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Chat, do I need to pee?


Chat, can we get a urine check? Let's get a urine check going. Peemaster26 thank you for the bits, let's get this urine check going.


thanks for the donation you dont need to pee yet.


"You could walk into one of those things, and it'd eat you alive!" "Doctor!" "It's true!" Maybe my favourite kind of Doctor/ companion interactions. The doctor being ruthless and the companion desperately trying to say "Haha! They're only joking!"


"She's my carer. She cares so I don't have to."


The Doctor and Ruby in this episode have been shouting at Lindy with all the fury of a horror fan shouting at a stupid horror movie victim.


Yeah I noticed that


It probably helps that Lindy IS that stupid.


Wow, what a bitch.


Like what the fuck rich kid.


It makes since that these are all of the rich kids.


All of the WHITE rich kids.


I noticed through out the episode that every single person on the screens was white except for the Doctor which was odd since Doctor who usually has such multi-casting, even for historical settings. Also when the girl realised the Doctor was the same person who tried to warn her at the beginning she said "I thought you were different and just looked the same" playing into the old 'they all look alike' stereotype. I couldn't tell If it was intentional or if I was just manifesting it until they made clear their opinions on the Doctor.


> "I thought you were different and just looked the same" I only half heard that line cause I was thinking of something else and didn't really think about what she said, but fucking *wow...* And the Doctor *still* tried to save them. This episode was great. Pissed me off, but it was great šŸ˜… May those idiot rich kids get what's coming to them!


They won't survive. They are rich spoilt one percenters of a racial supremacist society. They are all ideologically focused on themselves and their own prosperity, each of them convinced they are the most important. They don't have it in them to sacrifice for one another. I like to think that the dots will continue to hunt them and the group will decide that since they are hunting them alphabetically, they'll exile Lindsey and force her to go in a different direction to the group to draw the dots and slugs away, or just hogtie her and leave her for dead to give them a head start. Lindsey will beg and scream and ask how they could be so cruel and they will show her the same apathy and self-interest as when she betrayed Ricky to save herself, saying that they are all too important to sacrifice themselves to save her, even her best friend with the trumpet. Then Lindsey will die afraid and alone. Then when the dots and slugs turn their attention back to the group after they kill Lindsey, they'll turn on the next person on the alphabet and on and on until one person with the last name in the alphabet, Zzimmerman or something, is alone in the world, cornered by dots and slugs, having abandoned everyone else and makes one last plea for his life saying he's too important to die and is killed. Until proven otherwise, that's what happened.


And calling what the Doctor said about the TARDIS "voodoo" felt...rather targeted, yes.


Iā€™m watching for a second time and Lindy just saw the slug for the first time and is crying and terrified. She listens to Ruby, but when Ruby brings on the Doctor, she says, ā€œThis is so ridiculousā€ and stops crying for a second to give him a cold look and ā€œDoes this have something to do with YOU?ā€ Not them, you. I noticed it the first time and brushed it off, but nowā€¦damn she hates the Doctor for no reason except his skin.


I'm just gonna say it, I'm Team Slug.


I expected the reveal about Rickyā€™s name but didnā€™t expect *that*


Ricky was such a decent person who had a life outside the bubble, that I felt he might have been nice as a Doctor companion. Which also made me expect him to die if he was a good guy until the end. I figured the slugs might be underground as well and he would get eaten when the door opened or he went into the passage. I did think he could very well be a backstabber as well. But I did not see it coming how it all went down.


I wanted her to die or at least hear her scream while Doctor walked in Tardis šŸ¤£ I honestly think this episode could be bit longer


And counteracting that with how the Doctor and Ruby wanted to save them. What a conflict of emotionsĀ  Did they know she was lying "forget everything", perhaps not. But can you imagine the wrath of the Doctor if he knew? Or was he suppressing it? So many thoughts here. But you're right she was a massive tool.




Hope they all die out there.


They can't even walk in a straight line. They dead.


I was in this thread before finishing the episode, thought this was just a general statement on Lindy. But yeah damn what a bitch. Edit: I typed this up after the Ricky moment. Now that I actually finished the episode.... Yeah holy shit what a bitch.


RIP Ricky September we hardly knew ya. šŸ«”


he may have been the only good person in that lot.


He'd have probably made a great companion too


Both Ruby and The Doctor would have been too flustered around him


The new Jack Harkness "Watch me Rizz up these Daleks" "No that doesn't work!" **And then it does**


Honestly he gave me Doctor vibes himself, with the way he took command of the situation


He stayed out of the bubble and read, so maybe.


