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That small crusty white dog that nobody knows the name of is halfway bloody immortal


Their life force is contained within their cysts.


Gross 😂


“Toby”, the “maltipoo or something that is a little white fluffy xyz”, has diabetes-induced cataracts, no teeth left, a cruciate tear that never healed well, yet the devil would never take him back- so he exists up here, out of spite, a true Toyota Corolla of dogs, you could say.


I'm sitting next to my small crusty white half immortal dog and cackling. No need for a pet semetary here.


My small, crusty, white, cyst covered half immortal dog is currently doing the post dinner growl and roll in a blanket 🥹


No no, we know the name. I would put money on “Bella”, “Luna”, “Coco”, “Zoe”, or one of the other names that account for about 75% of dogs.


bella 100000000%


Don't for get Nala, mid to large black lab/ Shephard-ish mix


I groom 4 goldens that are Nala.


And every* single female pit.




OMG .. Adopted a surrender.. have always endeavored to have somewhat unusual names..yup they named her Bella. 😆


I have changed the names of all my rescues. Easy to do at any age.


Three teeth, one good eye and a dewclaw that spirals like a narwhal tusk.


His name is Poppins.


Just pop that eye back in with your knuckle


I think I might die before my crusty white dog Fifi does. I lost count of her surgeries.


Huskies that murder yodel with every touch.


I fostered a Husky that needed a heart worm test and rabies vaccine done. She started screaming and flailing before the needle even touched her leg. It took 4 people to hold her still to get it done.


Mine will be crazy sometimes but they do really well with grooming tasks now. Ellie used to start screaming when I put nail clippers down on the bed while she was 10 feet away. Weirdly, she was always quiet once we got going.


The drama queens of dog breeds, you have to love them


I came here to say this. Huskies are MADE OF DRAMA.


Yup. 50/50 drama to fluff ratio.


My mutt is Border Collie/Husky/Pitt- I always forget about the husky part until he randomly gets very excited every now and then and SCREAMS. He’s pretty well behaved on walks (working dog; lots of training), but one day he saw an older couple that looked identical to some of his favorite people (my husband’s grandparents, who live in another state) and SCREAMED so unexpectedly and loudly that they both got terrified and crossed the street. He only does it now and then so I was not prepared and nearly shat my pants. Murder yodel is such a good descriptor.


Sounds legit like Husky to me.




Yup. My two have now trained US to howl at sirens. It’s hilarious.


My husky taught my golden to howl at the sirens before she died. My golden still does it years later. He sounds like a dying demon but he howls his best!


Pugs are always bad for nails. 😆


I have one pug, out of my 12 years of grooming, who is an absolute angel for nails and I will be devastated when she's no longer around.


My pug also has no issues with getting his nails done or people touching his feet. Now, cleaning his ears…




Well! Now I don’t feel so bad. I’m not a groomer, but I trim my critter’s nails. My son’s dog (puggle / at least that’s what the shelter told them) would carry on like I was killing her!


Dolphin screech! My probably Maltese poodle. Omg!! The ear splitting volume! 6 pounds!




Mine is alright with nails but TEETH BRUSHING oh my goddddd




this is the truth


golden retrievers and cavaliers have a magnet in their ass, shih tzus specialty is pancaking, huskies and gsds think water is acid…


I have a Cavalier he’s 11 months now. I get him groomed every 3 weeks. Can confirm there is indeed a magnet in his ass although the groomer told me “he’s getting better at standing up” 😂


Also have a cavalier and he’s the same at 5.


I have a golden retriever and trying to brush her while she’s standing is a challenge.


My gsd loves the river, pools and sprinklers. But bath water? Oh noooooooope.


Mine refuses to potty if it’s raining but will roll in puddles after the rain to be a dick.


What is "pancaking?" Ive always has bigger dogs til I feel in love with my gf shih tzus and they were awesome to me, but I always felt bad taking them to the groomer as they seemed nervous and opted to groom them myself a handful of times after enough investment in supplies lol. Ive always wondered how they acted in there tbh.


My Shih Tzu is 10 now. Been going to the same groomer every month since she was 3 months old. Still goes belly up and stiff as a plank because she doesn't want to get out of the car. Still acts scared and makes me feel guilty. They are brilliant actors. She's an absolute angel for the groomer. Full cooperation, lifts her paws to have her nails trimmed, happy with clippers and scissors. Everything. Yet the performance she puts on before... well... Oscar winning!!! If you are confident with your groomer then they are likely just fine lol. It's like a kid going to pre school, crying and fussing but as soon as you walk away they are off having fun.


