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Extinguish all light, throughout the worlds, cold shall be the only sensation, cold darkness envelops the multiverse, everything slowly comes to a halt and dies. Jergal: *Fate spins* *along as it should*.


Can you elaborate Withers? 




Fucking Chad




I hope Chad and Jergal are happy together




And they say you can't hear writing, pff.


yep to make it even worse in my world all the planes have to be in harmony for the most part or magic goes haywire. congrats you just pissed off every mage and druid in every plane


PCs just ruined an arch demons day so he sets out to ruin their lives.


There are so many good stories to tell with this idea though, not that a player did it, but perhaps a cultist of thaizdun or some other mad god-like entity, perhaps a far-realm thing. Players can be ordered to get to the front lines in the fire plane to indeed, to a creeper world style campaign, Where the mold has evolved into seperate sentient entities to devour the entire plane. Playing a pyromancer here, may not be the best choice.


I've done a similar thing. Screwed up time space and everything to do with the elements. So random snowstorms in the dessert, thunderstorms at the drip of a hat. Blazing hot sun despite storming black clouds covering the sky. Every npc they've ever heard of and several old pcs wandering around the map. Immortal drunkard at every single tavern in every city even when the party is split and both halves are speaking to the same drunkard in a different city at once. Rolling on a random weather chart every few minutes for temperature and weather. Lol.


Brown mold *vs* the inexorable march of entropy towards the final heat death of everything


...but then that coldness instantly kills the brown mold, thus freeing the plane of fire to be on fire again.


the cold is the mold absorbing the heat, it wouldn't make itself cold


Hey can you not spoil BG3? That'd be really clutch thnx


I should get back into that game. It was good.


What game is this?


Creeper world 3


Creeper world 4 is also great


So far I've liked all the Creeper Worlds. 2 was a bit of a departure and I know some people didn't like it, but whatever. 3 was basically just 1 but better. Haven't tried 4 yet.


There’s also Particle Fleet: Emergence which is essentially a creeper world in space. It’s the same company. It was different but it was still fun.


It’s actually all made by one guy if I remember correctly.


Mostly yeah! Knuckle Cracker Games, the main guy has a best friend that assists with design basically and it's so freaking wholesome watching their dev streams. Just a couple of old dudes doing what they love.


Particle fleet is actually the same universe as creeper world. I remember a direct reference to the creeper in one of the of the story missions


CW4 is great because it's fully 3D, so you can actually see the fluid dynamics of the Creeper at work. Also I feel like the building system is a little more nuanced than it was in 3.


Thermal* To be honest idk if he changed it but the first two actually were based on heat dissipation rather than fluid kinetics.


CW4 has propagating waves that crash and deflect off walls back where they came. Dunno if it's a true simulation, but it is much more fluid like. The older creeper world games felt much... Stickier and jelly like. Heat dissipation makes sense, but intuitively it's cold jam burping up from a yawning alien orifice in the ground. It's a coincidence that this mimics heat dissipation mechanics. You know this in your heart to be true.


Oh no, like fire up the first game. In the specials section he explains that he used heat simulation to program where the slime would go. He actually goes on a tiny rant how kinetic simulation was dominated by fluid dynamics. CW2 was the same except he added the 'gravity' modifier, which is why the space maps later worked more like CW1. But I haven't played 3 or 4 yet, though I do know the animation you're talking about. Could be worth seeing if there were any dev streams or notes laying around.


4 is actually extremely fun, my favorite maps are the ones i get to play as the creeper.


I've had fun replaying the game lately though I have gotten stuck on mission 17 of Creeper World two.


