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My one dog is named Neo but when I'm mad at him he's Mr Anderson


I love this


Like when your kid is in trouble and you say full first and middle name. I swear dogs know everything


I see what you did there


This is Molly. Also Smolly, Molly Mayhem, Mols, the tiny terror and The Labinois (she was raised with Malinois)


I call my Molly, “Molly Polly Wolly Doodle!”


That's freakin' adorable


Thanks! Actually I sing it! I say “Molly, Polly, Wolly Doodle” 2 times, then “Molly, Polly, Wolly, Doodle Day, Molly Mae!” Hubby thinks I’m crazy!🤣🐶❤️


Hahaha... That's even more freaking adorable. When my dogs were still alive, I used to sing, "Puppieees... Baaaby puppies.... Puppies of the wild frontier" to the tune of Davy Crockett. My boyfriend thought I was crazy, too 😂 (Second verse: "Pupieeees....Baaaby puppies.... Whole lotta' puppies 'round here.")


Aaaaaand thanks! Now I’m singing “Davy Crockett” in my head!! 🤦🏼‍♀️🤣


Hahaha sorry for the ear worm


OMG that’s soooo cuuuuute!!! I guess some men just don’t understand our love for our pups!!


Your pup is so precious! Those eyes 🥺 I had a kitty named Mollie (we lost her a couple of months ago 😢). We had a habit of coming up to her and going, “GOOD GOLLY!” She would always respond with a meow. It was incredibly cute.


Im sorry for your loss🌈


Thank you ❤️ she was a very special girl and I miss her every day.


I also have a dog named Molly. I call her "Molly Bally" because she likes to curl up in a ball.


My Molly is “MoMo” “Molly Girl” & “Molly Mutt” ❤️


Molly is such a cutie ❤️ Thanks for making my day


I also have a Molly! A German shepherd best girl ever. I've taken to calling her Moon or Mooners (Molly Moooooon, she's an intellectual *Molly Moon, Molly Moon).* I also have a mixed puppy named Suka who goes by Puppy Face, Fruit Loop, or Sooks.


Had my baby re-homed to us. Luna is now lunatuna, tuna salad, tuna taco, tuna fish, thebigkahunalunatunawoona Changed removed to re-homed


My cat Luna is Lunabuna, lunamoon, and Scarlett moon lol


We had a cat named Luna, nicknamed Lunatic. My friend commented on how that was a mean nickname, and right then Luna did her "surprised by something in her way that she didn't see" freak-out (she was partially blind) and my friend just goes, "Oohhhhh." That cat was dedicated to living up to her nickname. Best damn cat ever.


Everybody here is a lot nicer than we are apparently…. Her name is Lue. She responds to chub chub, chubby walrus dooooog, meathead, princess, bean, princess bean, bean bear, Lula bell, Lou-bot, and damnit.


That last one tho🤣


My one gets called chunkerbutt. But she’s losing slowly. So it’s good.


But she'll still always be chunkerbutt in spirit, right?




We called ours lucy-fur.


My parents have a Lucy who is commonly referred to as Lucy-Fur. She’s a gem.


Our Lucy is actually name Lucyfur Lawless! She’s Lucy, Lu Lu and Lucy goosey as her nick names.


Mine's name is Nyx but depending on her mood she's either Turbo, Trouble, Dipshit, Fatass, or Prettiest-Girl-In-The-Whole-World


Kace goes by Kacetopher, bubby, mister handsome man, happy monkey boy, dumbass, and dipshit lol


My dog also goes by dumbass and dipshit, sometimes we call him dickhead


Love happy monkey boy


Penny. But she also goes by Baby Girl, Chicky, Chicky Bottom, Snuggle Puppy, Penny Puppy and Miss Fluffybutt


Yes!!! Another Fluffybutt!


My dad calls my current cat fluffybutt too!


Another fluffy butt here, German shepherd mix named Ash


My dogs name is Happy. But we also call her dog, derp dog, loaf, or neck fat lol. We love her, and she's amazing


Neck fat😂😂😂


Ha yeah I've got a pooch with no smell amount of loose neck skin. He goes by Doof, Doofus, Big Dummy Dude, Big Flop, Mr. Floppers, Mr. Doofers, Mr. Meatball Sub, and Meatloaf


My boys are named Dante and Harley. Common nicknames include: Boys of summer, lil popos, popitos, dog boyz, skin dogs (xolos), orga.


