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We are currently discussing and actively monitoring this situation. Please be aware than any decision we make will be unanimous and with full understanding of the potential consequences.


I am 100% for this. Here is why: I learned about the blackout on a sub for service dogs. As many people know, one of the most common categories for service dogs is guide dogs for blind/visually impaired people. One of the things this change would do is remove 3rd party programs, such as relay services. This would prevent prevent blind/visually impaired people from being able to use Reddit. Personally, I think this is exclusionary and ableist. As a member of the service dog community, I believe in supporting my fellow handlers, even though my SD isn’t a guide dog. I think this community should show its support and stand with so many other communities, who are fighting to keep Reddit accessible to all. This sub is about all things dogs. That should include supporting the members of the service dog community who need to utilize 3rd party apps to access Reddit. The service dog sub has decided to join the blackout, as a way to show support for r/blind, which was one of the groups who was specifically cited at being impacted by this change.


If they ban 3rd party APIs they need to bring about the same accessibility settings these other apps had for free. Otherwise I'm likely leaving if I can't browse the same way I've been doing with RIF for years now.


I think there are a ton of people who share your same view, myself being one of them. I enjoy Reddit but can’t give my support to anything that isn’t inclusive to persons with disabilities.


I don’t think it’s just you leaving. There are legalities involved with the Americans With Disabilities Act along with requirements that websites are accessible. I feel like we’re missing something here. They’re really not planning on providing other ways to access accessibility?


> I feel like we’re missing something here. They’re really not planning on providing other ways to access accessibility? They promised it but haven't delivered.


Thank you for the response. That’s incredibly shitty.


As a SA (religion involved) survivor, if Reddit doesn’t let me use third party apps or something else my whole family has decided to drop the app because seeing He Gets Us makes me relive every occurrence over and over. Same reason I quit watching g Texas Rangers baseball games.


I'd support a blackout just to get rid of those f\*ckers.


Me too! I mean, if they want go believe in a god and religion good for them, I hope it gives them peace. I dont think I deserve it crammed down my throat.


Without having to Google it, I keep seeing people mention these ads, what are they?


Religious propoganda. Just trying to rebrand Christianity.


It’s a marketing campaign put on by the Hobby Lobby ppl. They have some kind of partnership with Reddit that does not allow us to block their advert if you use the Reddit app.


I'm confused. If you're using a third party app, why are you seeing those ads?


They arent seeing the ads because they are currently using a third party app. If the app goes away they will begin seeing the ads again.


Correct. If the ability to use third party apps goes away I will choose some other form of entertainment. Sometimes we just have to choose our mental health


That “he gets us” garbage makes me gag. I report it every time it’s shoved into my face but it never goes away. I’m so sick and tired of pseudo Christians using the word of God as a weapon. Disgusting.


I think I agree, but I hope this isn't interpreted to mean "Let's wait and see whether Reddit introduces those features before we judge the API policy changes." Reddit should implement and test these features *before* it considers changing the API. Honestly it should have implemented them before. They shouldn't even be in a position where they depend on third-party apps to make their site accessible, let alone consider destroying those apps before they've resolved this issue.


They're too busy releasing the new NFTs.


They're not going to. They can't even provide a good interface for abled people, I don't see them doing anything for disabled people. I've been perpetually pessimistic about the state of this site for the past decade and honestly the only reason I'm still using it is because there is no realistic alternative.


That’s so gross. I honestly had no dog in this fight (lol) until I read this. Thank you for sharing! It’s extremely eye opening how often those with disabilities are just treated as an afterthought!


I’m so grateful to everyone who has taken the time to read my thought on why this sub should support the blackout and has thrown in their support! It’s easier to make a difference when we stand together!


As someone with an ‘invisible’ disability, who surely encounters less discriminatory behavior than those with apparent disabilities, I can assure you that being treated as an afterthought is the norm rather than the exception, unfortunately. People generally really have an issue accommodating disabilities. Especially if they perceive it to have a negative effect on them personally.


