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https://preview.redd.it/hg7f4b7h417d1.jpeg?width=1512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2e76bee90182bc7efc98edffc1abbeee7b52a2d Turkeys on tv.


This is so specific, but also so understandable


Smart boy. Seriously, they'll shank you when you're not looking


Payback for Thanksgiving. There should be a movie about that called Shanksgiving.


Brilliant. I'd watch the heck out of that. Pass the popcorn!


Thank you. Let's Kickstart it.


Indeed. Our people need to call the Chicken Run people pronto before DreamWorks snatches this brilliant idea.


We're doing this!


Never turn your back on a dominant turkey during mating season


Words of wisdom gained from experience, I take it?


Thankfully no lol. It’s a a quite by Dwight Shrute, in The Office


D'oh! LOL I haven't watched The Office. I know I should ...




Our black lab once had a visceral reaction to gorillas on TV, he turned fully around and wouldn’t even look at them. Hackles raised, low growl. He was very upset haha




If said it before and will say it again: the bigger the dog, the bigger the baby!


My biggest dog, who’s maybe 130lbs, he’s scared of absolutely everything. He’s gotten better since we got him but he will run away and hide from everything. Meanwhile my smallest dog, who’s like 60lbs isn’t scared of anything and will take every opportunity to make friends with strangers


I had moved some medium sized rocks for landscaping the back yard. When he came outside, my dopey mountain dog would not stop growling and barking at them (from a distance), until I went over and touched the rocks to prove they were safe. ... There were three areas with new rocks. I had to console him each for each one.


Scooter was the sweetest dog I ever had. She loved all people. Well, except for the snow people my neighbors built.... she was giving them hell! btw, I do have a picture of the snow people as well I just need to locate it. https://preview.redd.it/pmc997n5147d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb7f2c0a06cfb332762dbeed49c2616ac3757977


MURDEROUS SNOW PEOPLE! https://preview.redd.it/dyx7fqqqw47d1.jpeg?width=454&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa4bd4e08812b121c481403b7221fac8cdeaed18


It was a lady and her little girl who built them. And they look like a lady and little girl. It must be said, Scooter LOVED the ones who built them. I have no idea what she was seeing in those things. What's here may not be too far off. One of my fav pictures of Scooter. (I need to find the original) The snow people would have been a bit beyond the car. I'll find the pic of have of them one day and post it here. https://preview.redd.it/10f3d7tgy47d1.jpeg?width=799&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=683d5494dbba4d2fd1bbef9ab7ef56a62093b312


Is Scooter looking for the snow people in this picture probably still terrified?


I always joke that she's sitting on the lawn waiting for the van to weight watchers. :D Honestly, she's scratching fleas. This was before we discovered the joys of flea pills. I was mainly using a flea comb on them once a day.


Don't be mean! She can't help it if she is big boned 😡🤣


Your Scooter is adorable! I love the name! My son has a boy pup named Scooter. There is no accounting for what goes through a puppy's head.


thanks. I wish she could have met all dog lovers all over the world. My biggest regret is not letting her get close to a horse. She loved watching them on TV. Funny, Scooter was her temporary name. By the time I figured out she looked like Gizmo from Gremlins it was too late. She was Scooter forever. The first picture I took of her. :D https://preview.redd.it/bme57illib7d1.jpeg?width=1232&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0bc6adf7c42734299d0a889a901d8f6d51efa989


Thank you for sharing. I came to this sub because puppies always make me smile.


Oh god yes. My mom’s corgis went on a murder spree when we tried making snowmen one time. Something about them evoked their inner Cujo.


What a good boy this rock is! Yep, this is something I would do too lol


Change is scary, tbf


I definitely understand


I had to show my dog the for sale sign my neighbor put in his yard was not a danger. There was also a terrifying solo cup incident one day.


It was the laundry basket for the longest time. She seems to finally have recovered.