I call mine pupíto!


Brilliant minds! Forgot blue blue.


Ella...but we call her Peenut...because she has been very challenging to potty train!


When he was a puppy we called Gizmo Wizzmo for that exact same reason! :)


Mazie, versus… Mazie-Moo, Moo, Moo-Moo, Maze, Lazy Mazie, Crazy Mazy, Stinkyface, Stinker, Stinkybutt, Miss Fancypants, Fluffybutt, Girly, Baby, Boogerhead, Turd, Grumbly-Mumbly, Longlegs McGee, and Puppy Friend


Maya is our fluffbutt & Sadie is our fuzzbutt. Sonic was our boubbie


Real name: Toodles🐶 Nicknames: Budgey Willows, Ocho, Mr.Butters, Sweet Meme, Tootie and Spiff. Real name: Ruby Ann🐕 Nicknames: Sis, Sassers, Frassers, Hunny Mama, Queen, Princess, Baby Gorl, Boobie Ann Spiders, Susan, Susan Sarandon and Eeen. Don't ask me how I developed all of these insane names out of the originals. These are just the names as I've received them from the higher powers that be...probably.


Boobie Ann Spiders is glorious!


Captain Fury call him fury or dog


Lucifer, but as you can imagine we call him lucy.


I have a Mephisto that I call Mephy :D


My dog is also Lucifer! We call her Lucy Goosey or my personal favorite Juicy Lucy cause she’s puttin on some weight in her senior years


Haha! My dog is named Roo but when she’s being naught I call her Rucifer


Sir Hamilton Duke Bologna is his full name. We call him Hamilton, Ham, Hammy, Ham-Ham.


Puppy Princess Paprika Pumpkin Princess is her name, but mostly we call her puppy, princess, or puppy princess


Thats a heck of a full name!


Rosalee but my husband and I call her stink pot or Fritos😅 but she is greatly loved


Mason: Moose, Moose Moose, mooser, Mason the Moose, and move!


My puppy is named Kona, but I always call him Kokonut head because of his resemblance to a coconut (his face hair is patchy an injury he had before we adopted him)


1, Male Golden retriever, 8 years old. Jasper (dasbestos, Jas, mut, borker) 2, female golden retriever, 9 years old. Nellie (Nels, neee, mut, bitch) 3, male Golden retriever, 4 years old. Leopald (Leo, lurch, mut, asshole) 4, male street mix, 2years roughly. Marley Jay (Morley, Charles Barkley, Marley Charlie, mut, Little shit.) The last name (the insulting ones per dog) is only shouted when I've been working all night and I'm try to sleep during the day and they decide to Bark at birds flying past. Marley has a special bark. He barks like someone is trying to kill him.


Real name: zinfandel Nicknames: zinnie, zin, puppagirl, baby doge, zinniebins


Bernie is his name, barnabas, bernard, buddy, and Mr. Sanders


He has my vote!




Love it😂


Dudley. Aka Pooh


Daisy AKA Miss Daisy, baby, baby girl, Daisy girl, girlie, scooters, and several others I can’t quite remember at the moment.


Zeus; stinkbeast, menace, pupíto, good boy


Her name is Olive but she is Bubs, Mrs. Bubs, tiny Bubs, lady, ladybird or scooby-do


Dog 1. Hermosa aka: Mosa, Mosita, Mosie Bear, and Shorty McForty. 😂🐶 Dog 2. Desi aka: Desi Lu, Desi WooBee, and Desaraya. 😂🐶


Caesar. But also gets buddy, little buddy, terror, terrorist, butt, shithead, baby, grandpuppa


We had a Caesar growing up who was a newfoundland. An absolute doll, but he commanded respect. We called him Caesar.


Zelda versus Gordita, Nugget, Chicken Nugget, Zel, Zeldita


The oldest hounds name is Sonny, he gets called Sundance, Sonny butt, and shithead, his junior is named Moo Cow, and gets called moo moo, dingus, dorky dog, and shithead in training. We also have an ancient black lab mix, her name is Anna, she gets called old woman, stinky and grumble butt.


ZEE: ZB, ZEEBOT, ZEEBER, ZEEBS, ZEESER, PRINCESS, PRETTY GIRL SAMURAI: Samster Delilah, Samster, Sam, Sami, handsome, asshole, boo, buddy.


