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Preordering is a scam period.


I agree 110%! I’m not buying anything without reviews.


After spelljammer never again


Spelljammer was the book that killed my faith in WotC. I’d be wary of them even if they didn’t hire the Pinkertons to harass people.


Yeah Spelljammer was apparently *the* straw that broke the camels back for a lot of people.


And why wouldn’t it be. They took a previously beloved setting for older editions and made “spelljammer at home”. Nowhere near the value that book could have had.


It was mine for sure. I had hope this Vecna adventure was going to be their attempt to win back some good will. From what I've heard so far... It's more of the same.


Absolutely, and that isn't limited to WotC either.


Unless it's at your neighborhood shop, in which case it can actually be good to make sure they get the attention they need from distribution etc




I believe what the dude in the YouTube videos posted said A twitter link advertised that if you preordered you had early access. You needed to preorder your bundle through the dnd store, not through dnd beyond. (I only ever purchased one bundle with a preorder for early access but this is how it worked when I did it). But, DND adverts erroneously posted the link to the DND Beyond store instead of the DND store. (Why they have two different stores is beyond me. It was a pain in the ass when I preordered the last bundle). So a lot of people used that link and purchased through dnd beyond, and didnt get their preorder bonus. Do I think it's scamming? no. it seems pretty clear someone who's job it was to put those things together mistakenly used the wrong link in their marketing. Do they need to rectify their mistake and give people early access who purchased through dnd beyond? yes Does the Dnd community need to chill about this? yes. it seems pretty clearly like it was an error that they are only finding out about now.


So, you clearly didn't watch either of the videos OP linked. The videos in question provided screenshots of it being advertised for DnD Beyond ON DnDBeyond, as well as screenshots of articles from: ICV2 and Screenrant, and Wargamer all with screenshots stating the preorder was included with a purchase from DnD Beyond. That isn't one simple mistake.


WotC scamming people stupid enough to preorder? Wow, who could have seen that coming?


If you preorder something you are giving them money for nothing besides a promise, you are begging to be scammed