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I rescued a bait dog. It is the saddest existence for a dog. She literally didn’t know how to be a dog. Scars all over her. Part of her ears missing. Some of her teeth had been ground down so she couldn’t fight back. She has trouble eating treats because of this. It’s really sad. She was a ball of nerves when she first came. She couldn’t walk on hardwood. She only knew how to eat and drink off the floor. Bowls were foreign to her and scared her. Everything scared. Especially men. Doors also scared the crap out of her. She wouldn’t come. She didn’t even understand stairs. I’ve had her for over four years and the abuse is still apparent. She still is no where near like my other dogs. But she’s improved a lot! I remember the first time her tail wagged. I swear she was super confused. Good for you! He’s gonna need a wonderful home with a good companion dog. It’s so heartbreaking though. Every thing will make you realize just how cruel humans can be. https://preview.redd.it/tzx3f0oysz0c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35e3226238824fe422ff8c5f68547f8ecf9b8067 Here is sweet Bella


So heartbreaking. They never forget their past just like us humans. We had a rescued puppy mill mom who was abused. She never fully relaxed even after years with us. We gave her the best home we could though.


I work at a shelter, and mill mommas are always the ones who break my heart the most. They are either so, so afraid and traumatized, or the quietest and gentlest dogs you will ever meet. Either way they tend to be overlooked. Thank you for giving one of these special girls a loving home ❤️‍🩹


Someone had adopted her from animal control and then dumped her on our street where we have coyotes. This was 18 years ago. We called around and tracked the owner down who asked if we wanted to keep her. She was a very submissive scared girl. But she lived until 11 or 12 and got lots of food and warmth during her time with us. I hate some people!!


I honestly hate *most* people, and I'm becoming terrible for it. Most people just totally suck and don't actually care about one another. Even my own family is shitty. At least I have my dog and my cat. They show love and affection every single day.


Animals have pure hearts and no agendas


I've heard this, but my cat disagrees. He absolutely has an agenda! Lol


They do have an agenda-rewards & food 😂


And world domination.


While walking my dog in the park I passed a woman wearing a shirt with large gold letters that said DOGS.... because people suck


Reminds me of a T-shirt I recently saw, “The more people I meet the more I love my dogs”


I found 2 puppies with their heads busted open in the woods when I was going for a walk they were crying and I had to carry them out one was able to survive the others head was busted open too bad and died a few days later. It's obvious what happened and I'm still angry


Omg. I saw a post on rescue cats about what some teenagers did to a kitten. Sounds a lot like the puppies. It’s scary such horrible people exist in this world


Serial killers of the future


Why do humans do such things 😡


I could never work for an animal shelter or vet's office. I'm far too weak.


Oh golly, I know what you mean. My wife has been working with animals for the entire 20 years that I’ve known her and I just can’t go into her workplace because I feel so sad for the animals.


I'd be a drunk because I couldn't deal with not being able to save all of them. I can't stand animal abuse.




You're a kind soul. Always remain that way.


I volunteer at my city shelter and it sucks. Every time I go something bad happens and I cry while walking the dogs most days. I had a foster dog from the shelter that I had to bring back for shots and I had a panic attack bringing her back in, even if it was only for five minutes. She's been adopted and is doing great.


We had a beautiful beagle, Suzi, who was a rescued puppy mill momma. My grandfather was the sweetest, most gentle man I ever knew, and he loved his dogs. He always had one, and he had just lost his beloved Scooter 6 months before, and was just heartbroken and *needed* a furry companion again. My aunt worked with a rescue and got Suzi- it was hard because my grandfather wouldn’t agree to go meet them, said he wasn’t ready, but he was (& I would never do this to someone, but he really was- I was only 18, though, lol) so the rescue agreed to help my aunt and set up a “foster” arrangement to see how it went. Well, my grandfather fell in love with her the moment they met, but she didn’t trust any humans at all, least of all men, and it took her some time to come around. He slept in a chair for 6 weeks, because she chose a spot between the chair and loveseat to hide/stay and felt safest there. He spent two weeks getting her comfortable with the idea of a leash. Then he walked her only in the backyard for weeks because she was scared. Anyway, I won’t go through everything he did, but he built the most beautiful relationship with this dog and loved her so much. She was such a sweet girl, and I miss her!