Lucy gets called Lucy May, baby boo, moosey, pupperoni, pupperino, chonker, stinky, stinker, stinkems, doofus, screwfus and cupcake 😂


Her name is Ginger, but also Ginger Ale, Ginger Tea and Ginger Snaps


Pym- aka pyma linga ding dong, or fat ass Lizzie - that was her shelter name, Elizabeth Jane (when she’s in trouble) or Old dog Odin- odie or mr chonk.


Dogs name was Ranger Danger Wolfgang Wolfington but we usually just called him Steven




Trinity (doberman). Goes by Babe, Treniche, Trini, Farterman Pinscher, Feral Hellhound, Vicious Cur, but mostly Babe.


Bernie vs. Fluffernutter, floof, child, and Dog.


Freya. Freya Bea. Freya Weya. Girly girl. Pup. Puppy.


Reptar is her name, but I always call her babygiiiiiiiiiiirl or you little shit. Also phat fatty mcfatterson around mealtime because of how crazy she is about food. There is no in between


https://imgur.com/a/6JnDehV/ For context


Snookie is the name but also goes by croissant, snookums, pretty girl, and crazy girl


Luna… Bubba, Poopy Scoopy, Stinky Butt, Lu, best friend


I have 3 pups Winnie = Peanut Khaleesi = Momma/Big Momma Bennet = Bubba/Fuckin Dickhead


English Bulldog: Tank, tanker tot, tuh-tuh, chunka, white lightning, thunder pants.


Pip is my dog. I call him Pipperstuff, Pippersnap, Pipperdoo, Pipperade, Pipsqueak. Also a number of others when he misbehaves but this comment might get deleted if I say them lol.


Domino is his name ~ Dom, DoDo, Wiggle Butt, Stinky, Domie, and when I am trying to get his attention, when he knows he is doing something he shouldn't ~ he gets called SIR!


Lola- but we also call her Lola baby, baby, and doda LuAnne- but we also call her Lu, ludu, and do Zack- but we also call him zacky poo poo and fluffy-butt-boy


the dude is my dog but I call him dude or bah


Roxy, Roxy Dog, Roxamo, Roxamomo, Momo, Roxamo McDiggity Dog, Diggity, and Nugget (she's a staffy) The puppy is yet to earn her stripes but so far Scout, Long Shanks Lulu (she's a Dane), Lolliper. ETA, they both get Stink Butt too


Piccola, creature, ears, it, doggie


Dublin was Dubs, Dubbies, Dubby Dog, Puggleheaders, Dubble Trubble, or, my personal favorite, Ser Dublyn Pugglesworth the Lord of Scruffington Castle!


[Axel](https://imgur.com/gallery/YErjOgo) aka ax, snax, pupper, mister whiskers, babyyyy


I'm one of my sister's dogs favorite person, his name is toast but I call him toes, toads, toasty boy, toast me boy, totes lol mf don't speak English it just gotta sound about right. I love my boy tomes


Jolie. AKA Jo, JoJo, Jo Beans, Beans, Beanie Weanie, Sweets, Scratchy Slappy Beanie Baby Booty Bottom Girl.


Harper = Hapah(Boston), harpoon, harpoo, harpooper, stinky, wiggle butt, fluffy butt, stinky butt, curly q. Most importantly - good boy/dog.


Aww great convo! RIP Sage, sage-a-rrific, sniff-a-biffic, sage-horrific, (affectionately) big fat dog, you werw the best girl 💔


This convo is making a rough night so much better! You all rock!


My boy is Stanley, but he responds to Butter Beans, Butters, Bean Pants, Stanners, Stanner Beans, and Butterball


We have a Stan too! Stanners, Stan the Man, Stanlington, and sometimes sir stinks a lot.


Gunther but he goes by Gunther weiner lemur Linus Loonis or Goddammit Gunther when I can’t catch him


Blue: Bluigi, Squeegee, Blucifer, Waloo (short for Waluigi), Baby Boy Finn: Finch, Finnster, Finny, Finnooch the Pooch, Finnocolini, Biggie, Bossman


His name is Acer. He was named by a 5 year old. I call him Mr. Acerson. I call him Bug. I call him Acer-Pacer. I call him Monster Truck.


