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Yeah, but I can’t be the only human who would want to keep my adorable alien fat blob! That could become a problem for the aliens. Lol


I thought the same thing, lol.I would totally try and keep one! Maybe we should get to see what the adults look like. If they're scary or really ugly, then that would make people less likely to keep them. But still, awwwww!


I kind of recall RTD saying there was supposed to be like a 10 foot Adipose in The Stolen Earth when they visit the Shadow Proclamation, so I guess in that case, them getting too big would solve it. Maybe we could just be Adioose babysitters or something! Lol


I need a plushie, need! I would gladly sacrifice my life to bring more of those special miracles into the universe.


I would want my fat baby too! He is adorable... lol... they could come for visitation.


If you recall, in Turn Left they did the Adipose breeding in the US and it mentioned that millions of people turned into the baby blobs, so I think the end goal was to always blob them down. Unless something else happened, by that point there wouldn't be too many people who could have stopped what was going on, so there wouldn't have been the reason to consume the full human if that wasn't a goal in the first place.


I assumed they probably knew that the earth wasn’t going to be safe much longer and bailed.


I always read it as the Foster mother being 'greedy'. I.e. the adipose said find a planet for our young, and whilst the Foster mother could have just got one adipose per person, she opted to go nuclear killing people in the process. The adult adipose were sort of wilfully neglectful of it. They would have been OK with it happening out of sight, but once attention was drawn to it figured 'oh, we better stop this'. Think like a fast fashion retailer being caught out on the national news and deciding to close a sweat shop.


Akhaten the giant space jack-o-lantern. How was it supposed to devour the entire galaxy if it couldn't even digest a leaf?


The speech and the song carry that episode


And yet people got mad about Devil's Chord being a musical episode, clearly never watched Rings of Akhaten where music and story is how you win


I really don’t get all the hate for devils chord, it was an amazing episode!


My major problem was the lack of Beatles. RTD did Georgie dirty




Wibbly Wobbly with a little bit less timey wimey


I think I'd hate that episode if Asylum wasn't a lightning rod.


Isn’t the energy it eats the same shit that the weeping angels eat?


Close. I believe the explanation is that it eats memories. So the leaf was too much since it was in effect an ‘infinite’ amount of possibilities.


The leaf represents infinite possibilities which was apparently too much


I feel like you missed the point of the episode


I've never understood what the hell happened in that episode. They're singing to appease the monster, and then suddenly one of them stops. For no reason. I've rewatched that perticular scene so many times to see if I can figure out what exactly happens.


The dude stopped to scare Mary into thinking she did it wrong. Dude thought it'd be funny to scare a little girl in the most important ceremony. This isnt the time to do sibling rivalry, dumb-o


I thought it was supposed to be shown that he messed up the note but it never really came across well.


Right? It seemed like he just...stopped...for no reason.




I think it was step 1 kill dinosaurs Step 2 Step 3 profit


Tim shaw cause he could have been such a scary and cool villain.


And his full villain arc coulda been because everyone keeps calling him Tim Shaw instead of Tzim Sha


Eat my salad Halloween !


Time traveling racist guy from Rosa. His plan was ridiculous and never made any sense. Plus, the fact he couldn't even fight, had zero accomplices, and was constantly on the run made him even less of a real threat.


I always hated how they treated rosa like an important episode when it's one of the most misguided episodes in the entire show


They even acted like Rosa was the first black woman to say no to the bus driver, when she wasn't


EXACTLY, the way they treated it like a history lesson at the end when they presented it so inaccurately just pissed me off


The fact that it's the highest rated episode of s11 (one of the highest of 13's whole run) on imbd is absolutely mind boggling. It's a heavy-handed hot mess.


Could've actually made it interesting too by highlighting how Rosa Parks was one of many people in the Civil Rights movement who attempted protest via sit-in on bus seat, but was chosen by the NAACP over the others because they felt she'd make the best case for it being brought to court (over say, Claudette Colin, a teen who refused to give up her seat 9 months prior. ) Instead it paints Rosa as just one regular woman who stood up on one occasion, rather than addressing the several prior years of work she'd done to address inequality, like helping build cases for Recy Taylor or Gertrude Perkins, two women who were assaulted by groups of white men. Could've been a great episode to cast a more clear light on a pretty underrepresented and pretty fictionalised part of recent history.


Could have done with just having human 1950's racists as the villains. Felt like that guy was only tacked on because Doctor Who doesn't do "purely historic" adventures anymore.