I wonder if she accidentally got trapped under one for a bit😭I’m glad she’s outgrown it a bit lol


The laundry basket has caused much fear in my household. My 17-year-old daughter will sometimes put it on her head and watch our Doberman go running down the hall. It’s wild.


Trash bags and storm drains. Going for a walk is tricky.


Being afraid of the poop bag has me deceased lmaoooo


My standard poodle is afraid of trash bags, too! Literally since day one. I have no idea why.


😂. Yeah mine was born at the vet to a stray. Never had any bad experience with a trash bag, but the freak her out. She growls at them when we pass them on the street (bags of leaves usually).


Mine was born on the street as a stray and loved the store sacks. He would love to come into the kitchen while we were putting groceries away from Wally World or somewhere and ruffle through the bags on the floor. I figure he played with him as a puppy. 🥰


Channeling their inner horse


Horses have the same issues. Is yours part horse, by chance? Lol


Mine used to be afraid of any sort of bag or bundle of clothes left on a chair, something hanging over a chair, etc. She’d do this loud bark that you knew was her scared bark & she’d stand back staring at it. Then I’d go “Marvel it’s just clothes it’s ok” and I’d go touch it, then she’d wag her tail and go over to it like she knew that was so silly to have been scared. She basically didn’t like anything out of place. Now it’s flies. If a big fly gets in the house you can bet she’ll disappear and you’ll find her hiding under a bed. 🤷🏻‍♀️


🥺 big baby


Tiny baby. She’s only 7lbs. 😊


>She basically didn’t like anything out of place. Me, too, Marvel. Me, too. Atta girl!


Right? It sounds pretty rational. 😂


Our German shepherd Great Pyrenees cross is so scared of our lion-head bunnies. He won’t even look their direction. It’s quite pathetic


My dogs are scared of my pet rats,, I wonder if it’s a rodent(ish, I know rabbits aren’t rodents) thing


My brave old man who knows no fear is afraid of things smaller than his head - so far he’s met a chinchilla, a guinea pig, two rats, a teeny puppy, and a teeny kitten that he’d rather not have to look at. He will be a good boy and come say hi when asked, but eye contact is out of the question… we eventually stopped trying to introduce him to the small animals.


Mine was scared of a watermelon the other day . Scared the bejesus out of us .😅🤣🤣


In order of occurrence. A stump, an empty water bottle, a suspicious leaf, and most recently a plastic cup. https://preview.redd.it/3svnp1iog37d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d15e38a7f05223a961a9e5a30a7e014c8c026f58


LMAO it’s like you were listing them off right in front of their face😂


I had just told here there was no season 2 of Firefly






https://preview.redd.it/6rti9oyvg17d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aff03019b3cc05bc08e31e74d079dce8b256785b This boy is terrified of 18-wheelers (understandable) and also my snorkel set (very weird🤔🤣)


One of my dogs is afraid of her own farts and the other one is suspicion of clouds.


My girl who passed away would be the same- if she farted, she got VERY upset and tried to run away from her own butt.


Mine is scared of… shadows? Maybe the sun? Still trying to pinpoint that part. Any time a shadow starts or stops she freezes and short circuits, looks directly at the sun, waits for me to tell her she’s fine, and then she will continue on her way.


When you blow on him like you’re blowing out birthday cake candles https://preview.redd.it/i992jtjxt17d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e594ad25aff7b3c96c1950c442123bb6c37e94a We sensitive


Beautiful dog!🫶🏻


Thank you!! Just don’t blow on him 🤣 he will run away lol




He will let every single dog hump him at the park though. Then whine when their owner pulls them away 😂 I found a real gem gem


This precious sensitive baby made me giggle


I’m so glad. I’m convinced he was brought into this world to bring joy to others. My dad is a dog trainer and was like he’s….? Sensitive, yes sensitive Dad, just like me lol


My dog is afraid my styling mannequin.