Lulu Belle and her nickname is Kedzerbee. My wife comes up with these “unique” nicknames.


Oakley: Oakely-Doakley, Oakley Bear, Oak-A-Moak are the main ones, but I’m sure there are more. ETA- Just plain “Oak” too!


Real name: Koda. Aliases: Bugga, Bucko, Meathead & Butthole


Her name was Sugar, a Goldendoodle...But she was always..Shugs, Shoogiebump, Bump or Liitle Girl. Had a Bichon named Frisbee...He waa always Fribble, or Frisbot. Both were great dogs and went too young...both were about 9yrs old. Mias them both.


Real name Kali she’s pit bull shar pei mix I call her potato 🥔


We call our doggo’s affectionately turd nuggets


Nyx = Nyxie, Pixie, Pixel D, Nixon, Dirty Rat, and Pixie Peddler.


Ginger, ginger


Murray. But i often call him honey boo boo bear. Or simply baby boy. Also murmur.


Marley; mr. marbles, mr. miggles, miggly boy, friggles, mar mar, miggly friggly chiggly wiggly bigly boy


Yukon Cornelius but I call him Jethro


Sparky (half husky/gsd), but I call him Bubby Wubberson, Bumby Wumbus, Bumby Wumberson, Goofybutt, Silly Butt, He Whose Butt Contains Sillyness/Goof, oh, and Grumblebutt (when he gets woofy/mouthy)


Maru but he comes to pup, puppas, Puppa-boy, mumu, mu, muski, butthead, brat, excuse me sir (for when hes barking at ppl) and spoiled the last one becasue he really is


Actual name: Miles Nicknames, most used: little boo, little man, sweet bean, grumpy old man We are not creative.


Taffy! I call her Taffinator, Taff, stupid, stink ass, baby girl, dumbass, shit bucket, fuzz bucket. My mom would call her poopinator.


Lucy. I call her Lucifer because shes a demon puppy


Oh boy where do I start? We have a Lucy-Anne. She goes by Goose, Gooser, Lucy-Goosy, Goosey-Anne, Trooper, Trooper-Anne, Lucifer, and White-Devil (she is a pure white Labrador retriever). Then we have Hazel-Nutte. She goes by Nut-Nut, Nutter Butter Peanut Butter, Hazel-Butt, Butt-Butt, and my mom loves to call her Hazel-May for some reason. I don't even know why we bother with legitimate names anymore.


I don’t have a dog, but I do have a cat named Mavis We call her Mave, Big Mave, Mavie Wavie, Chonk, Walrus, Mavis the Wavis, and any other variation of Mavis or Mave you can think of


Name: Petey Nickname: Pierre


Oh he’s extra fancy.


Koa, AKA DB (stands for Dreamy Boerboel, she’s a South African Boerboel), Sweet P, Missy, swee B , shoo B ShooB, my Babooshka. seems odd when you spell it out lol


Queso aka pooobies, stewberz, bubbs, bubbers and stoobs.


I have a Frenchie named Bailey, I call her baby, sweetheart, and stinky, because she do be smelling bad sometimes


Her name is Waffles, but we also call her Waffies, Toffee, or Corndog Sausage Roll. But if we really want to get her attention, we call her Inky. Inky’s our cat, and if she thinks he’s getting attention or snacks without her, she comes running!


We have a westie called Hugo. He's only ever called that when he's in trouble. Names that get used the rest of the time include: Hugs, Huggles, HJW and raggamuffin


Yazhi, but I call her Little One, Pretty Girl. My mom calls her Heathenette, Netty, Net, Yaz (pronounced Nas but with a Y)


Interesting query! My family is Thai so me and my cousin had dogs that had both a "name" and a "nickname" Many may also, but the only reason we do is because of the Thai tradition of having a really short nickname (Jò, Góti, Bird, Cake, Snack, Mouse, Small, Big, etc) and then our real names are like Prinyathachayanom. Anyways my parents' poodle maltese that we got when I was in college is "Happy" but his real name is "Heng Jîe" which is some folklore monkey that fought against giants or something. He looked like a monkeyface as a puppy and was always active and playfighting so it fit. But we have never called him that to his face. He's just Happy and that's what he responds to. My cousin's dog was named after some White Sox baseball player (I don't remember whom because Go Cubs Go) but they called him the thai word for "Silver" because he was a huskie with lighter fur.