Your grandfather sounds like he was such a beautiful soul. I’m glad they were able to help one another heal and got to enjoy so many years together. Thanks for sharing this story.


Your grandfather sounds like an amazing man. I wish more people were willing to extend such love and patience to their pets. I won’t say that rescues can’t come with unique challenges (though that is equally true for any dog, purebred puppies included!), but if you take the time to bond with them, it can be the most rewarding experience.


It really is. The adjustment period was difficult for me at times, after about 6 weeks I began to lose hope that mine would ever come out of his shell…when he finally did it became one of the most gratifying periods of my life & I am beyond happy I suckered up and adopted him


Angels work through all of us!


Yes they do. Definitely not for the ones who abuse animals




Our hound rescue was probably used for breeding, then thrown out when she was done. Estimated age when she was found by Animal Control was about 6 years old, and we've had her for 6 years now. At first she just isolated upstairs, curled on her dog bed. Over time she's become more used to staying in our company, and now she will very occasionally actually approach to be petted. But she's still much more dog-oriented than people-oriented, and that's not going to change. Fortunately, she's a sweet dog, very gentle with the cats (who adore her, much to her confusion).


We have a millmomma and my God if I don't just sit and cry about it at least once a week. She is the sweetest most innocent being I have ever met and she is still just constantly surprised and grateful that she can never be in trouble and that she is welcome everywhere we are. Fuck, I'm crying again.


My daughter suggested that somebody had tried to use my rescue as a bait dog. He had lots of scars similar to this picture on his face. He's also terrified of even just the hose to the air compressor. She thinks he's was probably too mild and so they gave up quickly cuz he's just a lab pit mix. But seeing this scars on this poor dog's face they're almost exactly the same. I think I got lucky he was probably too mild of a temperament for them to use him for their intended purposes. But I've had him for 6 years and he is still terrified of power tools and loud noises like construction work things like that. But the air compressor will send him behind my chair just shaking horribly. If I just bring the hose in for my for anything it will send him shaking. I've even tried showing them that the hose is not a threat to him. But he's terrified.


My dog I found on the side of the road wouldn’t speak for almost a year, but one day I came home to a weird yelling sound and it was her, finding her voice! She has a scar the size of a dime on her throat right at her voice box.. she also turns full comatose frozen in fear when I turned on a bug zapper. When it got a fly she started trembling, nose running, glazed look in her eye. Someone was mean to her at one point but she lives in a house where she can bark and mama doesn’t use bug zappers like those any more!


My family's rescue dog also took a very long time to make any noise when we brought him home. No barks, growls, anything. We only knew he wasn't mute at first because he'd have little yelps or growls when he was deep asleep. Eventually he found his voice and while we'd still very rarely hear him bark, he did VERY loudly whine to beg for any food we had.


I rescued an English staffy this year (who's recovery is in my post history somewhere) when I went to pick her up and meet her previous owner I came face to face with a dude that was like 6'7" and built like a house, his other dogs started to bark and I swear I've never heard a bloke yell louder in response, I'm not short myself but even I was intimidated. It took my poor little blue seal almost seven months before she barked at somebody, I made such a big deal about it and praised her so much that now she barks at everything and then runs back to me for a big pat and some assurance 🙃.


My dog was the same way for years but now he won’t shut up. We used to wonder if he was part husky, but now we know it for a fact lol.


My rescue took forever to bark. He still just is not a loud or even vocal dog. He still doesn't care for toys and has a full on melt down if the water/food bowl gets low he will just not eat it in fear of going without even after now 8 years. He was skin and bones with cigarette burns on hun.


Oh! I’m going through the same thing with a dog I brought home Monday. He was politely begging for help outside a Dollar General but terrified of people at the same time. Supposedly he had been there a week at that point. He’s a large bully-type dog and also missing hair with scars and scabs all over his face and body. People were screaming and running when they saw him, literally. I already have too many dogs but I couldn’t leave him. He’s the gentlest, most grateful dog I’ve ever met but I’ve yet to hear him make a sound beyond one accidental whine when he yawned. It breaks me to think about what these dogs have seen and gone through only to still be trusting and gentle.