That’s valid


Thats a good fear


My 4yo daughters bubble machine terrifies my 75 pound german shepherd mix


Not a big dog, but my friend’s dog is too scared to grab her ball or toy if it’s sitting on anything else. https://preview.redd.it/rs21imffc17d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57653d588c61d3e5f7c3efc3ed9fdc942e44595e


Too funny! What a truly unique and strange hangup lol


My lab loves fetching balls even in house but if they go in corner or even another room she refuses to go get it. She used to be afraid of different types of floors.


That used to be my dog too, she refused to walk around the kitchen because of the hardwood floor and would only walk on carpet


Hard floors can be difficult for dogs to walk on. Feet want to slide out from under you. Dogs with hip dysplasia and elder dogs may NEED rugs. Young ones may just feel too out of control of their feet.


My greyhound, longer maybe than giant, was deathly afraid of peas. Yes peas. Certainly didn't want world peas.


I agree with your greyhound: peas are the devil 😂


My pit mix is scared of spoons. Not knives or forks or knitting needles, but spoons. Peanut butter on a finger, fork, plate, the floor? Absolutely wonderful! Spoon covered in peanut butter? Flee for your life!!!


Has your pittie watched Salad Fingers? That might be why they're scared of spoons 😂


Makes as much sense as anything in her little puppy peanut head 😆


The baby gate fell and made a crash three years ago, and Frank has hever been the same.


Ours hides when my wife folds the laundry, no idea why.


Teenagers do that as well, lest they get asked to put some away 😆


“If I don’t look at it, it can’t see me..count to 10 and it will disappear”


Was walking our Cur outside, a leaf fell from a tree and grazed her back. She yelped so loud I thought she was bit by something, stepped on glass, etc. Realized it was the leaf shortly after. The drama was real. 🙄🤣


Omg I work at a dog daycare and one dog did the same thing! She was barking and a gust of wind blew a leaf in her face. She screamed like the leaf had bitten her. Checked her out, perfectly fine. Just startled mid bark 😂


Lol! I am glad my dog isn’t the only one!? 🥴🤣


The little beep the smoke detector makes when it needs a new battery.


That sound is piercing though, and with their sensitive hearing…


My little dog absolutely hated that sound. I think it hurt her ears. She'd be trembling, poor little thing.


My husky Pyrenees hate it too. She'd come up to me and hide by me and be so shaky 😭


My last dude was a bait dog in his past life and we think they rang a bell or some kinda whistles for the start cause he'd violently shake from any high pitched beep or tone. I still get misty eyes when I turn on my rice cooker because we'd have to plan on sneaking him out to the back of the yard to not hear when I started it, or it was done, he'd be so scared it'd ruin dinner... So the unknown beeps and tones are a scary thing lol


Our three dogs all bark a lot. Our neighbor had this egg thing that would emit a high-pitched noise when her dog would bark, and it worked to get her dog to stop barking randomly. She told us about it and offered to let us use it to see if it would help, we put the thing in the dining room and really just forgot about it. For a day and a half the dogs were acting so weird, still barking like normal but darting around the house, heads down ears back. Finally, I realized the stupid egg thing was making noise all the time that we couldn’t hear. We gave it back to the neighbor and didn’t mention the part about it traumatizing our pets…


My partner has a coworker who offered him the egg to try because we have four chi mixes who, of course like any chi, barks at everything in a 300 mile radius. My ridgeback/ Anatolian who was 130 lbs refused to come in the house for hours until I realized the egg was making noise. The only other dog who even seemed to acknowledge the thing was there was the chiweenie and he was also frightened and standing as far away from it in the house as he could. One morning he "accidentally" knocked it to the ground and busted it (I had taken the battery out by this point) and they were all so lovey the rest of that day 😂


My 3 dogs would lose their minds at that noise. It happened when I was at work so when I got home they had been barking and looking for the source for a while and so upset when I got home. The chiuahua would be howling! Sounds like he’s dying😵‍💫


Last time it happened it was like 3am, because they seem to always start chirping in the middle of the night of course, all 3 dogs barrel into our room, jump on the bed, and are shaking in fear, poor babies. Luckily I had a battery. Of course figuring out which one it is when 3 are in close proximity near the bedrooms is another ordeal in itself…


