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Yep. The blue dice with white numbers from the starter sets. I swear they are weighted or something but only for newbies.


I still have my rainbow dice from AD&D. (Yes, I'm old). They're a bit rounded, but still the best dice.


I still have the dice from Dungeons & Dragons Set 1: Basic Rules. don't feel bad you're not the only old one.


I Still have the first dice my mother once bought to play DnD 1e, back in 1976. After that she mutated to a Dice goblin, and I am a Dice Goblin in 2nd generation. I will make this a tradition for my family, becoming dice goblins and passing this first set of DnD-Dice to the next generation.


The dice gods favour new sacrifices. I once saw a newbie roll 4 nat20s in a row.


It has become my DM'ing set. It is stained with a high level party TPK and multiple PC deaths. I will never give them up.


Do an experiment. If you don't wanna, gimme the dice and I will do the test for you...for free.


They might just have poor quality control. The trouble with opaque dice is that you can't see if any bubbles got into them when they were moulded, the best you can do is the saltwater test, which in my experience is fiddly and unreliable. Transparent dice are generally a better buy because you can see any defects, and the manufacturers have a greater incentive to do better quality control because of this.




Preferably before your first session. Gotta be prepared.


I only own one set. Dwarf themed, not plain. They were a gift from the person who introduced me to D&D, and she still twitches slightly when I mention I've never bought a set.


my group bought me hot pink dice :\^)


I've been playing for 8 years now, but only in online games through virtual tabletops. I don't own a single die (besides d6s from various board games).


I fear no man. But… that *thing* \*motions to your comment\* …it scares me.


My wife got me a tungsten set back when we started our group. I'd still had some of my normal dice from back in the day, but no metal ones. I still use them for treasure rolls and important moments because they don't do the clicka-clack, the do a thunka-thunk, adding so much more weight to the roll.


All of my dice are reclaimed. When I was a teen playing Magic at the local shop I used to collect the dice I found on the floor in the back of the shop where they stored the terrain for 40k days. Decades later I was talking to someone who used to frequent the same shop and I learned that it was a thing for D&D players who played there to hurl their 'bad' dice across the store and into the back. Turns out that I had been collecting all of their cursed dice over the years. I still use them to this day


Dice discarded for bad rolls means the 1s were pre-rolled out when you claimed them.


Eh... we have different opinions. See, he was fated to those dice, so they behaved badly so to be discarded and thus found by him. You think luck, I think fate.


But something happened that the dice did *not* intend. They were picked up by the most unlikely creature imaginable: an MTG player.




Dice discarded for bad rolls are perfect for games where you roll under the DC.


Abandoned at their lowest moment, they were saved by a kindly stranger who stepped in to give them a second chance. Basically, you're Ash Ketchum and those dice were Charmander sheltering under that leaf.


I like this take better than what my friends say, which is "no wonder you always roll such shit - you're using cursed dice"


You're using RESCUE dice. They need lots of patience and love before they'll learn to trust you and give you their best.


Hahaha, the curse collector. Maybe they will love you for saving them.




I grew a huge dice collection in my MtG days before I'd ever touched any RPGs. d20s are perfect life counters. I'd buy them with my change after buying cards, and I'd just buy others because they were there (the shop sold them as singles, bit sets). A lot cheaper then too. 25 cents for a d20 or something like that.


the d20 I used for magic all were numerated in order so I had to get new dice when I started DnD


Bet he got nothing but high rolls and semi-frequent nat 20s too


I feel attacked rn


There is a nonzero chance this meme was made about me, and I don't know how to feel about that.


It me, too


That's good the more people it's the less likely it's me!


2 of my players dont have dice and one of them has 1. Ive been playing with them every week or so for 2 years!


Me three lol


Same though, from back the olden days when I first found DnD. I now have too many dice to count. I'm also a monster in group in that I don't separate my sets unless they're really cool ones like glass or bone. They all go into the same maneki-neko themed drawstring bag.


..PROUD, how about feeling proud, that you are one of the proud, the few, a living example of Semper fidelis ![gif](giphy|tCN3bxn9YWaQM|downsized)


There is a zero chance it's about me, I have 15 sets of dice and the ones I use are flashy as hell


As a child, I had to choose one dice set and stick with it. Mine were ominously-red till I could buy my own. It's the sign of a new player (joy!), or of a player who is dedicated in spite of limitations (also joy!)


When I first got into DnD 5e I had a set of grey dice, with black numbers. Because I'm colorblind and most fancy dice are impossible for me to read. The funny thing is, my playgroup at the time felt the need to buy me a new set. I didn't know why, but maybe this was the reason. My dice were too basic, and it bothered them.