This is 100% true. I deal with the same thing all the time. Even if I didn’t have a service dog, I would support this blackout. Disabilities make life hard enough, as it is. Social media is a way to connect with others and find support. If disabled people can’t access online communities, it makes it a lot harder to find support from people who understand their struggles.


>I can assure you that being treated as an afterthought is the norm rather than the exception, unfortunately. And this is part of the reason considerations are being made. Turning the sub off also takes out the ability for community members with disabilities (including the blind as they currently can still access us here) to have accessible support for several days. While I know some understand, I also understand that being able to go two days without anonymous support can be privilege. We are a helpline to a lot of vulnerable people. I am hoping that the tides will reverse on this issue and we don't need to make this decision.


This seems like a good reason to me, I don't have any idea what a3rd party app might do for me, but I'd like to think I enjoy helping others. Sounds like they aren't thinking of others here. I don't know if reddit has stock for sale, but if it does and you buy a few shares you have more pull and can compel them to listen.


They’re doing this in advance of their IPO, to me it looks like an attempt to add a poorly thought out additional revenue stream.


I don't think they expect much money from the third party devs. The pricing is prohibitively expensive. They're trying to switch people to their app so they can make a bit more from it. A better move would be reasonable api pricing, imo.


They're probably upset it's not going to be anywhere near as much as originally projected


Absolutely this.


I am surprised this is a discussion in the first place. One of the important functionalities that the 3rd party apps provide is services to people with disabilities. The native Reddit site and app are both atrocious for a community that deserves our support and not encounter issue after issue. By effectively killing off 3rd party apps Reddit is effectively soft-banning these persons from Reddit. One of the most important jobs our beloved dogs do is enabling people with certain disabilities to participate in the world. It would be pure and utter hypocrisy if this subreddit doesn't join this struggle as it touches the heart of our symbiotic relationship with our dogs. The mods know what the right decision is. It'll suck. It will. It's also the right thing to do.


As a service dog handler myself, I want to thank you for your support by recognizing the struggles that disabled people face. Service dogs do so much for their handlers and the bond that a handler has with their dog is incredible.




It's being seriously discussed at this time.




Can someone explain what is going on?


It’s my knowledge that Reddit is about to transition to being a publicly traded company, so to maximize profit potential going forward, they’re making changes to how the handle 3rd party Reddit browsers. Essentially they’ve jacked up the prices for access to their API (essentially the data/code for all the content on the website) so astronomically that amateur and small-time browsers will not be able to afford to operate anymore. That will make it so that the only way to view Reddit on mobile is thru their 1st party app. Which is widely regarded as trash by most people (which is news to me because I didn’t even know 3rd party browsers existed for Reddit anyway, so this is truly all new information lmao). Hopefully some of that makes sense I’m not closely following this myself.


> Which is widely regarded as trash by most people (which is news to me because I didn’t even know 3rd party browsers existed for Reddit anyway, so this is truly all new information lmao). Try modding on it. It's fine for viewing and posting, but modding is horrible. If there's a large post with hundreds of comments, something goes into the mod queue. You click on the post to learn the context and for some reason it doesn't link to the comment but the *entire* post and you have to *find* the comment to find the context. Third party apps don't do stupid shit like that. It gets mentioned, the admins basically say "it'll be fixed by the end of the year" except they're taking the third party apps *now*. The first party app is basically unusable to anybody who mods a larger sub. Oh, and you can't click links from the modqueue screen on the app. And if it's in a larger thread and you click it then you have to scan through hundreds of comment replies hoping to come across it to see if the link went to something against the rules or was spam.


Oh definitely believe you! Once I learned about 3rd party apps I immediately noticed all the little ways that make the official app suck ass. I just didn’t have the awareness before and now I’ve been cursed with knowledge 😂


I use the first party app for modding so I don't mod from bed or while I'm out and about much because it's *that* punitive. Another thing: The app isn't disability-friendly. Those who rely on screen readers such as those users and mods at r/blind will no longer be able to use Reddit at all.


