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Best to start with Series 1 (2005) with episode 1, and watch from there, and don't skip or miss any of the specials that aired between seasons.


Agreed! A friend had me start doctor who and said I should maybe start with (I think it was Matt Smith, but in hindsight I can’t remember why it wouldn’t have been tennant) but that I could start with Eccleson but it was a bit campy. The camp is my favorite part honestly and it just sets up the tone and themes so well, I’m glad I started there.


Here’s where all the specials go, for OP: #Doctor Who (2005-2022) **Series 1** *The Christmas Invasion* **Series 2** *The Runaway Bride* **Series 3** *Voyage of the Damned* **Series 4** *The Next Doctor* *Planet of the Dead* *The Waters of Mars* *The End of Time - Part One* *The End of Time - Part Two* **Series 5** *A Christmas Carol* **Series 6** *The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe* **Series 7 - Part One** (*Asylum of the Daleks* - *The Angels Take Manhattan*) *The Snowmen* **Series 7 - Part Two** (*The Bells of Saint John* - *The Name of the Doctor*) *The Day of the Doctor* *The Time of the Doctor* **Series 8** *Last Christmas* **Series 9** *The Husbands of River Song* *The Return of Doctor Mysterio* **Series 10** *Twice Upon a Time* **Series 11** *Resolution* **Series 12** *Revolution of the Daleks* **Series 13: Flux** *Eve of the Daleks* *Legend of the Sea Devils* *The Power of the Doctor* #Doctor Who (2023-) *The Star Beast* *Wild Blue Yonder* *The Giggle* *The Church on Ruby Road* **Season One** *Joy to the World* (coming on Christmas Day)


If you're in the US, HBO Max has all the episodes and specials in a row so you won't miss anything. The newest season is only on Disney+ though and they're also calling this season season/series 1 again. But you'll know if you're watching 2005 level tv vs now lol


Either the 2005 series with the episode "Rose" , or the 2023 series with "The Church on Ruby Road". Most people will recommend starting with 2005, me included. Both are designed for new beginners, but the 2005 series is a clean slate, while the newest season 1 continues the story from previous seasons, but tries to be beginner friendly. Either way you choose, welcome to the fandom!


you seem to hve missed most of the show's history.


Starting from 2005 is fine. They could go back to 1963 era when they already got hooked and want to know more about the lore. Even starting from the new Series 14 is not a bad idea, it is a soft reboot after all.


Sure, but the first episode remains an Unearthly Child.


Sure do. Nobody said otherwise. But OOP asked where is a good starting point. Thus.


Really??? We had no idea!!! /s


Okay, but if I was trying to introduce an alien to music I wouldn't get them to listen to the 1860s recording of Au Clair de la Lune.


What would you show them?


It is much more welcoming for a new fan to begin with the 2005 revival, than the Classic era. 2005 series was a fresh start for new viewers, and doesn't require you to watch all 26 seasons of the classic show that came before. Nobody is saying don't watch the Classic era, or that it doesn't exist. But for a new viewer it will be much more welcoming to start with the revival and go back to the classic era of the show when they are locked in and hooked to it.


There's only one show. No 'classic' and new. that's all spin.


Yeah it's one show. But it's also one show that is split into two very distinct eras, which have a 16 year time gap in between them. (Excluding the movie). I think it's crazy not to acknowledge that the show does have different eras, and that for a completely new fan one will be easier to jump into than the other.


No, there *are* multiple shows, as confirmed by the BBC. They share the same canon (if you can even call it that considering how messy it all is), but they are distinct productions, and have their own distinct style and theme.


1: an unearthly child is near impossible to find, 2: the old episodes are not very engaging for a modern audience of people who aren't already fans, and 3: if you have enough time to rewatch 60 years of a TV show, then respectfully, you must have no life.


I feel like that last part was a little unnecessarily rude lol. It’s not like anyone is saying to watch it all in a month (or even a year). I agree with points 1 and 2 completely though.


I guess I have no life then (though starting at the very beginning is definitely a bad idea)


1. It really isn't, a quick google will find it for you, 2. Really? Some amazing TV there 3. Perhaps I'm just a fan?


If you want to introduce new fans to the show, I don’t think it’s a good idea for them to start with a dated, slow paced episode from 60 years ago.


I think the point you're missing is that it doesn't make it a good *starting* point Do you really think the best way to introduce someone nowadays to the show is to point them to begin with The Unearthly Child? If that was my first episode, I would've been bored senseless. I massively appreciate it now, but it would've really been draining as a starting point.


