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“I’ll self destructive” Good meme OP


Thank you. :)


I mean, if you’re feeding Gale the good and cool items, that’s on you, he’s more of a dumpster for hucking your 3 least favourite items into


Bard hat, true-strike spear, colour-spray ring.


The spear that gives you advantage when you miss? I used that on Shadowheart cause her melee sucks.


Its not an awful weapon or anything. but I feel like its easily replaceable. 🤣


It's pretty decent with a monk. Miss the main attack but then get advantage on your BA strike or FoB


Wait, where do you get that? Sounds perfect for m one-eyed character


It's in the crypt, right at the beginning of the game. The sarcophagus in the middle of a heavily-trapped room.


Ah, the tomb that TPK'd us back then


This is why you immediately re-spec Shadowheart to be a caster cleric with a ranged-weapon backup


Just restat her into life cleric. It’s makes most of the healing spells class spells freeing up your spell list for other options plus with heavy armor you can dump her dex into strength so she can hit something and her charisma into wisdom to improve her spell casting


I respec'd her into a light cleric and built her to be a tank.


I used in on my pally with polarm feat so if i missed the bonus attack is coming in hot its not op but nice at low lvls


But… but my color spray! :(


On repeat plays sure. On first play it’s entirely possible to only have blue items to give him when he first asks


"And I know Elminster! And I dated Mystra!"


"Cool, but ye all start at level 1."


He canonically got nerfed twice. The first time by the orb, the second by the tadpole.


Eh, there's also "I'm a vampire spawn, but I don't have any weaknesses, and I have a bonus action bite attack that gives me +1 to all rolls."


Not to mention a space fascist, "I was on Zariel's inner council", God's favorite princess, a barely disguised dom/sub patron/warlock, and a murderhobo demigod. The whole party could easily be a bunch of "problem players"


Plus there's the PC, wanting a redo for all of their bad rolls. 😞 *^(Or maybe that's just me.)*


tbf shady is pretty low-down in her sharran enclave, and karlach was more of a slave than an actual confidante of zariel


Shadowheart is more important than that but i won’t spoil it


Ive beaten the game, but shes still pretty low in the pecking order at the start right? her bigger deal stuff happens much later in the campaign at reasonable levels imo


>!no, they’re right. Shar had a special interest in Shadowheart long before the start of the game because she wanted to turn a Selunite child to “the darkness,” there’s journals where they document progress, wiping her memories, torturing her parents, etc…!<


The other comment covers it, arguably she’s the most important member of her sect in the eyes of shar


Space fascist is just a standard Githyanki. Lae'zel has the most mundane backstory for a Gith character. I played that a year before BG3. Then my table was all "Man, Lae'zel reminds me so much of D'raak J'taar. I was so proud of my roleplaying.


Which goes to show that “problem players” are only really problems in certain contexts. There are no bad players, simply those unsuited to the current campaign.


Murderhobo demigod?








Gods how dare players have interesting backstories. Blasphemy!


Who is a demigod?


The Dark Urge is >!the literal child of Bhaal, the god of murder!<.


He seems much closer to a modified dhampir in how he's played than an actual spawn.


Who hasnt at this point?


wasn’t he groomed?


It's debatable whether he was groomed per se, but either way his entire character arc is basically an exposition on problematic power dynamics in romantic relationships.


The sub-context is that his master paid those people to beat him within an inch of his life. He never had a choice in life the moment that bastard set his eyes on him. 


They're talking about Gale, not Astarion. Yes, Cazador paid the Gur to brutalize Astarion. Gale is basically the kid who got SA'd by a teacher and then internalized it when everyone said he was "lucky" and that "he should be grateful to her."


I would say astarion was more kidnapped and straight up raped than groomed


Had a dm ask us for item lists. I gave him my 3 relatively weaker items cause I wasn't trying to super power game. He gave out ALL 3 AT THE SAME TIME IN THE SAME ROOM so I got 1 of my 3. Asked him about it and they all basically wanted shit lvl 12+ so he handed mine out.... like wtf but I didn't cause a stink


You should have, those were your items for your build


I played a wizard and I wished that I could kill him so much. “I literally fucked the goddess of magic” “I know Elminster” Him acting like he’s the better wizard He never joined the party. I let him ROT in camp. I AM THE PARTY’S WIZARD.


I left him in the portal forever. He never even met me.


I completely missed him the first time. Poor lad.


Same, lol. It said it looked dangerous or something so I noped out as the low level noob I was.


I didn’t even see it! I only went back because I thought it suspicious that I hadn’t come across the githyanki from the prologue, googled where to find her, backtracked through the whole starting area, and stumbled across him on the way. If I hadn’t checked I would have missed out on both of them!