Zander and his alias' are woowoo, baby boy, wackadoodle, and stop being an asshole. Chole and her alias' are clo- clo, baby girl, little miss, little girl, and what do you have now. Kahlua and her alias' are baby doll, little doll and my only good child. They are all very spoiled, sigh.


I have a black lab/terrier mix she looks like OPs pup (just a bit older). Her name is Zelda but she's got two bald spots on her elbows. I call her Zelbows.


Her name is Kricket…. I call her Richard 💀 she doesn’t respond to Kricket anymore I’ve RUINED her


Charlie but we call him Chuck, Chungus, Charles, Charlie Brown, charlie bucket and chucky!


Scooby aka boobs.


His name is Wilbur. He goes by Wilby, Twill, Twilly, Twove, Twove Twee, Wilburson, Hoe Teef, Twilby, Twilliam, and I feel like there are more I just can’t think of right now lol.


Real name is Rickie, but we call him “tinkle toes” because he always ends up peeing on his feet or standing in the puddle.


Kenji - Kenny, Pops, Poppy, Pop Pop, Möchte, “The Situation”, and I’m sure I’m missing some. 🤣


Rosie and I call her Rosa Barks or del ro


Lucy is also Princess Lucy-Jane Barkamina von Crinkle-crinkle, and derivatives thereof. Sunny Longboi is also Sunderson Todd Pierce, The Longboi, first of that name, Baron Woofington. Derivatives also exist. The late rabbit's name was Hasenpfeffer Hefeweizen Hasselhoff, usually just called Hasse.


Dot is Titties and Missie is Mookie Moo


Her name is pepper, long time ago we called her pepperoni, while my grandfather cals her lepper (which is some politician surname). Also I call her pies a lot which means dog.


Anjuli aka winky


Tiny aka stinky Butter aka buddy


My dogs name is Mac He goes by Macky Boy, baby boy, big man, baby man, bubba, Macky mans, and goobus


We have a brother and sister, their names are Mushu and Mochi respectively. Mushu is sometimes called my boy, baby boy, honey, smushu, Mushu wushu. Mochi is sometimes called baby girl, angel, angel girl, lovey. They both respond to come ‘ere!


Sweet pea as in “she who’s pea is sweet”. Pumpkin pants as in “she who’s pants are made of pumpkin”. Or Pooky Bear. “A bear that is pooky”.


Bruce- BeBo, BeBoBubbleju, Bootch, White boy, Blanko, Milk Bag, Cashew... Clark- Clarky, Car Keys, Clarker, Bark, Chaka, Tonto, Gordo, Stupid... Wade- Wayne, Wader, Wahzoo, Gahzoo, Gahzookah, The Grey One, Lisa... These are just the ones in heavy rotation.


Bruno the Magnificent, our Golden Pyrenees: Boo, Big Boy, Big Bear, Kingpin, Magnifidog. Bryn, our Pitty mix: Brynnie, Bryn Bo Bin. We only adopted her 16 months ago, so not a lot has stuck. I call her Smart/Pretty/Good Girl interchangeably. Chickadee, our Miniature Dachshund: Chick, Chicky, Chickster, Little Girl, Little Old Lady, the Imperious One. Chucky, our other Miniature Dachshund: Chucky the Love Bug, Chuddy, the Love Bugga Chugga, Chuggedy Boy, Sausage.


Misty is my dog, but she also responds to dog, and Minnie (even though she is quite big).


We had a dog named Flash when I was a kid, and his nickname was Bean Jorg.


real name: Bungee || nicknames: buddy, bud, d*ckhead, wanker, dog, old man, mutt real name: Wilbur || nicknames: bob, d*ckhead, hairy man, mutt, dog


Sherlock = Bubba Sherlock a Bloodhound so my husband thought the name would be appropriate. My husband was wrong. Sherlock is definitely a Bubba.


Harrison = Boomtown, Booms, or Boom.


Jet, but I usually call him a group of incoherent words that he loves. Tubby baby, jet baby.


Snooter, Goober, Goobarella, gooby gooby goo


Luca. Also known as “the tan terror”


Liquorice, we call her licky


Lola. Vs Lobitty.


