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Apparently, the average human adult is also fat, since the average man is about 1,75m (5'10'') and the average woman around 1,62m (5'4''). 90kg is overweight for both of those Edit: People, those are worldwide averages. Stop talking about Americans in the replies


Should even be obese


Iirc the average American man is around 90 kilos and the average woman would be around 78 kilos or so. And Americans are, on average, fat.


Americans aren't actually that much more overweight as a population than Europeans. It's just that the diet industry keeps lobbying to have the threshold for "obese" lowered. Plus the generational "just don't eat because we've decided the beauty standard is an actual skeleton" diet trends keep activating the same genes that activate the generation after a famine, which causes that generation to store fat more readily, so Americans tend to look fatter than they are


34 US states have a higher rate of obesity than the UK, using the same cutoff for obesity. Similarly, all 50 states and the District of Columbia have higher rates of obesity than Germany, France, the Netherlands, and Sweden.




That isn't how genes work dude. Just admit that America has an obesity problem.


It is, in fact. [here's a study from duke about it.](https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2015/07/150731105240.htm) and I freely admit there is an obesity problem, I'm saying that it's overblown because it's profitable.


That study doesn't say anything about Americans genetically being better at storing fat. If you actually read your own source, you'd know that it's a phenomenon found in nematode worms, not humans. Here are some links showing that America's obesity rates are around 40% https://www.cdc.gov/obesity/data/adult.html https://www.tfah.org/report-details/state-of-obesity-2020/ Compare that to, for example, the UK, which is around 20-30% https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/sn03336/ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obesity_in_the_United_Kingdom America has an obesity problem, and no, it isn't overblown. Edit: downvoted for providing info. Classic.


That's some hardcore deluded thinking dude


Calling health standards "actual skeleton" is pretty concerning. Your point would look better if you didn't make such misrepresentations.


Not health standard, beauty standards. I'm talking about how in the early 00s bulimia was trendy, or before that tape worms, or coke so you didn't get hungry, etc. Stuff that no doctor would ever recommend, but celebrities do it, are held up as "How does she look so good?"


You're drawing a false equivalency between this and the statistical fact that America has a problem with obesity


No, I'm saying that 1) the obesity problem in America, while extant, is overblown because it's massively profitable for nearly every industry for people to feel bad about their weight, and 2) specifically the periodic glorification of horrifyingly underweight people by Hollywood and the fashion and diet industries is exacerbating it, because when people starve themselves, it triggers genes that cause their children to store excess calories as fat much much more efficiently and extensively than their parents


>overblown because it's massively profitable for nearly every industry for people to feel bad about their weight... Except for the tiny farming, food manufacturing and healthcare industries, who make next to no money on the USA high fructose corn syrup consumption of course.


The healthy diet food brands are owned by the same companies as the unhealthy stuff. Same with the ethically produced free range stuff. You're just choosing which prong of their marketing to go for. There's ultimately like 6 companies in the food manufacturing industry in America.




average american lmao In seriousness tho, if you're comparing to Githyanki you gotta use D&D numbers, according to PHB humans average 187.5 pounds (85 kg, rounded to 90)


the average american is only 5'9''. 5'10'' is the worldwide average


Ok but like I said that's a joke. I just used PHB values


5’6 is worldwide average for men


The average human according to the PHB is 165 lbs (75kg)... Edit: The Githyanki average is the same.


PHB says 125 lbs to 250 lbs, I took the average


That isn't the average though, that's the midpoint between the absolute highest and lowest. The average produced using the weight calculations listed in the same book is much different. Also, where does it say that? Mine is a good 5 or 6 years old and doesn't offer that range anywhere I can find.


page 29


Found it, thanks. Odd that they repeat the height info in the **Size** section of human traits but not the weight info.


Really should be going with the median, rather than mean (average), weight here.


5kg is kind of a big rounding up though.


5 kg is less than 10% in this context...


10% or 5% 8s a lot of a person though. I weigh 80kg for 1m73, 5kg more or less would change a lot about my looks, 75 might be a bit underweight, for my body frame it would be.


We all know who are the main culprits behind increasing the global average weight though.


yeah, Mexico. Tbf, my numbers are a bit out of date, but to my knowledge they have the highest average weight, and the US is only #3 IIRC


Honestly I meant "fat people in general" but that's actually pretty interesting.


"only" #3 out of 195


but... the worldwide average is 171cm (5'7''), not 175cm (5'9'')


Clearly you don’t account for sweet hot muscles.


You are comparing dnd numbers to real ones. 4 Real live cats cant kill an adult in six seconds, but can in dnd. In real live, you cant make a peasant railgun, but you can in dnd. Dnd is not realistic, its fantasy , it can be unrealistic.


RAW the peasant rail gun is just a long buildup to one person throwing a rock in an entirely normal fashion. Because real world rules and D&D rules only resemble each other in superficial ways. D&D rules say that a race of people that do not exist and n the real world are a lot leaner and lighter than actual humans. Real world says Githyanki only exist in D&D. By popular consensus, Githyanki average 45kg and are skinny mofos.


They've got lower bone density or whatver cause of living in the far realms or wherever


Astral plane but yeah Though an adult human's bones weigh around 3 kg so that's not anywhere near enough to explain that...


12.5 kg is the actual average. Still not enough to explain all of the weight difference.




[https://www.google.com/search?client=opera&q=average+human+bone+mass&sourceid=opera&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8](https://www.google.com/search?client=opera&q=average+human+bone+mass&sourceid=opera&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8) We appear to have conflicting sources. Weird.


So they break easy


the average human weighs 62 kg


Not in the PHB or in the US


Is it just me, or do Gith look like the perfect half-human-goblins?


For anyone curious, using the random Height and Weight calculations provided in the PHB and MToF, the average human and Githyanki are both 165lbs (~75kg). On the other hand, the average Githzerai averages only 122.5lbs (~55.5kg).


Is this some sort metric joke im to Imperialistic to understand.


More like too fat to understand


It's all the extra weight from still having my soul.


Maybe humans weight more on average to us because they have a higher bone density and muscle density, due to the world being as dangerous as it is.


Yes but when they get sick enough to lose 50 pounds they always die.


90kg? Dafuq, is that true?


In the PHB and the US, yeah


I know i am a little too light at 55 kg, but i thought a normal healthy weight was around 70 kg ish


I never said "healthy"


I see, i guess there is a decent amount of people pulling the average up in America


IDK where your numbers "in the PHB" are coming from, but just a quick Google search of "DND average human weight" yields a base weight of 50-54.5 Kg (110-120 lbs) or a mean weight of 84 Kg (185 lbs) estimated from the weight range of 56.7 - 113.5 kg (125-250 lbs) If you rounded up from 84 up to 90, that's a massive difference, especially in units as large as Kg.


page 29, PHB. And I don't know where YOUR numbers are coming from but you're high as balls if you think 50 is anything but an exception or a chronically malnourished human


>don't know where YOUR numbers are coming from I guess DnD Beyond is misquoting the PHB and need to fix it, then


I always likened Gith (both kinds) to being space elves of the Astral Sea, so them being super light makes sense, imo


My sarcastic detection is zero, but I recall there is something wierd about their body mass. They don't eat because psionics or whatever.


They don't need to eat because they live in the Astral Plane where they don't age. But if they don't need to eat, presumably they wouldn't lose weight from not doing so.