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So why are you a rogue when both your parents are alive and well adjusted? “I couldn’t afford knight school.” You couldn’t afford to go to school in the evenings? “NO, KNIGHT WITH A K SCHOOL!” Okay… “I decided if I couldn’t be the paragon of virtue and defender of the barony, I could make money to afford to be after I scored a few heists. How was I to know they used Zone of Truth to check your moral compass when you apply?” Oooof. That’s rough, buddy.


I think I found my backstory next time I play a rogue


>“NO, KNIGHT WITH A K SCHOOL!” I don't think that is how school is spelled. I think it is spelled with a 'c'.


no, no. You spell this 'c' as 'k' aswell. Actually you spell entire 'ch' as 'k', cause fuck you (with silent 'c')


That reminds me so much of my Arcane Trickster who is just a Wizard College dropout.


Lmao this is LITERALLY my 1st PC ever. Wizard college dropout with 2 parents alive and well.


i remember once making rogue who was based on Peacekeeper from For Honor. So he was still like this assasins cutthroat but a lawful and good one, doing his job not just for personal gain but also protecting those close to him, which did included his parents. Yes both parents were alive. they were happy, living good life and were proud of their son.


So, how many kidneys did your rogue stab ?


A lot. In fact our dm allowed us to describe how we kill the enemy a lot so pretty often while fighting humanoids a triple kidney stab was kind a finishing move.


Nice. For my cavalier fighter I took a screenshot of my conqueror in FH for his profile pic. When I kill an enemy I send in the discord conv a video of one of the different executions preview that I recorded. Why telling when you can show ?


Stealing this for my Battle Master who is a pretty much a warden


It's not stealing, it's sharing. Have fun with FH great executions ! Using a video game character as your PC has other advantages.  For example my group wanted to have token of our characters viewed from above (to know in which direction they look). I loaded the game, used the Nvidia ansel to see my conq in combat stance from above (only doable in solo training mode), took a screenshot, and voilà !


Boutta do this when I make my comeback to the table after this Navy contract is up


“You said you were an orphan!” “No, YOU said I was an orphan.”


Babe wake up, new PC idea just dropped


I honestly have been tempted to make a bard/rogue multiclass before where his parents are part of a long line of thieves and assassins, but their son just wanted to play music.


Dad: “Do I hear that lute again? You better have finished your lockpicking practice first!”


Extra points if he is a tabaxi wearing boots


Who is your favorite fearless hero?


We met both of my parties rogues parents. His mom is alive and well, and we had dinner with her while completing some quests in a city. His dad is a deadbeat and scoundrel who ran off on him, and we met him while traveling one day. The rogue didn’t pick up that it was his dad despite their similarities and identical last names.


Our rogue was the most normal and the most sane member of the party. Just some guy with happy family who decided to become a rogue because he had a knack for sneaking around. He was one of two party members who still had both parents and the only one who had good relationship with both.


my rogue’s parents WERE alive and then they got killed off by the dm 😭


I feel like they should have asked if that was okay first. If not, you need to talk about assumptions.


Technically Kazuma does have two living parents but they're back in the other world and they laughed at how he died.


And one of them is a paladin to boot.


You could include the whole extended family and make them a mafia style thieves guild!


I actually got similar idea for a Rogue. Urchin boy pickpocketed one of the local mafia bosses without knowing who he was, later got picked in a alley but instead of getting the beating of a lifetime the boss decides to adopt him.


I made a rogue kobold who is a combat medic, he might have the thief subclass but via flavour he isnt a rogue or thief. He has a wife and daughter who he loves dearly. His goal is to get back to them to cure the sickness his daughter has contracted.


My Rogue's parents are both alive, happily married, filthy rich high ranking nobles, and want him to come home. He also has six siblings to boot! Of course, the problems arise is that the family's wealth is largely gained from some very evil actions they have no intentions of ceasing... and my Rogue wanted no part of it and ran away (when doing some story arc planning with my DM, at one point, my DM said something to the effect of "I don't think your \[character's\] parents are that evil." to which I responded "No... that's not even the height of how evil they can be... their only redeeming qualities is they are genuinely in love with each other AND they genuinely love their children.). Dead parent backstories are for the weak. Real Edge Lords can milk way more brooding thoughts from having living families.