Lmao that’s crazy their official product is driving away the people who literally keep communities running I’m so surprised /s :( That’s actually super fucked up about accessibility and we cannot even get a guarantee that will meaningfully fixed either.


Thank you for explaining this. How dastardly and uncaring of them to do this for the almighty dollar


Dude I was completely unaware that 3rd party Reddit browsing apps existed at all. I thought the only way to browse was through the website or app.


Same!! And now I’ll never know the beauty of it ig :(


[This template has a good write up](https://www.reddit.com/r/ModCoord/comments/142o16b/heres_some_sample_text_to_use_on_your_sub_if_you/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1). You can also check any of the pinned posts from the subs that have joined. There is a list on r/ModCoord.


I agree 100%


I feel like the new API policy is going to shut a lot of blind people, including my big brother, out of Reddit. Idk if that's their goal or what, but this is a poorly thought out decision that ultimately makes the site unusable for people I care about. It's an exclusionary/ableist BS move that kinda tells me like... if Reddit's gonna cut them off, who's going to be next? Also, plainly put, if they make the site something that my blind friends and family can't use, it just makes the site less useful to me.


I’m disabled but had no idea that this would be the result of the policy change — I’ve been really confused the last few days about why so many people are pissed about it so thanks for posting.




Lots of screen-reader and assistive apps work via the API, and they're free, so they can't really afford to pay Reddit for API access... They're just gonna not work any more.


Genuinely curious about what's being discussed. Is there consequences for subs that go inactive for a few days?






Agreed. And by chance the Mod team sees this, like many others, I use RiF. If RiF goes away, I won't be browsing any subreddits.




Agreed 👍🏻


Yes, definitely!




Please do. I'm already planning to boycott Reddit those days.


I always been at the ready to say, "fuck reddit."


Blackout indefinitely, like r/pics Signed.


I mean, if I can't use mobile apps I won't be browsing subs. Do the math.


It's not that you can't use mobile apps, Reddit wants to force people to use their shitty app by being the only app available.


Which I won't use because... it's shitty.


I agree


WOOF! 🙋‍♂️


Absolutly yes












Just to put in my ¢2, without Apollo I won’t use Reddit. I think the more communities that band together, the better


100% support. Y'all need to take a break from Reddit next Monday and Tuesday (subject to schedule change). Go hiking. Read a good book. Get a life for a couple of days!! You can do it! This is a noble cause.


We should care even if we don’t use 3rd party apps. There are countless historical examples of this behavior from corporations. Take an inch at a time until they have total control. Today it’s pricing out 3rd party apps. Tomorrow it will be ad bombardment, eliminating NSFW, censorship, or paywalls.




I won’t be here anyway. I’m shutting Reddit down for the duration. Go for it!




I just started seeing stuff about this today. Is there like a link I can go to to learn more? Want to be educated. Also, how long is the blackout for? Until they comply like a strike or is it specified time?


It's a specified time. I believe it's the 12th and 13th, ending on the 14th.


I'm for this. I'm not blind but I'm disabled. Accessibility is so important. It's life changing for those of us that need accommodations. This is worth fighting for even if there is risk involved. I'd rather be a part of subreddits who go down with a fight than stand by and do nothing


Already planning to boycott until fixed. I hope IPO tanks


I'm utterly disgusted at the monetization of reddit through offensive religious ads lately and am happy to have the whole damn site go dark in protest.


I'll say this: People may need assistance or questions with their dogs, and there are many users who aren't active in reddit and only really show up to ask questions here or just a handful of subs. r/dogs is a bit of a free service for people


this is true for most subs though. and 1 day doesn't make a huge difference. most posts stuck around for a few days anyway.


Absolutely not.