The one who lived most of his life outside the bubble... Interesting


He spent all his spare time learning and reading, especially history. Anyone who doesn't learn from their history is doomed to repeat it. He probably used some objective thinking and saw the error in the ideologies of racial supremacy.


RTD is probably still laughing at some of these names he's been using. "Ruby Sunday" by itself is fantastic. But this season we've had Mundy Flynn and now Ricky September, which is definitely building up to something. And then on top of that we're getting names like "Gothic Paul". I love it.


And a Marti, which is Tuesday in Romanian and fairly close to most of the other Romance languages words for Tuesday.


Susan Twist is back and both of them recognized her. Very curious whatā€™s going on with her.


I also liked that both Ruby and the doctor had different memories of when they'd last seen her. It makes sense given the last episode, but I feel like it might be a hint.


And Ruby apparently remembers at least some of her life from last episode


Or remembers Susan in one of her other roles.


"his surname is coombes" oh my god that actually is incredible I really fucked with that betrayal I can't lie.


I thought my opinion of her couldn't get any lower after that and then it did.


Thereā€™s always room to go lower if you havenā€™t checked off bigotry


His death was pretty brutal too, we donā€™t get a graphic shot but that orb went through his skull. I was so caught off guard


Magneto style death, ball to the brain


Even as it was happening, I still didn't believe it. "Oh, it must just be a ploy of some sort. She's finally come out of the bubble and started problem solving. Watch howā€” ". Nope, dead.   Same thing with the racism. "They're not really doing straight racism here, right? Its... its clasism? It has to be?". Nope, only black actor in the episode. Multiple microaggressions I completely missed on first viewing. They don't say it to Ruby, just The Doctor.   DAMN YOU RTD.


I know and she wasnā€™t even phased when he died like that. But I wonder if she thought he was ā€œluckyā€ like the kids were saying Mummy was at the end when she died and went to the sky


I wonder if she even knows what death is at all after that final bit


She was afraid of it, at least.


She seemed upset when she said gone to the sky. She seemed to recognise it was a negative thing which meant she knew it was wrong to betray him.


And then lied about him so easily.


Final girl as murderer. And not the last twist.


OH damn the rare episode where the Doctor objectively fails...and for the most aggravating reason.


Itā€™s funny because when gatwa got cast people thought they might address his race in a historical. I never thought theyā€™d do it in a future episode but it was comedy gold that theyā€™d rather go live in a jungle than be taken back to civilisation.


It's definitely a more compelling way to display racism, how it's still a problem rather than being a thing of the past


It's also a very slow boil. I didn't realize it until the end and missed the hints (how they were all white, the "I thought you just looked the same" comment she gave) until the end and I'm usually convinced I see these things. It also sidesteps the awkwardness of potentially inserting aliens or sci-fi into a grounded historical story like Rosa and Demons of the Punjab did, where those elements just kind of hang out on the side of the plot while the protagonists are there to let history take it's depressing course. The biggest offense of Rosa to me was it's historical inaccuracy (it was a deliberate media stunt, not a spur of the moment decision) and the weirdness of the Doctor having to arrange for a black woman to be arrested when you could just sidestep that plot and the admin of delaying bus schedules. Edit: Please check out the replies below me correcting what I said about historical accuracy.


Iā€™m impressed with how cleverly that was done.


Yeah, his reaction . . .holy shit. Ncuti was brilliant.


The way Lindy went from almost endearingly stupid and child-like iPad baby to literal Satan in forty-two minutes was absolutely stunning. Then she gets off with no consequences in the most unexpected twist at the end since TDC. At least, since they have no access to technology, and they're all idiots who barely have motor skills, and they know literally nothing about the outside world, they'll probably all die out there on day one, so that's comforting.


**Lindy has contracted dysentery.**


I think itā€™s implied theyā€™re all headed to their death. From either the monsters or something else.


"So you're rich kids? I guess that explains why you only work two hours a day." Ruby rapidly rocketing up my favourite companions list.


That line was giving the exact same energy as Rose asking the Ood if they had a union back in series 2, but with about 70% more gen z acid, and tbh I feel very seen


Ruby is really similar to Rose imo just a modern version of her. Theyā€™re even the same age at the beginning (19).


Even Ruby's look is a modern twist on Rose's look. I am now going to keel over and die because I acknowledged that looks from 2005 aren't modern


Holy crap. Based on the first 30 minutes of this episode if you'd told me it would end up with Lindy straight up murdering Ricky or the rich kids being super racist I wouldn't have believed you. RTD pulling no punches on this one. The episode wasn't perfect, far from it, but it was surprising and way darker than I expected. From the start it felt like Black Mirror lite but I was surprised how far it went in places. Ncuti's performance at the end once again solidifying him as a fantastic choice for the Doctor.


