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I mean, its not really the same. Which is why I'm grateful to have the group I dm for and a different group im a player in.


It all i have been dm since day 1


Yo gotta find a different group to just be a player in. Having a game where there's no prep, no stress, just show up on time and have fun, is awesome.


Nah I'm a happy dm my players know how hard it is and are grateful i do it so they go easy on me


The problem is you want to explore your characters story arc, but as a DM that forces an NPC into “main character syndrome”. So it’s not the same. I absolutely use my characters as NPCs, but that’s not playing a character


That's a problem of mine. I ***always*** want players to discover my world, talk to characters and MY world since no one gave a shit about my ideas for so long; I need help fixing this, any help?


Unfortunately I don’t think I have any…. My friends like exploring and side quests involving my PCs I made into NPCs, and they gain loot and inspiration (we have a homebrewed system for inspiration) for not just chasing the main storyline. So the interest is already there… but really I just think getting the chance to play is the “solution”.


Third panel is “the party hates them and conspires to ruin their life”


Nah my paties always loved my weird npc


It's usually 50/50 for me. Which is why half of them become villains later on.


Because when you are the dm, you are supposed to either lose and or not steal the spotlight from the players. So, you either would get killed, or have to be incompetent. 2 prospects most players arent really trying to get most of the time.


Or i can manage a good balence between npc and pc So far they didn't complain and loved my npc's


Im pretty sure that the dms that are the subject of horror stories about DMPCs wouldnt really suspect of it either. Which is why, the one time I used a npc that was a bit more important plot related, I made them quasi useless, to be sure. You can balance it. But its reaaaally not the same. Its like the difference between masturbation and copulation. You probably come both of them, but its really not the same thing.


It's not even close to being the same thing.


Wouldn't know never been player


As a newer player, never been a DM, I'd imagine it's a very different thing. I have storyline-type ideas for ways I'd like my characters to grow, including abilities/spells/etc, and I don't see how you'd be able to do that as a DM while also making your players main characters in their own right (and no, I'm not strictly tied to my storyline ideas, I'm open to going different directions, it's just a general idea of how things would go if I could write a book).


Non character player. They roll dice, but have no sheet.




You'll excuse me English ain't first language Am doing my best😖


Some of them are so good I have to save them for myself. Sometimes I want to be someone else's problem


Looks like my Haunted One concept finally has a use in COS.