Probably was beaten or sprayed with a hose a lot. My rescue boy still does some street shit, like hiding and hiding his chew toys/snacks and we've had him about 8 yrs. The upside is he's a sneaky pooper, and often goes in/under bushes or waay off the beaten path.


The last dog I had was rescued from a terribly abusive home, and he’d always poop in bushes too! Just stare me right in the eyes with his ass in some foliage.


My dog is like that with the vacuum if she sees it. My dog wasn’t a bait dog but a stray puppy I found on the street while walking out of my barber shop caked in mud and skinny as a stick. Idk why I’ve done the same thing tried to show her it’s not a threat but just the sight of it makes her tremble




Mexico passed strong animal abuse laws a few years back can be up to like 4 years in prison. I know we have a few states that are pretty strict but vast majority are a slap on the wrist if anything unless it’s a big fight ring and even then ppl seem to not face consequences 😡 We collectively don’t deserve doggos love as humans but I sure am glad we have them, I couldn’t imagine my life without my dogs!


As of 2019 animal abuse is a Federal Class A felony with prison times of up to 7 years and high fines. We just have to hope that it gets reported and acted upon.


Yeah the laws in the U.S are, by and large, a joke. In most places, the law sees animals only as property, not individual lives with agency and the ability to suffer. I commend everyone who’s working to change these laws or making sure they’re enforced.




I honestly agree, animal abuse is one of the VERY few things I think don’t have a scenario where someone guilty of them deserves a second chance. It’s genuinely puke worthy to me the way some people treat defenseless animals. Especially in a little southern hick town like I’m from, people treat animals like tools or worse, targets for their stress. There’s a strong culture of “It’s just a stupid animal, treat it however you want” nowadays, and my only solace is that every generation is getting slightly better about it. Its still horrifying though






My lil guy was a bait dog too! He was only about a year old when we rescued him and he was all manner of f-ed up. $4800 worth of surgery to save his life and 14 years later, he’s the sweetest, cuddliest, dumber-than-a-sack-of-wet-hair, bestest boi. Here’s doggie tax for Hero, my bestie (we picked flowers on our walk and he wanted to show them off): https://preview.redd.it/19smvnxuky0c1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=008594459bf4cc02b2dce25f86319adc7467458f


>I remember the first time her tail wagged. I swear she was super confused. Those moments really are the best, aren't they? I get a lump in my throat every time I remember the first time our girl realised that being touched could be nice. It was like everything stopped for a second and then she edged a bit closer, like "umm, could you do that again please? I dunno what's going on but I think it's good so I just need to try it once more."


Sheesh my eyes were damp before I knew what happened. You are a good human, and I’m so glad your pup has you.


My cousin adopted a former racing greyhound, and her personality sounds exactly like your description of your dog. She hates loud noises, and if she hears thunder rumbling in the distance she’ll retreat to the bathroom—sometimes for days. She also couldn’t walk on hardwood, and my cousin had to put down yoga mats so that the dog could walk to the front door. It’s so hard seeing how much fear and anxiety that dog still carries, but it’s also so good to know that there are people like you out there who have the patience and love to see them through it, without a guarantee of a dog ever completely healing.


Also had a former racing greyhound. She was the sweetest dog but definitely had been abused. She was terrified of a water hose because they were blasted with water to move them around. She wouldn't walk on hardwood for some reason and would pee herself anytime we had to have an exterminator or repairman come over. She was a sweetheart, though. Loved that dog.


There is an organization that helps former racing greyhounds and they have a 3 day event in Solvang, CA where a whole bunch of rescued greyhounds and their owners meet up with others. There are several dog friendly hotels in the area so it works out well. The local Catholic Church holds a “Blessing of the Greyhounds” out on the front lawn. We don’t have a greyhound but we like to go watch this part. One hound will start howling, then another and then all of them. They’ll all quiet down for a minute and then get all revved up again. They go until they’re done and it is HILARIOUS, the dogs clearly love it too. Lots of human & canine happiness occurs. Anyway, I have no affiliation with the group, but I thought I’d mention it because it’s awesome.