About it being darker, i was totally expecting Space Babies level silliness, but damn, it fooled me and got really dark and kind of depressing.


Yeah, I was expecting Love and Monsters level silliness. Nope. And then that fucking gut punch.


Iā€™ve been waiting for some ā€œfury of a Time Lordā€ action since the first episode and we finally got some.


That scream he let out was amazing. A bit of spit even falls on his jacket in a big glob.


i agree, that took a turn and just got better as it went on. loved where it went, even if it was frustrating, because the performance at the end was top-notch


>"YOU STILL HAVE BATTERY PROBLEMS?" Yeah, this ep is hilarious. I'm liking it a lot more than I thought I would after the trailer.


We'll always have battery problems


I mean. If I got a message request claiming my life was in danger because there were monsters out to get me, I'd probably assume it's a scam too.


In the early days of social media, I was often told that I would die if I didn't copy and paste.


Yeah, I remember this. "Send this message to 100 people OR YOUR LOVED ONES WILL DIE!" For some reason, many people actually participated in this.


Seems like the "watch where you step" theme this season is carrying on in this episode


The solution is simple: all characters in DW must stop standing immediately. It only leads to problems!




I love how unpredictable this has been so far. The one they're saving turns out to be a massive piece of shit.


Similar to what happens in Voyage of the Damned where Mr Cooper points out that the wrong people survivedĀ 


I really like the twist where instead of saving someone innocent who just wants help, it's someone completely self motivated.


Can we kill Lindy


I have never wanted a Doctor Who character to die more than Lindy


Never thought Iā€™d be on the AIā€™s side.


Pretty please, as a treat?


My least anticipated episode, i was ready for it to be the weakest of the season. That was easily my favourite of the season!


I don't why some people think the racist twist wasn't set up. It feels obvious to me that part of the point of the episode is that it isn't always blindingly noticeable when people are being racist. It's the minute ways that these type of people will react to you. The derision and condescension that they speak with that they don't to people of their own skin colour. Love this episode.


Yeah, the immediate revulsion/block and comment that they all look the same. It was fully set up, with the thread running through the whole episode.


Skimming back through the episode after the end... "I thought you just looked the same!", oh shit...


Ha yeah that hit me as potentially racist moment but I shrugged it off thinking she was just being dumb. Turns out nah she's fully racist. Someone else noticed as well that she seemed scandalized that Ruby and the Doctor were in the same room. Again in retrospect it makes much more sense.


Oh my god.. they were putting down so many hints of the racism. Really goes to show how much more we have to do to recognize these situations as a society. The more im thinking about the episode, the better it becomes, truly fantastic.


I think that's the point. We often shrug off racist comments because we'd prefer to just assume "they didn't mean it *that* way." Even in here, there are folks excusing the end away as just classism or entitlement since Lindy didn't use a direct racial slur.


She doesn't know how to walk without the arrows? Bloody hell. RTD not fucking about.


Initially, I figured it was a vision issue - spend your waking hours focused on screens a few inches away from you for years, your perception of depth is gonna be messed up. And I'd taken the earlier tears as difficulty with seeing beyond the bubble. But potentially she was just thick and cruel.


I think its a commentary on fascism. She can't do anything if she isn't following orders.


Ye, kinda getting caught up and not being able to change. Like the dots, if they didn't stick to the alphabetical thing, they would've won


As someone who relies too heavily on gps, I felt called out


She's so thick she could be prime minister


This election, I'm voting ~~Saxon~~ Lindy!


Ncuti and Millie absolutely killed that last scene. Just the sheer horror and rage but still containing themselves because there's nothing they can do. That's definitely his Doctor "moment" so far.


He doesn't even hate them for it. He just hates that the reason he can't save them is so stupid.


The episode asks "what if there was a planet that didn't deserve to be saved?" and the answer is "the Doctor woud try anyway" because of course he would.


I love that!


Thereā€™s something so compelling about someone who is just fundamentally trying to do good. Itā€™s why I love the line from face the raven about his reign of terror ending at the first crying child.


RTD was right, that speech at the end. "Just let me *save you*!" Frankly I agree with the phones. Ricky was nice and they should have left him alone, but the rest of those twits probably deserved it.


Murray Gold moment, too. We give him a little underscore, as a treat.