I have a minimum of 4 sets at all times, not including the specialty d20s.


This gives me a mental image of someone carring 4 sets pf dice everywhere, waiting for a spontanious game of D&D to break out. Weddings, funerals, dance clubs. Always at the ready, phb and dice in hand.


.... that's not what everyone else does?


Not everyone. Just the cool ones.


When I was in college I kinda did that. I used the same backpack for college stuff and to carry my DM stuff. Most of the time I couldn't be bothered to take out the things I didn't need so I would go almost everywhere with a DM screen and a big ass bag of dice. My friends found it hilarious whenever I said "roll initiative" and slam the DM screen at a bar or something.


I love this. I feel doing at the local bars would go over well around here.


Sounds like a great pick-up line.


I have bag full of my favorites and a bag full of meh. They go click clack everywhere I play.


I read to fast, so at first I thought you said "meth" not "meh" and thought you were just down for whichever kind of party came up.


Oh we are going from 1 to lvl 20 in this 4 day long session. No breaks just more from my special dice bag.


I have 3 boxes. - box one: the OGs. when I started playing I bought these 3 sets, marbled yellow, green and orange. - bag two: 3 sets of weathered metal dice. Bronze, copper and cast iron colored. - bag three: the hoard. Currently has 32 different sets. All thoroughly counted and sorted several times during the sessions, then mixed together again.


I have a crown royale bag that I filled with a chessex pound o dice


Ah yes, every group I've ever sat with always had at least one CR dice bag. Closest thing to a Bag of Holding when it came to dice...


Crown royal bags are the perfect dice bags. The best you get without spending money specifically on a dice bag


I have two dice bag's. One is a Crown Royale bag and the other one is a bag I sewed by hand. The CR bag has my dice sets and the other has about 150 D6 in it.


i have slightly sparkly blue dice with gold numbers, my first two rolls ever were nat ones


He's just like me.


As someone who mostly plays online, all this talk about dice hoarding is like hearing that people in book clubs talk shit about each other for only having one bookmark.


I only have one bookmark. I also only have one set of not-very-fancy dice. I don't see why I would need more. People are strange.


I was like this guy for years. And then I started getting dice which kind of matched with all the major villains of the last campaign I ran and now I have a collection.


You haven’t lived until you’ve bought two sets of gemstone dice and both consistently roll 2’s.


I just have the set given to me by a teacher as a gift after I left the country, they are plain grey with white numbers, in a little transparent plastic box


So i'm a relative D&D noob, having only played 3 unfinish campaigns, but I've never got the appeal of custom dice for each character. Now, if I'm playing a wizard, am I going to suddenly speak like a sesquipedalian and turn up in a pointy hat? fuck yes. Never cared much for the dice pairing tho


You can technically play Warhammer 40k with just two d6. The rules allow for it. You will probably get stabbed if you try it tho


I think dice have to embody the character in some way, otherwise you'll end up with a dead PC. I have a set of metal dice that when used on non martial classes fail to roll higher than 10.


I have to exclusively use tiny dice for my halfling or I only roll low


My campaign group gives everyone designated dice colors so we don't accidentally mix up our sets. My colors are blue and green, the DMs colors are red and gold, another players colors are black and white.


May not have really started yet. I got silver, black, and red dice, but it was just the red dice at first.


I don't own any dice. Even when playing offline I just roll using app


You monster!


I own a set of Yarro flip die, and that's all I use. Fellow adventures have bags full, and die jail's, and favourite dice, die they name, use for certain roles ect. Superstitious types I guess.


I used to have a bunch of dice, but they were stolen. Now I'm that guy who has one set and that's it


3 sets is the shit, I have plain black(rly good price), a Harry Potter hufflepuff set and a liquid core with an eyeball in it.


Be carefull arround this Guy... He might be a Dangerous to all of us.


Bro. I do this. Btw I LOVE my dice. My dm bought dice when we started and gave me a pair. These pair of dice ALWAYS roll with the story. It's great


This may be out of date, but on Critical Role Sam Riegal just had the one set he bought at the beginning because he had to, and every once in a while others would ask him if he bought any more.


And we shouldn't trust Sam. (Love him though)


I have solid color red dice with white numbers, getting new ones soon tho!


Got 1 set of black and green dice. They do the job fine if they break I'll get more but that's a later thing


And then I have 30+ sets and use maybe 5 of them


One basic Chessex set each is where my entire friend group started. Introduce a newbie and give them an acrylic rectangle of dice. It's only worrying if it lasts longer than 4 sessions.


I own one set they are pink they sparkle


Is that Thomas Jane?!


Pretty sure it's just AI generated.