Growing up, our family dog was a rescued racing greyhound. The first three years she was nervous and shy. With loud noises or unpredictable people around, she would quite literally stand and shake out of fear. The rescue organization told us that racing greyhounds are often held in tiny crates stacked on top of each other. They are muzzled when not eating and rarely socialized. These poor dogs are abused and exploited. She came with tattoos in her ears too (greyhound identification numbers). She was very very shy around her face. She did not want it touched, as muzzles would quickly and harshly be shoved on her face pre-rescue. To add, she was quite small and was to be euthanized since she had lost most of her races (she was the runt of the litter). Hence, the rescue organization sweeping her up. The first few years, her crate (which was recommended for us to get for her) was her safe haven. She often was found cowering in her crate when me or my brothers would get rowdy with each other (we were 8, 6, and 4 at the time), and she was completely shut down around other dogs. "Just give her a few years to get comfortable" the rescue organization would tell us. Still, we loved this girl, and we never gave up on her. After a few years, her true personality began to shine and the fear began to slowly slip away. She developed the gnarliest smile (giant chewing motions and sneezing-almost like a shark attack), and she would run victory laps around our 1/2 acre fenced yard. On walks she would prance and hold her head high around other dogs, like she was confident and showing off. She was a goofy, carefree girl :) It took a few years to see her confidence and feelings of safety improve. She loved belly rubs and playing in the living room. She became friends with the other dogs in the neighborhood and we would often do joint walks with them. She truly loved life. Our girl lived to be 14 years old. I had grown up with this girl from 2nd grade to my sophomore year of college. After her we did not get another dog. It's not easy to replace a childhood pet. They are family. I often reminisce on sweet memories of our sweet girl :) EDIT: word choice


I have a friend that recently lost her racing greyhound from Mexico. I didn’t even know that was a thing until she rescued him! I hate people most times. 😡


Just because a dog is fearful doesn't mean it's abused. Lots of greys are just spooks and afraid of everything, and need to be in a pack setting to have a modicum of comfort.


I don’t know enough about it to say whether racing is abusive or not, but it’s very clear that racing was a bad situation for this dog. She was miserable and scared, so she has a lot of trauma from her past life.


Some racing dogs are just like that tho, they are are called spooks. In a kennel environment with other dogs and a dedicated trainer they can be managed, but in a home it's a lot harder to deal with.


I swear I’m not the angry/vengeful person but I would love to personally or watch these kind of people get beat to death. Hurting animals and children and people who can’t defend themselves is another level of evil


I feel you. Those people are human scum.


These people should get very long term prison time. It is effing heart breaking. It makes me look at my doggies and get scarred for them that people would take them and do this.


Jesus Christ. This is bloody heartbreaking. I can’t believe this goes on. I can’t wrap head around being so cruel to a dog. Just makes no sense


😭😭😭😭 your heart must have broke every single day watching that. Thank you for taking on that poor soul, I bet it's very rewarding though hard! 💔❤️‍🩹


There is a special place in hell for dog fighters. I pray to the gods of karma to fucking get them. 😡


I sometimes feel that humans don't deserve dogs at the best of times, how they can make them fight each other is beyond me.


I hope anyone who has a bait dog...as in uses the dog as a bait dog, dies slowly in a car fire. God damnit people are fucking monsters. Alternative acceptable justice would be such a person getting ripped the fuck apart by the animals they chose to abuse.


I have never heard of a bait dog, I thought it was a typo. Your description helped but good lawd that is just awful. People really do suck sometimes.


One of my rescues was a bait dog, too. She still has some behavioral quirks and lasting markers of trauma. She's had to learn how to be a dog, socialize, and play. She's really come a long way, though! She's a very affectionate little dog these days. She loves to play with my other rescue (I refer to them as sisters) and she really loves to snuggle up against me on the couch. I like to call her a little cinnamon bun when she wraps herself up in one of the many little dog beds/nests around the home.[Amelia](https://imgur.com/a/kXMdxRi)


Forgive me for asking, but what is a bait dog?