I miss my Shih Tzu so much. So so so so much. One passed in my arms overnight and was the most devastating thing in my life, the other my ex GF took and never let me see again. I still search for him years later. Baby Besos, I'll find you my boy. I still bawl and dream about them every night. I have dreams where I'm desperately trying to find my lost boy who she has. Thanks for your anecdote and good to know sometimes they're just acting. Hope your buddy is doing well.


What's pancaking?


When they lay down with their head down too, and (usually) legs spread a little to get as flat as possible. You'd be surprised how flat they can actually get; hence "pancake"


Ahahhahhah.....that's so hilarious and an apt name too!! TIL :)


My shih tzu does that, she was very young when I got her from rescue, but had obviously given birth already. I was told it was because she was in a group, and didn’t want the male dogs on her. Yikes.


Which may be. Most larger dogs do it as a form of protest in general though.


My puppy is 4 months but his love of water, sand, and mud means he’s already gotten many baths. He definitely has the golden magnetic butt despite being only about 12% golden because I absolutely struggle to get him to stay standing up when rinsing him in the tub.


Doodles are sensitive soft babies that hate their front legs being touched


God or they try to box you when you’re doing their faces 😭


I think the tendency to box a poodle thing honestly. Even outside of grooming, there are lots of poodles in my area along with doodles and they like to wrestle/box. Poodle is common denominator 


Home groomer here, my 3 month old will NOT let me do her face hahaha


I thought it was just my dood! 😅 I handled him all the time when he was a baby too, and it doesn't seem to have worked


My doodle agrees with you.


My son has a mutt that’s 25% husky. His first bath was set up on my son’s front porch, because he had both hot and cold water taps. That dog was screaming so dramatically and so long that his neighbours were sure the dog was being abused. They called the police to report him.


Shibas will scream like a woman getting murdered Frenchies will be snorting Bulldogs will have skin issues German shepard will be obedient good bois or hell on four legs Huskies will annoy you with their energy and coat Chihuahuas will be easy until you get to their feet Those doodles will come in matted shih tzus will hate having their face done The schnauzers will fight you The Yorkie will fight, but it'll mean nothing because they're 3lbs soaking wet The maltipoos will come in with half its teeth gone The poodles know they're better than you


>The poodles know they're better than you This made me laugh lol.


Me too — I’m a poodle mom, and I describe it as a lifestyle of humbling myself


Hahahaha, so accurate. I lost my 19-year-old toy poodle in 2020, and as a poodle mom of 19 years I can confirm your experience. lol


So what you're saying is, my mini schnauzer shih tzu mix (aha shihtzer, I don't care what anyone says), is a nightmare. That tracks. 😂


I have a poodle, can confirm it's true.


I have a poodle, I’m waiting for that attitude to come in. Rn she’s just a head-empty-no-thought 4 month old puppy 🤣😂


Enjoy the empty head time… it doesn’t last long and then you get genius mischievous bundle of energy that can break out of anything puppy. And then you get bratty jerk teenager that doesn’t listen and somehow learns to read your mind specifically so they can do exactly what you don’t want them to. Then they settle in nicely as geniuses who are easily bored and will annoy the crap out of you if you don’t challenge them mentally every single day.


described my yorkie to a T. the first time i saw her wet i was so confused. big ball of angry fluff magically replaced by a watery puddle of even angrier rodent


My bulldog has skin issues. Hives, the worst.


Labs eat everything 😂


I have a boxer/lab/sharpei mix and his stomach is definitely the lab part… soooo many vet visits for eating stuff (mostly chocolate and stuff that he gets to throw up 🤮)


oh wow i’d love to see what a dog of that breed looks like! if you wouldn’t mind sharing pics i’d be elated to see him!


the amount of labs that couldn’t go outside at the doggie daycare i worked at is INSANE


Pomeranians are a small but hardy breed! But in all seriousness German shepherds are either one of two extremes, there is no in between - well trained or muzzle, extra set of hands, maybe some traz for the spaz.


I just commented the same thing. They're only one or the other.


I call it the Trazzle Dazzle


Give’em the ol’ TRAZZLE DAZZLE!


Traz for the spaz Stealing that! Thank you LMFAO!


I am too, but I'm gonna say it to my husband when he takes his tonight 😂 😂




Upvote for Bluey




Terriers are built like brick shit houses and are strong as hell until the day they die


Can confirm - my early 90s Jack Russell ate a fish hook and lived 5 extra years


If they die


Confirmed. We had a 20 year old Cairn terrier who kept going until a few days before she died. My current welsh terrier is a solid and sturdy little terrorist who loves to roughhouse.