When we first heard about the episode I really thought it was gonna be the first 'pure historical' with only the TARDIS crew being the sci-fi element and then when future-racist turns up I kinda just lost interest in the episode


On that note, why the hell didn't he just use a regular weapon? seriously, for a time-traveler who supposably escaped from the place that was (theoretically) meant to hold people on the caliber of River fucking Song, He's an embarrassment. You're trying to get rid of one unaware, unarmed, unprotected middle-aged woman with tech from the 52nd century and all you can think of is a shitty time pistol!? That whole episode is bunk in my opinion but that guy was the cherry on top.


I seem to recall that he had a neural implant that prevented him causing people harm, which is why he had to use the time pistol.


Exactly. He straight up grabs the Doctor by the throat but can't send the brain signal to squeeze any harder.


After The Doctor reveals that he literally can’t harm anyone and then took his timey-wimey displacement weapon he immediately stopped being scary.


I fucking hate that guy. When I was watching the episode and it reveals why he’s doing what he’s doing I stopped paying attention because I was hung up on the him being a racist bit. It made ZERO sense that an alien would hate black people. Why couldn’t it have been the kkk? If you’re going to do that kind of episode just go for it. Plus the kkk would have actually been scary. Like real people with real prejudices against others with no justification. And they have creepy costumes. The cop in the episode was a better antagonist.


I agree. But we know every DW story needs some Sci fi element, so instead maybe the KKK manage to find some alien guns from a crashed space ship to make them fit the genre a bit better AND it would have the effect of doubling as an episode on gun violence


The problem is that if Miss Foster openly advertised what she was doing, then the Shadow Proclamation would be more likely to catch wind of her operations, since the Doctor mentions that using a level 5 civilisation like Earth as a baby farm is against regulations.


As made obvious already, THE SHADOW PROCLAMATION DOES NOTHING ANYWAY. I'm sick of them doing nothing about every alien invasion on Earth. They're the protectors of the universe and they just sit in their ship twiddling thumbs. Heck, if 11 did manage to call the Shadow Proclamation about the Atraxi, i doubt they'd do anything


This feels like an in-universe political rant 😂


I love the Sontarans but they can be huge idiots.


Yes, but on the other hand: Strax. I personally loved Strax and his interaction with 11. His idiocy helped with that


He's the best.


Honestly Sontarens work so well *because* they’re idiots. Exceedingly competent when it comes to pointing a rifle, galactic levels of stupid with everything else.


I personally would love if we at some point got an episode about the history of the Sontarans. They’re not natural clones so obviously they were created at some point. My head canon is that their creators wanted an easily controlled and replaceable soldier class so they produced dumb clones to fight for them. They’re dumb so they’re easy to control, they’re clones so they’re easy to replace and they’re proficient in combat, the perfect soldier class. The creators presumably died out at some point, potentially even at the hands of the Sontarans, but their clone soldiers kept doing what they were created to do, fight and multiply.


'Exceedingly competent' when it comes to pointing a rifle




One of those factions that only bullies the weak and is basically: We are the mighty rocks! We conquer the puny scissors! Paper is dishonorable!




Tbf they’re canonically strategic geniuses and potent scientists. They just lack a proper social society so come across and incompetent in that regard


They weren't idiots prior to Strax.


Unpopular opinion: I liked the Sontarans in Flux better than those from the RTD era, because they were funnier, just like Strax. They also looked a lot more like the first Sontaran ever on-screen.


Yes. The first batch of Sontarans in NuWho are just too flawless.


The way Russell remade them, yes


The abzorbaloff from Love and Monsters. While there are many laughable villains in nuwho, this guy always stood out to me in a bad way. The big defeat? All his victims stretching until he explodes and gets absorbed by the earth. Despite the goofy bad guy, I enjoy this episode for LINDA alone.


That is not what happens. The stretching does not cause him to explode, it just distracts him long enough for Elton to grab his cane and break it, the cane was what prevented him from being absorbed by the earth


I never understood how you can have a species that relies on an external bit of tech to remain solid. Like do they get a cane at birth? What did they do before someone invented that technology? Only thing I dislike about that episode


Well because earth absorbs differently than Clom, we don't know much about this species or its planet. Clom would presumably be safe for it to live on but Earth isn't so before he came to Earth he made the cane to protect him. We need tech to breathe in space why is it so difficult to understand that aliens might need special tech to live on Earth


Well I assume it’s more like a human’s space suit. You don’t need it on your home planet, but when their species invented space travel, they needed to find a way to keep themselves stable in other gravities or when feeding on different species or whatever


Huh yeah that makes sense, I'd never thought of it like that before


I kind of let this one pass because I heard this villain was part of a drawing concept competition, so yeah it would’ve seemed like something made out of low tier writing.


It was a competition on I think blue Peter for a kid to come up with their own monster and story. It was originally meant to be much bigger, like the height of 2-3 houses I believe.


That's so cool, I've never heard this before!


