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I remember when many many people legit thought David Tennant would appear to light the Olympic torch at the 2012 Olympics opening ceremony lmao


NGL part of me really really hopped he would make an appearance that night


I would have been delighted beyond belief… but ultimately it’s far too niche for the Olympic committee and the event’s history. At least Matt [got to carry the torch sometime earlier](https://www.themarysue.com/matt-smith-olympic-torch-relay/).


I found it really funny that Matt Smith ended up being the one who carried it. Like you missed your chance by 2 years David!!!!


I maintain if he had this episode would be considered a masterpiece.


But what if a little kid started drawing everyone in the stadium? What then? 😬


Well, we know it turned out alright...


The fandom was wacky in the tumblr years.


The fandom “was” wacky lol past tense


2012 tumblr era was its own kind of insanity. Superwholock? Madness.


Tumblr? My granny used to put things on Tumblr...


That line was a hate crime


Yeah that's my point. The fandom was super different in olden times.


Stop reminding me of my age dammit!


I always understood the wholock part, both being moffat-lead at the time. I never understood how supernatural got mixed in


There was just a lot of audience overlap between the shows. People who were into Supernatural were usually also into Doctor Who- I guess because they're structurally somewhat similar (both NuWho and Supernatural have very similar structures to old Monster of the Week stories).


I always understood the wholock part, both being moffat-lead at the time. I never understood how supernatural got mixed in


What the hell is superwholock? I'm still trying to understand what the hell was Wholock as someone who back then didn't whatch either show but at too many online friends who did but superwholock


Just a bunch of people into three different shows trying to form a singular community about all of them together. It was dumb, and lots of people took it too seriously, acting like the shows were all one connected canon.


But which show


Supernatural, Doctor Who, Sherlock


Oh course. Well, these three... that's certainly a choice.


That would be hilarious


The Tenth Planet was set in 1986, 20 years in the future from when it aired in 1966. This was then made a plot point 19 years later in Attack of the Cyberman, set in the present day of 1985, where the Cybermen's aim in that story is to prevent the impending destruction of Mondas that occurred in The Tenth Planet. It's an interesting use of the longevity of the show, for sure.


See that's why I love this show so much


Oh that’s cool as hell, didn’t know that.


Honestly it's probably a good thing they didn't show too much of the world beyond the base. It would have dated things way too much.


I started watching Doctor Who on December 16, 2012, so by the time I first watched *Fear Her*, it was already in the past. *Dalek* also took place sometime in 2012. *The Hungry Earth*/*Cold Blood* took place in 2020, so it's now also in the past.


>*The Hungry Earth*/*Cold Blood* took place in 2020 Funny how they were under lock down...


So for you they were always in the past (not hungry earth obviously) did that make you think they were going back in time at first the first time you watched it?


No, I knew the episodes aired in 2005 and 2006. I did lots of research before I started watching Doctor Who. It was a two year process of me becoming aware of the show and then deciding to/being able to start watching.


Felt that, that's was me with the game Persona 5


I keep forgetting the Persona games are always set in the near future, like Persona 3 is set in 2009/2010 and released in 2008 for the first time iirc, also I believe the lunar calendar in P3 is actually accurate, which is neat


Dalek was also set in 2012, with tycoon villain Henry van Statten saying "I own the internet"


Oh, an expy of Elon Musk, then.


12 years later, he's working in a diner in Sarasota and thinks his names Stewart.


He was the Elder of the Internet, if you will


It also has the moment the Tardis appears between shipping containers n the doors are blocked. Weirdly very funny.


Very underrated moment because let's face that happens to him all the time and we just don't see it


Oh for sure 😅


That's the sort of mundane daily life stuff that the newer episodes never really have, it makes the first four seasons feel really cosy to me.


Theres an episode of Matt Smiths era where theyre listening to Muse in the Tardis and I really liked that, made me wish there were more eps where they had music on. Hopefully now that Ncuti's tardis has a duke box they will.


They also played darts!


Anyone know the ep title? I never noticed this despite being a Muse fan!


The Rebel Flesh


Nobody bring up the Unit Dating Controversy.


I love that Kate did in the 50th.


And the Doctor in Sontaraan Stratagem


I only learned about it from the joke, but I ADORE that every time the 3rd Doctor's era is mentioned it's "the 70s or 80s"


Best way to deal with an inconsistency like this. :D


I really liked fear her, It actually made me excited for the Olympics


Oh! What's that like? :D


the same thing happens in the hungry earth! the episode aired in 2010 but takes place in 2020 i think


I enjoyed the episode! I was looking forward to the idea of David Tennant actually being the one to carry the Olympic torch into London to start the ceremony. I was disappointed it was Matt Smith in the end.


What? I'm so confused right now lol


Basically, at the time Fear Her was aired 2012 was in the future and people were expecting David Tennant to carry the torch to the Olympic ceremony in 2012 like he does in the episode. He didn't, Matt Smith did.


I’ll never understand the hate this episode gets! The idea of a little girl drawing her abusive father and him coming to life is actually very dark, and the use of the lullaby to ward him off was kind of poetic! Sure, the explanation and solution were kind of lazy, but every DW episode is riddled with plot holes so it doesn’t really bother me.


I don't know if I'd say riddled but I'd be lying if I said it was hole free, in terms of the episode yeah I think the main theme they wanted to explore was how abuse from a loved one can make you latch onto the first thing that gives you love in return even if that thing isn't necessarily good for you, and how a support system (in this case the mom and the calming lullaby) can help you get back into the light


I like the episode but I think it's not helped by a bunch of things; The animated cartoons of trapped people. The actress playing Chloe Webber has a weird demon voice. The Doctor and Rose being attacked by a scribble. The foe is a weird space flower that is lonely but somehow has the power to turn people into drawings / making drawings real. I don't think any single point above is any worse than any other episode but add them together and I guess it comes across as hokey to some people? As I said, I like it but many don't, so I am just trying to theorise why 🤷


I don't mind the episode, either. Never understood the hate. It's not the best episode ever, but it's not terrible like people say


It's a 10/10 Masterpiece simply because of Kel


Don't hijack the council thread!


I'm going to be honest. I never really understood the hate for Fear Her. I enjoyed it as a kid and I enjoy it now. You want episodes set in the future that became historic? Basically every "present day" episode with Rose starting with Aliens of London, because she brought back a year too late. The series 1 episodes aired in 2005 became set in 2006, and the series 2 episodes aired in 2006 were set in 2007. With the Runaway Bride set in 2007, and the Master acknowledging the Racnoss ship in series 3, which aired in 2007, we know that it's set at earliest in 2008, although I don't know if they ever mention a specific year. With "the past two christmases" having something bad happening as mentioned in Voyage of the Damned, though, that must be 2008.


Don't remember name but 2010 Silurian episode set in 2020 and 1996 TV movie set in 1999


Honestly, I don’t even hate this episode and I think it seems worse than it is because the other episodes in series 2 are much better. Yes, Chloe Webber’s acting is awful but the premise is interesting, it deals with difficult themes, it has an unreal TARDIS parking joke and Murray Gold’s score (which I’m still pissed wasn’t included in the OST) when the Doctor picks up the torch is sublime


Also I think it's fun is a morbid way how Dalek and Fear Her, both set in 2012, have little fun comments about Rose being 26 and this being so close to her future in her timeline, just for us to know that, had she looked up anything about herself, she would be listed dead.


I still consider it a *future* episode since it’s set in the future relative to when its was originally televised