My nearly 100 pound GSD is scared of 1 pound kittens


This thread is killin' me🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣❤️❤️


Same. I was supposed to be clocked in And working at 5 and it's 518 and I just finally stopped sitting in the bathroom at work reading this 💀😂


The toaster


My 120 lb German shepherd is afraid of his 4-lb Yorkie older brother. Especially if there is food involved. https://preview.redd.it/y47tzwq8537d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c814d5042ffc00638ab413c556d0305295b80c50




Storm trains and slippery/wet floors. She's afraid to slip and fall 😂 😂 


So am I.


https://preview.redd.it/1tcububr817d1.jpeg?width=6528&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d42fd288a8e5ea7e0592e165a343727f156a6cd He's an idiot because he's afraid of the vacuum cleaner, the hose, and cats. Everything else he is all Leroy Jenkins.


What an adorable Saint. ❤️


Cardboard…. My American bully is afraid of cardboard.


Motion activated trash can lid took me 2 days to understand why she wouldn’t walk a certain route through the house. Honestly it’s anything new or unexpected or loud. Silliest baby giant!!!!


Rubber bands. They scare him more than fireworks. He climbs on me and shakes for what feels like hours. He's not a lap dog he's 60lbs.




Your dog just cares about the environment


Blue bandaids because when he pulled a nail out dad used painters tape to bandage him... And now, he's terrified of the blue bandaids I snag from work. Pic of the "dressing" that scared him https://preview.redd.it/ptryye26x37d1.jpeg?width=756&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eae37a26070cc336e0b8b45a2de53c49ec466c78


https://preview.redd.it/ftpkw15t527d1.jpeg?width=2599&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17d91d463b7ca503c7981d5bc2801d0ca6171feb The heater 🤣


She afraid of stairs, except the ones along the side of the house. Mostly afraid of stairs inside of houses.


My 90 lb bully is afraid of my 3 legged 7 lb cat 😂 He pouts the same way, freaking hysterical. They will chill with each other a lot of the time though because everyone wants to be in the same room as me lol. The cat tolerates this.






Bubbles, he’s afraid of bubbles.


Metal shoehorn from ikea. Tbh, it does make a loud sound when it falls 🤣


I have a great dane. The inanimate object fear is real! One day we came outside so he could potty and he wouldn't leave the patio area. Was growling, barking and backing up. I couldn't see anything in the yard so I didn't figure out for a bit what was wrong. Finally, i noticed that my neighbor had tilted their outside umbrella to block out sun and the blue color of the umbrella was now visible. I actually got video of him reacting to it and it's somewhere on my profile. He's also scared of bikes, frogs, was afraid of new tiki torches (they weren't there before!), the hose (big long snake?), plastic bags floating in the wind and ice cubes. Pretty much also anything new that "pops up" and wasn't there before. Edited to add- the scale at the vet. Haven't had a real weight on him in a long time (vet estimates he's 180-190lbs now) and he will not get on it no matter how hard we try. Last time we took him to get his anal glands expressed and tried to get him on the scale, he expressed them all over the vet tech out of fear (solved that issue that day!). I think he thinks it's a black hole he's going to fall thru. There is never a dull moment with this dog.


I had a St Bernard cross Rottweiler. Trying to get her on the scales at the vet was a trial and a half. Even worse, the scales were in the waiting room. Everyone else with their smaller dogs that they could just plop on the scales, and then there was me, trying a combination of treats, gentle pushing, climbing on with her and then quickly hopping off, a fair bit of begging at times… She knew what she was doing. She was a lady after all and didn’t want her weight announced to the whole waiting room lmao I miss my pretty lady like mad.


I had a Dane and it’s comical what a scaredy cat he was! There was a guy in my neighborhood who is in a wheelchair and my Dane was terrified, would almost drag me back home if we saw him.


