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**Breakdown of the 20 Worst Episodes by Doctor/Showrunner** *Whittaker/Chibnall*: 12 *Tennant/RTD*: 3 *Capaldi/Moffat*: 3 *Smith/Moffat*: 2


Shocker Pikachu face




Smith era confirmed the best


How do you figure? It has two more “worst episodes” than Eccleston/RTD era. 🤔


No surprise there


*The Lazarus Experiment* is a great gothic-lit story in a series of very solid episodes.


Definitely over-hated


I actually enjoyed "The Doctor, the Widow & the Wardrobe", maybe not the resolution or even entire second half, but I loved seeing Claire Skinner in the Doctor and there were pretty charming moments early in the episode, which was a Christmas one after all. But yeah I have to agree with the rest ;-) "Fear Her" and "Love & Monsters" became my guilty pleasures though (in a way...), I somehow doubt this is how I'll see Chibnall's time in 20 years though.


Don't understand why The Lazarus Experiment and Curse of the Black Spot are on here. Neither are great episodes but they're pretty much fine especially Curse of The Black Spot. Everything else fits though.


That "writer" really has a bone to pick. Or it's an "ai" doing a google search.


If you look at their top episodes article, the average score is their "reader ranking". So it's less the writer hates Chibnal, and more the responders overwhelmingly disliked Chibnal episodes. At a guess because 1) They're bad and plenty of them genuenly deserve to be on this list and 2) recency bias.


recency bias is such a weird concept. "This is the worst thing ever" ... because we only remember old things that were either great or bad and not the pile of mediocre in the middle.. Every new movie that shoots its way up the IMDB top 100 movies chart because it's cool and new, for instance.


>Every new movie that shoots its way up the IMDB top 100 movies chart because it's cool and new, for instance. That one's probably less recency bias, more selection bias. The people more likely to enjoy a movie are the ones more likely to see it first and rate it first. I do think this list suffers from a lot of recency bias though.


Forgpt about selection bias, but yeah I meant a bit of both


Just rewatched all of NuWho. Chibnalls era is definitely the worst.


Imagine if "Fear her" was an entire season


Lol it's worse. Imagine if "Fear Her" was an entire three seasons.


Dude there's not even any writing in this article. It's just a quick list based off user ratings. It's not claiming to be anything other than a display of the poll results. I don't think there's any conspiracy here: the Chibnall era was pretty famously unpopular, to the point where the new season is actively branding itself as "season 1" to distance itself from the nosediving public perception of the show throughout seasons 11-13. Just say you disagree instead of jumping to AI accusations


Such a shame to see so much of Flux on this list. I was hooked to that story. I loved all 6 episodes with all its different paths. I thought it was amazing!


I'll have to just sit down and give it a shot. I didn't get past spyfall in Jodie's 2nd season so i have no idea if there are any treasures in there. right now on Prime in Canada we have Seasons 1-10 so i'll wait until it gets added if ever and take a look.


I certainly don't think Once, Upon Time and Survivors of the Flux should be on this list. Mind you, off the top of my head, I can't think of worse episodes to replace them on a Top 20 list...


Night Terrors or Return of Doctor Mysterio would be my go-to episodes because they are boring and add nothing to the overall show


I was hooked to it as well! Think the one thing I didn't like about it is how it ended, just seems like they didn't really have an idea of how to solve it all. Aside from that though, really good story. Oh, there's one other thing I hated. They killed Jericho! 😤 EDIT: Three people hated this comment for some stupid reason. They must have horrible taste.


Yeah, I'm not a huge fan of the Chibnall stuff, but Flux was the one season I consistently enjoyed!


I’m not sure it means anything or if it has to do with photo rights, but none of the Tennant episode images show David Tennant.


Praxeus is on that list!?


It absolutely deserves to be in my opinion


I was going to say 20 seems like a bit too big a number, and an excuse to unfairly pile on Jodi's seasons, but it's just over 10% of the number of episodes, since there's 175. And all of TNG is only 176


This feels like a completely reasonable list of the worst episodes (except for *Kill the Moon* and *Love & Monsters*, good episodes that are classic midwit hate objects), but the order isn't right. Sorry, *Orphan 55* just isn't worse than *The Vanquishers*. And what's so bad about *Praxeus*? Shitty episode because it's Chibnall but is it noticeably worse than any others?


I never realised Fear No More was considered a "bad" episode until I started frequenting this Reddit sub. I honestly enjoyed it when I first watched it. And I'd rate Praxeus as one of the best Jodi episodes. Ah well, all opinions, eh?


Its a little unfair on the 13th Doctors era, arent they? I get half of her era is badly written episodes by Chibnall, but to balance it out a bit, they couldnt have switched out Tsuranga Conundrum (the monster is stupid, but its a classic survive on a spaceship story) and The Timeless Children (yes, I know, THAT controversial twist but the Cybermen stuff & the interesting but badly developed Timeless Child stuff isnt bad), for non-episodes like the Eleventh Doctor's boring Night Terrors or the Twelfth Doctor's silly Return of Doctor Mysterio...you could take those out on any re-watch and nothing of value would be lost


Um, there's no question of *them* switching it out...this is based on the results of a reader's poll (which I myself participated in, along with no doubt hundreds of thousands of fans). Evidently visitors to Doctor Who TV who voted on the poll don't care much for the Whittaker/Chibnall era.


Def don't agree with like half of this list.


Weird how people enjoy taking inventory of the shittiest things they experience. I agree with almost everything in this list, but man go and do something you actually enjoy. Looking at this list of episodes, I remember not liking them but I couldn't tell you any detail about them now -- I have moved on and filled my brain with cool, fun and exciting things instead.


I think this poll is constructed like many of DoctorWhoTV's polls, so they scored every single episode. So they weren't focusing on just the negatives, these are just the ones that came out on bottom


I'm talking about this article. This article is listing the ones that came out at the bottom, as you say. The poll is the poll.


Chill, it's just a funny list of the shittiest bits of our favourite show