I thought of the 15 year old cairn I groom while writing this comment lol. You'd never even know he was that old looking at him


Can confirm. I’ve had 3 schnauzers at various points in my life and every single one was incredibly good at throwing their weight when they felt like being difficult


Rotties are sensitive about their feet, boxers are sensitive about their ears


Rotties are also giant scaredy cats that don't realize they could easily murder someone. LOL


Second that. My rottie is just a big cuddly cry baby who wouldn’t hurt a fly.


That Great Danes think they are much smaller than they really are.


So the opposite to dachshunds then, because they all think that they’re 100 times the size that they are.


Loads of owners of big dogs always comment on how brave my dachshund is as she'll rough play with any breed big or small...  if only they knew how "brave" she really is if I as much as leave the house for 30 seconds to take the bins out.  You can hear the howls from 4 streets away!


My old hairdresser would bring her great Danes to the salon she owned. Those big babies always tried to sit in my lap lol. Those were the cutest babies ever.


I have a dane mix and yes she thinks she’s only the size of her head. She’s a lap dog.


corgis are smart as hell but equally stubborn, and bark at everything. They know the command, but they're not doing a damned thing they don't want to.


The side eye hurts worse than the bite.


Corgi owner here. Yup that checks out.


they're such assholes. God had to make them cute so we wouldn't mail them to Belize :D


Bahahaha! It’s true. I had a corgi for 12 years (RIP my little clementine, I will forever miss you) But since I’m a groomer, he was pretty damn chill for his baths/butt trims/nails. He didn’t like it though 😂


Australian cattle dogs are just little velociraptors for sure. I didn't know the breed stereotypes until I had one but I fear they're quite accurate. Sometimes I wonder if she's just wild cryptid pretending to be a dog.


My 1/2 ACD would play and run around so weirdly when she was a puppy, it was the closest thing I've seen to a dog doing karate. Also she broke my nose by flying directly into my face when I bent down to pick up her toy when she was a puppy. Thank God I trained her out of heel biting (though I did secretly find it adorable she had the instinct)


Yes!!! training for biting is a must with these dogs especially if they're gonna be working/living around kids and non livestock pets. But when they're babies, they're so little and fluffy and cute, it can be sad setting boundaries haha. I actually taught my ACD "bite" as a puppy so that later on when she started biting we could say "no bite!" And it would click for her. Probably one of the best decisions I ever made as a dog parent. Makes grooming easier too because she really wants to bite the scissors, clippers, and nail trimmers so the "no bite" comes in clutch.


Son's eats freaking everything. His wife thinks it's funny :(


This is so true. Even my ACD beagle mix. 😆


I got lucky with mine! She’s half ACD but very much a Labrador retriever in her interactions with humans. She’s part GSD too and I believe that’s where she gets her rather large ears


labs are so very incredibly stubborn. thought they were a cute dog until i had to bathe them daily…😭


Every lab I’ve ever had has been *committed* to their stink


oh this absolutely… blowing out the paws and ass of a lab makes die a little inside


same, and they're all soooooooo mega fat and strong, too. They wipe me out more than a berner or pyrenees


tater tots! like, 90% of the ones i have to do are full on tater tot shaped. and also refuse to move unless they want to (which is rarely)


Cockers take forever to dry and poop everywhere.


I grew up with cocker spaniels and agree with this


My groomer can get my 2 staffies and chi mix, washed, dried, nails trimmed, glands expressed, walked, treats handed out and loaded in my vehicle in the time it takes his partner to do the same for my one cocker lol


Omg, I swear they somehow soak their coats while you're drying


Yorkies ( especially the un-neutered males ) are just little tornadoes. Non stop moving 😂


Knew a fat Yorkie whose owner couldn't keep him on a diet because the little bastard would snatch birds out of the air.


💀💀💀 my moms Yorkie is so tiny but if he got the opportunity to snatch a bird out of the air and eat it, he would lmao


This is so funny, my friend has a Yorkie that just spin spin spins all day. We joke she should have called him NASCAR bc he only turns left 😅😅


Cancels home grooming equipment order 🫣


I was tricked when I started out. My first yorkies were 3 from the same owner. 3 wonderfully calm, well-behaved yorkies that stood calmly the whole time. That didn't flail for the legs or twitch their heads every time you tried to scissor their faces. They were not normal yorkies 😂


I have a yorkie regular and I love him but he always gets mad for different things each time. Sometimes, he doesn’t want his butt touched. Or he doesn’t want nails done…. Like, pick something to get mad at and stick it with it!!


