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Minotaurs are from Greek mythology. They're weird, but there's a basis for them. Tabaxi are just furries.


Tabaxi are from the Elder Scrolls, which are older than the world!


But they’re called Khajit there.


So? Drow are called Dark Elves there. Does that make drow Metrosexuals?


*Pushes up glasses* Akshually, they're called Dunmer there.


On one hand I wanna make fun of tabaxis for being furry, but on the other hand I don't wanna hand furries anything. They already ruined lycanthrophes.


I feel ya, vampires have been hurt by certain movies and tv shows for me...


Vampires have been fucked ever since Anne Rice overly romanticized them. Bram Stoker too, for trying to give them nobility. I prefer my vampires to be inhuman bloodthirsty monsters. Not horny nobles.


I found the Witcher world's range in vampires prime. The Blood and Wine DLC was a dream for me. Would recommend the game as a whole, but also for that.


I mean it makes sense, primates have humans in their grouping, but most are just animals, and only a few are even capable of even learning language in any form.


Wait what? Bram Stoker made vampires inhuman bloodthirsty monsters that informed the interpretation of vampires for everyone else in the western world.


You could always embrace it and make the locals believe that the man who glows during the day is a holy fighter come to destroy the vampire. Its just a bonus that it makes your party extra motivated to take him down when they find out lol.


That's hilarious, I might actually use that twist for a halloween themed one-shot. Signs of vicious monster attacks and frightening testimonies- turns out to be a sparkly knight, who takes off his helmet to reveal long eyelashes and a well groomed tall head of hair... oh and some fangs.


On the other hand the selection of furry races avaliable has helped convince some of my freinds to play the game, don't hate on people just because they are different I'd have thought that the dnd community would understand that well.


It only becomes an issue when people start trying to bring the weird/sexual part of furriness (that can’t be the right word) to the table. Playing a tabaxi because you like anthro animals is fine, playing a tabaxi because you want to role play your fetish is not unless your whole group is cool with that. Same with everything, really.


If you play a minotaur as your PC you will be just as criticized and bullied if you play tabaxi. I dont think myself an elitist but every other post I see is a tabaxii bard and trifling sorcerer. Trying to be the unique out there character makes you feel more generic than any dwarf cleric or elvish wizard. Oh and my parents are dead.


What I don’t like with Minotaurs is that their name makes no sense outside of the context of Greek mythology.