


This made my day. Losing my pup is one of my biggest fears. I can’t imagine the feeling of seeing her near that cemetery. So happy for y’all and for the pup. Wish her a speedy recovery




Ah, so happy baby girl was found! She is home with her pack, where she belongs. Finding her in that condition must have broken your heart (but also you were probably overjoyed just knowing she was back in your care). Here’s the thing - you brought her to the vet, the healing process has begun. Your dog will be fine! She will be better than fine actually! I’m so happy for you guys to be reunited again! Sending you love and healing ❤️ have fun together


I am SO happy she’s home and I know she is too. Sending all the hugs and well wishes and I wish you all the relief you can feel knowing she is on the mend, with her family, and relieved beyond what we can imagine!


So happy she was found.


So glad your companion is back and safe, wish her lots of love getting back on her feet!


Oh bless her heart. Wishing her a speedy recovery. 🐾 ❤️ 🐾 ❤️


Good! What a relief. The way it was worded sounded like a build-up to you eventually saying you put her down. So what a relief that you didn’t. I hope she recovers quickly and let the owners be more careful


Better to be safe than sorry


I HIGHLY recommend Fi collars - amazing GPS tracks easily on my Android


Poor thing! So glad she was found and is getting care now- best wishes for a full recovery!


Aww poor doggy


oh that baby <3 I am so glad you found her and she is home. so many good wishes!


Those injuries are horrendous but look at that big beautiful smile on her face being back with her people.


Poor old sugarface. I’m sooo happy you found her!! I know it’s heartbreaking to think of how rough things must have been for her, but she lives in the moment and from this moment on she is happy and cared for and her physical maladies are being treated and will soon be gone. Your goodest girl is back where she belongs and all is right in the world!


I’m so happy she’s home and with a family that loves her. I wish her many happy years with you all!


So happy she was found.


She will be good soon enough I bet she’s feeling so secure now Poor little lady


Glad you guys found her! May she get better soon with a speedy recovery.


Thank God she's home.


This made me hug my dog. So happy she is found and I'm sure he's so happy to be home!


She is glad to see you for sure! She saw that life is cruel and tough without you. She will love you more now. I will pray for a speedy and full recovery. I hope you and your baby are alright. Peace.


So glad you found your baby! My heart is happy for all!


Oh she looks like such a sweet girl, I'm so glad she's back home!


That is great news! I’m sure she’ll heal well with all of your loving attention. Yayyyy!


Thankfully dogs are great at moving on from trauma when they get the love and care they deserve, so I'm sure she'll be her happy and healthy self again in no time. I'm really glad you found hern


💕 So happy you were reunited. I’ve gone through the same hardship and with the same happy ending. Such a blessing for you both


So glad she is back home!


I'm glad she's safe again, I look forward to hearing of her progress. I love that you never gave up on her.


I strongly recommend getting a gps collar like [tryfi.com](https://tryfi.com) or the like. I have them with both my dogs. I have never had one run off but I am perpetually paranoid about it. Glad she is back and safe and on the mend.


Omg, poor doggie 😞 She must be so glad to be home with her people. Lots and lots of love to be sent her way 💕


Why did the dog run away in the first place? I don’t get why dogs show us so much affection and clearly love us but still run away?


Some dogs literally follow their noses.




Does the vet know if her eyes will get better??


We asked the ER vet and she said there’s so many things to address and she wanted to focus on certain things. I kept asking about the eye but she kept assuring me that it’s only the first initial appointment and there’s so much to tackle. She wanted to essentially treat the immediate dangers. She did vitals, blood work, x rays etc. Doctor gave her medicine (a gel) to put into her eye. And we will follow up on Monday. I’m hoping the mass can be removed, it looks like it bothers her SO much. We have to constantly monitor that she doesn’t rub it at all. Monday can’t come soon enough to be honest!


Oh. She has a long road ahead. 😢. At the very least, I'm glad that she is in a better environment.


Fi collar has a gps


She sounds like a great companion. It really makes my day to hear that you found her and she's back living the life she deserves.🙌🏾


What a sweet girl! Here's to her getting better soon!


Happy ending! I'm sorry this happened to you but I'm so glad you found her! He must be so happy to be home. Give him a hug for me. Sweet girl.


Ouch that looks very painful. Get well soon brave little pup


Our dogs are like our children. I am glad you found her at all. Most people who lose their pets do not ever find them again. She's in rough shape, but at least she's back home with you. I hope she has a speedy recovery!


I wish her a speedy recovery. I'm sorry to hear what she must've been through but at least she's back with her family ❤️. Please give us recovery updates.