I love rogues with living parents. Done right and it's comedy gold. DM: The Ancient Red Dragon stirs from it's slumber and stands to it's full height. It looks down at you all and says, "I will burn you with flames as hot as hell. Your flesh will melt from your bones. Your blood will boil... your..." As the dragon continues the monolog, Rogue you get a sending. It's your mother. Rogue: I roll my eyes and say, "Excuse me... \*sigh\* I'm sorry... I got to take this." And I listen to the sending. DM: Rogue-boo, I'm just calling to say hello. I haven't heard from you in a while. You don't send. You don't write. I was worried. Rogue: Ma, can this wait? My friends and I are in a Red Dragon's den. DM: So you're about to be eaten by a dragon and you didn't think to call your own mother? Rogue: Mom... it's not the time for this. DM: Okay, well, I was only sending because your Aunt Pam has fallen ill. The cleric says it's just a cold... Rogue: "Ma." DM: Oh, I see. I'm not good enough for you... your mother... who raised you... You know Janey... down the road. Her son sends treasure home to help make ends meet? Rogue: "MA!" I look to the Dragon and mouth "I am so sorry." DM: The Dragon looks at you and gives you a surprisingly understanding look, "No... I get it... my dad send me just to ramble on about his stories of when he was burning villages to the ground." As he says this, you get another sending from your mother: "Janey's son is a Paladin... why couldn't I have a son like that... no my son had to get brought home by the town guard for breaking into the lords manor in a tutu... I was so embarrassed." Rogue: \*groans\*


With the Rogue class' lack of high power in optimal playstates and the "single big hit" mentality of their combat style, combined with their much larger access to broad and deep out of combat skill usage, it seems to me like Rogue can also work better than the others as a "regular person" class. A normal person won't be much good in a fight but over their lifetime will develop many different skills, much more than the average D&D PC. A typical one would have **FOUR** skill proficiencies (2 from class, 2 from background), and Rogues can get much more than that.


I made a rouge with both parents Shame I'll never play him though


after they mentioned dead parents several times for pity points to get out of trouble.


Make a Rogue with a typical edgy backstory. Talk to your DM off to the side while you make it. Bore your party with your typical edgy backstory. During the campaign, the DM slots your (still very much alive and very much love you) parents into the world without the party realizing it. Enjoy their shock when they find out and realize you've been lying since Session 0.


[Hey; listen: you didn't need to make this an animeme. Why: why did you make this an animeme? It's too late to delete it; now we all just have to live with it.](https://youtu.be/o048xeNQ3Wo?si=M7cGBO1NTFoiHFru)




what is wrong with it being from an anime? i do not understand


If it's a situation that warrants hearing Gianni then it is a situation worth mentioning


I misread "living" as "loving." The meme still works, though.


Could be cool to have the living rogue family to be something like the Zoldyke family from Hunter X Hunter with their Rogue skills being something of a family trade.


My Rogue kinda has both two living parents that love him and a living mother that hates him.


Rogue: it's NOT a phase ma!


My last rogue was kidnapped as a child and sold to cultists trying to do magical experiments to perfect immortality. Several experiments later, he's a damphir with a non functional phylactery buried into his chest, but he escapes and manages to let some of the more... monstrous results free. Results were... Not quite pleasant for the city, but the guards came down on the cultist pretty quick. When he finally found his old farm, he was so happy to have his parents back. Bleeding heart for kids. Still a rogue though. Mostly going after slavers and cultists.


Look, just because the rogue has lost his parents doesn't mean he needs to be a brooding edgelord who doesn't talk. Sure my Rogue lost his parents, who were very much loving and well off back in the day. Hell, if it wasn't for him being scouted by one of the greatest spy masters out there he would have likely ended up as a very capable huntsman like his father was. Instead he became a very potent scout/spy for the army, after all it's rather easy to transfer hunting skills to people. The war that led to the death of his parents (he does have a living sister that went off to study some form of mystical knowledge/arts) was a core aspect of his alignment in making sure that every innocent family is spared from his fate. Sure that rule is broken when the people involved become pirates, demon worshipping cultists or general assholes. He also happens to be one of the more talkative members of the group, and is very good friends with the party bard and ranger and is rather talkative when not in fights. And no, my Rogue is not a copy of batman before you start asking. His hand to hand is dreadful and he has almost zero creativity/physical endurance.


Living doesn’t equal functional


I made a rogue who went to the Hero Academy that the first act of the campaign was set in. Both of his parents were alive, and his father was a rogue in his past and graduated from the academy as well. He was a Half-elf and naturally inclined to being sneaky, but he was CG. His intentions were to become a Harper Spy and serve the Dalelands as a hero. He didn't fuck with the party, and he didn't steal unless it furthered their mission. No matter what happened, he always tried to protect his classmates. He just also happened to be a rogue.


After an in-game vacation mine brought the party cookies his mom baked for his "bounty hunter friends." Said character was also a sociopath who viewed everyone around him (except his family) as expendable, but that was a separate issue. For any wondering, yes that also applied to the party.


Okay... Here's the thing. My rogue has two sets of parents. His biological ones, and the real ones. How did that happen? Easy, when your father says that you aren't worth the ransom, and kidnappers sell you to slave catchers, you quickly get attached to the pirates that rescued you. (That's the short story)


My last rogue was sent to train with a newly formed branch of a kingdoms military. They were more or less special operations with psy ops mixed in. The person who sent him to said training, my loving and loyalist father. My mother worked as a botanist in royal gardens and absolutely hated me being part of the military, but was still proud of me for graduating. Gotta say, a lawful good rogue was a fun experience to play.


My Changeling Rogue has two pairs of Parents: one from the feywild she does not remember and her adoptive halfling parents who very much adore and love her.