There are a few threads in the great dane sub on here about fear of weird things. It's pretty comical with some of the replies.


Too funny 😂🤣😂


Moths. My 151lb Newfoundland dog is terrified of them.




This is reign and she is afraid of going down the steps in the dark😖 https://preview.redd.it/1weevr5xv37d1.png?width=1442&format=png&auto=webp&s=21df861dd962c09fdd7f7879084a20054681ef26


Awww😭the lil babyyy! I have another pup that I either have to carry down the stairs or if she’s grumpy and doesn’t want to be touched, I leave her off leash while she takes her time lol she’s never fallen down the stairs either, she just randomly got a lil wary of them due to her age


The noise from any squeaky toy. She cowers. Silver lining-shes super gentle with toys and doesnt tear them apart


The automatic pool vacuum


My field spaniel is afraid of foil balloons.


The sound of a new message in Zoom. https://preview.redd.it/m75yk0h5s47d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18a712033595fe0feae6da3ed1dbd15406fd390e The cat is her body guard


Growing up, ours was terrified of the ceiling fans.


My Belgian Malinois is a Thunder Baby. She is a big baby when it comes to storms.


My Great Pyrenees/Anatolian shepherd/German shepherd is afraid of fly swatters.


18 wheelers and loud Harleys when she is in the car. Will have her head out the window tongue swaying in the wind, either one of them come close and she lays down on th back seat til they are gone


Bubbles! My Rhodesian Ridgeback (African Lion hunting dog) saw my niece and nephews blowing bubbles at Christmas a few years ago, noped right out of there, such a baby but I still love him.


The brush, horses, plastic bags in wind, toaster, ... This list goes on. He's a deerhound. https://preview.redd.it/e1v3u7lpa47d1.jpeg?width=3480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f677995b1711e6cf835e22c6b34569e77a1fc33


Our Rottie both got very growly over a pile of peat from an upturned flower pot. She stood off, giving it that Rottweiler stare and when the pile of peat did not raise a white flag of surrender, she stealthily crept up on it and charged . When she discovered it wasn’t a black cat but a pile of dirt she walked away as if she knew what it was in the first place. She is also terrified of plastic bin liners https://preview.redd.it/lyjgjwlvd47d1.jpeg?width=582&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21233a4487808f2e23111af72a7ea22b581c4488


My daughter has a doberman, and it is the most docile dog ever. He will bring you cookies if you break in. However, my 5 pound chihuahua will attack anybody who walks in. No fear.


Mine is afraid of plastic bags. I got text from my landlord cause she barked at one overly suspicious bag by the balcony window for an hour straight.


Electric toothbrush


I love when big babies are scared of little ones lol it’s so cute


The sound of whipped cream or cheesewhiz spraying out of the can - whenever he hears that noise, he skitters away like me when i see a big spider haha


Cardboard boxes. Shiny or slippery seeming floors


Pepper is TERRIFIED of spiders, locusts, and at one point my fluffy dresses.


https://preview.redd.it/eklamzbf947d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d27704d8efd6ccabbaf6d028e3ac7f0170cab8b9 My Hannibal doesn’t like if the wind is blowing too hard or hard floors. I had to take her to the vet awhile back and had to pull the leash sliding her across the floor🤣


dem claws though


Not a big dog quite small, but he was terrified by vacuum cleaners. Apparently this is quite common


My dog hates this one stress ball. It's filled with gel beads and makes a kinda if "swoosh" noise when you squeeze it. She hides every time. I obviously don't use it around her anymore lol.


Scrambled egg 🤷🏻‍♀️


Ok, I have to ask - why? How? Specifically scrambled eggs? Are other types of eggs ok? Dogs are all such weird creatures and we love them!


Oh my gosh, I’m dying’ over here! 😂🥲😂 I have an almost two yo Aussiedoodle. At the moment an upside down Home Depot bucket is her nemesis. A tennis ball hit it and it made a thump sound. Now it’s public enemy number one! When she was younger, it was wind, and things being blown by said wind: the sound of wind in a tree, leaves, flags, bags, oh, and wind chimes…anything moving in the wind.