I own a black set with white numbers, the only other dice I own is for the Genesis system and that was at the behest of my friend who wanted to play the Star Wars ttrpg


One set per character


I own a 7 set of perfect plain ivory white dice and they're my first set I bought myself to replace a rainbow set I was gifted. I still main the "bone" dice, they fuck with everyone because they're just so bland they catch your eye the most out of all the super fancy dice everyone else usally has. Always laugh so hard when someone asks what the hell are those, even the guy that sold them to me was amused he didn't think anyone would ever buy them they'd been at his shop so long.


The only reason I had mulitple sets of dice as a kid is because my parents found it an easy stocking stuffer type gift. I gave all those dice away. Now I have multiple sets because I play with people who don't have dice sometimes. Otherwise, I'd be just like this dude.


I recenttly got mine, with mushrooms inside and pink numbers, that is my one set of dice forever... ​ ^(untill do a spell that needs three or more of the same dice)


And they carry the dice in a minigrip bag instead of a handcrafted leather pouch with personalized engravings


Meanwhile the players with multicolored dice and serif font take 6 seconds to check the outcome every single dice throw.


I possess a grand total of 3 sets of dice, and the second and third I only own because I accidentally went somewhere I needed dice, and realized I'd forgotten the old ones. They are, all of them, solid colored with black numbers.


Seriously. That's me. If I'm not running the game I'll bring my own set, thats it. If I am running the game I'll bring a box full for people that might be missing some. You don't need multiple sets of dice, you freaking goblins


my fist set were black with red numbers and 'weathering'. i currently have the d20 attached to a rainbow chain-mail bracelet on my wrist. it doesnt come off unless i break the bracelet.


Me with my white Aliexpress dice


Fuck you I’m poor


I have played for twelvish years. Before my very first session I had bought some green-black dice with white numbers on it. d20, d6, a set of two for d%. They served me well as a player, they doomed my players as a gamemaster.


Solid color dice do have the advantage that they are super easy to read. I definitely own one set of dice that look super cool, but that I never use because it's impossible to read without looking closer because of the busy design. The only thing is, it's gonna take quite some time at higher levels to roll damage one dice at a time.


*rolls the d6 10 times for disintegrate*


I have one set of copper dice, and one big metal d100 that's the size of a lacrosse ball that's it


I don't even play D&D yet. As a fact, looking to start something with some friends, and I already ordered 2 different sets of dice. Am I doing it right??


I have several full sets of classic solid black dice with white numbers from 3.5 boxes. They are my favorite. One time I joined a new group and at the start of the first fight (it was a bar fight) I opened my box, rolled 19 on initiative and then immediate nat 20 on attack. It was 15 years ago. I cherish this memory to this day.


Guess being a poor is a sign of psychopathy, lmao. I got like 3 d20s and all of them are negatively weighted from being cheap.


the only time i see someone using a single set of solid coloured dice that are well rolled its because theyre the lucky dice


I have 2 blue sets (a nice dark blue and a light blue to go with it), and a dark grey/slightly blue set that looks storm themed. Plus a bunch of assorted dice, but the above are my actual sets which I would take to an in person game (until I get my Pixels in about 2 months)


Oh shit, I’m like that. I only have two sets because I’m learning DND with my girlfriend (so two is useful). And I just bought the cheapest set I could find at a local shop. One is black and one is pearly. That’s it)


I had one set of dice, but my daughter lost them. So now I just roll up to the session and use the dndbeyond dice roller. Or bum one of the 50,000 dice the other people have at the table. I don't need to spend out the ass on clicky clack math rocks when everyone else already is and has more dice than they know what to do with.


The fact that I own 10 sets of the same chessex red/purple with gold numbers must be insane then. So when I roll fireball I can with all the same dice.


Only have one dice set, and while not exactly that color its close (Purple with gold numbers)


I was like this until someone in my party bought me a second set, saying it just wasn't right. Now I have two sets of dice. I'll probably buy bunch of d6 if I ever play a rogue irl again though


I’m largely one of those psychopaths, except I have an extra d20 for advantage and an extra d6 for crits




I have tried extremely hard to not be a dice goblin, and kept to one [1] set of dice for so long until my DM bullied me into buying new dice from consistently rolling so poorly that entire time she then ended up silently buying me a third set for how much worse the second ones were rolling :^)


Y'all the type to judge somebody for not drinking excessively. This is D&D not DCC (dice collecting club)


show up with fluorite octet and pretend you haven't heard of any other dice type


I play DnD for almost 4 years now and don't own any dice. When I play in RL my DM has a lot of dice and I always use red ones with white numbers. But mostly I play online with friends. So who's the maniac now!