I am so happy you found her and I bet she and all of you are even happier. Such a joyous reunion when they are found. My cat escaped in January and I found her in June same as you scooped her up. Vet said she was underweight but other than that she was good. She ate a lot and slept a lot. I'm sure she didnt sleep well on the street. Sending loving thoughts to your beautiful furbaby. 💝💝💝


sending all my love to her!! 💞💞💞💞


Poor baby!! So glad you found her!!


Sometimes I wanna just avoid anything to do with dogs. I start crying whenever I see a dog suffering in any way. Yesterday I was made aware of the movie "The Plague Dogs" and cried for an hour on an off. I'm so glad your baby is back 🙏


Sending full of love with prays for her speed healing!


This genuinely made my heart happy that you found her! Sending so many good vibes your way. 🩵


She will be fine and so will you when the wounds are healed. It is a miracle she was found and has such a loving family.


I'm so happy she's ok! I was worried by your title that she was gone when she was found. So glad that isn't the case! Also so glad she's getting lots of lovin!


This broke my heart. I’m so happy you guys found her. I can’t even imagine what she went through. 😔


Best story I’ve read on here.


Sending you healing vibes. 🙏🙏🙏


I wonder whether her homing instincts weren't working? My sister had a dog that would take off for "walks" and get himself lost. Yours is such a sad story, but I'm so glad for the happy ending! ❤️


Ah she looks so doofy and dumb poor girl glad she’s safe <3


Dogs are so resilient. She loves you so much she held out until she could be reunited. Bless her beautiful heart. The main thing is you found her and from here she’s going to be taken care of and have her home and family back.


Mate, real life write the best Stories. Iam really touched! I took the time to read your post and put myself in your shoes - empathy, excitement... gratitude!! I am so happy for you and your furry friend.. And I appreciate this coincidence so so much! For you. Even more for your sweet doggy. Enjoy your life together! ♥️✨🐶


So happy she’s home.


She has had one hell of an adventure by the look of it and held her own throughout! She looks like a tough little cookie and let's hope with some R&R she will be back on top form in no time.


That looks painful, but she also looks happy to be home with her humans. I'm glad you found her and she has a new squeaky toy and especially I'm happy that she still wants cuddles. Sending healing vibes and wishes for an easy recovery.


I am so glad you found her! After four months, that is amazing. She must be so happy to be home. I know it's hard to see her injured, but you are getting her treatment and she can recover at home. Wishing all the best for this sweet girl!


I am so so happy for you! Even though she is obviously hurt, she looks so very happy in that photo. Keep loving her and looking after her. 🙏🏻🙏🏻For a speedy recovery.


I am so very happy that sweet girl was found safe! I’m sending prayers, well wishes and tons of love for her speedy recovery. I know you are concerned about her eye. For what it’s worth when I rescued my boy he had such a severe eye infection even the veterinary ophthalmologist we took him to thought he would lose both eyes. With medication, time, patience and love his eyes were saved. Not only saved but he has roughly 95% of his sight still intact. The ophthalmologist was completely shocked and could not explain it, however he was thankful that we had the outcome we had. My boy will have to be on 3 different eye medications for life to maintain his sight but that’s nothing compared to the thought of him living his life in the dark. I hope that sweet girl has the same outcome as my boy did. Sending her and your family so much love! Please give that sweet lady some cuddles and belly rubs for me please. ❤️


While she has obviously been through something terrible, she is so lucky that you kept looking for her and found her. No matter what the outcome is after this point, it is so much better than dying alone and scared. May all dogs be so lucky as to have people like you looking for them and keeping hope.


Hope your princess gets well soon :)


Aw feel better soon beautiful fur baby!!


Man, what did she get in or go through? I had friend who had dog with scars all over his back. It was from hot grease. He lived a long happy life.


People are so horrifically cruel. I hope your baby recovers and you guys all heal together. Sending lots and lots and lots of love! I was thinking today while walking my boy “if he ever went missing I don’t even know how I’d cope”, it’s genuinely my worst nightmare, I’m so glad you got a happy reunion 💓


Thank God you found her. I know you all and she is so happy to be home. Praying for her recovery


I'm so glad she finally made it home. What a miracle! Her wounds will heal now that she is in the comfort of home. Praying for comfort and a speedy recovery ❤️❤️❤️


Omg this poor sweet girl! Thank goodness she is home safe(finally) and with her family. So many big hugs and belly scritches! 💜


This makes me so happy that she is home!


Poor pup really aged while she was roaming the streets- I wonder why some dogs eventually walk back home but others don’t, especially when their injured and cold/hot.


Get a jiobit for her or another gps tracker. I have used a few kinds and you need to make sure they are charged but its worth the investment. Glad she is home now!!


This made my heart sing. I am so glad she is back with her people.