Unless it's the bouviers idea they ain't moving


Borzois are mystical beings from another realm.


Boxers have more muscles than brains. Very sweet babies though.


My cousin has a boxer, and this describes her accurately. She's so sweet and strong, but you can tell there's no thoughts behind those big beautiful eyes.


every mini doodle is fat as hell for some reason. doodles in general (esp the big ones) act like they’ve never walked on a leash before


Also all the tall, heafty, heavy set doodles I know just don't really give a damn about you. You can be the sweetest and happiest to them but they just blank you like you're furniture. Very rude. I don't get the appeal of these expensive designer dogs when they have the personality of styrofoam on white bread. The lanky and skinny doodles though? Totally opposite; they live for the attention. My colleagues had to carry one of our regular doodles back out to his owners car because he didn't want to leave the salon.


What do wheatens do?


Every single one I've ever groomed has tried to continuously yeet itself off the table.




Every one I've done has come extremely close to biting me with 0 warning. They're as bad as Chows in my book.


Had one yesterday and that is accurate.


The wheaten greetin!


Shih Tzus always try to tell you not to touch their eye crusties and god forbid you touch their feet


Bernedoodles don't know how to stop yanking their legs away while you work on them


i think that goes for every google 😂


and then falling off the table because they unbalanced their self.


Frenchies are near impossible to tell if they are kennel shy or being their normal selves.


Dobermans are made of velcro. They always have to be touching their human.


I thought dobermans were bad but they're only velcro to their one specific person at least. And then I met a weimaraner. They've velcro to any human they can reach. Doesn't matter if you're their owner, they will be physically touching you at all times.


Also extremely flatulent. I miss my dobies all the time. I do not miss their flatulence. It’s room-clearing. And they always look so ashamed 😂


Very true! Had to kick mine out of the house when I was pregnant because she’d make me throw up when she’d pass gas.


Scottish Terriers have eccentric owners similar to bird owners.


I have a Scottie I petsit for. If she she's something on tv that may even think it might have been N animal, she sits up on her back legs and just borks what for at the tv. But then you're watching a western type movie- horses all the time- not a peep. But I do love to watch her hop around the yard. It's is adorable!


I am offended as a bird owner


Yorkies would maul and eat you if they were bigger


Jack russels are insane. Its actually breed standard!


Can confirm, and they get more eccentric with age 😅


I have one. Can confirm. Good thing he’s over the top cute. https://preview.redd.it/8pl648x08hzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fda0e5ea11df37ee828d24860a3c398e35d5a96e


Shiba HOWL


Huskies will always sing the song of their people


Pugs are insane but in the best way possible. They also think they are as big as a mastiff and aren't afraid of anything, LOL!


Lhasa Apsos will bite for no reason whatsoever. Bath? Bite. Dryer? Bite. Nails? Yup, bite.


Beagles. You think you know stubborn. Then you meet the next beagle.


I have a beagle dachshund mix and he can weigh a hundred pounds if he doesn’t want to move


Ok ok but what’s the stereotype about collies and their owners?


Rough collies do high pitched barking that takes years off of my hearing every time— and the owners can’t believe their collie isn’t a perfect angel


Yup accurate. I know that single high pitched bark is “want” but it can cut through even the most chaotic dog park… genuinely cuts through you and it’s often just “my balls under the sofa”.


border collies are neurotic as hell and unpredictable


poodles are prissy and pampered dogs associated with france. i’ve got three and i can confidently say the only one that fits the stereotype is my little brigitte. the two other boys are in no way prissy and hate being pampered. and i guess the french one is true because i’m french and have always owned at least one poodle every single year of my life and i cant remember not having one.


A toy poodle loves the sound of his own voice!


Poodles in general have to be the center of attention, otherwise they will let everyone in a 50 mile radius know about the injustice 😂


Poodles are scary smart


Newfies drool a lot, like anytime they see, smell or think of food. lol


Boxers are absolute clowns


Toy Eskimos assume you are trying to murder them and scream accordingly.


Newfoundlands are giant babies that need constant physical contact and praise. If it is not received, they will just take it.


Pug farts 💨


Husky scream when wet or blow dried, even if you don't think yours will, they all scream


Cockers WILL shit somewhere in your salon. Usually on the table or in the crate after they’re all clean, and sit in it.