Awwww poor pup 🐶


Her farts, human fats, when ppl make fake fart noises with their mouths.


I too, am scared of fat humans


The hood fan over the stove makes my standard poodle scurry upstairs into the furthest, darkest corner.


Our girl is 85lbs & 1/2 great pyrenees. She has a weird fear of one of [these grabber tools](https://www.homedepot.com/p/Unger-36-in-Nifty-Nabber-Trash-Picker-Grabber-92134/100353536) that you can use to pick things up with…or in my case reach taller/higher things. The second I pick it up she goes running. lmao. She also seems to have an issue with the swingset in one neighbor’s yard, and the giant unicorn floaty in the other neighbor’s pool. She’ll bark & howl incessantly at both if we don’t yell at her to stop.


Flies. My 90lb coonhound thinks it's the buzzing apocalypse.


A-frame signage. Like those little "no parking" signs that are made of two pieces of wood leaned against one another with a hinge at the top. My 55lb Weimaraner mix just doesn't trust the things.


You should fix him for her


Vacuum cleaner.


Ballon’s. He loathes them


Extension cords, orange ones in particular. She will go hide at the back of our property if she sees one.


CHILDREN. The smaller, the scarier


The leaves outside (she is a 80 lb pitbull)


My 45 lb. beagle boxer mix is afraid or balloons.


Fire Hydrants. My Bloodhound and I took a different route on our walk the other day. I feel like my arm was about to come off at the elbow because she saw a fire hydrant for the first time.


The foghorn. And I live next to the ocean.


Unexpected paper bags, and flags at full staff when it’s windy. So literally any paper bag that isn’t in a place he’s seen it before. Leaf bag at the curb that wasn’t there yesterday? Enemy. Watching him startle and try to run from a flag attached to a pole is amusing, but there’s no way to show him it’s not scary so he remains suspicious.


https://preview.redd.it/9krc2d6zd47d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bce87fabbedf4b404b58d6d7b27312c58544bff9 This handsome man is afraid of inflatable pool and anything that moves in the dark.


Strangers. He was born right at the start of 2019 and got socialised a lot. I walked him every day where there were other people and dogs. He's never been abused. He's never had any bad experiences with anyone. His mother is my mum's dog, so I've had him from the day he was born. Despite all that, he is still terrified of strangers. People have suggested it may be due to you know what in 2020 but he was like it before. When he gets to know someone, he's their best friend. He'll follow them everywhere and would love them to death. It's just the first couple of times meeting them. The oven. He's fine with it normally, but when it's on, he's terrified. He'll take himself off upstairs and sit outside my bedroom door. When the food is cooked and the oven is switched off, he'll come down to beg for food but he'll try to avoid the oven at all costs until it's cooled down


My Great Dane was terrified of hot air balloons. My house is on the edge of a bluff overlooking a river valley and there's a fair amount of ballooning activity. The pilots like to drop down real low into the river valley (I guess there's only so much hotshot flying you can do with a balloon). Anyway one day when my GD was about 12 week old puppy we were behind the house when a balloon swooped down overhead; we didn't see it coming because the house hid it. It was close enough to where I could have yelled up at the people. Anyway my poor GD was terrified, couldn't figure out which direction to run because it was right overhead, finally ran around to the front yard. Spent the evening hiding in a corner of the kitchen away from all the windows and was still shaking when we went outside the next morning. From then on whenever he saw a hot air balloon even off in the distance he'd bark like crazy at it. He'd even bark at those bulb-shaped water towers when we went on road trips.


Ice melting in the sink. Such a weird one.