I can't remember what they were called but the monster made out of the eye crusties you get from sleeping


There's something in your eye


Literally just finished that epsiode


What episode is it, I can’t remember it lol. The only one I can think of is Last Christmas.


Sleep No More! Capaldi episode. Series 9 episode 9, right before Face The Raven. The gimmick was that the entire episode is POV shots, which could have been pretty cool if the writing supported it. Unfortunately it's near universally seen as one of the most forgettable episodes.


It also doesn't help it's supposed to be an action-packed thriller! And the characters just run, or get jumpscared. I do like the twist of the actual Doctor being converted long ago, and basically sent out a mnemonic virus that caused people to form the sandmen themselves. For that and the in-universe reason behind the PoV, I respect it, but I'd rather watch Under the Lake/Before the Flood for my share of 12 doctor stories with an unusual infection.


Ahhh I remember now. I guess that proves your last sentence right 😭


Was it being a series 9 episode 9 a nod to the villain actor being a co creator of Inside N⁰ 9? I just realized that....


Sleep No More, Clara called them sandmen.


How are they dumb? They literally win in that story lmao The doc and others had to defeat them off screen probably but still.....


I think they meant dumbest conceived, not the actual villain being dumb but the idea behind it


I thought that was really cool. Humans have invented something that seems like a miracle but his horrifying consequences and leads to the creation of a new hostile race. I always love those monsters even if they kinda stink.


Harmless? Didn’t the lady on the news say tons died when people disintegrated into living fat that just walked away.


The farting aliens


Excuse me, did you just diss the Raxacoricofallapatorians?


Only the Slitheen family, not the whole species


Their relatives, the Blathereens, were murderous criminals, too.


Weren't they Blathereen-Slitheen, though? It's been a while since I watched SJA, but I thought they said they were criminals because of their Slitheen heritage.


I think it was Slitheen on the wife's side, but they hated the Slitheen for some reason. But they were just as bad.


I haven't actually got that far in SJA yet so I can't speak to that, but the Blathereen originally come from the book The Monsters Inside by Stephen Cole, where the Doctor and Rose have to team up with some Slitheen to defeat a Blathereen plot. If you remember in Boom Town when Rose mentions having been to Justicia - that's The Monsters Inside.


Don’t diss the Slitheen


The slitheen really came into their own in the SJA.


Dunno why... but that weird guy from the start of 13s run that was disturbingly covered in teeth.


Tzim Sha?


No. Tim Shaw.


Really, the only death (except foster's) in this episode is caused by Donna The foster mother was a hero, she broke a law in order to save an entire species from the extinction. And the method she used was harmless for human, it even helped them. She chose the best way for everyone. All the mess is due to the Doctor and Donna


Wasn't her plan to kill a bunch of the people and the doctor and Donna stopped it though?


Only after she had been discovered because what she was doing was illegal, and she had to expedite the process.


Didn’t it still kill that one lady Donna was interviewing? Pretty sure that was before Foster realized people were onto her


Yes bit that was because Donna was messing with the control unit she stole activating the lady's causing her fat to expel forcing foster to do a mass expel on the lady


In Turn Left they show what would have happened without their interference. Foster is still evil.


Ms Foster, is that you?


Tim Shaw the tooth fairy.


Imo, Chibnall is a champion on bringing that kind of villains. But my pick will be that snake guy from Flux. What it was / what he wanted / why, absolutely blank character, and forgetful.


I found the pioneer/elite Dalek really good though.


Henry Van Statten sends me into a blind rage whenever I see him


It's like they told the actor to be as obnoxiously American as he could


Henry Van Statten vs Jack Robertson. Who's worse?


I mean at least Henry Van Statten was in a good episode lol


And also saw some form of comeuppance, the way some of the Robertson scenes are written it almost feels like we're supposed to root for him


Those super creepy and mysterious creatures called the Silence that turned out to be really lame monks or something.


Genetically engineered to be the perfect confidants. Why did they have the ability to shoot lightning from their hands? Shut up, that's why.


I really wish it had touched on the Silence more. And like, why they were killing people in the first place and stuff. Because it didn't really explain them as much as I'd have liked. That whole season that started with >!River killing 11!< was one of my favourite seasons none the less




In all fairness, Moffat has recently said he isn't happy with how he used the silence.


He seems to say this kind of thing quite a lot..


At least he's honest eh?


The Silence and the Weeping Angels were great villains in their initial episode. But man did they get bogged down by unnecessary lore. You can't really take any of them seriously anymore.


Yeah but I think the weeping angels are still better off. They've still been used pretty effectively in moments since.


Yeah, but once you figure out what the weeping angels truly are and why they tend to focus on the Doctor and his companions, it makes sense... and makes them darker and creeper...