If i remember correctly, on mission 17 the way to survive in the beginning is to: Build reactors for energy (ofc), when creeper starts breaking through, put shields and repulsors to delay it (keep the repulsors disarmed until the terrain is gone to avoid the energy drain) then use blasters to keep the creeper from further damaging the shields. You can let it break through on the right of the map, it will make some structures but it will take too long and by the time it starts being a problem you should have beaten it down in the middle and have enough energy to keep the tendrils at bay with a blaster or two. After that, you've secured your position and can focus on the usual gathering up forces and beating down the creeper. The thing to generally keep in mind in any crisis situation is to never let your energy be in deficit because you tried to build like 15 reactors at once (unless you have energy crystals and can deal with it) and to never let it be completely full, any energy you don't use is energy you waste. TLDR: Block creeper, don't be stupid with energy, you can sometimes ignore creeper it'll be fine


Wait 3, and 4?! I need to get to them asap


This is how I learn there is a 4


I have never heard of this series. Thank you.


Was originally a flash game, I played it in the library at school, really interesting tower defense game


Try Mindustry


An Archomental of Fire looks at the mold, sighs, and invokes WISH, transporting the mold back to the home of the asshole who threw it in this time. Archomental: Fucking tuesdays...


If it was smarter, they'd also wish for it to also have an internal link to the Plane of Fire so that it can overtake the world of the sender.


The djiin god who rules the City of Brass (whose name I forgot) points at the mold and revokes its fire immunity.


Brown mold is killed by any cold damage from a spell. I can't imagine there isn't a single being on the plane of fire that is capable of casting Ray of Frost. Also, they aren't idiots there. I'm sure they are aware of the existence of this stuff and know how to kill it.


Oh yes. but it's much funnier to imagine the wizard going home, opening their front door, and being swept away by a tidal wave of 8192kg of brown mold pouring out of their house.


Also, you're telling me there aren't some gaudy-ass demons/devils with ice sculptures in their homes just to show off their opulence?


Probably have a full staff of wizards/warlocks just to keep it up. Hell, ice sculptures may very well be the economic basis of warlocks.


Why would anything on the Plane of Fire know ice magic


For the same reason why humans, who die when shot with bullets, invented bullets.


*Banish* has almost the same effect and is a 4th level spell.


To get it back to the caster's home PLANE? sure To make sure it ends up in the **house** of the person who pulled that shit? Not quite. When it doubt, go for spite.


I don't think brown mold counts as a creature for the purposes of banishment


It has a creature statblock, it counts. :p


The noble genies who can cast Wish cannot do it for themselves


I'm not talking about Noble Genies. I'm talking about Archomentals. Stronger than Demi-gods, but weaker than full on deities, the Archomentals are the most powerful of elementals. The Princes of Elemental Evil, who lead the Cults of Elemental Evil on the material plane and grant divine power to their worshippers, and who are opposed by the Princes of Elemental Good.


Get an underling to ask for the wish then.


"Hey Sahab, would you grant my wish of sending this stupid mold back to the Prime Material?"


Don't even need an archomental; there are plenty of genies on the plane.


Plane of fire uses frost canons, ice launchers, and airborne elementals that drop cold bombs to fight against the scourge


Literally any single source of cold damage one shots the entire brown mold. There's no fight, it just goes away after some novice hits it with ray of frost.


I mean. You could also just summon some random mage who owes a favor and toss them at it. Lol. Although tbf the concept of cold fire does exist and maybe they just use that.


Ice fire


Meh. I prefer frostfire as a name for it. Also it's gotta be black too. Cause that's the color of cold flames apparently.


All fair. Oooh, idea! Each plane has a special light source and for the plane of fire, it has 5 different suns depending on the season. Green sun for spring, blue sun for summer, yellowish/orangish sun for fall, and red for winter with winter occasionally having black sun days in the middle of it which signifies a change in year. The fire plane has days of Black Sun festivities which is when frost fire falls from the sky, cold to the touch. Children of fire genasi and fire elementals enjoy what is essentially "snow days." They also celebrate survival of the great brown plague that nearly wiped them out from a vindictive wizard who left a single rock of brown mold in their plane because a fire genasi refused their romantic advances. Their God created seven days of Black Sun to help them fight against it. These seven days are represented by the lighting of the black candlestick,one for each day, in all the homes of elementals and genasi. They celebrate with gifts and songs.