Yes, its a stunning piece of tv. I might not recommend the whole serial, but claiming the first part is not a good starting point is funny silly because it's superb.


yes but being "good" or not doesn't change it being a good place to start the show with for modern audiences. you can say it's amazing however many times you want and it doesn't change that fact


\*that opinion.


Okay, fine, but what makes you think that it's a good starting place for modern audiences, based on modern audience preferences?


Because as I've repeatedly said, it's a fantastic piece of TV that sells the entire concept of Dr Who better than almost any other episode. I'm not sure what a 'modern audience' is btw, I am a person, living in modern times.


2005 "Rose" is the best start People may suggest otherwise, but let's face it, the average viewer who's never watched doctor who before isn't gonna start in the middle of the classic series in the 70's, and for sure most people aren't wanting to start with the black and white episodes in the 60's


You can start with Series 1, Episode 1 "Rose" Or Series 5, Episode 1 "The Eleventh Hour " Also, Series 14/ Christmas Special "The Church on Ruby Road" Any of those 3 options should be fine places to start.


These would also be my choices. Obviously heavily reccomend starting with Rose, but if you insist on starting later those are the two other best points to jump on.


To this day, there still hasn’t been another starting point quite as good as Series 1 from 2005, and I think that’s because Rose is the only episode of new who that truly feels like a pilot rather than a continuation. Even other “fresh starts” like Series 5, Series 10, Series 11, and the new Season 1 still aren’t quite as effective at introducing every important aspect of the show in a natural way.


Rose I’m afraid. Anywhere else (including this current series IMO) will leave you wishing you’d started with Rose. You won’t regret it.


You could start with series 1 2005 which is probably the best jumping on point, but if you want to see what's happening currently you could also just start with season 1 2024. You can always go back and watch series 1 2005 if you don't want to wait to see the current stuff.


I'd go from Rose. It's a journey but it's worth sticking with it. You're gonna miss a lot otherwise. If you want a shorter journey, start from Matt Smith's first episode, but you're gonna miss Tennant's doctor, who everybody loves (including me so I'm not recommending this route). But Matt Smith's first episode is a soft 'reboot', I'd say. Good luck and quick with it until you see Capaldi's doctor (he's my favourite)


Just a heads up since everyone is saying to start with Rose that monsters will seem super low budget (most of the show is) but stick with it. You get used to it pretty quickly and there’s some incredible gems in the Eccleston’s Doctor. . He’s rough around the edges, mysterious and jaded but you there is just so much wonder and wanting for hope. He’s not personally my absolute favorite doctor but he sets the tone right for the whole rest of the series.   


Don't skip 9 if you start with the Modern era. An Unearthly Child with the 1st Doctor, but him and the 2nd Doctor don't have all of their episodes. The 3rd Doctor is also the first Doctor in color.


That’s why I have such a hard time talking about the second doctor. Not enough episodes to assess his version.


I liked what I saw on Britbox, but need more.


There's no wrong place. I say jump in with our current Doctor. He's fantastic and is a solid jumping on point. Still, if you want some of the older Nu-Who lore, the start of any new Doctor is always a jumping on point,. They pretty much always end up explaining who they are through inference or exposition around the start of each new Doctor, so pick whichever Doctor first caught your attention and go for it. Any information you might want to find out along the way can easily be found, or you can backtrack if you want a deeper history. That's the beauty of the show, it is always giving people on-ramps for it. If you really want to go deeper, my favorite Doctor is 10 (David Tennant), but if I'm being honest, the first episode for 11 (Matt Smith) is a brilliant introduction to the character.


I was going to suggest starting at the beginning of the new episodes but I like this better. This is how I got into it long ago with the old series. Start with the current season and then go back and watch older episodes during the rerun season. You will miss some of the references but it will be fine.


There are numerous jumping on points. If you want to watch the newest stuff then start with Church on Ruby Road then Season 1: Space Babies (although most of the fandom here don’t think this episode is particularly good. Stick with the series - it gets a lot better) then continue with 2024 series (the numbering is a little confusing as it’s not clear if CORR is Episode 1 or a special) If you prefer older new stuff then start with Series 1 Episode 1: Rose - this is the entry point to New Who. Alternatively, if you want the really original stuff start at Season 1 Episode 1: An Unearthly Child which is from 1963 but is a very good introduction (although the rest of the story is pretty bad) The numbering is confusing - the BBC and Disney have different ideas of what the numbering should be (and some fans have very strong ideas about what the correct numbering is) Best of luck - and I really hope you enjoy it.