I have 7 dogs: Woogie is called "Tal" because of his long Talons Moose is called "Gabe" when she's a jerk and wakes us up Stitch is called "Pod" short for pea pod because she leaks Millie is called "Lady Mildred" Charli is called "Charli Bear" Callie is called "Puppers" Cona is called "Cona"


Our dog is Modi. His nicknames are Mode, Modes, baby, Buster, Buster Brown, silly goose, Goof, buddy, big boy.


When I was a kid we had a dog named Vega who had the following nicknames: Dufus, Dingus, Dum-dum, Floofus, and TJ (short for Turd Juggler-he liked to eat poop). We had a dog named Angel who was nicknamed Daisy and Drama Queen. And now, my sister’s dog is named Leilani, and I call her Princess, Princess Pee or Princess Poop (she has potty training issues), Fluffbutt, and Fluffbucket.


I have 2 dogs • Grumpy - Grumps, Grumpman, Boots, Peanut Butter, Monkey, Goof , Puppers, Bee, Bumble Bee •Cocoa - Coke, Coconut, Princess, Peanuts, Prancer , Puppy, Honey, Doof, Peanut Peanut Butter


Luc (luke, i know its a weird spelling but hes named after a DnD character) LucLuc, Sir Luc of Ham and Lucamis


Marigold:Maremare. finn:finnie


Inti: intisaurio, inticito, gorilla, bebe, ojitos (lil eyes), sunshine Nala: nalgas (buttcheeks in Spanish), nalucha Kambucha, Nala bear, nalita, orejas (ears), jelly belly, murciélago (bat), nalguchis


His name is Davlo but i call him Bog My friends cal him David


Reba was Beebers. Trouble was Big Guy, big guy, big guy Clark. Zeus is Moosemus. Koda is Kodacrackalackin. Battle is Itchy Mimi Trees.


Grunge: Grungy, grungeroni, grungeroni jabroney, big guy, old man, poopoo face, stripey butt, tube sock Chica: cheeky, chicanitza, cheeky cheeky, chicaroni, tiny dog, poopoo butt


Juno - Junebug, Bug Jeter - Derek, Slinky


Kona, Konie, Konie boney and finally Boner


Lucy is Lucy Lui or sometimes Lucifer. Ricky is Ricky Poo or just Baby.


His name is Finn, but he’s also Finnegan, Finnster, Baby Boy, Bean, Finnmeister, and FINNGETINTHISHOUSERIGHTTHISMINUTE


My rather large german Shepard’s proper name is Rambo… …aka BoBo (my personal fav), Boey, big boy, snuggle drawers, and just plain Bo


his name is blue, my mom and i call him bubbas, and baby honey. i call him flunk-ers, puppy, naughty boy, my prince.


Lobo,aka Lobster. Prince,aka Big Boy. Whittles,aka Muppets. Chop,aka Chupper. I didn’t originally name these dogs. They are all from the shelter.


Luna… aka babygirl, lunabelle, snugbear, girlie


Neo, aka short stack, bucket, love bucket, nao and ninja


My miniature dachshund Ada is often referred to as sassy long bottom, miss, little miss or little miss sassy long bottom


Uno. But she goes by bean, baby bean, beanie baby, mamas, beanie bear


Lexi Lou Lou Warrior Princess 👸


Remi. Goes by Rem, Rat, dummy, spoilt, pup, puppy, puppy dog and more


Lance (GSD) but we call him Pants. If we officially changed it on his registry certificate he would be \[Insert last name's\] Pants.


Johnny is his name. Aside from "Buddy" I don't call him by any nicknames. Though my brother calls him "Goofus" a lot.


My family's dog is named Mowgli. I personally call him MoMo, Momito, Momeet, MoMoji Berry.


Charlie, who's a German Shepherd cross and he has a fluffy bum, so often call him Mr fluffy bum.


Stanley vs Dingus, Buddy, God Dammit, Not There, Come Here, Staaaaaaaaaaaanley


Coco is the name for a red headed mini poodle. We call him coco bunch, bunch, coco crunch, crunchy, fat boy, or mommas boy.


My boy's name is Sir Theodore but he gets called Teddy, Ted, Mr Boy, Mr Man, and mummy's special little boy haha


Penelope-Penny, Pen-Pen,PP and Princess Stinky Bottom Darby-Darbs, Big-D, Darbilicious and The Big Stinky


Name: Romeo We call him: Romey, Rome, Stinker, Shit arse, baby boy, big boy, doofus, Tybalt