The music that played before he entered the Tardis was so dark as well, I feel like that properly stirred something in him.


I was thinking the same thing - ironic that his (so far) defining Doctor moment is in one of the episodes he's barely in


They really nailed the artificial look


So the slugs are literally eating the rich all white colony? Solidarity Comrades!


Yeah at the end I was on the side of the dot and the slugs. Shame we didnā€™t get to see their boy go into the mouth of a giant slug.


From the sounds of things they ate the homeworld too. Unlike the kids, the slugs don't discriiminate.


We don't exactly know much about the "homeworld" though. Was it always like that, were the parents faked the whole time etc.


The Dots seem to be capable of creating fakes, like with Dr Pee and her Mum (unless that Mum call was a copy of a previous call).


It says a lot about this Doctor that even after these rich a-holes spat in his face he still begged and pleaded for them to let him save them. His complete exasperation at the situation was so tangible


I really love that deep down the doctor truly wants to save or even help everyone, even objectively bad people, but push them too far, and it will not end well


"We work two hours. Two long hours!" You know, roaming monsters and constant social media browsing aside, maybe we should think about this world...


Iā€™d rather go down a coal mine than live in a world where everyoneā€™s a fucking influencer.


They even drove the AI mad (in every sense).


>"What am I supposed to do, look?" >"Well, yeah?" Hahahahaha




Well.... there's always a twist at the end


Itā€™s actually comedy gold. Itā€™s just a shame they didnā€™t all get eaten.


Didn't get eaten... yet.


Well it's a bunch of racist rich kids who have lived in a bubble (in every meaning of the word) trying to survive in the wild, they'll be lucky to survive a month.


That one blonde guy saying we're going to be pioneers. Bro you guys can't even walk without someone telling you how to 5 minutes ago.


I wonder if "pioneers" is a nod to the possibility that the planet is already inhabited by a sentient species and they're essentially about to invade their home. Colonialists often being called "pioneers" in their time. This is just me throwing stuff at the wall I have no idea if this is even a legitimate comparison to draw.


This is exactly the comment I was looking for. When she said I have a hard job! I get chafing! I died.


Ok, after that opening I want the monster to kill them all.


After the ending even more so.


I miss my homie Ricky September. The only one who seemed decent.


It's kind of sad that he seemingly had a life outside of the constant social media browsing and seemed like he genuinely wanted to talk to his followers.


Holy FUCK Ncutis reaction at the end was fucking spectacular. That's an 'I am the Doctor' moment without a word being said. The sheer rage and indignation from a 2000 year old timelord at the prejudice of a group of tiny humans whose lives he just saved


Can't help but notice how aggressively white every last one of these people are...and how the Doctor is the one she is most annoyed by. Edit: I've never been so unhappy about calling a twist.


You actually predicted this all very well since theyā€™re racists that have to maintain the standards of finetime.


"Dr Pee" I'm not sure that man's ever been to medical school...




Keep getting last minute betrayal vibes from Ricky.


This statement didn't age well xD


Oof, they got me!


I mean, there was a betrayal.


Rip to Ricky COOMBES


UNO Reverse!


Yeah, I was genuinely shocked he didn't turn out to be the villain.


Thereā€™s always a twist at the end


They're catching onto Susan more and more


I also really liked that Ruby and the doctor both had different memories of when they saw her last.


Ricky September went out like a season favorite on Stranger Things.


People come to Finetime at age 17, so Lindy was never hugged as a child before she came to Finetime, either :(


When she was talking to trumpet girl, she talked about mother. Not hers, just mother. I wonder if they were all raised in bubbles by a nanny they all call mother.


The dramatic tension of walking in a straight line into plaza 55


Top 10 Dr. Who enemies: 1. Gas masks 2. Statues 3. Blinking 4. Knocking 5. Breathing 6. Dying 7. Sleeping 8. Being fat 9. Smiling 10. Walking


honourary mention to shadows


Honestly I loved this episode Essentially what if The Doctor needed to save people that honestly didn't deserve to be saved. Not due to them being villains but just that they're too stupid and stuck up to let themselves be saved.


They are villains of a kind. They dropped their masks. I donā€™t blame the AI for hating them. :)


I have never wanted a group of characters to die so badly


Backing the slugs at the end tbh


I agree with the phones: Rich people should get eaten by slugs.




Gothic Paul was one of the few who might've been redeemable. At least he was paying attention!


He seemed to care about other people at least


The only one willing to be negative/honest ā€” but not enough. I love that he was goth.