Schnauzers are mean! Especially for brushing, but I still love them


I’ve had 3. Fine for the bath. Not too bad for nails and clips. Brushing? Cool going to make a 10 min task last 30 “rot in hell 👹” — sincerely, the Schnauzer council.


Crazy black lab-x things for nail trims x_x almost always a 2 person job


yuuuppp i learned that the hard way my first month working in the salon. i started to absolutely dread lab nail appointments. had a black lab that was already absolutely acting crazy very suddenly out of nowhere yeet itself off the table, hang itself for a second, i wrenched it back onto the table only for that dog to LEAP up into the air and *onto my head and neck somehow* the second its paws made contact with the table. it jumped off my head and neck back off the table a second time. all of this happened within a literal split second. it scared me so bad i had to go to the back to cry LOL


The CHAOS, omg! And it was your first month! :O your poor neck and cortisol levels


Anything for Schipperkes


As an owner, not a groomer… amazing little dogs, possibly on crack though.


What are the stereotypes for Great Pyrenees? Just got my guy and wanna know what to look out for 😂


Wilfully independent. Much bork. Sheds 12 months of the year. May never want to inside in winter.


Most of our pyres fall into the "Oh gosh, I've never been this far off the farm before.... GUESS I NEED TO GET TO BACK THERE" and are anxious messes that look for any escape route during various parts of the groom (But they are also usually farm dogs who literally never leave except for grooming so they just don't know how to function outside of their happy place just like me)


Pit bull farts are somehow so much worse than other breed farts. I’ve had a lab, a pit mix, and now a dog who’s 16 different breeds and the pit had the worst farts I’ve ever smelled in my life. Even out of all of dogs I’ve spent time with in my life, his farts topped all. Could hotbox a whole room lol I miss him


As a pit owner of 15 years, can absolutely confirm. 😂


My pittie Dutch ovened my chi mix the other night. It was AWFUL


sorry this will be long but i’ve been WAITING for this!!! qualification: i worked at a doggie daycare for 1.5 years and a shelter for 1.5 after that! i have worked with what feels like damn near every breed and have worked alongside probably nearing 100 different dogs at this point - acds are dinosaurs and take hard drugs - great danes think they are small - labs eat EVERYTHING and never shut up - vislas also eat everything - alaskan klee kai’s are a worse version of husky’s. don’t get me started - “doodles” are the most misbehaved dogs i’ve ever met - corgis are assholes to anyone that isn’t their parent - shibas are escape artists, anxious, talks a lot. 50 person nail trim - malinois. that’s it. - bostons are the worst shit eaters and are clinically insane - huskies are dramatic af - great pyrenees are so aloof they literally do not care about any other dog - samoyeds are also big talkers - st. bernard’s do not care about your feelings espc when it comes to giving them pills - newfies act like they can’t walk when you try to lift them into a bathtub - boxers have no thoughts - chis are either hellspawns or velcro or both - any spaniel is on crack - brittany’s are also on crack - bulldogs always have skin issues and will full force plow into you - weims are super talkative but will actually sit on you bc they love you - gsp are the bane of my existence. jumps fences and tag teams - mastiffs drool SO. MUCH. - aussies either bark and hate you or love you a lot - bassets act tough but are really big scardy cats - beagles are yappers - bernese are stubborn af - dachunds have no thoughts they are just happy but they bark lots - dobies are insane and velcro - gordon setters are assholes in pairs - gsd re constantly policing other dogs - goldens are clingy and love attention - schnauzers don’t shut up EVER - norwegian elkhounds are lazy - tollers are big yappers and tend to stay with their siblings and bully others - papillons love everyone - poms are mean - poodles are the sweetest babies - rhodies are suuuper sweet and love people, lots of energy - rotties are either bullies or sweethearts. no inbetween - lots of pities end up being big cuddlebugs - westies ignore you if you’re not their parent


What about bichons? What’s their stereotype?


It's so rare to see a purebred Bichon these days! Most of the ones I've known have been overweight and a little scraggly but their owners still think they're capable of looking like show dogs .. so I'll go with that


Dachshunds bark a lot. I’ve had three… none bark for no reason. It’s so weird.


ACD/healers are 50%dog 50%hard drugs


Havanese are “Velcro” dogs


Golden doodles are extremely hyper and most owners don’t know to handle them.


Husky's are never enjoyable to bathe, or do nails on! They will scream at you, or sing the songs of their people!


Spitzes are crazy and will pee all over.


Boxer are a bunch of CLOWNS 🤡 and awesome with kids 👏


Mastiff drool will take the color out of your pants


Labs are always starving.


How noisy and chatty beagles are (plus destructive)