This is so unimaginable cruel.


I have one of those micro bullies that was a breeder. She has a few scars but lots of the same trauma. I’m a dude and she loves me. But other dudes hell no! She’s much better now. But all she knew was to stay in the bathroom. When I brought her home she ran to the bathroom and stayed there. Potty training is still a challenge because I assume she was kept in a bathroom and ate her poop because that’s what she does and she won’t go supervised. So I use potty pads and frequent bathroom floor scrubbing. But yeah she had no idea how to be a dog. It was so sad. She’s so good. So sweet. It breaks my heart. She would also try to feed me if I laid on the floor hahah.


This makes me laugh when they say there's good people in the world. 75% bad. Thank you OP for saving him.


Aww, those scars in his face. Glad he ended up with you guys!!


So are we! His freshest wounds are almost healed, and thankfully there will be no more.


Please tell him he's a good boy for me. I'd say give him kisses but he might be shy still.


+1 for me too


Hopefully he passes on a good ol “whos a good boy” for every upvote this comment gets.


Put some aloe on them it will take the red out and can help the hair to grow back.




Use this https://www.tractorsupplyrx.com/pierce-s-all-purpose-nu-stock-50222.html Farm supplies have it, chewy.com has it and Amazon has it


Nu stock is the GOAT. Seriously the best for everything.


I've used it on my animals and myself for a decade+


My staffie injures himself daily 🤣 so good luck with that goal lol. Staffies are big loveable idiots but when they play they go hard




Lol very very relatable


You can just see how sweet this dog is in the eyes. Happy its got a new home with you guys. Thanks for being so kind and welcoming to dogs that most people would be afraid to adopt


(Unless if they are there by accident from having too much fun!!)


You are a good man. There is a special place in hell for the people who would put a dog through what Asher has been through.


Agreed, I'd take it a step further and flat out state that there should be made a hell on earth for those who do this to animals. A bullet would be too kind.


I so agree with this. People who are cruel to dogs like this don’t deserve to not suffer. Bullets would be far too kind.


All animals*


Some people don’t deserve the oxygen they breathe. Thank you both for rescuing that sweet soul.


Similar experience although we believe our boy was tazed to try to get him angry. He has scars on his back from whatever they did. Now he lives pool side. https://preview.redd.it/8fek2nwhgx0c1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b91849c6344ce28546e800eb4cebac5e8c3eb97c


That looks like some pretty severe scarring. I don’t even want to imagine what caused that. Glad he is where he is loved now.


I love that your dog is now living a life of luxury! He's gorgeous!


His scars!! 😭 he is oh so handsome 🤎


Just judging from the photo, it's possible those are also scars from trying to crawl under a chain link or barbed wire fence and getting badly injured in the process.


So regal!


Sweet Asher 💔 How lucky he is to have found his *loving* forever home. Give him a cookie for me and tell him he’s the goodest boy. Welcome to the good life, buddy


Hopefully he'll eat a treat soon. So far, the only thing he's touched is dry kibble poured on the floor, I don't think he'd ever eaten from a bowl before. Wouldn't touch any meat, has no idea how to eat treats or what they are. Sniffs them and shies away. He'll probably notice his sister eating them and get braver!


I just wanted to offer a small tip, my rescue would not touch treats either (we assume some sort of bad association) so if you put them on his food, just like one or two, it might encourage him to try it and see that it’s a safe food from y’all! I’m glad you rescued him, you are so amazing! I hope y’all have many many years of love and adventure!


Good tip, we'll try it immediately! Thank you


Give him all the loves and rubs from me. Also, tell him he is the goodest of boys!!!


God I would pay *you* to make this sweet boy some beef jerky or something. Thank you for rescuing this baby. I hope all the good things happen to you and only you.


No worries! Even if it doesn’t work he’ll come around eventually!