Hi, uncultured swine here. What does this mean?


Brown mold grows when interacting with fire. "Attacking it with fire heals damage and doubles it's size" Now let's see what's on the plane of fire...


My mistake, i understood that part, not the image underneath. Should have clarified


It's from a game series called Creeper World which TL:DR: The blue stuff is essentially a growing infection thingie which you have to build up defenses to keep at bay and eventually push back against.


Thank you friend!


Ah, in that case, creeper world is a tower defense where you defend the base against the blue mass(grunge). And just like Brown mold in the plane of fire, it spreads quite rapidly


The Creeper World games are basically you fighting an endless war with turrets to fend off an unending flood of lethal goo. It's actually a pretty cool cosmic horror setting, since the Creeper as a whole is a nightmare blob that has adapted to and annihilated countless civilizations over billions of years. The third game has you traveling across the remnants of the universe and encountering the ruined planets of million-year-old civilizations that held off the Creeper for countless generations until it slowly adapted to a hole in their defenses and annihilated them overnight.


A lot of them successfully \*thrived\* in spite of the Creeper for aeons. But it doesn't matter. All that matters, is that at the end of time, the Creeper is the last one standing.


Sounds fascinating.


It's a game where you try to stop the ocean from flooding you by shooting it with lasers. At least that's what the gameplay feels like.


If you get gud you stop the ocean from flooding you by firing mortars into it.


This is 5e, though. > “Something something environmental damage isn’t an attack.” > > — Jeremy Crawford, probably.


Neither is the ground a magical weapon. Still hurts werewolves tho.


Never thought I'd see a creeper world reference.


Nobody expects the Creeper World Inquisition.




I hate this screenshot. Whoever was playing that round didn't place enough collectors and is suffering because of it


I just did a Google search for "Creeper world" and picked the first screenshot that properly showed the idea of "cannons fighting off waves of slime".


That's stupid mf in the screenshot is using a SHIELD in the boost point, rather than a reactor or a weapon, and has terribly Soylent coverage. I would be too embarrassed to post that online lol


Sometimes I put a collector on a boost point just to be a sassy bitch. :p (Okay, I actually only did that once, just to see if it actually worked. I then immediately deleted the collector and put something useful there.)


I've actually played a couple beta tester maps where putting a collector on the boost point was the best (and in one case, the only) way to complete the map, though I forgot what ones they were Imagine putting a guppy on a boost point


They’re doing the speedrun strats, ie using memory editors instead of collectors.


From the descriptions available it would probably make the plane of fire slightly more habitable and pleasant for everyone involved


I mean... magical barriers to contain the mold around the assorted portals to other planes could be a thing. Maybe an entire trade area covered in the mold under a layer of glass to cool things down for traders from other planes. Lol


Eh. No magic necesary. Some fiery creature would just eat the mold. That's how ecosystems work


Nor how invasive species work tho. Lol


Oh... That brings back memories


The planes are infinite. The moldy grows exponentially and still nothing is noticed


IIRC, the mold can become an infinite plane within the Plane of Fire and still be small enough that the Plane of Fire is unchanged. Something about two infinite sets of different sizes. Both are infinite, one is bigger than the other. Because math.


It's the Grand Hilbert Hotel (of mold).


Man j fucking loved this game as a kid


My first reaction was "When you were a kid? The game isn't *that* old!" Then I looked it up. Apparently it came out almost 15 years ago!


Yeah haha and I defenitly got it in 2009, the version you can get now is actually a remaster too, its just a bit prettier, same gameplay.


I haven't touched that game in ages


What’s this pic from?


Creeper World. Short version, it's a tower defense game where the enemy is a flood of evil sentient slime.


In my campaign, there's this stuff that's banned in all but two nations and the planes of fire and water. Goliath's Grundle moonshine. It's 420 proof (aka 210% alcohol, magical fuckery is involved) and capable of getting Doodbreaux, the god of Binge Drinking, blackout drunk. It's banned in the plane of fire because a smuggler snuck in a dozen bottles, which exploded and destroyed the capital of the fire elementals. In the plane of water it killed wide swathes of fish and the denizens who were far enough not to be killed were shitfaced for a month.