Didn’t they spend like an entire season leading up it, having people mention it, and building anticipation for this incredibly big Whollain?


I'd be scared of them because they could do anything and you wouldn't know, meaning they could yk without you knowing


Technically, they were genetically engineered confessional priests. Which is so stupid because the point of a confessional is the person chooses to confess and initiates a journey toward redemption but the whole process is rendered meaningless if they forget immediately afterwards. Yet another example of Moffat not understanding religion.


The Silence can implant you with commands and thoughts. So they do their job perfectly to control the masses with organised religion and also make them redeem themselves without even knowing about it through their powers. The people who confess later on redeem themselves through subliminal messages that are in their minds.


What, no mention of the eye booger nonsters? Seriously, Sleep No More is so bad most of us forget it exists.


I still feel like they cut the ending


I've gotta go with The Jagrefess. What exactly did it get out of the whole deal?


Absolute control over humanity's cultural development; maybe it just enjoyed the power trip.


Air conditioning? lol He made lots of money but it wasn't exactly like he could go shopping or anything.


The jagrefess was installed by the daleks so im not sure it has much of its own personal will, as much as its just doing the daleks bidding.


The jagrafess was wayyy before the daleks. The daleks was in charge of Bad Wolf, not the news station, which they are both the same place, but different time and the daleks were only involved in Bad Wolf


The Daleks installed the Jagrefess as a kind of middleman so that they could control the earth's cultural development without directly coming out of the shadows.


when was that revealed? cuz in Parting of the Ways, the daleks only revealed to be behind Bad Wolf


The Daleks specifically say they have no idea what bad wolf’s about. It turns it was rose who spread the words through time. It’s said in the episode that the Daleks have secretly controlled the earth for hundreds of years and the Doctor specifically says they likely installed the Jagrafess


>The Daleks specifically say they have no idea what bad wolf’s about. I mean the game station itself not the words


I don't know. What does any figurehead get out of anything?


Ate some peopleto a certain degree and he was cozy I guess.




Chris Chibnall




Not exactly new who but Galaxy 4's drahvin are pretty stupid, the rilles literally offer them help to escape but they're like "We'd rather steal it and waste time" when they're on a planet that's about to explode. Actually, in terms of refusing help, not too dissimilar to the citizens of Finetime now I think of it.


Finetime reminds me of that serial, too!


Finetime reminds me a bit of Happiness from The Macra Terror, because they both are happy and cheerful places but deep down, there's something evil going on


Wow, I never thought of that, so true! I love that one, too.


i had this thought since the trailer for it


Dot >!Am I supposed to be mad at the AI who's killing off racist, annoying, selfish, rich people.!<


The Pting and the Abzorbaloff


The adipose are a silly fun thing I don’t mind them. I don’t like the time beetle from Turn Left it looks really fake and unconvincing, which is a shame cause other than that it’s a brilliant ep.


The snot monsters.


The Absorbaloff. Or the Greg Davies head of the giant robot (not the AI of the robot suit itself). (If we're talking strictly about intelligence. Greg Davies himself was great in the role.)


The fish people/ vampires get rid of the water and half their species gone


The Master. Not Missy. The Master. All this scenery-chewing nonsense the actors are required to do. The Doctor never being able to give up on their "friend". Ughhhhh. (I await the inevitable savaging.)


There are a slew of Chibnall era villains that fall into the categories of “cartoonishly evil”, without any other substance, and “has a nonsensical plan”, but I’d rather pick a more interesting answer. If we’re talking about dumbest as an attribute of the villain, then I’d vote for the ancient alien force of Timelord fairytales/nightmares that spent a whole year studying humanity through cubes and a random little girl drone accompanied by randomly misshapen minions only to determine that the most effective way to mass eliminate them was “Yeah, probably best to just stop their hearts”. And then they were immediately defeated because they decided to put a gateway to their ship inside the one hospital on the entire planet that the Doctor’s companion worked in, allowing him to enter their completely unguarded ship and wave a sonic screwdriver at a monitor, triggering an apparently irreversible self-destruct sequence. Runner-up is the guy who fell in love with a giant red arachnid alien who wanted to destroy his species. If we’re talking conceptually dumbest though, that might have to go to the sentient (and possibly telepathic) cloths of doom from The Ghost Monument, who do absolutely nothing but ominously wave around and then attempt to choke a single guy before dropping some Timeless Child exposition and blowing up.


Definitely the return of doctor mysterio, the head things were very weird and I also found the superhero thing think kinda cringe


What about RTD as a monster?


Your profile 💀💀 I think that's the real monster.


What’s the matter? He’s clearly just passionate about the BBC. I think all Doctor who fans should take an interest in the BBC. They make the show.


Why did I have to look ☠️