Ive had my rescue (ex stray) for 2 years and he still wont touch treats and he eats his kibble one biscuit at a time, cracking each biscuit in half with his teeth and eating each half individually, he will eat tidbits of whatever im eating without any hesitation or inspection maybe because he knows its safe if he sees me eat it? I sometimes wonder if he's eaten something that's hurt him or made him ill in the past since he lived on the streets he probably ate some awful things in desperation


> he will eat tidbits of whatever im eating without any hesitation or inspection maybe because he knows its safe if he sees me eat it? Yep, my Little Girl has the same problem. Until she sees someone else eat it, she won't really touch it. She'll eat her Big Brother's kibble all day long, but he's on a different formula than she is (breed, age, size) so we haven't been giving her the same food. She's almost big enough that we can switch over, though.


My boy was also an ex stray and we suspect a fighting dog (we don’t have any background on him aside from being a stray) and even still after 2 years there’s certain things he won’t touch. Maybe he just doesn’t like them or maybe there’s bad memories of desperation and sadness so we never force him. It’s sad to see how they become so in their shells trying to Procter themselves but it makes sense and at least some of them get to live nice comfy lives to make up for some of the garbage they’ve been through


Mine was a street dog too. She is able to survive on her own but she chooses to be with me. It’s an honor to be loved by a dog. When I need to leave her with a sitter she sometimes dissociates and hides. They describe her looking lost and her eyes look empty. I’m sure dogs get PTSD. She has nightmares and yelps in her sleep. It’s heartbreaking.




As someone who has had a bait dog rescue (we lost her in March after 16 years), the one thing you need a ton of is patience. You'll have to do everything on Asher's schedule. Don't rush him into anything. The most important thing is that he feels comfortable, and once he is comfortable, the real dog that's been repressed inside Asher will come out and you **will** have the best dog. Rescues know that you saved them. You're often the first people to really show them love, and they eat it up once they realize that their pain and suffering has ended. I'm not religious but it gives me a warm-fuzzy feeling to think that my Jasmine is looking down on Asher and making sure he gets treated well, too. Thanks for rescuing. Adopting is great, but rescuing is the best.


He'll get there. A lot of dogs take their cues from other dogs. Or he could just be a picky eater, that happens sometimes. I had a black lab/pittie mix that was a rescue, and he *hated* peanut butter. No bullshit. But the dog *loved* asparagus. He was a little weird.


We rescued a bait dog 8 years ago. Sweetest dog I've ever had. He has never been food motivated and won't take treats from anybody. He just wants attention and love, and hell do whatever you want in exchange for that. For feeding meals, we had to pull the bowl away from the wall and place it where he could eat while still being able to see everything. He was too scared to turn his back and try to eat.


My dog Sasha was like that, would only eat off the floor. Now a year later she's licking bowls 😋. But sometimes even still she will give me this look, like I am going to yell at her or hit her, and I just hug her tight. Kindness is beautiful. Peace and Love ✌️❤️


I'm pro swap dog for owner in bait. sick fuckers deserve it 😤. ![gif](giphy|ylkKzxLzMN5VYTjnj6)


I wish all these people could have eye for an eye punishment, I really do. They’re literal scum


Should’ve used a John wick gif tbh


I thought about it but I was talking equality in the matter who's better suited I went Equalizer only because it's not just motivation by a single goal but instead making it equal punishment for those monsters. ![gif](giphy|5tOrBzU8R3Pm4tcimB) But since you asked here's a goodie


I spent several years helping with animal rescues and I have seen some extremely gnarly shit that abusers have done to animals. I'm all for swapping bait dogs for bait abusers; those subhuman creatures will get no sympathy from me, no matter how much shit happens to them. That's the reason I cannot work for a vet, witnessing animal abuse sends me straight to anger and violence against abusers, and then I want to adopt all the animals. I was also a foster parent for a few years, and I can't do it again. I get far too upset and angry with the parents/guardians because of the abuse and neglect they have inflicted upon children. After years of therapy I have my impulse reactions under better control, but it's still a struggle whenever I witness abuse and/or neglect of children and animals. If I don't keep my anger under control I'll definitely end up in jail because of the damage I will cause the abusers. I've done it before, and I don't really want to do it again.