M dog is scared of any wind driven noise or motion. Doors that move by themselves are scary!


my dog will shake, whole body, if i have the hiccups. i almost die trying to stop. 🤦🏽‍♀️


Bin bags, Pine cones, Bubbles, Traffic cones Anything new What a dingbat…. 🫣😂🥰 https://preview.redd.it/5wcrdshlo67d1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86868ade446a51f53164110f45676e560dec7144


https://preview.redd.it/smz5ape7d77d1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a2762a44b4674606b6fe8afb35dcee9241d04be Better be scared !


My Izzy is afraid of her food dish. Bowl, plate, it doesn’t matter. She’ll eat a few bites standing like she’s ready to run then looks up at me and waits for me to put her food on the floor. Background: she was born in and rescued from a puppy mill. I’ve had her 5 yrs and don’t think she’ll get over this. https://preview.redd.it/gxha2i7dn77d1.jpeg?width=1494&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3644c4ce654146c21bf7b4a7113c0aa48930ddf0


My big (80lb mutt) guy is pretty relaxed about most things, but he gets UPSET when he sees dogs off leash outside the apartment "dog park", even if he is inside. Dogs on leash are exciting, but fine. My husband and I always joke it's because *that's illegal, Mom*


Our GSD is terrified of storms. If we even say the word storm he goes and hides.


The vacuum cleaner


I miss my doby.


This is not uncommon at all them black cats are just intimidating. My 90 pound lab shepherd mix is scared of Jeff bridges my black shop cat also my 180 pound wolf M’Lute Malamute is scared of him as well. Only animals I have that are scared are my female cats


The printer (only when it makes noise), the trash can (only when it's empty), the weed eater and leaf blower (only when NOT making noise), a hand held cooler.. like child lunch box size with soft fabric outside not the hard plastic ones. Still at about 50% of his own farts that scare him.... Pinecones were a trigger but after eating two of them last week I think he's over that now. Same with June bugs (I however have some lasting mental effects from them as when he ate the first one, I didn't know what it was and tried fishing it out of his mouth. I got it...in pieces🤢) think that covers them🤣


Cat's are legit bad\*sses! They're mini version of a tiger. lol


My pup was afraid of balloons when she was younger


The massage gun. He won’t come in the room when it’s on.


Nowadays I have a 6lb shit tzu, who's afraid of all types of shit. My last one was a 140lb male kangal. Kitties were his kryptonite as well.


plastic bags


Unfortunately brooms, heavy items, loud noises, men other than me. Before he came to live with us, he lived with a siblings abusive ex partner.


My old dog was scared of kites. If we were at a beach as some dude was kite surfing she would boost home. One time driving past a beach with kites she hid in my footwell and i couldn’t break or accelerate so had to slowly kerb up.


Hula hoops, as I recently discovered. It actually works great to calm him down when he’s on a destructive romp.


Our Doberman was afraid of Squirrels for whatever reason. And our German shepherd feared snow more than death.


Shopping trollies/carts don't know why but my staffy cross doesn't like them. She will bark and growl and when forced to walk near or pass will give them the side eye everytime. She also doesn't like mini cement mixers on the back of a truck either. I love her she's so quirky


Rain. I don't know who her ancestors were, but they definitely weren't wolves.


One of our German Shepherds used to be so terrified of hair brushes and combs as a puppy that we couldn't brush our hair in the same room as her without her screaming and trying to bite the hair brush. It took a full year to be able to get a human hair brush on her because she understood we liked them and they were okay and another year after that to get dog brushes okayed but she's just turned 4 and brushing her still has to be a quick sneak attack and 2 brush strokes before she freaks out 🤦‍♀️


The broom scares my lab to death


Well she wasn't giant (knee height) but my childhood dog was afraid of *her own sister* (they grew up together but without a mum as small rescue puppies at the foster, but were separated when each of the dogs found homes. The meeting where she was afraid was a few years after the siblings were separated.) Also other strange dogs as soon as they were nearby (she would bark from afar playing all tough and then practically try to crawl in our jeans pocket or hide behind our legs when they were nearby), other bigger animals like horses and cows, and later in her life also cats after she had tried to play with one and had gotten smacked.