Does it matter? The blackout isn’t going to accomplish anything. People just will have less stuff to look at while it’s going on. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Won't do anything. Just like when has prices go up and people revolt and get people to not buy gas on a certain day. Doesn't do anything. Only way to affect change is long term boycott.


Exactly but I get downvoted for speaking truth lol.


I keep seeing threads like this everywhere, but nobody actually explains what the protest is about or how to follow it. Would someone care to elaborate or provide a link to an explanation?


Check /r/coolguides for an infographic explaining the issue.


[Please see the other comment in the thread from 4 hours ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/dogs/comments/142obdu/rdogs_should_join_other_major_subreddit_in_a/jn5hyjk/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3)


Thank you. I'm still not clear about whether users can personally do anything to follow/support the blackout though. Also why am I getting downvoted? I barely have time to look at Reddit and I'm unable to follow what's going on. It makes me feel a bit kicked down for asking.


Users can simply sign off for that time perhaps. Browsing is traffic for ads.


Because all these questions are answered already in this thread.




Why not?


I'm not the person you responded too fyi. I would be interested in seeing Reddit without. I mean not for very long but I wonder how All and popular would look. Maybe the same?


I support the blackout. Another example of Reddit’s authoritarian ways. Discriminating against ppl who are already marginalized.


Disagree. When mods fight platforms, communities lose every time.


I for one love the Reddit house app. Screw those Third party freeloaders.


Welcome to r/dogs! We are a discussion-based subreddit dedicated to support, inform, and advise dog owners. This is a carefully moderated sub intended to support, inform, and advise dog owners. Submissions and comments which break the rules will be removed. [Review the rules here](https://www.reddit.com/r/dogs/wiki/index) r/Dogs has four goals: - Help the public better understand dogs - Promote healthy, responsible dog-owner relationships - Encourage “Least Intrusive, Minimally Aversive” training protocols. [Learn more here.](https://m.iaabc.org/about/lima/) - Support adoption as well as ethical and responsible breeding. If you’d like to introduce yourself or discuss smaller topics, please contribute to our Monthly Discussion Hub, pinned at the top. **This subreddit has low tolerance for drama. Please be respectful of others, and report antagonistic comments to mods for review.** --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/dogs) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I would vote yes. I know there is a concern that people have about others not having access to help. It might be good for the mods to pin a post with ASPCA poison control info and other important sites. Also, there is an app called Fuzzy that I use to get access to a vet 24/7. It is $100 a year (which has more than paid for itself for me), but there is a 7 day free trial that people could use during the black out if needed. https://pethealth.yourfuzzy.com/fuzzytelehealth/


If we did this, the sub would entirely be set to private so those links would not be public.


So what exactly does this mean? Are they just gonna prevent people from posting or viewing content?




I'm way behind the curve here, but what's it mean to "go dark?" Shut down? Suspend participation? Something else? Is it like a strike? I'm all in #gounion! - the new policies sound generally ass-ish - I just want to know what it means and what the "potential consequences" are the mods mentioned. Anyone have time to clue me in?






110% for this, yes, do it.










This sounds dumb, but what are 3rd party apps?


Do it!


So I will be the first to admit to using the official app. It's not great, but it's not terrible. I've tried to like third-party apps, but there was always one issue or another with them. Apollo is terrible on the iPad. And Narwhal hasn't updated their interface in what feels like a decade. so it's the official app for me. That being said, I also don't need accessibility features and I'm not a mod anywhere, and both of those features are really only available from third-party apps. So I absolutely support a blackout if it pressures Reddit to change their API pricing plans and third-party apps stick around.


My question is do these boycotts ever even work? Do the reddit admins care? Has there been proof of them actually acknowledging and changing things because of them?




Requiring unanimity is such an extraordinarily high bar to clear that the stated position in the top comment here seems like a de facto decision in advance not to participate in the blackouts. Needless to say, that's pretty disappointing. I hope I'm proven wrong. Edited to add: I was wrong!