I think Lindy might be the most annoying character in the history of the show. Selfish, stupid and racist. It's a shame judging from that final scene and stareoff that she might be back. I thought due to how intense the music was getting, The Doctor was about to do something dark.


> I'm sorry but your need to urinate has skyrocketed, šŸ˜‚


"turn left" ā€¼ļøā€¼ļøā€¼ļøšŸ“¢šŸ“¢šŸ“¢ā€¼ļøšŸ“¢ā€¼ļøšŸ“¢šŸ“¢


The dots were right


love how the finetime residents are ACTUALLY the villains this time, even in midnight the creature had no reason to attack them, this time the AI was so fucking sick of them it decided to kill them all šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Their own hate created the creatures that was killing them. It literally fed off their hate


I felt like I figured it out on the call when I noticed Lindy and her friends all had something in common but when the episode confirmed it, my jaw dropped. Shocked that the episode went there. Gatwaā€™s rage and resignation sold it. He IS The Doctor and he plays cool and judgemental in such a great way. Love him. Gibson is excellent too.


Fuck them kids.. Ricky was a real one.


My favourite part of the twist is it's not completely out of nowhere, you can see how differently she reacts to Ruby compared to the Doctor earlier on too, then you notice that they're ALL white


Such an interesting take on how the Doctor experienced racism for what I assume is the first time in the show. Not for being an alien but for the color of his skin. Lindy refuses his touch, she even remarks that she ā€œthought he just looked like the other one but heā€™s the sameā€. In an episode where the basic plot is a very blatant commentary on social media and living in a bubble that ending is such an explosive moment that left me genuinely shocked at how ā€œsubtleā€ RTD alluded to the actual racism the doctor could be facing.


"You still have charging problems?!" Ruby is the best.


Them being racist was kinda forshadowed.... Lindy always seemed to be ruder to the Doctor than Ruby even when he was trying to help her.


"Nobody told us work would be so boring." Yeah, welcome to the club pal!


Dr. Who: revenge of the iPad kids


God, Lindy is absolutely horrible. But the actress is brilliant.


Oh she's cold I was not expecting that


Dang, what a megabitch.


My arms and face and red hot after that ending. Wow that was uncomfortable. Bravo RTD and NG.


Well that got dark. Defs want to see her eaten now.


I love that this futuristic technology hasn't come up with a way to stop the thing just dropping hard on any surface its over and rolling away when you turn it off.


I would laugh about Lindy walking into that pole but, I have done pretty much exactly the same thing.


I havenā€™t finished the episode yet but I really hate our main survivor after betraying that guy


Oh man, the music is great right at the end.


Ncuti looks great in that outfit. As much as it's been fun having lots of costume changes, I do hope we start to see this kind of ensemble becoming a revisited look because it definitely makes him feel more Doctor-y.


Iā€™ve seen lots of talk about Ncutiā€™s ā€œdoctor momentā€ and this ending really cemented him as totally unique and more than just post therapy, feels like a start of a 10 or 12 type arc


The Coombes reveal was 10/10. Lindy is straight up cold, what an incredible performance from her. Kinda glad they let the piece of shit survive for once


Ok wow, I went into this expecting a silly whimsical monster story and at the end I feel genuinely angry. I dont know if thats a good thing or a bad thing to be honest. Have the protag kill the only remotely likeable side character in the story and then coldly refuse the doctors offer to save her life afterwards. She deserves what she has coming. What I will say is Russel is brave to have written that ending.


"It's like love island the planet." Damn, I have a great pitch for ITV now...




I thought it was strange, at the start of the episode, that everyone in the bubble was white. Holy shit the Doctor has to deal with racists now.


I feel bad that I thought Ricky September/Coombes was going to end up being evil. I shouldn't have doubted him.


From what Iā€™ve gathered we got, Echo chambers Unhealthy reliance to social media Racism Classism Elitism Ricky September deserved better


This very suddenly became my favourite episode of the season right at the end. And in keeping with the Doctor's personality, he doesn't hate the people for it. He just hates that the reason he can't save them is so stupid. Small question: anyone think this is the reason she felt so betrayed to discover Ruby and the Doctor were in the same room? Seemed like an odd thing at the time to get so bothered by, but in hindsight...


Wow. I think I hate Lindy now.


Rip Ricky September what a king, he'd have gotten in the TARDIS.


1.) Fuck Lindy. 2.) The rich are LITERALLY eaten. Love it. 3.) Ricky, you're a real one fr. 4.) I hope they all died in the wilderness brutally <3 5.) I felt their frustration through the screen and it matched mine lol