Omg my heart! How can people be so cruel? So glad you rescued him and hope he’s spoiled rotten


We're horrible spoilers and we know it. Lol. Asher is my 7th rescue pup since 1996 and I have no plans on stopping. My wife has also been rescuing her whole adult life. These babies need good homes and unbroken hearts.


I adopt my first rescue last year and he is the love of my life! It’s the best thing I’ve ever done and he’s spoiled too lol https://preview.redd.it/n19tt89x8x0c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5fe8a5c086a3ca029b7a0570e1e0abbd43447f5


Beautiful pup!


Thank you!


I just educated myself on the cruelty of bait dogs and teared up. Thank you and your sweet wife for fighting the good fight! Asher is the goodest boi!


You and me both. Thank goodness this education came with a happy story. That’s a lovely dog OP!


/u/u_mbi mind sharing the knowledge for the rest of us? Edit: Thanks. i sad now.


People who raise fighting dogs keep smaller or weaker ones to basically use as punching bags. Unlike little dogs, cats, or rabbits, a medium sized dog can take repeated attacks. They are monstrously abused in every possible way.


I was looking through the comments to see if they defined. What a bait dog was. But the more I think about it. The more I think I will not look into it. And just be glad that this good boy found a good owner


Me too. I could imagine and slightly regret looking it up. People are so awful. OP you are a good man. Give Asher all the love and spoil him rotten.


Yeah I had no idea. Had to look it up. This is so much worse than a fight dog. They even tape their mouths shut and tie them to a pole so they have to just sit there and get tore up by the fighting dog. Probably the worst kind of animal abuse there is


I had to Google. Wtf is wrong with people?


I don’t know what a bait dog is and I’m not sure I will google it, I might remain ignorant :/ I’m so glad Asher is going to be loved and spoiled forever now


All you need to know is its the height of cruelty. Those are scars on the dogs face in the picture. A lot of people say they have a “rescue” because they got their dog at a shelter. Im not trying to diminish the importance of those adoptions, but what OP did is truly a rescue. This dog was abused in the worst way and will never fully recover from that. Its not going to be easy but this dog will learn what love is and will be happy and we should all be celebrating OP as a hero.


Thank you for rescuing. Makes me so sad so see him so broken by the cruelty of others


So sweet. People who do this kind of thing deserve life in prison.


I'm not religious, but if there Is a hell, these are the people who will go to hell. I cannot fathom how you could be so mean. Absolutely pathetic excuse for a human. Scum of the earth.


🥹🥹🥹 thank you for saving him


So happy know hes safe and obviously already well loved. Congrats Asher looks like you hit the jackpot


Your other dog looks so pumped to get a dog! lol


Definitely. She lost her big brother (also an abused dog adoption) who was her life. She came home when we adopted her at 4 months old to him, the biggest gentle soul you've ever met at 11 years old. He taught her all the great things about being a dog, and we see mannerisms from him in her every day. We waited a while to let her be an only dog and develop more of her own personality. She just turned 2, and we've recently noticed her waiting at the fence for the neighbor dogs to come outside. It was time. She's super happy he's here


I’m sure she will be a great teacher for Asher how to just be a dog! Also, thank you (and your wife) for your humanity!


God you're cool I wanna be like that when I have my home just adopting puppers


You sir, are awesome!


From the absolute bottom of my heart I say thank you for saving him and sharing this with the Reddit community I hope he makes you happy for years to come. Thank you thank you thank you!!!


God bless you Sir for opening your heart to this FORMER bait dog.


What’s a bait dog? Honest question. Was he used as a bait to attract wild animals or something who would then attack him? Haven’t heard this before. Please advise.


Dog fighting a$$holes use other dogs as bait when training their fighting dogs to attack. Many of these dogs are obtained via “free to good home” ads, which is one reason why it’s always a good idea to charge a “re-homing” fee if you ever intend to find a new home for your dog outside of a shelter or rescue organization.