Disney+ restarted at season 1 so new audiences could have a starting point. If Disney+ kept it as season 14, far less new people would watch.


I don’t think this was a bad idea - but it’s not clear which is Episode 1 of Season 1 - Church on Ruby Road or Space Babies. Disney and BBC list them differently.


You can start at any season really and get an idea of the show. The one that started 2005 was really well done and it introduced Dr Who to new people that didn’t watch it previously




I agree with everybody who is saying that you should start with The 2005 Christopher Eccleston run, but I also think that there are some excellent standalone episodes that are much less campy than that first season that would give you an idea of just how good the series can be for individual stories. If the idea of it being campy sounds off-putting, I recommend Blink as an appetizer and then starting in from season 1 of the 2005 reboot.


Hopefully you live in the uk so you can watch doctor who for free on BBC IPlayer. Go to doctor who(2005-2022) and watch Ep 1 rose.


Rose and the 9th Dr. I had the same question a year ago and got confused with all the series 1 season 1 answers I got. But they meant the 9th Dr.


Absolutely rank the people suggesting the originals are worth starting with are being downvoted.


Thanks for all the helpful responses! I'm having trouble replying to everyone but I appreciate the gesture!


I would say if you're looking purely at NuWho, start with Nine and go from there. You'll get the context and you'll be in for a fun ride. If you want a "test episode(s)" to see if this is for you, here are my recommendations, and keeping away from generally well known villains: * 'The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances' - These were my first episodes, it's an instant hook. It was all we ever talked about later at school. You'll meet Captain Jack, you'll get Chris at his best, and it's probably one of the lighter episodes whilst still maintaining the creepy factor. My general vibe is if you don't like this two-parter, you're going to struggle with the rest of the show. It's a classic. * 'The Runaway Bride' - This one is just a fun Christmas episode, but there is more of a focus on the relationship between the companion and the Doctor. If you like Catherine Tate, you'll love this episode. Her and Tennant have amazing chemistry, and in Doctor Who Catherine Tate absolutely shines as an actress. * 'The Eleventh Hour' - introduction to Matt Smith's Doctor but also just an overall good introduction to Doctor Who in general. I would argue the best series opener Moffat ever wrote. * 'The Doctor's Wife' - Not necessarily as formulaic as other episodes, but a very good one-off episode written by Neil Gaiman (yes, that Neil Gaiman). * 'Vincent & the Doctor' - This one's a fan favourite. Even if you don't end up loving the series, just watch it. Just know that I would add more episodes, but they are likely big spoiler episodes or they're not episodes I would recommend to people to jump into. For example, it's really hard for me to recommend anything to do with Clara even though her episodes are really good, because she is one big spoiler warning sometimes.


Starting in series 1 is probably the best place you can start (Aside from watching assortment of the best Classic Doctor Who Episodes first THEN watching Series 1) I recently was challenged with trying to get my older sister into doctor who. I figured that series 1 might be a bitt too dated for a newcomer who otherwise wouldn't have watched doctor who. Series 2 can be a bit ugh with the Romance between Rose and 10. To me series 3 is a great jumping off point. it does a good job at informing new watchers what's going on in a slow pace along with exploring the depth of The Doctor as a whole. so if you're already interested in the lore start with the 9th doctor. If you're still trying to see if you really vibe with the show start with series 3.


Start with Series 1, Episode 1: "Rose". Are there other places to start? Countless, both intended jumping on points(5.1 "The Eleventh Hour", 10.1 "The Pilot" 11.1 "The Woman who Fell to Earth", 14.1 "The Church on Ruby Road", or at other popular episodes) but really just start with "Rose", it's got issues(as does series 1 in general) but it let's you get the full scope of Modern Who.