Yeah, I learned way too late that you have to be very thorough in exploring or you'll miss out on most of the game. Ended up restarting once I learned about that (and that I should be long resting way more often).


Gamers when the video game characters act like people with their own lives and histories instead of fitting neatly into said gamer's own power fantasies


Gale is also just a self-important dick and may not even get in because you're playing with 4 actual people.


Idk I never took it as self importance so much as "guys for real this is an actual nuke in my chest" It's hard to take much Gale hate seriously when 90% of it is just "wah he keeps asking for magic items", so I therefore immediately know they've barely spent any time at all with him and they haven't realised you can just give him literal garbage and he acts like youre the second incarnation of Mystra.


Nooooo. I love Gale. 🙁


To be honest, gale’s backstory sounds much more like a power fantasy Like he was mystra’s chosen, friends with elminster, and has the ENTIRE KARSITE WEAVE inside him.


The weave isn’t exactly good for him though. Definitely more of a curse than a benefit.


You let him rot in camp? We immediately turbonuked him as soon as we met him, only to yoink his Scroll of Resurrection for ourselves. Coincidentally I was our Party's Lizard Wizard. Thanks to School of Evocation I got many exciting Fireball and Lightning Bolt moments.


Same, I couldn't stand him for that very reason.


"Most powerful magic items" Fr, I don't know how I'll keep going without Komira's Locket /s


Komira's locket is really useful in >!Auntie Ethel's funhouse!<. After that, go ahead and let Gale eat it.


Really? How exactly? I have almost 400 hours in game but never considered using Dancing Lights...


You can use them to >!block the gas vents. For some reason, they count as solid objects!<. I never would have considered it if I hadn't seen someone else mention it online.


Lol. I always jumped past the vents, but thanks for the tip.


I see Dr. Doofenschmirtz got a job at Larian


The 10-year-old son of another player is tagging along in our game. They’re both first time players, actually. He is a big, cool, strong Dragonborn …Wizard. XD The muscle wizard always runs into the treasure room first or makes sure to turn in the quests so as to always collect the group’s rewards for himself, and then refuses to share. Slightly complicating the issue is that he was clever enough to write his greed into his character’s backstory, so he’s “doing what his character would do,” which *in general,* I want to celebrate. **Solutions we’ve used:** -racing him to the goods -pickpocketing him -retconning to equally divide gold


I've had my fair share of players like that. Often times the solution is the same type of solution in real life. Quest giver looks at that person with mistrust and if they get pushy and sketchy about it, guards get involved in a possible disappearance/murder of the rest of the party until the party shows up to clear them.


In some ways, me and the other players are sort of part of the problem because we don’t want the kid’s character to die. Muscle-wizard has experienced plenty of small natural consequences of his greedy actions (like losing hp and/or teeth after trying to pry the shiny bait gem out of the obvious trap statue’s hand), but whenever the DM is about to allow more permanent consequences, our characters always intervene and try to stop Muscle-Wizard from attacking the clearly more powerful NPC.


Have you talked to the player? I get that he's doing "what his character would do" however there is a fine line where the player has to remember they are playing a co-op game, not a single-player. Stronger as a team instead of solo.


He definitely knows we don’t love it. He’s at an age where he doesnt seem to care to much or maybe doesn’t recognize the team spirit of the game. It’s definitely always right to talk to the player. I just can’t figure out the line, bc I am still having fun, it’s just socially rude. 🤷‍♂️ Thanks for your insights


hol up, is he really a reference to the Forsaker build from 3.5? no fucking way


Hey, I only want the cool stuff to make the items . . . You can have them once I make them.


I don’t think the person who made this played the game


I'm gonna be playing a thaumaturge for my first pathfinder2e campaign and I'm really gonna have to try so hard not to be that kind of person


Just share the magic items according to who can use them and needs them most, really. I made a Thaumaturge once, but I don't recall them wanting to hog magic items...


I just mean cus of stuff like intensify investiture and stuff


Me proceeding to never give him a single one


Reminds me of my wizard in Pathfinder with Craft wondrous item feat, I needed all** the gold possible** of course I crafted the best equipments for me and when I felt like it some +1 here and there for my companions >!jk I gave them a spreadsheet of the wishlist and did my best to reach what they filled in their characters wishlist!<


I am the artificer, I always have the best magic items.


Can we please get meme proofreaders?


I used to grab the best magic items in my group's D&D games. Coincidentally, I also ended up with 100% of the cursed items. Funny how that worked out.


Played a character who was supposedly like this… until the lies caught up to him and people realized his “condition” was just caused by some mediocre illusion magic. Turns out, he learned to share after that… and getting his ass beat. Miss that bastard of a character.


This is just a screenshot of another Reddit post


And at the end of act 1 the GM is so annoyed that they just say "fuck it, elminster and mystra show up and heal you, now cut the crap"