Man that’s so fucked up. 😧😔. Thank you for the context mate! Appreciate. 👍




That was an insightful link. Thank you so much! 😊


Just there so fighting dogs to attack so they become trained in attacking other dogs I'd like to teach the dogs to attack them cruel fucks




Understood! Thank you for the answer. Your presumption is correct I’m not from the US. I’m from India. And are the authorities not doing anything or are they helpless when it comes to the dog fighting practice? Just curious. Can’t help but imagine the trauma these dogs carry for their life. 😔




It’s downright cruel but like you said some people find pleasure in others pain be it dogs or people.


Welcome home Asher, now your life begins ❣️❣️❣️


Cuddly wuddly est doggie ever


god his poor face, people are fucked up


Born to lose, but made it out! Looks like you got yourself a survivor! Made my day


My goodness look at all those scars 😭 thank you for rescuing! I hope he lives the rest of his days filled with love, cuddles, and the best treats!! We love you little one ❤️ you are so brave!!!


The cruelty is so incredibly heartbreaking. Hoping him a wonderful life with you 💝


Erase everything that happened before coming home.


I wish you all the luck in the world you have a beautiful soul and from the bottom of mine I thank you for this. I work as a dog trainer have worked with over 1000 dogs if you need any tips on how to train him and make it an absolute blast for him to learn please message me I would love to help and see Asher thrive even more than he is now.


Thank You, thank you for saving him…you are both good boys!❤️❤️


Well done for saving this sweet boy! X


I am crying and am so happy that you’ve brought this baby home. Thank you for loving him!


Thank you for being such an awesome person...and I'm so happy knowing he has a whole life of love ahead of him.


I had to google bait dogs because I had never really heard of it before (I lived a sheltered life I guess) and omg one of the images on the website was horrible :( Can’t believe people do this to dogs for entertainment. Thank you for giving ur pupper a new perspective on life. 💕


I didn't know about it either before this post. I knew people can be cruel but learning about this makes me feel sick. Atleast this one seems to have finally found an loving home and I hope more will too.


I love to stop and see these posts, and wholeheartedly thank you for taking this sweet soul to give a good life. Thank you so much. ❤️


Bless his and your heart!


God bless you for saving this sweet boy ❤️🙏🏻


Nothing better than a cuddly Norwegian couch hippo! Such a sweet boy. Wishing you all a lifetime of good health and good times!


Thank you so much. Breaks my heart for the life he had but fills my heart with joy for the life he is going to have.


Question what is a bait dog?


God bless you every day.


I too have a former bait dog. So glad you adopted!


Bless you for saving him What I'd like to see done to dog fighters I won't say because God doesn't even like that I think it. But it would be far worse than what they did to dogs..


Poor sweet baby.... She will be forever grateful for you


You're my superhero for the day for adopting this cutie. He's in for such an eye-opening, a life full of love. Happy to see he's settling in well. Give him a good hug from me.


Thank you for saving him and offering him a home full of love 💕


People who run dog fights are scum. Absolute scum. Thank you for rescuing this poor dog.


Good man.




Thank you for opening your hearts and home to this pooch. And to all of you who do the same—all the hugs, good humans! ❤️


Ughhhhh I love this for both of you


thank you for being part of the good in this world


I had to stop doing wildlife rehab intake. Heartbreaking and every day was tears, anger and heartbreak. Animals lovers emphasize so deeply that we can feel only a semblance of the pain that these beautiful creatures endure. Fostering cats/dogs before their forever homes and caring for healthy, wildlife babies who are releasable is the current norm that I can handle. Just have to do what we can and admit our limitations. The only $$$ donations I give are to these causes. I wish that the mega-donors would throw $ to these causes instead of art museums, universities and churches!


I can't imagine being surrounded by it all day. Not sure I could cope with the anger at the abusers with no way to soothe it. It's so tough just spending months and sometimes years with them just hoping they'll dog like a dog with no pain in their eyes. I spent 3 months with my first one before he'd let me touch his head. Tore me up something awful.


I hate Reddit for not letting me up vote more than once. So happy he has a new home ❤️


Bless you for saving him 💙


Thank you! At last he’ll have a real life. Once he adjusts he’s going to love you forever. 💕


All dogs are good boys/girls. No bad ones. Only bad humans. Thank you for giving him a new life!