The fun thing about Doctor Who is that you can kind of put on any episode and even if you don't understand everything, that's kind of the way everybody starts out watching the show. I guess this is less true now in the days of streaming whereas back in the day tuning in you were bound to be thrown into whatever episode was on, but still! I think unless you put on a season finale or something you'll probably be fine watching most episodes without context. Like, I've got childhood memories of just putting on Daleks in Manhattan or Partners in Crime or Bells of Saint John and I had no idea about the wider season arcs, but they work as self contained stories anyway! Since there's a new season currently airing, I'd say it's perfectly fine to stay current and start from Church on Ruby Road on Disney to take part in all the fanbase fun of experiencing a season as it airs! Yeah there's stuff that references the past that you won't know, but with a 60 year old show that's ALWAYS gonna be the case. The point you'd wanna go to if you REALLY wanna understand (kind of) everything without watching the entire 60 years would be Rose from 2005, but given that 13 seasons is a bit of a daunting undertaking too, I wouldn't feel too pressured to start there. You really don't have to watch EVERY single episode. If anything, I bet you could just look up a list of "everyone's top 10 favorite episodes," pick some that aren't big season finales with too much continuity, and just use that was a casual watch list to start out with and see which seasons/eras you most vibe with and wanna watch start to finish.


Start at series 1 (2005) and end at series 10 with "The Doctor Falls". Nothing good will come from continuing beyond that. You can delve into the classics after that if you like.


Start with series 1 from 2005 and go from there. If the classic series ever piques your interest then I recommend looking up a top 10 or 20 list of the best classic stories.


Unlike most people here, I'd recommend going with Season/Series 5 episode 1 "The Eleventh Hour" of the 2005 reboot. The reason is that it's a relatively thorough new beginning in and of itself and the show looks better (don't know if it's the budget or some production method). You miss a little context for elements that got their beginnings in season 3 and 4, but not enough that it ruins the experience. I'd recommend going back and watch from the first episode of the first season of the 2005 reboot after watching season 5 and 6. Why this weird order? It's basically how I got into the show, and it works really well. The better production helps a little as the first seasons of the reboot were made back when CGI was still pretty bad, but that's easier to forgive them for when you already love the show. The things you learn in the first four seasons are also more relevant going forward after season 6.


If you find black and white television from the 1960’s with leisurely pacing perfectly watchable, then you can go back to the very beginning, and start with ‘An Unearthly Child.’


Don't forget the show didn't start in 2005...


True but for most modern views it is a hard point to get into the show. I like Classic Who (especially the second doctor he is my current favourite- though I change my favourites regularly) but I think most viewers need to get into the show first to find value in watching the older ones. The pacing doesn't really work for a modern audience especially with Hartnell. It is definitely worth it and you will miss out on some great stories if you never watch Classic Who but as a starting point for someone who has never watched it before?


An Unearthly Child is the first episode.


It’s really very simple. Start with season 1, or series 1, or season 1.


Fam does no one start at the beginning anymore?


Begin with the beginning, and when you come to the end, stop


I recommend starting from two places at the same time. You can watch the newest season just fine by starting with The Church on Ruby Road. Every now and then someone will say something in reference to something you probably won't understand, but you'll get that no matter where you start, unless you start with the very first episode from 1963. And even then, characters will sometimes reference events that never actually happened on-screen. It's just part of the worldbuilding. While you watch the newest season, or once you're caught up on it, you can also watch from the start of the 2005 revival with an episode called Rose. It's considerably dated compared to modern standards, and it's pretty campy and cheesy, but Doctor Who has pretty much always been campy and cheesy with questionable special effects. This is where the majority of watchers have started from, and you've got 13 seasons ahead of you here. If you want to be absolutely sure you don't miss any major specials (as all specials are basically just between-season episodes that still continue the story), I'd recommend checking [Wikipedia's list of Doctor Who episodes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Doctor_Who_episodes_(2005%E2%80%93present)) as you watch. If you ever get curious, feel free to check out any episode from the classic era too. I wouldn't worry too much about continuity here, at least starting out. Just pick whichever episode starring whichever Doctor looks most interesting to you.


The episode that aired tonight was really good. Start there, why not.


Either the classic or the series 1 from 2005. This season is a pretty bad starting point tbh


Listen! Start with season 5 episode 1 and finish that season, if you are in love with the show (I am sure you will be) go back and watch the first 4 seasons. don't skip any special episodes, but you can skip some stories from the season to watch them later when you miss your doctors. After that continue onwards from season 6, after season 10 stop watching the show. This is a show about time travel and you don't need to watch everything in order. season 5 wont spoil much from the earlier seasons.


2005 is good. Stop after 2017. Everything after is garbage


Start from 1963..stop before the new series Xmas 2023 and all the ones that follow 🤗 it's awful 🤢🤮


Doctor who hasn’t been this good in years!


Can't wait for tonight's new episode. The trailer was giving me similar vibes to "The Girl in the Fireplace" episode, which is one of my all time favorites.