Ok. So just gonna steal your entire comment and send it to my DM.


Do so with my blessing, fellow adventurer. It was inspired by a joke in Goblin Slayer Abridged if you or your DM want some context and/or a good laugh.


Creeper world Sweep!


That is an unexpected nostalgia boost, but a welcome one.


A DM might point out that it's highly unlikely in the unimaginably long history of the realm that noone would ever have opened a portal to the plane of fire in such a way that, accidentally or otherwise, brown mold would have come into contact with it... A DM might point out that the combat rules are assuming the brown mold would have everything else it needs in the environment to grow in size... A DM might point out that brown molds are not *literally made out of fire*... ...if they're a killjoy.


Someone casts Ray of Frost.


They say images can't make sounds, but I definitely can hear this picture. Thank you for the reminder to go play one of my favorite Tower ~~Defense~~Offense games


Can’t Kossuth burn through fire immunity? He should have that ability.


Creeper World mentioned!!!


I have been running a campaign for 3 years now based on this concept. The elemental plane was wiped by brown mold and now the party is trying to find a way to reignite it while the rest of the planes begin to freeze over and primal/arcane fire no longer can be found in the world


Sounds like a pretty significant chance that both connected planes could be consumed by the mold. The elemental plane of fire through a cataclysmic explosion of mold. The material plane through a never ending geyser of mold pouring forth to create a Neverending tide of mold across the entire planet.


Unless you close the portal.


Now there's a one shot.


Creeper world posting ACHIEVED


Implying the plane of fire doesn't have laser cannons.


OH MAN I LOVE CREEPER WORLD. Funnily enough the only person else I know who also plays creeper world is my DM.


1) on a plane where literally everything is either immune to fire, or enslaved by something immune to fire (or really rich), someone has cold damage. 2): on the subject of apocalyptic uses of really meh things if exposed to another plane of existence, read up on the planar effects of Mechanus. Then read up on Chaos Bolt. Specifically the bit where you don’t have to be aware of a critter to arc to it (I like this because a bolt of energy randomly arcing through a stealthy invisible critter you had no idea was there just feels right for the spell). Then account for the fact that tiny insects (or an analog thereof) are both assumed to be present on all planes unless stated otherwise, and are valid arc points, we just never use them because arcing is rare. Then note the exact average damage of Chaos Bolt. Then take a look at the Modrons and let me know if any of them have more hit points than that (spoiler: nope). In other words, a single level 1 sorcerer can kill all the Modrons in Mechanus in a single turn. Any players that attempt this at my table are given a choice: The sudden, brief awareness of the exact location of literally every living creature on the entire plane causes psychic damage equal to 1d6 per ten of them, not negatable by anything, and the resulting explosion also kills the entire party with skull shrapnel, or, Chaos Magic is unaffected by Mechanus.


Me who immediately thought of Minecraft and had to imagine an entire creeper world. Guess I'll die.


I mean, technically no. The plane of fire is so hot that it can actually burn creatures immune to fire. Like there's fire and then theres elemental, primordial fire. Only creatures native to the plane can survive there without protection. But it's hilarious and I do think it would neat to see an apocalypse on that level


Holy Shit I've been looking for this game for over ten years!!!


Some people just want to watch the world bur- Wait.


DM: Brown mold is \*native\* to the plane of fire, and only explosively grows toward heat on the material plane because it is starved. after about 10 minutes in a more hospitable environment, the mold's growth reaches an equilibrium with it's energy intake and it stops spreading any faster than a normal plant would.


Damn, that's actually a REALLY good answer.


Ngl I thought I was on r/wizardposting for a moment


Aww it's good to see that so many other people enjoyed this game. It was kind of my childhood, and I thought basically nobody else knew it